Ghost in the Shell: Nice visuals, but overall kind of story-less and predictable

in #films5 years ago

I admit that I was not a fan of this story and / or game in the past. That is not to say that I wouldn't have been but I was just never exposed to it. I think many of the people who saw this in theaters probably were unfamiliar with the manga and perhaps we looked at the film differently than long-time fans.


With an absolutely massive budget of 110 million dollars, it should come as no surprise that the visuals and action sequences in the film are incredible. From the very start of the film we are drawn in by the magnificent effects. I found the battle with the spider geisha to be particularly awesome.


This ominous start gives us a quick introduction to the Section 9 counter-terrorism group and also to "Major" who is played by Scarlett Johansson. In the future it seems as though most humans have some sort of cybernetic enhancements, and Major is an extreme example of this.


One part of this movie that irritated me was the Chief Daisuke Aramaki - the leader of Section 9, speaks Japanese exclusively to everyone and everyone understands all of what he says but never speaks Japanese back to him. It seems a bit dumb to do this but I suppose they had their reasons.

The lack of character development or any real kind of story was disappointing because what is going on is confusing enough and this is made worse by it not really being explained at any point. Despite the constant on-screen eye candy that made almost every scene visually appealing I found the film to be devoid of any sort of actual sentiment towards the characters. At least Euron Greyjoy was in this one though. It was nice to see him not be completely all powerful the way he is in Game of Thrones.

I can't say I really enjoyed this movie beyond the special effects and that is unfortunate because although I never got on board the original source material it is my understanding that it is actually quite legendary among fans, particularly in Japan. The movie made a modest profit but nothing that really impressed the studios. I for one am surprised they green-lit so much money for the production in the first place.

On a scale of "Urgh!" to "Wowsers!" I give Ghost in the Shell the overall score of....



I can say that I agree. I remember talking to some fans of the original version, and they were completely disappointed, since the original is a kind of masterpiece or something. I think the director tried to adapt the movie for a larger audience, but the cost was to lower the quality and depth of the film.

Agreed, the study line is lacking and not very convincing. The special effects are stunning, the film ends rather abruptly too! Very fragmented story telling somehow! It could have been much better organized!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know this was based on a magna, but I feel like there was another movie that was really similar to this and it came out around the same time. I think it was a bit of competition for this movie and that might be why it didn't do as well as they had hoped. I might be wrong though. It's just a thought that is tickling the back of my brain.

My main problem these days, is I watch like 15min and then I can't watch anymore because I can't really understand what is happening - its just not clear and easy enough for me to understand. There are lots of special effects, but I feel like they take you to another world, and then they don't explain it. I might be just getting old i guess lol

no, you think like i do and because i live an electronic life... if there is a slight lull in the story i will fire up the ol phone and get involved in 9gag or something, so then i miss even more elements of the story and when i do look back up at the screen I don't know what the hell is going on. Some of it is my fault, some if the fault of the storyteller because if they told a good story, I wouldn't need to look at 9gag. :P

the protagonist has a slight resemblance to Ana de Armas the protagonist of the movie also of cyberpunk of blade runner 2049, I have always thought that we will evolve forward involutively it seems a small dichotomy but it is like that. The technology advances quickly, that is seen in a phone you have the new phone and already came out as 3 more, the evolution of the phones of the cameras around us still do not assimilate the new when the post modern comes. ..
This film can not be far from reality in the future, because it raises totally impossible things in a totally possible world, I have read many books in cyberpunk, example of it to Phillis Dick "Dream the androids with electric sheep" or a wonderful novel It is called "The mechanical girl" I do not remember exactly the name of the author now, it hurts that I do not have time, but I consider myself a true fan of this kind of stories I think that will be our peak in humanity.

Now with regard to the movie looks good I saw the trailer is the 2017 I'll see where I download to see my opinion about it looks very good, I really love it thank you very much, for sharing as always now I will devote more time to read your posts carefully as I feed them with them ... Thank you in truth for sharing this wonderful movie that although it seems that you do not like me I like the art of taking a cyber punk movie to the big screen.

Visually, this movie is very interesting, but structurally (in relation to the narrative) it's very poor. Scarlett Johansson couldn't save the whole movie.

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