Filmmaker’s Diaries - Drones, Ads and Chilling

in #filmmakersdiaries5 years ago (edited)

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

Today was somewhat frustrating.

Tried to get the drone to work (yes finally have some time to try that fantastic toy out) and guess what?… I wasn’t able to.. . like a recurring beat in the story of my life, I get a piece of technology, pay for it, do everything right… and it sone’t work. Well, for the drone let’s hope it’s just this first day. But I tried to ”activate it”, tried in every possible way the describe and it just didn’t work… sometimes it would freeze and not scan… sometimes it would not turn up… So I decided to call costumer support and yes…. They were closed.


Then, finally cracked the fucking facebook ads situation… finally everything is ready. Since tomorrow is Friday, I decided to press the “publish ad” Botton on Monday. Start strong on Monday. Very exited about next week. This week have been doing a lot but also taking it quite easy you know “first week out of my office job”, been doing som reading, getting some time to breath and so on… but very exited about next week.

Also got my first “professional” script feedback… pretty good, made me realize a few things, even thought the reader missed a huge part of the story…

And oh yeah... today also had to deal with financial bureaucracies... fun!! But today was simple and I think it's solved.

As always, thank you for reading.

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Perhaps the drone was telling you to do one thing at a time ;>)

For info on drones you might want to check out the profile of @samstonehill or try to get in touch with him. He has been flying drones ( professionally ) for a while now and is currently working on a big drone project in England.

It was nice talking to you! :>)

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