Filmmaker's Diaries: 22/03/2019

in #filmmakersdiaries5 years ago (edited)

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary! - 22/03/2019

This last few days have been ... how should I say... a bit disappointed... It's like I'm working a lot, but feel like I'm getting nothing done.

I've been writing a lot and that's been good. My plan for next week is to really do not skip a day.

I was able to wake up very early a couple of days during the week and that gave me some time and energy. good stuff, again, next week I count on doing it every day...

Today I got a few things from that website who sold me the drone... I must say... not the best... Like a couple of stands for reflectors and what not... turns out I only got the top screw to put on the stands... hehehe. Plus I got a jump suite/ workout suite, I get the XL size and I kid you not, it's like for a 10-year-old... Safe to say that this website is not the top one around... I was thinking maybe it would be good, for simple practical things, like stands... but I don't think so.

Haven't sent more emails for the real estate people... Today worked quite a bit on the email itself, really not confident with this cold email thing. And there is not much information out there, for research either. Tuesday I'm sending a bunch of them. Been a long time coming and It's time I start making these videos, so I can make some money, so I can get some time and freedom. Today did some adjustments to the website also.

Been thinking about "Inspire" the other company for commercial videos... and how I haven't been working much on it lately. I might try and do something with it soon. Some google adds maybe... some emails... heheh

Outside of filmmaking I've had many little bureaucratic/ administrative things to solve... that together with the 9 to 5 (7 to 7) really drains someone.

Oh, plus, the last diary did not upload for some reason, but I 100% determined to make at least one short this year.

No matter that I have a 9 to five (that is really a 7 to 7) doesn’t matter that I’m writing full steam. It doesn’t matter that I’m lunching these video companies… doesn’t matter that I need to get the finances in order, so I can breathe a bit and have more time, no matter that I want to start making music videos on a regular basis (that’s actually how this diary series started) … No matter what, a short narrative film shall be made. (And I know which one)

As always, thank you for reading.

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If something doesn't work and keeps feeling off, you might want to ask yourself if it's perhaps just not cut out for you. To rephrase that- and reading along the lines - why not focus on music videos instead and using your drone for that?

Perhaps the whole real estate thing - no matter how much time you put into it - just isn't your thing.

'Less is More'

Try to get some more rest - sometimes it's about not doing anything at all and actually listening to your intuition, gut feeling, instead of forcing something that just doesn't work.

What do you really feel like doing?

Good luck and if you ever wanna talk, you know where to find me :>)

Yeah, I agree. And my focus is really on Narrative and music videos. (and want to get into travel videos)

The motivation with the real estate is purely money. I want time, freedom and to invest in narrative film (and to survive). And it's kinda cool, get to practise colour correction for example heheh At this point the block is more on a marketing aspect... something that I'm relatively new to. Never have I sent a cold email and i want it to be good from the start, in order to get some clients and keep it has a template.

Although filming houses is not my passion, I'm highly motivated and would love for it to work.

What I really want to cut out is this 12H/ day draining, low paying office work. Real estate videos are the best way to achieve that at the moment, I think. And I would be very happy doing it.

But yes, my absolute focus has always been on narrative filmmaking. Hopefully, I will be able to do only that someday.

Just need to nail this marketing aspect of things first hehheheh

Thank for the words man!!

What's your name on discord again? It would be defiantly cool to talk a bit.

Cheers matte!!


Let's talk! :>)

I tried to add you... but was not able to. I'm sure the pron+blem is me, just not good with this stuff. I'll try again later.

what's your discord name and number? Then I will try to add you :>)

maxjoy 0119

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