FEARLESS - A Surfer Girl's Confession 📷steemCreated with Sketch.

in #filmmaker7 years ago

'The fears we don't face become our limits.' - Robin Sharma 

The only limits that exist in surfing are defined by yourself - by your mental and physical strength. Forget about your angst, focus on the wave, read it, feel it, do it, surf it.

Surfing is about self-confidence. It's about the strong belief that you can.


I'm approaching the beach, and the adrenaline starts flooding my venes.

It's hard to describe what pushes me. But probably I just got attacked by the surfer's virus.

"You can take a surfer out of the surf, but you can not take surf out of surfer." - Bob McTavish 

It would be rather impossible to take anything out of me at any time. 

As long as this virus keeps controlling my doings, you'll have to watch a looooooot more surfing videos - if you want or not :-)

Fearless (1:25 min video) 

Today was not my best day.

The waves were huge and I had trouble to concentrate myself. 

I was thinking too much about failing. It would have been much smarter aligning the focus with the aim. But surfing is like real life: there are days you're just unable to deliver 100%. 

Knowing that we're not perfect makes us humble. 

I'm actually thankful for all of the lessons life teaches me. If we knew everything straightaway, where would be the excitement? 

I will leave you with my favorite shot of the day. It's called:
"If you don't catch the wave, it will catch you." :-)

Marly - 

Pictures and video taken by myself (original content). 


nicht das du mal absäufst!!! ..... coole Bilder/Video.....

Haha, das wäre eher ungünstig...:D Danke Dir!!!

ich denke aber das passiert dir nicht....bist ja geübt in dem was du tust!

Na ja es kann immer mal was passieren. Vorallem wenn man in eine Welle gerät und gegen sein eigenes Surfboard knallt... Aber ich bin kein Kamikaze. Wenn es zu heftig wird, steige ich aus! Hänge irgendwie sehr an meinem Leben 😄

das gesunde Mittelmaß macht es.... ich denke auch das die Sicherheit an erster Stelle stehen sollte....

I like the Steem shoutout at the end of the video!! :)

It's in all of my videos :-)) We ❤️ steemit!


Haha, now I've got a new nick :-)


Love this! Really motivational.

Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it and found it somehow inspiring:-))
There are much more videos to come...

Tolles Video! Aber pass' auf dich auf. Extremsportler leben gefährlich. Suche mal nach Ueli Steck + ...

Danke! Mache ich! Aber meine Ausflüge sind im Vergleich zu jenen von Mount Everest Bergsteigern nicht lebensgefährlich :-)

Dann bin ich beruhigt! Gute Nacht. Hier ist jetzt Schlafenszeit.

Gute Nacht - hier noch nicht :-)

My friend great work! :)

thank you for sharing

Thank you for commenting ;)

Waves ARE picking UP lately @surfermarly

Better be safe than sorry, so REST up for tomorrow or the day after next while your body recoups. I find that very helpful on my next session and by the 3rd or 4th session my body is drained... (now needs 2-4days of more rest)

I use surfline.com to be able and choose the days the swells peak. Cheer up Marly :D we ALL enjoyed your REAL life surfing experience good or bad.

:) :/

What does not kill you will make you stronger!

Your quote struck me by surprise!

"If you don't catch the wave, it will catch you."

I wanted to share my experience with you of when I posted one of my 1st blogs on Steemit. Hope you don't mind?


Oh dear you've publishing surfing posts here and I still don't know it?!? How could I mind? Haha Will have a look at it right away 😉👍

Usually I surf one day and rest the next. But well as you said the Ocean has its own rhythm 😉 I use magicseaweed which is pretty precise for my spot. Today I will go out again!

Fantastic Marly!! Bravo!!

Haha thank you!!! Didn't expect to receive applause for this session when I was out there suffering and drinking too much salty water 😂👍

I love it! Awesome post! There is no better way to feel alive then facing your fears and live on the maximum. Enjoy every moment! - Following & Resteem :) Wo wohnst du auf den Kanarischen Inseln? hab mal ne Zeit auf Gran Canaria gewohnt!

Hey! Thank you very much for the kind words and support!!
Lustig, noch jemand mit deutschen Wurzeln 😉👍 Ich war auf La Palma und Teneriffa (je zwei Jahre), und nun bin ich seit etwas mehr als einem halben Jahr auf Lanzarote. Gran Canaria besuche ich manchmal um Freunde zu sehen, die dort leben.
Du bist mit Eric unterwegs, richtig?

Eric wohnt im selben Hostel wie ich aber wir reisen nicht zusammen :) Cool, hab gehört da soll es richtig schön sein und perfekt zum Surfen!

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