Filmmaker's Diaries (7/10/2017)

in #filmmaker7 years ago (edited)

In case this is your first diary... let me fill you in.

The main project I have going on at the moment is the lunch of a music video company. This has been going on for a couple of years more or less ... and it has been one hell of a ride, with obstacle after obstacle... Many mountains where climbed. I believed I was at the end of that lunch ride... But no....

The two main assets I need are two music videos. I did make them against all odds and one is already available. So at this point I would only need to click the upload button et voilá.

The Unicorn Video

However I spoke with my friend (the rapper of the video) asking what was happening with it. I said that he would like to change a few things and that it would be better to talk in person. Ive actually told him about all the wonder's of Steemit and he should drop by soon.

But this is a particular video in the sense that is loaded with visual effects, every single frame has layers upon layers of effects and visual treatment. So in a nut shell... I can't change (almost) anything. So, I'll see what he has to say.

There are only a few options:

1: We use the video like it is.

2: I use the video and he is just a "guest" letting us use his song and participating as an actor.

3: I take one scene and somehow put something else there.

4: I need to take out the parts where he sings and edit it and find another song for it....

After a couple of years of hardcore struggle, on every level. After spending all that money that I did not had, after taking care of everything just to make sure the singers would not interfere. After endless nights of not sleeping and my head felling like exploding and my eyes being totally red...

After making a music video, totally unique like anything we've seen before ... after learning how to make a website and putting it online... After all of that I get to the point where I only need to click the upload button... and I get a "NO!!", you will not click it... you must struggle and wait a bit more...

Oh well... let's see....

Then there is the financial/ laws tax payment aspect of it... I think I will fixe it in January... Since I believe I can get some tax benefits like that. I will look into it soon, but the final resolution should be in January.

The good news!

I've been wondering on what music video to do next. But not anymore... I know exactly what to do next. I will do a music for a song of mine. Genius right?!! hehehe

Like that no more miss understandings and so on... It's a song I once recorded it ... but I will recorded it again... make sure it's all good and put in the time needed. And it can make a great video... a nice production set in the middle ages...

(I've actually published the lyrics here. It's in Portuguese but, here it is in case you want to see it: )

My Music is a personal project, it's really made for me, so sometimes I could put a bit more time into the finish project. This time I will for sure. I also need to clean and arranje my studio, it's a bit chaotic. I also need to get some software updates... that cost a bit... let's see if I can get some extra income in Steemit.

So, I'll use the music video company and actually lunch it with one of my songs... and it's going to be a great video and I will be in charge 100% !! Fantastic!

Also I've been wanting to make some music for a while... It's very important for me, but I haven't found the time. So this will also be an excuse for it.

And that's all for now. I have a couple of other projects going on at the moment, but today I wanted to focus on the Music Video Company. Follow to get the next chapters.

MAin  Logo.jpg

As always, thank you for reading. Let me know your opinions.

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All images (except Logo) are from

My last post for more reference:


That will be a great succes ;)

Thank you very Much!!! I know it will!!!

quite awesome to know an update on the project great going :)

Thanks @blazing!! Can't wait to a have an article where it says. "It's all done!!" hehehe

i can't too wait for that day to arrive :D

Great post! :)

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