Film Criticism : Blade Runner (1982) - Reality in Dystopia

in #film7 years ago

In Film Criticism series, we discuss what is meant in movies. This series includes film reviews than film proposals. Of course you may want to see and watch the movies in these series. But do not forget that these articles contain Spoilers.
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Today, everybody is talking about Blade Runner 2049 that come to cinemas in few weeks ago. People have good feelings about that film. It stayed loyal to its past. Hollywood always fucked up with cult films. For example: New Star Wars was terrible. New Star Trek ? I mean c'mon. My legend childhood film The Mummy fucked up too. When Hollywood deciede to make a film that remake from the past, we know its gonna be fucked up film. But Blade Runner was suprise for us. It was really good film. Musics and atmosphere were amazing. Ryan Gosling had a good performans. And we saw Harrison Ford after so many years. That was magical. But i will not talk about the new Blade Runner. Because original always good than the new. And the cult one is old one. And i don't like the examine new films. Because new film needs to be grow. First impressions are not fit for examine. Let's examine old and legend Blade Runner - 1982

Blade Runner is just a police force in the future. But it's not a normal police force. These polices named Blade Runners are hunting to replicants. What is a replicant ? Basically they are just robots. But they have feelings. And you cant spot which one is human and which one is replicant. They are exactly same as humans. So, Blade Runners are identify replicants and killing them. Because they are in rebel. The reason is that humans send them to different galaxys. They can't live like this. With all that, missions are hard and they have just four years to live. They deciede to find a way for living much longer. They are robot. They must live forever right ? The Blade Runner Rick Deckard accept his last mission. The last mission is that find that rebel replicants. But it will be very hard to spot them. Because city have 2 million population and they are almost same as humans.

Deckard meets a beautiful woman called Rachael. She's replicant and she will change everything. She didn't know that she is a replicant. She have a full emotions as humans. But Deckard keep tracking to Roy. Roy is a replicant who wants to save replicants from slavery. He is fighting to the humans. His methods are not fit wil goodness. He use his kind for victory. So many Replicant suffer because of him. Deckard will not let him do these actions. He will beat him but a new age will be began. Now, replicants will rise with so much courage. We will saw that 35 years later in new film. In the new film, replicants have so much powers than Blade Runners and goverment. Roy changed everything.

Film has a lot of symbols. Because it's not a normal Hollywood film. Because its history belongs to a book called ''Do androids dream of electric sheep ?'' written by Philip K. Dick. And this story wants to tell us something. Not with just dialogues. Both film and book uses symbols that showing something to us. For example: Roy represent to Jesus. Roy wants to save his kind like Jesus. And he got nails to his hands just like Jesus. And he sacrifice himself and become free just like Jesus. You know Eva story right ? The snake tricked to Eva and she eaten forbidden fruit. Because of this, we are living in the world not in heaven. Look at the film scene from the below.

Her name is Eva. She is rising aganist something just like Eva in the holy books. Beside of this there's so many symbols in the film. Director uses logos that big companies in USA. Everywhere surrendered from the companies. Is it familiar ? Film trying to tell us that we all slaves just like replicants. Big companies uses us for their missions. In many disease we can't live much longer. But rich people living so much longer than us. They are beating these disease with their money. We are just replicants. We have emotions even more than they. In the films replicants have so much emotions than ''humans.'' So, director tells us in the future, we all be slaves and robots. I called it modern slaves. Consumption surrendered us and we have to do missions for them. Maybe robots will never beats humans in the future. But we don't need robots for be destroyed. Humans destroying themselves. Greed cause many wars and suffering. It will be become bigger. In the future, they have almost everything. When they don't need to wars, modern slavery will become real thing. Maybe we will not fight each other. But we will be robots that doing missions and living for thir interests. So do we have Roy ? Maybe his methods were terrible but he was the only hope for replicants. I hope there will be better hopes and Roys for us.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5



Sir your post was a lot better. I voted and reseemed at your post. Thank you for sharing this post.

Thanks for the comment

great post bro its universe have more and beyond our imagination we can find out some but that some is always nit enough for us

Yes dude this is our limit

There's something so special about Cyberpunk. Especially when it's done right.

BTW 2017 still no flying cars.

Well, yes but we have robots !

Awesome article! I just started my own. It's about the journey of my life across the world! Check it out! Let me know what you think!

Blade Runner is my favorite film of all time and I am not a Science Fiction guy at all. I haven't had the opportunity to see the sequel. It may be very good. I will only say that today's Hollywood has lost it artistic vision. Sequels and prequels to great films does not creativity make

Lovely review there, like your analysis, keep it up brov.

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