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RE: Thor: The Dark World - Film Review

in #film7 years ago

hahaha loved this review, At first I thought it was the new one Thor Reganor or whatever but then I quickly realised and it hit me, I too have seen this movie and forgotten it ever existed! Great review, shit movie. Hey could you review an old classic, I would love to know what you thought of "The Seventh seal" From 1957.


Funnily enough that was actually on my watch-list and I tried to sit down and watch it recently but the copy I had didn't have any subtitles so I had to abandon it, I'll definitely get around to it though, it's one of those films I always hear referenced, been meaning to get around to it for a while!

Its definitely worth it, I like a lot of obscure movies that make you think and that one has that special mystery about it. I also love the fact Bill and teds bogus adventure took the idea and ran with it.