Filmmaker's Diaries: 17 November 2017

in #film7 years ago (edited)

Hello my Drear Steemians!!

Here we are in a new diary entry.

These have been some quite eventful days since the last diary.

There is a film contest going on, and we did submit a film to it. The film had to be a minute long and we had to use a specific music software.

The good news is that we did it and send it.

However the final product could be a bit better. I wanted a rough fell to it and to make it "fast", a bit in mumble core fashion. Get some interesting movie with no money and no time. Usually low, low budget and limited time is the case, but in this project that would be taken to an extreme.

I had ordered a stabiliser for my Ipod, (we filmed it with an Ipod) 2 months prior and literally when I came home after filming I had a letter in the mail saying it was stuck in customs. Quite funny.

So my plan of filming it hand held had to be adapted.

And then the music I ended up using was not at all the best choice... I had to use their thing and their thing was not right for the film. (Maybe I'll make a soundtrack for it at some point)

But all and all, it was a positive experience, I've been wanting to make a movie like this for some time, we shot it all in a couple hours and if the computer would had behaved all the post production could had been done in 2/3 days. (Must get a new computer)

Happy we did it and actually send it. It's the first time I ever entered a contest, I don't really know why... but that's the case. Feel super good for taking this first step.

Music Video Company

The saga of the "animation" music video is finally over. It's online and ready to be seen. I will try and prepare a re-lunch on the socials media in order for people to see it, in the next days.

The Music video:

Has I said before I'm going to focus on January in , how to get all the company "legal". Get the paper work and so on. But there was some good news.

The company is still on beta, I know what video I will make after ( a video for my music), but yesterday I had the first email from a stranger asking questions about the videos. How much it costs etc...

So I was very happy about that... after this gigantic , never ending problems filled journey, I finally get a message from the website from a potential client. And the all thing is still in Beta...

That's it for today and let's see what the futre brings.

As always, thank you for reading.

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All images (except Logo) are from

Here is a previous article for more reference.


Boa sorte @maxjoy! Excelente final de semana!

Muito Obrigado!!! A saga continua heheheh

Um fantástico fim de semana para ti!

Só te posso desejar muito sucesso para os teus projectos ;) e terão certamente porque pelo que já tive o prazer de ver, talento não falta :D e essa situção do material ficar parado na alfândega é um atraso de vida, a ultima que encomendei, dos 15 dias previstos, transformou-se em quase dois meses com a brincadeira, mas finalmente chegou 🙌🙌 abraço e bom fim de semana

Muito Obrigado!!! Só sei que vou continuar na luta!!

Dois meses?... como dizes é mesmo um atraso de vida. Esta minha encomenda só custou 15 euros e pensava eu que vinha do reino unido... não estava á espera disto hehehhe

Abraço!! Bom fim se semana.

A minha veio da China, mas infelizmente andou às voltas até ir parar a Londres antes de seguir para Espanha... Pelo que percebi, a história do Brexit está a afectar os serviços alfandegários para aqueles lados, sabes como é, burocracias, já saíram da União Europeia, e ao mesmo tempo não lool

great post.

good job. love to read your film story

Thank you

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