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RE: 8 Reasons Batman May Be Jealous of Superman After All

in #film6 years ago

All of the things you point out as being beneficial and superior for Superman, and all the things that you point out are lesser and inferior for Batman actually show why Batman should be respected more and why Superman would actually be jealous of Batman. Or they both would be jealous of the other (if Superman experienced human-like tendencies or if his human parents had any influence on him when raising him to induce some type of human emotion).

Since Superman did not develop any of his skills on his own he had no conscious choice to be what he is, while Batman has the free will to be or not to be a superhero. That is way more powerful, conceptually. People are more likely to associate with that than a god-like hero. Albeit they may respect Superman out of fear.

Weaknesses. Batman’s only weakness is his most powerful asset. His brain. Since Batman and Superman cannot be compared on the same level, one is mortal the other is not. Batman’s mortality is a benefit becaue he is consciously trying to remain alive. While Superman has two weaknesses, his mind and his god-like abilities. He does not consider death an option. And yet he is mortal-ish. His mind assumes he is immortal, (except for his Achilles heal, cryptonite). Thus his mind, based on his seeming invincibility, prevents him from having a death reflex, which creates a weakness in the way he approaches scenarios. He’s Thor and Hercules, compared to Batman being Zeus and Odín (an extremely hyperbolic metaphoric being used here).

This leads to the argument for why Batman has a chance against Superman. If we assume that the fight is premeditated. If Superman and Batman were simply to cross paths at a bar, there is no question that Bruce Wayne stands no chance against Clark Kent. But if you allow Batman to prepare, assuming he has done his Batman like research on his opponent, he will have perhaps even an advantage against his lesser minded opponent...

That’s it enjoy. And if you want me to counter argue I can as well!


I up-vote for the effort and the HONEST comment you give! However, I feel like you miss the whole point and you overlook the spirit of this post (which also includes comedic elements).

If you watched Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or even better if you've read (I am a HUGE comic fan) Lex Luthor: Man of Steel ( then you should DEFINITELY KNOW that Batman (Lex Luthor as well), is clearly being jealous, envious, xenophobic and even racist towards an "alien" who only wants to save human civilians and protect this world. Batman is the typical weak-minded human being who is absolutely terrified, scared and envious of something that is NATURALLY SUPERIOR to him. Just like Lex Luthor. Read the comic and you will even see him admitting it. Watch Justice League and you will see Batman being apologetic to Superman for his envy and jealousy pretty much (he brought him back in life from dead because he felt guilty).

Batman, for all his intelligence and wealth, falls in the trap that SO MANY human beings fall on a daily basis: he's being JEALOUS of someone that in a perfect world he should ADMIRE AND LOOK UP TO. He feels threatened by someone who has never taken a human life (Batman has done it in MANY CASES

What many fail to understand is that Superman is Jesus in disguise. You say he doesn't consider death an option (have you heard of a thing called kryptonite? It CAN VERY EFFICIENTLY KILL Superman you know...) yet HE GAVE his own life WILLINGLY to save the world in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, while Batman was just chilling and starring from distance.

And he didn't give his own life because someone killed his parents or because destroyed his skyscraper in Gotham City and was seeking revenge, but because he's PURE in heart and his love for humanity is GOD-LIKE! (according to Christian faith).

We can agree to disagree for the rest of our lives but I don't agree with a word you said, even though I respect your views (Voltaire). Batman is just a human...Superman, on the other hand, is TOO HUMAN for his own good. If he was like Batman in mentality, he would have killed the bat-man within a second and that's their MAIN DIFFERENCE ;)

I was simply providing a counter argument. In order to better understand what one is trying to convey or argue, they must better understand what the counter argument is as well.

Thus my intent was to also get you to respond to provide more clarity on your post. Which you did, and which has caused me to admit that I do actually agree with you. My response is also for all of the [basic] humans out there. Since that is what we all are most likely are.

And if I’m going to disagree with you at all. It’s in two places. First I don’t know what it would be like to live in Superman’s mind (aka I didn’t read the comics and can’t assume to know what a demigods mind is like) and second I don’t know if comparing Superman to Jesus actually makes me compelled to like him any more. Unless it is simply the “Jesus-like act” of self sacrifice that we are comparing - then maybe.


Even if Jesus was just a man and has nothing to do with what Christian Faith has taught us, he was a man who spoke about love, justice, forgiveness, altruism, generosity, unselfishness etc. To this day I fail to understand how some people (I am not referring to you with this one, just to make that clear, but to some atheist and heavily politicized friends of mine) are against a man who was all Karl Marx wish he was if you know what I mean.

To begin with, Jesus didn't give a flying fock about money....That alone made him superior in MANY WAYS to like 100% of people (including myself) I've met in this lifetime LOL

That’s why I said it the way I said it. [If] Jesus was simply a pawn used by someone to control the masses that couldn’t accept Judaism. That doesn’t mean that there is nothing to learn from “his” beliefs and teachings. Everyone is their own god, and they should do their best to be accountable for that and emulate that idea for which they believe in, assuming it’s altruistic and positive.

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