
in #fighting4 years ago

Before the last show and at the Drury Inn, Gabriel Tuck and a bunch of his clowns stand outside of three motel rooms. It’s late at night and everyone have their guns drawn. These are the motel rooms spilled by Chamber’s left behind goon.

Tuck: We go on my mark. MARK!

The three doors are kicked in at the same time, Gabriel and his clowns spilling into the rooms, and pointing their guns around.

Gabriel looks around the room, finding that the beds have been slept in, the tvs are on, and the bathroom in the motel room that still warm from a recent shower.

Tuck: The fuckers can’t have gone very fucking far away. Find out-the fuck?

A heavy machine gun in the room springs up from beside the bed. Gabriel blinks, staring at the gun. A clown behind him, an albino clown named Whitewash, dives at him and knocks him down as the heavy machine gun opens fire.

This operation is copied in each room, clowns being torn apart by gunfire. Gabriel tries to sit up, but pain lances his shoulder. His strength is sapped by blood loss and Whitewash’s bullet torn corpse laying on him. Gabriel lays his head back, sucking in as much air as he can as the world starts to go black.

Tuck: FUCK!

Gabriel wakes up in a bed, a nurse standing by the bed grins when she sees him.

Nurse: Oh! Look who’s awake! You took a bullet through the shoulder and were out for awhile. How are you feeling?

Gabriel tries to sit up, but swoons and falls back to the bed. The nurse places a restraining hand up Gabriel’s chest.

Nurse: You can’t go anywhere! You haven’t been cleared by the Doctor!

Tuck: My clowns?

Nurse: We have about half of your crew here in rooms. The rest I think we have in the morgue.

Gabriel’s eyes go wide and this time he does sit up, despite the nurse’s attempt to keep him down.

Tuck: What the fuck?

Nurse: The police would like to ask you a few questions about what you and your clowns were doing at the motel to be gunned down in the first place.

Gabriel Tuck spins in his bed to get his feet put to the floor and he stands up in his hospital gown.

Nurse: What are you doing?

Tuck: The police can talk to me after I defeat Maddox tonight.

Nurse: You’re a wrestler? You won’t be cleared to wrestle tonight! You won’t win if you try.

Gabriel just shrugs, wincing as he finds his clothing bag. He dresses himself, despite the nurse standing in the room to see his nudity as she protests.

Tuck: I won’t miss a show. I have to show Chamber that I can do it!

Gabriel Tuck finishes gathering his things and walks out the door, leaving the nurse behind.

Nurse: You’re going to lose your match. I’ll see you when you get back…

As the history books show, Gabriel Tuck was defeated by Michael Maddox, though Gabriel won the night with a steel chair and a warcry to Chamber. What the history books did not show was Gabriel collapsing in his dressing room and being taken back to the hospital.

Gabriel wakes up sometime later, the same nurse at his bedside. She smiles at him.

Nurse: Welcome back. Did you win your match?

Gabriel swallows the bile that he was about to spew and sighs.

Nurse: Should have given that match a skip like your nurse said to?

Gabriel just nods, looking down at his shoulder where the bullet had passed through him. He was stitched up at the front and back of the shoulder where the bullet had passed through him instead of remaining inside the body. He clenches his fist.

He had one thing left to do and that was to hurt Chamber as much as possible for the losses he has taken from the man.

Tuck: Where’s my phone?

The nurse grabs his bag of belongings, fishing his cell phone out, and handing it to him. Gabriel dials the phone and places it to the side of his head.

Tuck: Stylez. I want Chamber. I want him bad and I want him as soon as possible. Next show? Great. Where we going? New Orleans and it’s a Bourbon Street Fight? Amen, brotha! I’ll end that son of a bitch!

Gabriel hangs up the phone while the nurse is eyeing him warily.

Nurse: You’re not planning on dashing out of here again?

Gabriel kicks back and relaxes with a smile.

Tuck: I’m going to rest here for a few days before heading out to New Orleans with as many of my crew as I can. I have to get back at Chamber! I might have hit his one deal, but look at what he’s done to me! Ambushed me and my men at the motel, had my right hand arrested. I don’t forgive! I will crush him with my bare hands.

The nurse looks concerned.

Nurse: So, it’s a turf war that got you here? How many of his men have you killed?

Gabriel just shrugs, wincing as he does so.

Tuck: I don’t know. Johnny told me to hit this deal to put Chamber into his debt. I did the hit and naturally, Chamber was upset by the entire deal. Despite the fact that he’s in Johnny’s debt, he kept trying to strike out at me. How many of my guys are dead?

Nurse: Eleven.

Tuck: That was technically a rhetorical question, but thanks for that. I will end Chamber. I have to…

Gabriel nods off to sleep as the nurse injects a serum into his IV line. Once he’s asleep, the nurse picks up a cell phone.

Nurse: Chamber? Gabriel and his crew are still in the hospital. He’s coming for you, but I’ll keep him at not once hundred percent for you. Love you…

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