
Absolutely right @strypes I think our friend Einstein had it just about right when he said "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it." Thanks for stopping by. I do the #fiftywords thing weekly and another thing called #freewrite most days... Here you have 5 minutes to tell a story, you are against the clock, so not always coherent, but you should drop by and have a look :)

I am old school. I have to think about the "right" word, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and things like that. Sometimes it takes me more than five minutes to write a comment. I don't do well with time restrictions, but thank you for the invite. I couldn't even hold this comment to fifty words.
: )

Ha ha, that's fair enough. It's not for everyone. Time can be tricky for me, so #freewrite is a perfect chance to pop in and say a few quick words, check out some other #freewrites, #fiftywords etc..

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