50 word Story Contest Week #14, The Desperate Find

in #fiftywords7 years ago (edited)

Clawing desperately upward.
Stone biting and dragging painfully, tearing away flesh.
Dirt compacting under reaching, seeking fingers.
Continuing slowly, agonizing upward.
Closer, closer, ever seeking the essence above. Closer.
Finally, breaking through, out into the light.
Rejuvenation, love, rebirth are all now possible again.
Life begins again under the light.


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I found the fabulous 50 words challenge through their main post HERE. Check it out and submit your own short story.

Many thanks to @literature-tail for the fiftywords challenge.

Until next time my friends,
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Nice! This has such an epic feel to it. I like how you captured the very essence of growth here. A different title would've been nice, but that doesn't affect how this is graded. You make the reader feel the struggle and the longing to break free from the bondage of the ground. Best of luck on the contest. Bloom to your fullest potential! :D

This entry has been graded. Good luck!

Thank you! I was going for "the desperate find" as the light and life. Desperate because if the light isn't found then there is no life. Hmmm...

Yeah, I totally got that. I forgot what I was supposed to suggest, but it was something more plant-y. It's funny, but I actually have a similar poem during my college days. Told through the perspective of the plant crawling out from its seed haha

Ah! Actually I originally wrote a guy crawling out of a well, but somewhere in the middle it changed to a plant and I liked that better so I made a few edits.

I think this works better, but you can change it to the other one if you feel like it. Just let me know so that I could see it, since I already graded this one.

No no, I liked this one and submitted it. I had a creative moment where the story changed...it happens ;)

Yeah, I get that a lot of times as well. It's in the heat of the moment where ideas start to form. Good luck!

I had a creative moment where the story changed...it happens ;)

Something I've noticed as well.

Good luck.

yes, curse the muses...or...thank them?

Good luck my friend :)

I really liked this @jennswall, the photo with it is perfect.

Thank you! Have you tried writing for the 50word contest?

Yes @jennswall I have #14 will be my 2nd entry. #13 was my first. I made it just under the wire.

Excellent I'll go check them out!

I shared this story with my wife this morning. I read it to her and she did not see your photo of the emerging plant. I had to laugh (not funny laugh) at her response. She said "It sounds like someone clawing out of a pit."

Then I showed her the photo and she didn't have her reading glasses so I had to tell her what it was. Her response. "That is good, some deep stuff there."

I came across a pertinent scripture verse during my Bible reading this morning. (emphasis mine)

Psalms 36:9
For with You is the fountain of life;
In Your light we see light.

Good luck


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