My Living Banks (50 Words Story)

in #fiftywords6 years ago

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They said you keep your most prized possessions in the bank.

Now, they say you keep your documents in the Blockchain and your funds in coins

But I keep my heart in my living banks. My banks that grow slowly and surely, paying me dividends in love, warmth and happiness.

This is my entry for the Fifty Words Challenge by @jayna

I've not been feeling too well to write fiction but I just had to bring myself to do this. Hopefully, I'll refine this into something of beauty

Thanks for reading


[Image source: Pxhere


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Even though it's short it still carries it's meaning.

Thanks for the compliment boss


I'm sorry you're not feeling well! Thank you for this uplifting story.


Thanks for your kind words


living banks.... the best place to store treasure :) this post made me smile! And even if you're not feeling well.... one of the best ways to combat those feelings are to set your mind on the blessings!

I think - you've already begun to make the conscious choice to focus on them (by reading this post)

nods to Gray



I hope you don't think I have children. I don't, at least not yet.

Like I told a friend, I wrote this poem to express how I felt my parents should have treated my siblings and I. Don't get me wrong, they are very good folks. However, sometimes it seems they're concerned about others than investing in their children. They make expenses which I feel is better directed to their children.

But then, I don't have children yet. Maybe my perspective will change when I do


Hahahhaha I thought.... Does he have children???? Noooo he looks too young for children as old as these. They must be siblings!

But.... The sentiment still applies :) children are wonderful banks in which to store treasure. They don't have to be your own children...and as a matter of fact, in some ways- it seems more meaningful (to them) when they're not your children.

I'm sorry you felt a bit overlooked when it came to this concept in your own family. But you're right, when you have clyour own children... One of two things will most likely happen.

  1. You will understand why your parents made the choices they made OR
  2. You will be more determined to NOT make the same choices with your children

Either way... We learn and grow :)

Hi @dreemsteem, I'm don't know how I skipped this comment. I was going through the old ones, working on my reply when I noticed it.

Thanks for your kind words.

I don't have children yet, I hope to very soon. Maybe in 10 years. Lol

I believe humans (and relationships) and not just children are the best places to invest. For me, they are one's greatest assets.

About my family, well, I think you're right with your predictions.


hehehhe it's ok - i have been missing some comments lately too!

I come back and see three or four in a row that I missed and I think - HOW did that happen???

10 years... that's a good plan! hehehehe always best to prepare the nest before the eggs come! LOLOLOL

I also believe that humans (and relationships) are the best places to invest. In my experience, children are just a bit more hungry (and sponge-like... ready to absorb and thrive) than adults who are much more set in their ways

but both are equally rewarding :)

Blessings to you too my friend

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