The Postman's Rebuttal - Fiftywords Story Contest

“Don’t worry, his bark is much worse than his bite.” Mrs. Appleberry said as she reached over the fence and took the letters from the postman.

Never taking his eyes from the snarling dog he replied: “Ma’am, I mean no disrespect, but whoever coined that phrase has never been bitten.”


Image Credit: original image by GemmaRay23 on

This is my submission for the #fiftywords series originally by @miniature-tiger, but has been continued by @jayna - click here for more details.


Picture and story--perfect match!

Thank you, I think I got lucky finding the pic on Pixabay. It was fun to write. Thanks for checking it out.

A funny one. your short story lightened up my day.

Haha - I'm glad, thanks for stopping by and checking it out.

Packing a bit of humor into a 50 word story via a couple lines of dialogue. Nice job with this one!

Oh my gosh, that made me laugh out loud! Great image to illustrate your story! Yikes!!

Thank you, I'm glad you stepped in to keep the #fiftywords series alive :)

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