[Fiftywords] "Pursue That Car!" (Micro fiction.)

in #fiftywords6 years ago (edited)

Hi all fiftyworders! I really liked the "Fun Stuff" part of this week's post of @jayna's #fiftywords challenge. The prompt this week is "Chase." This prompt makes me think of old movies with a lot of cars chasing each other. Also Mafia for some reason.


While I was preparing to sleep this idea hit me. So here we go again, another #fiftywords story I hope you like!

"Pursue That Car!"

He overpaid me with a smirk. He Thanked me while keeping his gun away from my sight. I believe it's empty now, anyway.

We bid each other farewell.

Relieved, I returned home.
My wife might object, but I love the thrill of being the Taxi guy of Mafia Town.

The End

So how it was? I wanted to have a story with conflict and resolution but the only thing I managed to do is hinting at that conflict and going straight to resolution. This story feels like it deserves a second part but hey, that's my week's entry!

Photo by Phil Desforges on Unsplash This was posted using #eSteem!

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Dangerous game he is playing!

Yup, every day is a near death experience. That's the definition of Thriller!

Dangerous game he is playing!

I wonder what is it like to live in Mafia city.

I'd say it's deadly! :o)

(In Ireland deadly means really cool by the way, so going for the double meaning there!!)

Wow! great double meaning there!!

ha ha, thanks...

It was good. We can see the kind of errands this guy runs and how much in danger he is everytime, even with his own employer.
It took me a while, but now i understand that danger (the rush, the thrill) atracks some people with the same urgency that beauty, peace and quite may atrack most.

Yeah, when you're in a place where people are killing each other. and it's quiet... That's the real horror! Understood wrong, sorry... Yeah, it's the same reason horror games are popular.

but now i understand that danger (the rush, the thrill) atracks some people with the same urgency that beauty, peace and quite may atrack most.

This needs a second part, but for now let the reader feel free to imagine it. Upvot'd and resteem'd.
(This post has been inputted into CI.)

yeah, a second part would be great!

Nice work, @ahmadmanga. It really is hard to get conflict and resolution into a 50-word story, isn't it? Well, you did write a very interesting story! I like it. (One little suggestion: change "Pursuit" to "Pursue," as you want the action verb form of the word in this case.)

Ah, I don't know when to use which so can you explain?

One little suggestion: change "Pursuit" to "Pursue," as you want the action verb form of the word in this case.

And thanks for reading and commenting, I tried to hint more at the conflict but the result is good enough I guess.

Good question. "Pursuit" is a noun, which is a thing, like a bird or a house or bus stop. For your story title you need a verb, which describes an action. You can tell someone to "pursue that car." But you wouldn't say "pursuit that car." Here is an example of a sentence that correctly uses the word pursuit: "The police were in pursuit for miles, but could not catch the suspect."

Thank you very much, it's clear now!

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