The ancient city - chapter 28.

in #fiction7 years ago

Smell far smell a fragrant, this magic flower is poisonous? Generally poisonous plants and animals, are colorful, look at the corpse konjac red leaves green flowers, the color is like dropping water to be as bright, maybe really toxic. I think of this, quickly let everyone put on gas masks.

Fat man said: "I think this flower is not poisonous, toxic things are small, so big, with a vat, I think it is a piranha."

Shirley Yang said: "It will not be a piranha. There are not even any ants in the neighborhood. If this is done by swallowing an animal for a long time to die, then the coffin made of the Kunlun tree will give it enough nutrient."

Fat man grunted and said: "What he is a ghost bird, I give it to a few shots, smashed it, then there is no danger at all.And then we look at the western beauty of the first children's dumplings, how long What kind. "

Professor Chen said: "Never, we would rather not go, nor destroy this cherished corpse of konjac."

I turned the searchlight and shone around the coffin so that the professor and others could see clearly but found many words on the edge of the stone beam under the light. There were hundreds of ghosts and holes in the caves. This discovery is trivial. The whole ancient city, including the shrine and the underground palace, has very few words. It mostly uses frescoes to remember things. There are only some ghosts and holes on jade eyes in the temple, but unfortunately it has not been time to look carefully. Let me give Broken, I did not expect there are so many ghost holes on the stone beam.

Text is the most basic symbol of human transmission of information, the ancient murals to bring people's information is an intuitive feeling, and the text contains more accurate information, if cracked these ghosts, in the interpretation of the essence of civilization Will take a lot less detours.

Professor Chen let the students record busy, part of the ghost cave on the stone beams are written down, but those words carved very large, not too close to the searchlight can also be used after lighting records, Shirley Young is also using the camera Take a photo

Only me and fat have nothing to do, Professor Chen will not let us smoke here, we had to sit on the ground and wait for them to finish the work.

It seems this archeological work will stop here, the harvest can not be said is not a single piece of brick archway preserved intact frescoes, enough for the world's archeology shocked two years, let alone there is no bottom Big hole, together with the coffin of the Kunlun Shenmu, the ancient odd flower cormorant taro, which are enough for these intellectuals to study for a long time. It is impossible for us to open a coffin to see the first beauty of the western region without any means of protection. The coffin of Guanyin Prince was seen in the well before a few days ago. Professor Chen explicitly forbid us to open a coffin. Reported to the leadership approval, and then can do, I have no chance to see.

Unfortunately, Ai Aiguo died in the valley, or he saw these, do not know how excited, thought it can not help but regret for him, how many of my heart also some blame, if I was able to shoot faster ... ... forget, this world If so much on the ah ... past memories in the past, the more you feel the more difficult to calm mood.

Fat see me in a daze, patted my shoulder: "Lao Hu you see the two kids, what is this going?"

I come back from the messy thoughts, take a closer look, I saw Chu Jian and Sateri two people have embarked on the stone beam, the professor is not to say that on the stone beam to move the coffin of the Queen? I'm busy asking what is going on.

Professor Chen said: "It 's all right. They did not look at the coffin. There was a lot of ash in the middle of the stone beams, and the fonts were covered. They used to go back in the dust and they all wore gas masks.

I want to call the two young students back and let me go for them. Professor Chen said: "No, this ghost hole in the stone is of great significance. You are not a professional to do this. If it breaks down, Trouble. Chu Jian they will use a brush to clean up a little bit of dust and debris, their hands and feet agile, a minute or two will be able to finish.

I still feel not sure, restless. My intuition has always been very accurate, will certainly be an accident. Why have not such a precious God coffin been taken away by those British explorers who have been here before? In addition to a nerve disorder survivors, where are the rest? It looks as if there is no danger in this hillside cave, but what happens to the queen's coffin? I can not wait any longer, and I must call both of them back quickly.

I just want to shout them two, but it was too late, I saw one by one after the walk in the middle of the two students Shitang, Suddenly Sidi Peng suddenly bent over, picked up a rock, to catch up with two steps Kung fiercely hit the front of the head of Chu, Chu Jianheng did not hum soon, the body of a crooked, falling into the bottomless stone cave deep hole.

All this happened very suddenly, who did not have time to stop, before we react to what happened, but Sati Peng turned away ripped his head gas mask, a smile at everyone, this smile can not tell Evil strange, and then turned around, walked toward the coffin at the end of the stone beam, with the hands of rock smashed his temple, the blood head like a downturn flowing down, he shook a two-two, Over the queen's coffin, life and death is unknown.

The rest of the people have been stunned by this bloody strange scene, Satipeng what happened? Has always been gentle, how suddenly he became a murderer, killed his best student, and then committed suicide next to the coffin?

I cried: "bad, this little glasses must be possessed by evil spirits, fat fast copy donkey hoofs, he seems not dead, to save people enough time."

Professor Chan saw his two students in an instant, one dead and one wound, dead fell into the abyss, even the bones are gone, that broken head hurt, at the end of stone beam, motionless, I do not know whether it is Alive, these facts are unacceptable, urgent fire hearts, fainted. Ye Yixin quickly hold the professor, she was terrified, in addition to cry, nothing will do.

I thought to save the people, even if the stone is really ghosts have to bite the bullet on a bucket, while fat and Shirley Yang rescue the two professors, while copying weapons, gas masks buckle in his head, heart To control him more powerful evil spirits, but also fear

Afraid of evil donkey hoofs and glutinous rice one third, if the corpse konjac poisonous, I wear a gas mask, but also not afraid of it.

I have no time to think, move on the stone beam, the stone beam wide three meters, hanging over the bottom of that deep hole, look down, I feel whole body sweat upside down.

I just walked out of half and listened to the sound of footsteps behind me. When I looked back I was told by fat men and Shirley Young. I asked them, "Do not you take care of the professor and do what follows me?

Fat man said: "This stone beam also do not know what the ghost thing, you alone I do not trust, say you a person back Satir peng struggling, let us lift him quickly retreat to, so as not to accident.

I thought emergency time, if you say a few more, Sate Emperor Peng too much blood will not be saved, so a wave of them to keep up, the three went straight to the coffin at the end of the stone beam.

This time away from the close, I just felt that strange flower konjac flirtatious abnormalities, that the color of the leaves that bright, Qiaodeling soul-stirring, I think Professor Chen said that the magic flower hidden in the soul of evil spirits, things have been At this point, which also control what he is rare in the world, he broke his mouth and cursed: "fuck his mother, maybe this demon flower mischief!" Waved the hands of the shovel blade, A mass of pulpy, out of a lot of black liquid, had just stopped.

Shirley Young saw my hand fast, the magic flower has been decadent, too late to stop, helplessly sighed: "Well, cut also cut, fast rescue people matters."

I said: "It is, to Sartine to stop bleeding." Said while digging emergency bandages, ready to give him random package twice, and then quickly lift back to the treatment.

Fat man reached the carotid artery Sati Peng, sighed: "Do not be busy, finished, no pulse, and we're still one step too late."

I was angrily slapped on the coffin: "His mother, how to go back to explain to their parents, still not allowed to live painful death of the family."

I did not expect this slap shot in the coffin, Sate Emperor Peng fell to the ground of the body, suddenly suddenly like an electric shock to sit up, his eyes flushed, pointing to the coffin of the fine queen said: "She ... she Live ... ... ... "

I and Shirley Young and fat three people were shocked, just touch Sa Di emperor has no pulse, how suddenly sat up?

I subconsciously caught a black donkey hoof in his pocket want to hit him, but see Satti Peng finished talking, legs kicked, but also straight to the ground, this time it seems really dead.

I can not help but look up, Kunlun sacred lid I do not know when opened a seam. My heart was mentioned throat, fat and Shirley Young also know what to do, all three hands were pinched a cold sweat.

Is the curse will hide, since the perfect queen's coffin opened, it clearly is directed at us, the fat side of the gun aimed at the Queen's coffin, I hold the shovel and donkey hoof tightly to see inside There is something out.

This moment my mind turn seven or eight laps, the queen is a ghost or dumplings? How to deal with the ghost is how it will be how to deal with dumplings, Shiliang narrow, does not open, how to get back, these situations I have thought again.

However, apart from the lid removed a slit, the coffin but no movement, so consumption is not a solution, and now we have two options, first, no matter what the Queen's coffin movement, the first back to the stone beam again Make care.

The second is to go ahead, go straight to the coffin open, no matter what is the monster inside, the engineer shovel, donkey hoof, assault rifles to greet her.

My mind immediately made a judgment, the first road seems safe, but not feasible, this stone beam must lurk some evil forces, Sa Di and Chu Jian bizarre death is the best proof. And this demoniacious mysterious force is waiting in the wings to find a suitable opportunity to get rid of us, who disturb the rest of the Queen.

If we were to return immediately, we would be in a sudden attack on this narrow stone beam. There was no place to hide at this moment. At this time, only the bony scalp was holed up, and it was hoped that the stone beam on this bottomless pit would not become ours No way out.

I looked at the fat man and Shirley Young. The three men had the same intentions and nodded to each other, knowing the current situation. Although temporarily nothing happened, but it has formed a situation of backsliding, only open the coffin a look, first find out the enemy, to find a way to deal with.

Fat man assault assault rifle Shirley Young, let her ready to shoot at any time, and then spit into his own hands and two spit, let me and him to open the lid.

As the coffin wrapped around several arm thickness of the chain, can not be removed horizontally lateral coffin, only along the front push, the coffin exposed the gap itself, but also at the front.

I suppress inner feelings of unease, and number one or two count with the fat, hard to promote the coffin, the trunk of the Kunlun tree made of coffin, there is no trace of processing for many people, largely retained intact, the tree The skin is still new, and it would not be easy to see where it was if it were not for itself to move a slit.

Coffin lid and not multiple, with seven points, they are both pushed open a large, we all wear gas masks, can not smell what is the smell in the coffin. I saw a woman wearing a jade body, lying in the coffin, in addition, the coffin empty, what funerary products did not.
The female corpse should be the perfect queen, her face wearing a black mask, can not see her face, the body did not reveal the outside, can not see the extent of the remains of the bones.

This is the legendary monster, the brutal success of the absolute queen? My heart cursed: "His mother's, dead, but also to deceive the demon face."

Fat man asked me: "Lao Hu, you said Chu Jian their death, is this queen engaged in the coffin? Fuck, put her mask off to see if she is the western beauty of the first beauty, or monster."

I said, "Well, I'm just going to see if you're going to reveal her mask. I'm going to prepare it. I'll put it in her mouth with the donkey hooves. She's really a monster. She taught her to eat at first, Evil exorcism donkey donkey. "He gripped donkey hooves in hand, ready to be forced into the woman's mouth.

Fat man pulled the sleeves, stuck a hand, "miso" ripped off the mask on the body of a fine queen.

Exquisite Queen's face exposed, dark hair clouds, Xiumei into Xuan, handsome face, eyes closed, his face white scary, in addition, are generally the same with the living.

Before that, I had imagined on numerous occasions how the queen grew, was fat or thin, or blonde, or high in nose, but let me think a million times, I would never think of the original queen That's right, because ...

At the same time I and fat, "ah" sound, no one thought, this girl actually looks exactly like Shirley Young, is simply a mold cast out.

I do not know what to do with it, my head became a gruel and I turned to look at what happened to Shirley Young who stood behind me. I knew when I turned around and looked at the Shirley Yang, no.

Is this body of the coffin is not a queen, but is Shirley Yang himself? I feel a layer of goose bumps on my body, and waves of desperation stimulate the cortex of the brain, sad, afraid, nervous, helpless, puzzled, a variety of complex emotions, while rushed into my brain, a blank mind for a time . Our opponents are so elusive that we are just like the meat on the chopping board, boiled and stewed, fried and fried, totally unaffordable, completely manipulated between the palm of the hand, and we do not even know what the opponent is .

Just when I was overwhelmed, I suddenly felt beside me blowing a chill, as if there is a nebulous object is rapidly approaching, I thought "to be good," raised his shovel back to the workmanship, feeling Cut a man, take a closer look, half of the fat head I was split off, blood spatter, plump down on the ground, seeing is not alive.

I stay on the spot, what am I doing? How so rude, can I really be that monster queen frightened? Even my best brother hacked to death, this moment heart ashes. This time can be down, the archaeological team of nine people, less than a day's time, one after another died five, and even died fat with me, decades of friendship, was my shovel cut his head.

Only I left alone, what is the meaning of living, maybe my life as early as the Kunlun Mountains and Yunnan front, it should be sent off, but also I mistakenly killed my best companion, even if I die, Got that nine springs, what face to see fat.

I despair, headache as if to split the same, just felt falling ice cave from head to toe, only one dead. Pull out the dagger from his waist, align his own heart, a bite stabbed down.

Knife hit the flesh of the moment, I suddenly heard two gunshots, a rifle bullet hit the edge of the dagger, the dagger in my hand knocked to the ground.

All around suddenly became foggy, what can not see clearly, who opened the gun? I am in a trance, the more pondering the more wrong, all the logic is reversed, vaguely heard someone shouting: "Lao Hu, come back quickly, go back to running."

This sound like a lightning appeared in the night, although I did not understand what it was, but instinctively feel that they fell into a trap, his mother is not in the demon law?

I thought I bite his tongue, his body startled and found himself in the middle of the stone beam, and did not stand in front of the Queen's coffin, the coffin at the end of the stone beam intact, the corpse on the coffin of konjac blooming , The original petals rolled together opened up, revealing the middle of the stamens, like a radar at me.

The other side of the stone beam stood two people, fat and Shirley Young, how anxious they jumped, are hard to call me, they are not dead?

Fat man shouted: "Lao Hu, you fucking nerve, and come back!"

I have no time to speculate, throw off the pace, ran back, a tear on his head gas masks, the mouth of the blood spit it out, this time my mind returned to normal.

I asked the fat they I just what happened, the fat man said: "I fuck, you fucking almost scared me, you do not want to save the Sati Peng? You just walked in the middle of Shiliang, suddenly turned around, Do not know what happened to you, like sleepwalking, shoveling a cluttered engineering shovel, and then toss for a long time than the planning, how do you call you you can not hear, and then you take a dagger to commit suicide, I think the past Stop you, do not rush trip, had to open two shots to knock down the dagger in your hand, your kid is not crazy or crazy, or possessed?

I looked back and looked at the narrow stone beam, then the antecedents and consequences of a figure out, only to understand what is going on, I have just experienced everything is that demon flower corns illusion created illusion, his mother, it is like Lead me to suicide!

Corpse konjac, I think it not only through the aroma it exudes, to interfere with people's minds, even more powerful is its color, as long as the closer look at it will produce hallucinations.

No wonder the Queen's coffin there is no defense of any organs, the original magic flower that is the most fierce devotee, any attempt to approach the coffin of the people, will be corpse konjac deprived of five senses, their minds are memories Kill.

It seems that the stone beam that hung above the bottomless huge hole in front of us was the area controlled by corpse konjac. Once we set foot on the stone beam, we would have an illusion.

Must have been here before the explorer grave robbers who, like Chu Jian, Sa Di Dipeng same death unclear, I am afraid they die to understand what is going on.

Fortunately, Shirley Young grow a long time, did not let the fat man pulled me, otherwise I am now dead on the stone beam for a long time. The more I want to be more angry, fiercely cursed the queen's mother, took a gun to the coffin on the dead corpse of konjac hit a few shots, the bullets shot in the branches of the magic flower, just as scored worse Wood, even the big hole did not hit a, but no response, no alternative, but also gave up.

Sate empire fell to the coffin at the end of the stone beams, the blood flow is full, it seems to have been saved, but can not be so throwing his body no matter, or have a way to get him back in the past .

I talked with Shirley Young, fat a few words, no good policy. Although Professor Chen did not have the worries of his life, he did not wake up unconsciously. Ye Yixin was crying out of breath at his side. At present, the situation we face is really a mess.

Fat man said: "Lao Hu, I have a wonderful plan, you can get rid of this magic flower."

I asked him: "That corpse incense taro terrible, what can you do?

Fat man said: "Although powerful, but not too difficult to deal with, it is only disturbing the audio-visual, the people who are close to it to death .You used to wear gas masks in the past, still holding its way, which shows it and Not only through the smell emitted by people killed, with the eyes look at it, it will be confused, can not distinguish between true and false, so I can not start. My wonderful idea is that we do not see, the eyes covered, lying Groping crawl on the ground, the flower uproot how?

I said: "Ye Hao, you are almost blindfolded to climb in the past, we are behind you cheer for you on the team cheer."

Shirley Yang said: "No, in addition to Professor Chen know a little knowledge of corpse konjac, we all know nothing about it, how can you be sure corpse konjac hypnosis through the five senses? The devil's flower It is too scary, in case of misjudgment, it is likely to die on top of the stone beam. "

Fat man said: "According to you say so, leave the body of Sa Di Peng no matter, we rub our feet, immediately set off?"

I said: "Even if it is gone, it can not be cheaper that corpse of konjac, let's not have so many yellow explosives, I went to Shouliang broken off, so that the magic flower fell to the depths of the hole go.

The three of you, a word I am saying, are unable to dispute, suddenly see the body of Sati Peng seems to move violently, we immediately stop arguing, concentrate on watching the situation over the stone beam.

Glare searchlight has always been to maintain a relatively low angle, is to make people walk back from the stone beams, not by the light stabbing eyes, then I slightly increase the perspective of the searchlight, the beam to the distant Sa Emperor Peng.

Sa Di Peng's body rolled a bit, seems to be dragged by something, is constantly being pulled to the black hole under the stone beam, awaiting detailed look, then the glare of the searchlight was flash two flashes, it goes out, I do not know is the contact Poor or no electricity, the whole cave immediately plunged into a dark.

Now is the moment when the joints are tight, I patted the searchlight and still did not light up, I was hurried to let the fat to take back the battery.

Fat man said: "no spare battery, the two sets of searchlight backup battery are in the camel team where we are too heavy equipment into the city, you are not let everyone light equipment, no extra things.

Shirley Yang lit up a cold fireworks, surrounded by light up, the light in the dark, even if only a little, but also make people feel peace of mind, but still can not see the distance, what is what S & P towed away ? There are other creatures in this big hole?

The darkness only listens to the rock bottom of the bottomless abyss. There is no sound in every stone wall. It is like the animal creeping crawling, and the quantity is immeasurable.

I think of those chilling strange snakes, hurriedly make the fat back to Chen Professor, no matter what is out of that hole, there is no doubt that something is definitely unfriendly, let's take the best policy.

Cold lighting time is limited, we have removed the wolf eye flashlight, Professor Chen fat back, Shirley Yang took the leaves soft heart Yixin, the people pinpointed the direction, then the way back back.

Shirley Young lifted the camera and pressed the shutter continuously. The flash was clicked, the flash was flashing, and the flash of snow was blinking all around for a second. Scale strange snakes, there are large and small, the youngest only a dozen centimeters long, the largest nearly one meter, the head is holding a black sarcoma, and some have apparently already mature, that large sarcoma has grown into a huge black eye shape.

Group of snake's head black eyes, unusually sensitive to light, have been flash back a photo, but the number too much, tens of thousands, and from the hole constantly pouring, piling up together, the road has been blocked to death Dead, can not force them to flash a road.

Although the camera's flash and torch light can temporarily resist the snake group, it is a way to quench thirst, once the camera is exhausted, can not be killed by the snake.

More and more black snake, when we went to the city carrying a barrel of solid fuel in the temple was run out, and now do nothing, only step by step backwards.

Covered with black snake everywhere, at the moment extremely burnt eyebrows, fat suddenly pointed at the mountain behind a few meters away exclaimed: "There is a small cave here, advanced to avoid to say."

I turned to see that the original is not a hole, but the mountain middle-aged cracked a long time gap, only one high, I do not know the depth of the inside, but in desperation, had retreated to support it for a while, and then another Tu Liang policy.

At the moment dragged and unable to walk Professor Chen and Yip Yee, quickly retreated into the crevices of the mountain, where narrow top and bottom width, which is still deep, the foot is also cracked the gap, but only a few centimeters in width on the ground, people Step on it, will not worry fall into the seam to go.

Shirley Young's psychological quality is excellent, in desperation and not panic, a look at the situation in this gap, a few meters behind there is a large horizontal cracks, the heart will have to care about, said to me: The entrance collapsed, blocking the impact of the snake group. "

At this time there are a few black snake has crawled in, is preparing to fly up to bite, Shirley Yang press the camera shutter, Black Snake was the camera's light flash, are hurried back to hide the light, fat shot, such as electricity, engineer shovel Snake head to hit, then sweep the dead snake with a shovel out of the hole.

I remembered Hao Aiguo died in the state, I thought even if it was killed buried better than snake bite, hurriedly removed a few packets of yellow explosives, this time simply not enough time to calculate the amount of explosives, only with years of experience as engineers, Plug in detonators readily, so fat and others quickly in front of that horizontal mountain gap running depth. I started the dynamite and took a shot and fired at the black snake that climbed into the hole, taking a few strides and huddling with Shirley Young and others at a corner.

I just wanted them to open their mouths, plug their ears and be deaf.

Words have not finished, a violent explosions sounded, thunderbolt like in the cave reverberating, gravel and explosive waves rushed in, although we hid in the corner of the place, to avoid the direct impact, is still being exploded Of the impact of the air hit a bit, I feel like a heavy chest was hit with the binocular, both ears moving, full of brain buzzing, what can not hear.

Fat man said something to me open mouth, I do not hear, I shouted to him word for word: "fried --- medicine --- good --- like --- put --- too - - More --- --- 点! 你 --- 你 --- 没 --- 事 ---?? "Do not know if there is no sound to say, too close to the blast point, the gap In a very close sound, my eardrums were rushed to the extent that I could not even hear myself crying out of my neck.

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