Teddy bear XOO-711 to the rescue

in #fiction6 years ago

DQmXhaKQqnbsQNe4wXmxwBbbp1bhDU9cvv9tqBsHXNLgSCZ_1680x8400.pngthank you @marcoriccardi

The Script

Shintiara's planet once moved around a binary system of stars, but one of them suddenly collapsed. Shintiara is now a world over which a star and a black hole struggle for dominance, causing great temporal paradoxes.
Murya, the fallen star, is attracting the world towards a black hole where time and space will disappear and all will be swallowed by The Void. While Shintiara approaches the point of no return of Murya’s gravitational field, the so-called event horizon, unbelievable temporal paradoxes happen on its surface: objects, living beings and whole places appear, recalled from the past or from the future.

In short, in this fantasy-medieval kind of setting some totally out of place items (or even whole cities!) can pop out from nothing due to the temporal anomaly.
Precisely in this ancient world, on the brink of the chasm and in continuous struggle between chaos and order, appears an unexpected artifact: artificial intelligence XOO-711.
It comes from a distant future, where the inhabitants of Shintiara first learned to fear and then rigidly dictate a corpus juris for the restricted use of artificial intelligence, although they never gave up benefiting from this technology.
In that future Shintiara, after the apocalyptic incident remembered as "Arioch's singularity", no AI's production is allowed without the incorporation of a specific limiter, also called "superego".
Too bad that XOO's superego hardware remained there in the future.
I forgot to tell you: XOO presents itself as a sweet teddy bear.

The Ending

" We don't need no stinking superego!"

XOO-711 was one of the smartest bears in the fleet. He was here now to help save Shintiara from imploding. He didn't just happen to appear, Farza traveled to the future to bring back 711, sans superego. Farza was the King of these ancient people and had read, in the scrolls of Shintiara, that teddy bear was the only hope for his people.

The Void was getting stronger, and anything that wasn't tied down was being swallowed into the black hole. XOO-711 had seven days to build the Arc of Salvation, not quite as big as Noah's Ark, but it should work for this mission. The main chamber of the Ark was a 1976 Lincoln Continental, filled with plutonium and silly puddy. Two 1970 AMC Gremlins, one filled with gold the other filled with silver, were attached to the TownCar by the suicide doors.

The idea is, with 711 at the helm, the three cars would be hurled into The Void and once Shintiara had escaped from view, Teddy would release the plutonium and silly puddy mixture, so it could envelope the three capsules. After 14 seconds the single blasting cap and flare would explode the mass 10,001 fold, thus creating a new non-light emitting star.

Farza gave the go-ahead on Friday the 13th for good luck and in 27 light years, we'll find out if it worked. 🌟

Ending by Bruni


z2u3jv2innyratziv1mo.jpg@fireawaymarmot artist

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I want to see it on the big screen! Book me a couple of tickets for the premiere!

total blockbuster!

You're funny @barski this would be on Netflix in two days. 😂

Where is this movie theater?)) I went for tickets to the plane!)))

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

This is a way to fix the black hole problem I never thought about! Noice! 🤣
You gave me a big laugh, and a great boost to imagination... plutonium, silly puddy and a couple of greedy gremlins...in some light years, goodbye to the Void!

Thanks Marco, it took me longer to cut and paste the first part of the story from @f3nix and add your photo, then it did to write it. 😂 It sure was fun to dream up. 🐻

Masterpiece of sci-fi b movies! One of those that me and @marcoriccardi are hungry consumers! This is pure 100% fun. The teddy of the story looks to me like Rocket Racoon in guardians of the galaxy.. Awesome Bruni! (how was your poker nigh?)

I only won $13, but I had a steak that would feed an Ethiopian for 3 months. 🐄

A full belly and some pocket money.. I saw worse endings in poker nights! Today it's my turn for playing.. I won't eat but alcohol will flow.. come with the Ethiopian, I'll offer you a drink!

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