in #fiction6 years ago

photo by Kamboompics on pixabay

The man listened to the earth breathe. A wind blew on a tree and shook water droplets of the tree like fruits to bathe the grassy lawn even as crickets and frogs carried on a symphony. The man's thumb rubbed a folded, creased piece of paper. He looked at the paper then he opened it and read;

Dear Rueben,

I came to see you, to plead with you to reconsider your position in relation to this unborn child but you refused to receive me. I have therefore resorted to writing you this letter. I am not writing this letter for my own benefit but for the life of this little one kicking in my womb. Please, give this baby a chance to live.

Right now, you do not see the benefit of having this child present in our lives but I do. I know that as you read this, you will be of the opinion that I aim to use this as a means to force you to come and see my parents but you are far from the truth. I am doing this because I know what it means to have a child. I know that a time will come when this time, this moment, will become a reason for regret if you do not make the right decision.

I know this reason does not make sense to you right now. I know your thoughts and possibly your friends will say that I just want you to put a ring on my fourth left finger. Maybe I used to dream of that, maybe i used to hope and wish that one day you will ask for my hand in marriage but I have moved beyond that. If you ask me to marry you, I will and I will make you the happiest man ever but if you don’t want to get married to me, I understand and I don’t hold it against you.

I once told you that I do not believe in pestering a man with my attentions. When you told me that you are no longer interested in having a relationship with me, what did I tell you? I told you that it was fine and that I understand. Do not be deceived, I do understand and this situation has not changed that.

You have everything you need but there is something missing in your life and that is love. You have been able to fake it. You have been able to even believe that you have experienced it but I was with you for four years and I know that, due to no fault of yours, you cannot find the will or effort to give a part of your time and self to the people you claim to love and as a result you have not let yourself experience it. You are not aware that you are missing out on a good thing because you think you have it.

I offer you a gift; this unborn child. I offer you an opportunity to find love that has no strings attached; a beautiful being that will grow before your eyes, who will be a part of you like no one ever will. I am offering you something that you will never doubt, never question. I am offering you a view of unvarnished love and maybe through this gift you will learn what it means to truly love.

Do not be offended by these words that I have written here. I don’t even think everyone who reads this will understand what I am offering you here. Because we have gotten to the point in this world where everyone is thought to have ulterior motives for their actions and most people have become greedy and selfish, these words will be taken out of context, I expect. I do not care though. I will say what is on my mind, no matter what your friends and family members may think of me. I have always had your best interest at heart, this you know. If you do not know this yet, then I am a bigger fool than I thought.

I was at the doctor’s today and he told me that I would have to take care of myself and stop worrying too much. He explained that my condition meant that I have to take more care than an average pregnant woman. He checked the baby and confirmed that it is fine and healthy. I am happy about it. I wonder about the miracle of a woman like me having a healthy baby but it is a miracle and I am thankful for it. I want you to be a part of it.

Do you know what it would mean to see you play with your child, to hold him or her, to teach what you know to this young mind and to bond with him or her like you will never do with another person? I would love to see you do that. I would love to see that light come on in your eyes like it has never come. I want to hear you laugh and make a fool of yourself just to please the toddler. But I cannot have everything now, can i?

If you decide to accede to my wishes and take this child as your own, when he or she comes, please make sure he or she does not forget me. That is all I ask. Do not remove me from his or her memory. I may not be in the child’s life but at least let me be in the child's heart.

I do not know how you will receive this. I do not know if you will even read this and come to terms with my plea but I hope that you would find it in your heart, to do this thing. As regards your wife, I had promised not to speak of her before but I cannot ignore it in such a situation. If you agree to my plea, please let her be kind to the child. Let her treat the child with love and let her allow the child to bring the blessings that he or she had come with, into all our lives.

The doctor says that I need to rest and I feel tired truly. A nurse will be bringing this letter to you. I do not expect your reply but I hope you will be here sometime. It would be nice to see your face one more time before it becomes too late. Do take care of yourself and find it in your heart to forgive me of all of this. I was just too young to know any better.

Photo by free-photos on pixabay.

The man folded the letter again. He had read the letter several times over the many years and each time he did so, he felt the same heart wrenching pain that tore through him the first time he read it after he heard the news of Ivie's death. He sat in the darkness and stared at the reflection of his grey beard on the glinting surface of the mirror. It was too late now to take back what time had stolen, he muttered again for the umpteenth time.

He got up and strolled through the room, his slippered feet silent on the rug. He turned the handle of the room door and stepped into the light. He closed the door softly behind him then he walked slowly down the wide stairs into the sitting room. Everybody was there seated, their eyes shining with the hunger that greed had birthed within his family. He sighed as he watched them watch him.

He went to his seat and sat down softly. He stared around at the people that he had called his family, the people that he had given everything and he remembered how they had managed to disappoint him again and again. His brothers and sisters, his wife, his nephews and nieces were all here but they meant nothing to him. He stared at the letter in his hands and ignored the curious stares and mutters of the people around him.

The main door opened and the butler entered. He walked to the man and bent to whisper in his ear. The man nodded and the butler left only to return again with a young lady. The lady curtsied, wiping her hands on the apron about her waist.

“Helen, how are you?” the man asked, looking at her sadly.

The maid said she was fine, her eyes roving about the august presences in the sitting room.

The man nodded and said;

“After long consideration, I have decided to make you my heir.”

The room became a silent beast as the words sank like sharpened claws into the brains of the persons seated there. Then, the uproar began. The wife was the first to leap to her feet, then the man’s siblings and their offspring began to mutter their anger.

The man sat silent, his eyes on the surprised maid as his family exploded all about him in indignation.

“I made the changes to my will yesterday. I have also arranged for you to further your studies if you want.” He added.

“Why sir, I am not related to you?” the maid asked.

“I made a mistake once. I was given an opportunity to find love but I denied myself that thinking I was wise. I have come to regret that decision every day of my life. This is my atonement.” He replied.

He got up and nodded to the butler who led the confused maid away. The wife was crying and some persons were angrily leaving the sitting room, their expensive scents tailing them as they left but he ignored all of them.

The man entered his room and he walked to the window. He stared at the moon that hung like a balloon in the night sky. He tapped the letter on the window sill.

“I am sorry Ivie. I will make it right I promise. She is here and she is all of the things you promised that she will be. I have been blind but now I see. I have found love like you said I would. Thank you.” He said.

The wind rustled a tree and droplets of water bathed the lawn as crickets and frogs made a symphony and the world continued to breathe.

©warpedpoetic, 2018.


This was beautifully written. I love how you started it and the way you ended it.

Your story reminds me of "The Testament" by John Grisham.

To me it's the most captivating Grisham I have ever read.

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