Short story: White Bloody Gown

in #fiction7 years ago

Time is showing at 00.00. but somehow my eyes are reluctantly closed. I opened my window curtain again. The moonlit and rambutan trees in front of my house graced the night. It was quiet though, but as if the rambutan tree was surrounded by white creatures smiling at me. Immediately I shed the shadows. I closed the window curtain again.

Then I went to the bathroom. I was at my own home. Because my father, mother, and sister are in jogja, at my grandmother's house. My intention was to pee, and wash the mandadak face down. As if I were walking toward the bathroom, behind me I stood as if someone were watching me. How shocked I was, something fell from the kitchen room. Clean white, wine-scented. And decorated with hearts at the bottom. Like a white dress. Then I took the dress. Very beautiful. But pretty heavy. At the bottom, and inside it says "Siromana." I thought maybe this was the name of the owner of this dress.

But I think, where did this dress fall? Then I took the dress to my room. I looked again at the dress. Kempempel-stick it to my body, while I look in the mirror. How beautiful. But strangely, in the middle of the dress, there is a red stain. Then I smell the red stain. "Acchhrr ... smells rancid and smells of wine ..." I thought at that moment. But there is my intention to have the dress. I will wash the next day. And I wear it on Valentine's dance party at Villa Deski next week. I'm sure I'll look beautiful if I wear the dress. Then, my eyes began to drowsy. And I put the dress back into my closet. And I went to sleep on the mattress in my room.

Early morning I woke up from my sleep. Slowly I step foot into the bathroom. I wash my face. I stared at my face in the bathroom mirror. "ASTAGAA !!!" I say. Because I see a shadow of a woman wearing a white dress in the reflection of the glass. Immediately I turned and looked behind me. Am I wrong to see? Because no one is behind me. Maybe this is just my imagination. But I think I know the dress in that woman. Yes, that's the dress I found last night. Then I rushed to my room. I opened my closet. It turned out that the dress was still in my closet. Then I took the dress. And I look back. I see the red stain more and more, when last night this stain has not been as wide as this. I took the dress to the bathroom, and washed it.

But strange, the water that wash the laundry of the dress, not red. Though the dress is stained red. I was curious about the stain. "What's this red stain?" I thought. I kiss, and I close my eyes. As I closed my eyes, the sketch of the event seemed to cross my mind. Out of nowhere but it's real. I like to see, a figure of a very beautiful Dutch girl wearing this dress, and dance. Her smile is so sweet. He seemed to be dancing at a dance. And on that occasion, it looks like the place is in this house, in the living room. Then immediately I open my eyes. I'm a little scared. Then immediately I dry the clothes behind my house.

The day I've been waiting for has arrived. Today is Valentine's Day and tonight I will attend the dance at Villa Deski. I wonder if I should wear that gorgeous dress? I'm afraid I'm too flashy tonight. But it's okay, I really want to wear this dress.
The time already shows at 19.00. soon I get ready to decorate myself. I shampoo my face, I kusisir my hair, and I take my dress in my closet. Slowly I put on the dress. "Waw ... great! Very beautiful! "I look beautiful. I danced happily. I also sing. I feel the most beautiful woman in the world as I wear this dress. But somehow my head suddenly dizzy. Stomach nausea. And I can not see clearly, just dimly. And I fell. Then fainted. When I fainted, I seemed to get into another dimension. I walked on a dance night party. But it seems strange no one person who knows my existence. Yet back then I was in a crowd. And indeed the show seems to be in my new home, by the Dutch. I followed a woman who wore a dress that was exactly the dress I was wearing right now. I follow the motion. She is seen dancing with her lover.

Then he sat down and drank wine with his friends and lover. But I noticed, one of her friends glanced at and smiled at her lover. Yes his friend was so strange his manner. Then when the woman was about to drink the wine and toast, suddenly her friend nudged the glass that she was carrying and spilled onto her dress. And I also saw her lover take her into the room. But strangely enough, the girlfriend followed their motion into the room. And when his lover laid him into bed suddenly "craaaaasssshhh" I screamed. The woman is on a knife knife by her own lover. Then his friend immediately emerged, and spit on the helpless woman. I saw the wine stains had been covered with red blood stains. Slowly the woman was limp and dead.

I want to help her but I can not touch her. Then the woman's body was hidden and buried by them near the rambutan tree in front of the house. But before they buried the corpse, I saw the dress the woman had been stripped of, and taken by her friend. They laughed. How cruel my mind. Beloved kill for the sake of having an affair with a lover of his own best friend. Then I woke up I felt a little dizzy. When I woke up I saw a dim view of a shadow. Yes, I know that shadow. It was the woman in my dream. He looked at me. Looks like he wants me to follow him. Then I followed the woman. Looks like he was heading towards the rambutan tree in front of my house. Getting there, he turned around and looked at me. She smiled. Then his hand pointed to the dress I was wearing at the time. Then, pointing to the ground where his body was in the grave. Yes, I understand. Perhaps he gave the code to bury the dress into his grave.
"Do you want this dress I buried in here?" I asked, pointing at the grave.

I saw him nod. Then I hurried to my room. I stripped the dress. And I buried it into the ground. And I stuck back. Suddenly the woman reappears, and she seems to be shedding tears and smiling at me. I saw him flying up into the sky. He grew taller, then he vanished. I think he must be calm. I feel happy. Then I headed back to the house. As I closed the door, suddenly my father's car came. Apparently they've come home from jogja.
"Viona, this is mama bring souvenirs, darling here!"
"Yeah ma, what's that?"
"It's a shame, a white dress, beautiful right?"
How shocked I was, it looked so much like a Siromana's dress. I smile. I kissed the dress. then I took it. "Yes ma. Very good, I love this dress ... but no wine ... "I said at that moment.

Completed .....

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