The Spar

in #fiction4 years ago

Villa De Karkaldwin, The Farmlands, Pryldahn, 1439 ATC

Venser Karkaldwin stood poised, straight sparring sword raised and ready for action. Then, slowly and mockingly, he raised a single eyebrow.

Alex gave him an amused smile, and pointed her curved sparring saber right at her lover. She didn't hesitate before charging again. With her blade high above her head but close to his ear, the fighter girl ran straight at her prize, determined to succeed. She slashed, and her blade blade was brought to an abrupt halt with a resounding clack coming in contact with another on defense. She quickly slashed again as Venser breathed out and reacted quickly, moving. Ack and almost knocked off center.

Another clack as the two straightedges met in the air a second time as Venser went on the defense, a bead of swear appearing on his thick eyebrows and Alexis bouncing on her steps.

The rough looking woman with ginger hair tied up, average complexation, narrowed her hazel eyes at her bearded lover.

He had a neatly trimmed beard, handsome features, strong attack eyebrows, and a smirk upon his lips as he narrowed his slitted emerald eyes in return.

Alex swung high, and Venser ducked.

Alex swung low, and Venser jumped back.

Alex stabbed, and Venser dodged.

On and on she continued his ruthless attack and on and on Venser continued to evade her.

"Come on, fight Ven, fight!" She urged.

Her arms were quickly growing tired; sweat was dripping down her torso on the inside of her loose fitting tunic, covered by wooden sparring armor. Venser, as usual at home wore very little, and decided not to wear armor during a spar, only wearing a pair of baggy red pants and a leather helmet. Both were starting to tire.

"Do you wanna take a break, Alex? Water break, tea, beer?" Venser asked as the sky began to develop into a pinkish hue.

"No. Not until I get to hit you at least once, you cocksucker. C'mere!" The rough woman said with a soft chuckle, moving forward and then back, watching Ven flinch.


Venser dodged back.

A quick slash.

The handsome bearded man nearly lost his balance as he threw his weight to the side, narrowly avoiding the point of the wooden practice saber. Stumbling a bit, he twisted around to finally strike back at the rough auburn haired woman before him. Their blades met with a harsh wooden clack, before they jumped away, ready to attack once more.

"Get her daddy!" Cried Venser's oldest son, a happy eyed Soarin as he sat beside his twin sister, along with Soarin and Madalina, a toddler Rowena in the golden gypsy's arms, and Asher, the toddler son of Alexis and Venser in Madalina's arms as they watched the spar.

"You can win daddy!" Cheered Lucinda as she jumped out of her chair.

"Sit loves, don't get to close." Sanna said as Rowena settled in her lap, cuddling close to her mother while they watched her father and other mother train.

Round and round they went, circling each other carefully, eyes intense and smoldering into each other's very being. Venser struck at Alexos, for a moment, they were inches apart, their arms brushing and the sweat glistening upon their strained muscles.

Alex was briefly distracted, and Venser noticed, before she moved to strike once more.

Venser, however, had a new strategy.

As Alexis'a slarring saber swung in a smooth arc towards his chest, he raised his arm and allowed the hard wood to smsck his forearm.

"Ow!" He bent his knees and rushed forward, and tackled Alexis by the legs. Muscle tensed beneath his arms, and with a shout, rough fell down upon the lush grass of the family garden.


Was the only sound that left her parted lips as Alex found herself lying horizontal with her lover and father to her son poised above her. The point of the wooden blade was pressed firmly against her chest, and it was all she could do to swallow and focus on that instead of the way Venser's thighs pressed hotly against her own.

"You cheated." She muttered as their family watching began to cheer. "You cocksucker."

Madalina, the hackneyed white haired warrior woman ruffled the red hair of Asher as she held him on her lap.

"One day you're going to be a great little warrior too... Just like your parents."

The sky began to darken.

"Is it over?" Young Soarin asked watching as his father and Alexis simply sat there and conversed.

"It seems like it is. Come on kids, its time for bed." Kari said kissing her twins each on the forehead and they all jumped up, and Sanna and Madalina stood up with the younger ones, and they all proceeded to go inside.

"So? Its something you would do... I've always been more of a hand fo hand person..." The handsome bearded man panted, dragging the tip of the blade slowly up her neck neck and then down across her chest. She gazed up ag Venser's own chest and torso. Taut, streamline muscles as she took in a sharp breathed and raised a hand along his stomach.

"So, you were just afraid of losing, weren't you? I mean I know we both like winning but theres always room for improvement..." The taunt was met with a sly smirk and a tap of wood against his chest.

"Not exactly. I just wanted to get you beneath me."

"Oh Ven, just can't wait until tonight?"

There was a moment's silence before color slowly seeped up Alex's face to tint her cheeks a faint rose. The smirk merely grew on Venser's face before he leant down, pressing their lips firmly together while a hand began to undo her segmented wooden chest armor.

Alexis Bonneville-Karkaldwin was rough, biting at his lips and bruising his mouth with the heat of his passion, with the rough woman grasping the sides of Venser's head and kidding him hungrily, wanting to establish dominance.

Vensers hand slid slowly down her side over the contours of Alex's ribs into the dip of her waist. Each touch of his fingertips against her skin through the clothing forced her heart to speed tenfold, until soon she felt as if it would simply give out. Pushed even further when her lover's hand found its way between his spread thighs. That was when he felt as if he could simply handle no more, lest he burst from the pleasure of it all.

With a sharp groan, the rough woman arched up against the cool grass, hips jerking forward into that welcoming touch. Soon, she melted into him and could feel the heat of Venser's lips upon her own. His softness was met with her teeth digging into the soft flesh of his lower lip, hands traveling and feeling the rough calluses slide along the sensitive flesh at the apex of his legs.

He felt so much that he didn't think he could handle it. Oh now Venser enjoyed this fighter of a woman. Alex's hands traveling over his body and her nails digging red crescents into Venser's chest.

The handsome bearded man was smiling at the rough woman and finally got off of her and offered his hand. And Alex returned the soft smile, one that spoke of the intimate bond between them, reaching up to allow Venser to help her up.

"We should go help everyone put the kids to bed." Venser said brushing himself off and holding Alex's hand, sparring sword tightly gripped in the other.

"Yes, and then we need to have a rematch later. You really need to practice your blocking, Ven."

"And I need to watch you spar with Madalina sometime. Though... When the kids are asleep we can spar in another way..."

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