The Interdimensional Engine

in #fiction4 years ago (edited)

The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1439 ATC


Nadine sighed and wiped her hands on her leather apron, before removing it and setting it aside to rub her tired, golden, almond shaped eyes. The short artificer had dark bags beneath them, her orange hair that fell past her jawline was messy, and her slender body seemed even more slender than normal. She was around five feet tall, incredibly fair skinned with bright tangerine orange hair. Curvy figure and freckles.

Or was that dirt?

How long has it been since she slept?

The girl couldn't even think of a proper number.

Just as she was lifting up the soon to be needed supplies to her workstation there was a knock at the door of the workshop, a recent add one that was completely separate from the big barn on the side of the tavern. Nadine had just enough time to direct a slightly puzzled glance at it before it opened, an all too familiar bearded man with accursed snake like eyes puzhed into the room, the sight of which caused the artificer girl to perk up.

''Well helloooooo hot stuff!'' A man wearing a long crimson frockcoat, a high collared white dress shirt, a crimson cravat a shade lighter than his coat with a green pin, black pinstriped pants, and a six buttoned vest with a light green cigar in his mouth. He disapeared in a puff of thick red smoke and reappeared beside her now. The man himself was quite handsome, in his mid thirties, with a neatly trimmed beard and tied back raven black hair. However, he had a bandage covering his nose.

''Are you finally going to come out of your hole and come drink with the rest of the world? Oh your hair... It looks exciting!" Venser looked over all of the interesting items Nadine had lying around, as well as the device she had been working on for so long. Picking up and inspecting a chisel, an unsettling human skull with pronounced canines and a quarter of it's face missing, and then a metal replica of a raven. One of the items was a unique and extremely short sword... Just left out in the open while Nadine worked obsessively!

The blade was made of stone and had lilac lines running up and down that glowed and surged with ancient power.

"Well fuck my ass with a loaf of bread. Is that a Kundalandian sword!? Uh... Stoneforge masterwork! You know like, around here every royal house has at least one and they would rather marry off their daughters all at the same time than part with one!" Venser ejaculated reaching out to it.

It was singlehandedly the most exhausting thing she ever dealt with scavenging ruins on Telzar. And oddly enough, only half the time was spent fighting… And she wasn't even fighting for most of it. Just using her illusionary magic that was mostly produced by her bracelet. Once the biggest manwhore in the multiverse came walking in and started going through her stuff she let out a heavy sigh.

"No just... No. Not right now, Ven. This needs to get done. Please don't touch my stuff." Nadine said grabbing the treasured blade away and wrapping it in a blanket, hiding it in the corner.

"Oh right sorry! I was... I mean, you know-"

"Indeed. Light as a feather, hits with the force of a boulder, and cuts like the sharpest steel. I've been researching it thoroughly..."

"And you need to take a break! It's been almost two weeks. Like, two weeks of straight work and not a day off in those two days to take a break? Ridiculous." He replied looking over an expedition map to the uncharted lands east of Vorland, Great Eastern Forest and beyond.

With a clatter, Nadine looked away from Venser and let out a heavy sigh, brushing back her orange hair.

"I've been back to Telzar. To fight... Scavenge. The Luektorem, remember? I have to destroy them there, and I have to destroy them here. They already destroyed so much... And..." She made a gesture to a disc shaped device that resembled a compass and glowed blue.

"I have a beacon now. There is a Luektorem lair several miles from here. So, if I can finally get my engine working I can gather my allies and take the fight to them. Before they come for the country of Vorland and then the rest of the world." Nadine explained.

The handsome bearded man disappeared in a puff of thick red smoke and was gone for about twenty seconds before he returned, home white guitar in his hands and leaning up against the wall closer to Nadine as he strummed it and began to speak.

"Either way, you are going to burn out to the point where you collapse. And if you're going to fight, or to work. You're going to need to take a break and take care of yourself. Look... I know... Ahem. I know the seriousness of all this... And..."

Venser paused as he eyed her strange machine, mostly made of stone. The teleporter, or as Nadine and her friends called it, the Interdimensional Engine, wasn’t finished, and even then realistic science pointed towards it being unable to work in any circumstance. Still, Nadine the Artificer had spent endless hours tinkering and experimenting with the teleporter, never losing hope in that one day it would function on a bigger scale than simply one person. Rather, punching a hole in space and time. And with her beacon, she knew where to punch.

Nadine rubbed her golden eyes and sighed.

"Maybe you're right... Maybe a drop of coffee and some... Stew?"

"That's the spirit! I'll get you some beef stew with huge chunks of beef! A lot of it! And some tavern cracklings and some of Brea's pastries... You're gonna need all that for the sake of your energy, and..." He placed the guitar strap around his neck and waved his arms back and forth.

"Don't want to get too skeletal. And Angel has been complaining that you're always keeping up the horses next door."

The golden eyed artificer sighed again and lifted her arms, rubbing her eyes again as she began towards the door.

"Whose Angel again?"

"The gorgeous blonde werewolf stable girl. We sleep together sometimes." Venser replied as he followed, looking down at Nadine's rear as she walked.

"Of course you do..." The orange haired artificer girl said, voice dripping with disgust. She turned around and let out a chirp, and Venser raised a brow.

"Come, come Milla."

The chirp was responded with a metallic one, and the metal metal raven came to life, it's eyes glowing a sky blue as it took flight and landed on her shoulder.

"Er! Err!"

"Interesting... So how about those spells that let you manipulate artifacts and metal eh?" The handsome bearded man said following Nadine, and ignoring the hostile stare Milla gave him from Nadine's shoulder as they walked outside. The sun was low on the horizon now, staining the sky and land like tea spilt over a linen cloth, and a light breeze blew across the land.

"I'm an artificer. It's what I do. I was inspired to create Milla when I decided to go to Kynareth and visit their famous mage schools. One I visited specialized in magical blacksmithing which was-"

"Right up your alley, my sexy peach. You have to travel to all kinds of different place, just taking inspiration from one source can make everything stale and uninspired." The handsome bearded man spoke up completing her sentence as they entered the Dragon's Head through the back door, chest puffed out and entering through the kitchen.

"And, you could say that Milla here is your... Pet project."

Venser actually got a snicker out of Nadine.

"I've never been but I just know, like, yeah. They have more people with magical abilities than anywhere else. And I heard they spy on people with ravens like Milla there."

The sentient metal raven on Nadine's shoulder just continued to stare at Venser as they climbed the stairs.

"What if I told you I am actually with the Princess of Kynareth? And we have a kid together?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. Seriously, Venser. You are the most arrogant man I have ever met. Ever." The short artificer said rather bluntly. And headed to the bar and sat, ordering a coffee and some stew and waited for the shadow tendrils to bring them to her. From her satchel she produced a sketchbook journal and some pens, letting out another sigh and hunching over as Venser greeted a few patrons and waved to Brea who was at a table conversing with a traveling couple.

Once the short artificer began to eat, Venser wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her on the cheek. ''Ah... How about we just take the rest of the evening off? Stay up late! Engage in some intercourse?"

She pushed him away a bit. "No. Just..."

"Social intercourse I mean!" The handsome bearded man ejaculated, bemusement in his emerald serpent like eyes.

Nadine sighed. Debating if she wanted to talk about it. Myron was more talkative about it than her, and she was growing sick of Venser's attempts to seduce her. Sometimes it seemed she avoided it here.

Her drink and food soon came and she leaned forward to have a sip.

"Ever thought of just giving up?" Nadine asked.

''Why would you? If what you're fighting for is worth it, then you gotta keep going.'' Venser said sitting down beside Nadine, wrapping an arm around her and inhaled, then exhaled deeply. ''I take things have been rough lately? The rare times you've decided to go outside."

"Very, more so for Myron but.." She paused. Nope not recalling the fact she had a vision of the Luektorem that was nearby, below the surface, and saw a very unpleasant being that bore into her very soul with its four, glowing eyes.

"Because... I just feel like I can do little at times. Like, I have to kill as many Luektorem as I can. And like I won't rest until my work is done."

She leaned into her hands and mumbled. Right. That's what he got out of it.

"I can't waste anymore time... I need to finish this. And I've already sent Myron and Solus off to call for help from the Artificers Guild, Vorland's army, mercenaries... Any one who can help take the fight to the Luektorem.''

''You're able to travel to other worlds, just ljoike me... So, wouldn't it be in your best interest to keep searching for something to destroy them?"' He asked nuzzling her head softly, frowning a bit. ''I'm sure you've done that, but you musn't give up. You're so focused on avenging your home. You won't do it today, not tomorrow. But eventually. I know you will."

“It’s not that easy. They adapt just as much as I can. Many of my creations have been taken and used against me. Warped into something new and worse.” Nadine leaned away from his insistant nuzzling. “The most I think we can do now is run. Take everyone to a new world, away from Telzar, away from Laguna, someplace that has no Luektorem hidden somewhere. But then still we lost. Maybe I just run right at the Luektorem and let them have me...” Nah, she had to be there for companions.


''Don't say that. We'll find a way.'' Venser said, his frown deepening. ''But maybe that's all we can do for now, until you can take it back. Right now we have to worry about the safety of your people.''

"We are building a spellbomb, and we know of a massive Luektorem lair nearby. We still need materials." Nadine finally started on her beef stew and sighed. "I'll have to talk to the Guild and Myron and Solus later. We are going to be deciding what to do and how soon to do it." She was going to leave most of it vague.

''Nadine.'' Venser said, putting his finger underneath her chin, propping it up to look at him.

''If a person wants to comprehend, then he must the square who study it the square, but a little bit much more than only concerning. If you like to be a leads more astutely, that you must accept this more great power. But want the caution hopeless situation, my ginger muffin. You only ask for help me then can become the the knowledge of the dark of the study hopeless, in the fire of water.''

Nadine turned and stared at him with her golden eyes in silence.

Venser stared back for several long moments before he said.

''How much are-'' He stopped himself there. Of course she was thinking of this a lot. He sighed and instead said, ''You already have a plane with the portal machine and the bomb. So, while we're relaxing, why don't we go back to my room and relax for a bit? Break out the real vintage wine and... Yeah, relax. Peace of mind helps one think.''

''As well as good wine...''

"And do you really think I believe thats the only thing you are after? Time and time again you keep trying to do this." Nadine said sipping her beef stew.

''What? I just feel like getting drunk right now?'' Venser said raising his bandaged hand to peel off the bandage on his nose, looking away from Nadine. ''And most of my best ideas have come to me when I was drunk. Like, more details on your plan...''

He cleared his throat and said, ''And for once you need to lay back and enjoy the finer things in life. Just for a short time. Because frankly, your entire idea can go sour very, very quickly."

"I don't feel comfortable going back to someone's room to get drunk." She pushed away the food. She didn't want it anymore.

''Afraid this handsome barkeep will woo you?'' Venser asked with a laugh, crossing his arms. ''Why don't we get drunk here then?''

"More that the biggest manwhore in the multiverse will attempt to woo me and just make me not want to be around him anymore." Nadine stood up and stared at the booze selection on the shelves behind the bar. May as well.

"Make some of that Pink Footed Booby then, would you?"

The handsome bearded man gave a nod of affirmation and got up, moving behind the bat and grabbing a silver shaker and a few bottles and began to make his signature drink.

“I will be needing a few drinks myself. You know... Your friends can't, I can't just solve all your problems like that, but we can be there to fall back on if you ever feel like giving up.”

For once, the cute artificer with the orange bobcut gave Venser a genuine smile as he passed her a glass full of pink liquid that smelled strongly of strawberry.

“I’ll be counting on your help then, Venser." She took took her glass and adjusted her bracelet, which was silver with a large blue glowing stone set in it, and clinked her glass with Venser's as they both downed their Pink Footed Boobies.

Several drinks later...

"... But yeah I mean you keep calling me that I get that a lot but ya know... Hic! I mean like, ya know theres a double standard but with me like... I... Hick! Know the Mistress... Hic! Weber! and like, I'm popular there because I give a lot or customers I don't care who they are the... Uhh... Thea... The real boyfriend husband hic lover experience! I'm almost thirty five but yeah I am getting work lately... Here let me show ya."

After slurring nothing but nonsense, Venser leaned in, kissing Nadine full on the mouth, causing her eyes to widen in alarm and pull back.

“Also, come on let's go to my room you genius... Perform an experiment of our own! I'm gonna rut you harder than a breeding bull in mating season..." Venser managed in spite of the slur in her words. His eyes were slightly unfocused, but there was a determined passion in them that would not be dissuaded nor easily quenched.


The sound of the slap was harsh and unmistakable.

A flash of white blinded a drunken Venser as her hand connected with his cheekbone, and then Milla, who was perched on Nadine's shoulder flew at Venser's face and the metal bird began to peck and harass him, most of the patrons falling silent and a few laughing, the sandy haired barmaid Brea was shocked, and her ginger co-worker Natalie was confused.

"Errr! Err! Errr!"

"Ah! Ah! Fuck my cock that hurts!"

Before he could gather his wits, Nadine knocked over her chair and began to stomp away, the sentient metal bird flying after her creator.

"I see the wedding ring on your finger, Venser! How could you?" Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stood with her back to him.

The handsome bearded man rubbed the side of his face and mumbled, a bright red hand print prominent.

"Its all about the love... The togetherness. About everyone being happy. I make- Hic! Good coin working at a brothel and I make people happy! I make my wives happy! I make everyone happy!" Venser protested.

"I'm not happy when you keep trying to woo me. For the last time, I am not interested." Nadine put one foot on the steps, the irritation within her grew and grew, expanding from a mere pebble to a boulder.

"I don't want to talk to you until the Interdimensional Engine is finished."

"Hey, wait! Nadine... Look, I'm sorry and I'll make it up to you." Venser ejaculated.

The short artificer turned to him, arms crossed.

"You will. You're going to help me, and Myron destroy the Luektorem. And you're not going to hit on me once when it comes to that day."

Before descending the stairs and disappearing out of sight, but Venser only grinned and did arm circles, stretchung his arms above his head, infatuated with Nadine's fiestyness and the rejection oh his advances.

Perhaps in destroying the Luektorem, the tangerine haired artificer would finally after so long reward him with sex.

"I WILL have Nadine of Telzar as one of my wives! Make no mistake about that everyone!" Venser declared disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke and appesring atop the bar, arms raised in confidence.

"When the time comes, we will defeat these porcelain monsters and be victorious!"

There were mostly a few scattered cheers, and the barmaids Brea Rowland and Natalie Nash both sighed watching their boss's antics.

And the time for battle was near...

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