The Brooker Cousins {18+ NSFW Story}

in #fiction4 years ago

The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1439 ATC

In the evening lights of the Dragon's Head, on a small stage beside the bar, before the patrons Venser mumbled to himself and gently turned his home white guitar.

It was also what brought two young ladies from the nearby town of Aline, Mercy and Kelsey Brooker to sit at this man's performance, having been curious what kind of entertainers or interesting travelers they would meet at the Dragon's Head, a tavern on the side of the road that was known to attract all sorts of interesting creatures from all walks of life. Born as cousins and raised as sisters. Kelsey had fair skin and sharp brunette hair, her womanly curves were yet to fully fill in, giving her a dainty appearance. What she lacked in curves she made up in presentation, her every step, word, and motion a testament of gentleness. Mercy, on the other hand, was cut from an entirely different block. She had a long mane of untamable crimson that hung over lightly freckled skin. She had grown quickly, easily filling in her dress years ago. Her breasts stood on prominent display, accentuated by the tight cut of her bodice and hidden support offered by the bust of her dress.

The pair sat side-by-side in rapt attention. They recognized Venser from the Karkaldwin's Fine Cannabis and Snuffs posters and had a unique reputation around the lands of Pyrldahn and Vorland great enough to hold even the interest of teenage women. They were no stranger to his list of accolades, from having saving the God Queen of Pryldahn and being her jester to being not from this world, an incubus from Coldwraught. How much truth lay within these accounts was anyone's guess, though none have ever claimed to be disappointed after his amusements.

A single, sharp motion brought the instrument up and fingers to rest upon the strings. Venser cleared his throat and stood tall, channeling his entertainer spirit, born of equal parts skill and confidence as the tavern seemed to quiet down. Behind the bar, the sandy haired barmaid Brea Rowland smiled and leaned against the bar watching. At a table the fox faced, redheaded barmaid Natalie Nash turned to watch as well, and gave a smile and a nod to her boss.

"Are we ready?"

Venser Karkaldwin breathed out slowly and straightened up.

The first note sang out, a soft start to a slow melody. The trick would unravel if he showed his hand too soon. He did not need his eyes to see their anticipation. They hung on his every note, convinced that the next would justify the incredible cost of his service. Perhaps he enjoyed this too much, the selfish entertainment of leading them on nearly disrupting his concentration. He eased slowly into his song, growing from the deliberate plodding of the prelude to a rich and vibrant chorus.

He could feel the air move through the room, their very breath chained to every swell and fade as his song took hold. He took great pride in his ability to ensnare an audience with nothing but his skill as he played the guitar beautifully and began to sing, his voice deep and soothing.

"I've been many places, I've travelled 'round the world... Always on the search for something new. But what does it matter? When all the roads I've crossed. Always seem to lead back to you... Old familiar faces. Everyone you meet. Following the ways of the land... Cobblestones and lanterns. Lining every street. Calling me to come home... Again."

His slitted emerald eyes settled upon a pair of girls during the performance that he had never seen before. A young brunette and redhead. As he made up his mind. With a smile, he launched into what he knew would have to be the best performance of his life.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

All for fun.

Kelsey watched the bard with blank eyes, barely registering anything more than the unearthly beautiful music and the rhythmic motions of his hands and mouth. Every stru. was more beautiful and entrancing than the last until it was all she could do to stay awake and listening. It was then, as the brunette teetered on the edge between wakefulness and sleep, that she began to notice a different feeling. What had before been respect and admiration for his skill slowly transformed into attraction as he moved about the tavern and then right in front of her face, his handsome visage right there, his words lost to her

Kelsey swooned and struggled against her imaginary bonds to reach out to him, yet received nothing but pleasure in return. She wanted nothing more than to pleasure him, yet here she was, trapped in an endless spiral of selfish arousal. The more she struggled, the greater the pleasure until it felt as though a thousand hands stroked her hot, sensitive body with every attempt to move. Her clothes grew hot and confining as her arousal built. Her redheaded cousin Mercy was just the same way, sipping her mug of beer and letting out an excited sigh.

Maybe he really was an incubus?

"Why don't you both join me for a drink after the next song?"

The cousins looked at each other and smiled, and then back to Venser and nodded quickly.

A few minutes later the two found themselves standing before the handsome bearded man in his room as he sat on the edge, watching them while shirtless, showing off his barreled torso.

Kelsey began slowly untying and loosening her dress, yet the pleasure of undressing for him quickly banished any other thought to the back of her mind.

Moments later, she found herself naked in front of the man. The brunette tried to remember how she managed to shed her clothing, yet quickly abandoned her search when it brought no further pleasure. She focused instead on the heat of her arousal, the feeling of blood coursing through her engorged sex. Her wetness flowed freely onto the chair, gathering in a puddle on the floor. Kelsey found her arms free to move and immediately pushed both hands to her slit, stroking and fondling every inch of hot flesh. Instead of pleasure, each touch only deepened her arousal. Nothing, not even rough stimulation of her clitoris brought her even an inch closer to release.

She realized quickly that it was not her body that brought pleasure, but submitting to the music. She needed to do what he wanted, though he left her no clue. Her head turned to see her redheaded cousin Mercy standing beside her, similarly naked and dripping. Her breath came hot and shallow, panting with arousal and pleasure. Their eyes met, unfocused from the trance and lidded with lust. Their bodies moved shakily closer, faces lining up for what they both knew what came next as Vensed let out a low, seductive growl.

The moment their lips touched, the full-body pleasure she felt earlier returned, as did a deep sense of satisfaction at pleasing the handsome bearded man. As their kiss deepened, so did her pleasure. Every slow rake and gentle probe of her tongue into Mercy's mouth brought her ever-so-slightly closer to a cliff of pleasure that felt so very far away. One hand found its way into the redhead's tangled mane, gripping her tightly and pulling her passive partner deeper into her kiss as her tongue explored ever deeper. The other hand found the other woman's breast, two fingers running down from the top to run astride Kelsey's stiff nipple. She felt her touch mirrored on her own breast, sympathetic pleasure given to her as a gift for obedience. The girls gasped in unison as her fingers found a nipple, squeezing softly while circling around her sensitive areola. Each twist was rewarded with a surge of pleasure and a gentle twitch deep inside her sex, as though an invitation to come inside. As Venser worked on them both, Kelsey's hand trailed down her cousin's considerable bust and down her stomach, dragging her nails across the flushed skin. She felt her every touch in real detail on her own body as her hand crested the girl's mound, combing gently through her trimmed, crimson pubic hair.

"Come come, both of you sit beside me now..."

Mercy could do nothing but grip the sheets tightly as her friend's hand stroked the lips of her sodden quim. Not a single muscle in her body obeyed her, even to reciprocate the kiss that explored her mouth. Drool slipped from her mouth as her jaw hung slack and accepting, a reflection of the action at her lower mouth. Kelsey's touch was electric, her own body so much more sensitive than she had ever been when playing with herself. He wanted her passive and accepting and she was more than happy to oblige. If this was the pleasure he could offer, she would do whatever he asked.

She came the moment the other girl's hand slipped inside her sex. Her body fought to move, to shake and writhe, but the music would not allow it. She was a passenger in her own body, riding out the waves of pleasure with nothing but the edge of the chair to grasp and hold tight. Her orgasm faded quickly and did nothing to quench the heat in her groin. A single finger drove deeper and deeper inside her before encountering an obstruction.

Her hands tensed in anticipated pain at the breaking of her maiden head, though it never came. Instead, a sense of ease filled her as the finger pushed through and even deeper inside her. She felt the warm blood trickle out of her, yet the pain never came. The intruding finger was shortly joined by a second, accompanied by a pleasant stretching sensation. They thrust in together while wiggling slightly, their passage eased by the quantity of juices flowing out of her.

The rhythmic thrusting of Mercy's fingers faded, merging into a single point of fixation and ultimate pleasure. The music itself was filling her, stroking her to climax with every swell and denying her release with each fade. She gave up struggling to move, simply accepting what was given to her as he wished.

The finale approached and Mercy could feel it. Her fingers worked at a frenzied pace to keep up with the music. Her fingers twisted like hooks, exploring Kelsey's walls for her hidden pleasure spot. The end was coming and so was her release. Her fingertips scraped a small patch of over-sensitive flesh, drawing forth a pair of moans that met in Kelsey's thoroughly violated mouth. Her eyes opened to see Kelsey's, rolled back and distant. She barely moved her fingers, pressing and rubbing the spot in short circles while rubbing her palm against the girl's pearl.

Kelsey's cunt contracted around her fingers, mirroring the motions in her own needy pussy. For the first time, Mercy broke off the kiss as her head lolled back in sympathetic ecstasy. Her orgasm came hard, radiating from the patch of sensitive flesh inside her and washing through the rest of her body. Her body clenched, strangling the moan in her throat. Every motion of her fingers increased the pleasure coursing through her, drawing out her climax to the point that she question when it would end. Her head grew light as she came, a powerful feeling of vertigo overwhelming her but doing little to stop her fingering or her orgasm. With a final contraction, she felt a spray of fluid against her inner thighs and slumped into Kelsey's prodigious breasts, heaving.

Venser just chuckled and hooked his thumbs into the band of his pants as he watched the girls. The smaller brunette had collapsed into the lap the busty redhead, hair soaking in a pool of the girl's juices, panting. And he hadn't gotten to do anything yet.

The handsome bearded man's erection was threatening to cut its way out of his baggy red pants. He freed himself in a hurry he was far from finished with those two. His cock sat upright from his lap, slowly leaking precum as he tested the water.

"I have an idea. Both of you, on your knees in front of me."

The cousins obeyed, falling onto their hands and knees before their eyes had even opened. The power of his enchantment dragged their exhausted bodies towards him. They crawled without sight to sit at his feet, obedient and still. He smiled to himself and stood there with his lean, muscular body on full display.

The handsome bearded man sat before her, looking expectantly at her over the tip of his cock. Mercy had never seen such a cock, but she was certain that his would be perfect for her. Her hands came to rest on his knee as she crawled over him to bring her face to his crotch. His smell overwhelmed her as it imprinted in her memory. Everything about him, even his smell and taste, was worthy of her admiration. She grasped him by the root and took his head inside her mouth. Making sure to leave plenty of shaft for her cousin as she slipped up beside her.

Impromptu threesomes were definitely not new to Ven, though having a pair of beautiful young woman to have fun with was something he could never tire of as the girls started to kiss his head. Their lips formed a seal around his tip while their tongues prodded and played with him, paying special attention to the rim.

Four hands massaged whatever they could reach, cupping and squeezing his balls while stroking his thighs, stomach, and chest. Twin tongues worked slowly down his shaft, half-closed mouths kissing and sucking on their way. The synchronized licking and sucking was incredibly arousing but ultimately unfulfilling. Too distracted for words, he grabbed Kelsey's head and positioned it above the head of his cock, thrusting up and into her mouth.

The girls took the hint, switching positions to better service the handsome bearded man. Mercy knelt lower, kissing and suckling his scrotum and devoting both hands to his testicles. Kelsey, meanwhile, built a steady rhythm, bouncing her head up and down on his cock. It was obvious they were inexperienced but it mattered little, sheer devotion and enthusiasm making up for lack of practice. The redhead Mercy's tongue held flat against his head and pushed him to the roof of her mouth, creating a slippery yet tight channel.

Kelsey altered her technique, abandoning long strokes in favor of focusing on his head. Her tongue working in a frenzy, rolling and flicking the sensitive patch on the underside of his tip while she thrust him in and out with dizzying speed, never taking in more than half an inch past his crown. Venser's hips thrust up at the new stimulation, taken aback by the sudden change of tempo and pressure. Her mouth turned sideways, forcing him into her cheek. Her speed never changed even as she trapped him between her cheek and massaging tongue, trapping his glans in a tight but incredibly elastic passage. His hands gripped her tightly as his body tensed in preparation, though it was not to be. Kelsey sensed the man's approaching climax and released him from her mouth, grasping him by the root and licking in slow strokes from the base to his head. The handsome bearded man teetered on the edge of orgasm, too aroused to come down but without enough stimulation to make the final push.

Venser did his best to catch his breath as he recovered, intent on giving the other girl a chance. Mercy did not make it easy on him, her slow licks and gentle stimulation making his rod twitch in her grasp. Her deep blue eyes stared into his from underneath her tangled mass of crimson hair, damp with sweat and who knows what else. He stopped her before he lost himself in her ministrations, pushing her off and ordering them to switch.

The pair responded immediately, Kelsey taking position between his legs as Mercy crawled up his chest, bringing her hand-filling breasts up to his face in offering, one he would gladly accept. Her hands stroked his scalp, running through his messy black hair and down the back of his neck. She pressed him deeper into her bust as he licked and sucked whatever flesh found its way before him. His hands joined the effort, groping and slowly stroking her mounds. Her leg wrapped around his chest, pulling him in close as he found her nipple with his mouth. She pressed her hips into his side, softly pressing and rubbing her clit against him while he sucked and gently nipped her sensitive bud.

Kelsey took her time to size up his length while Mercy practically smothered him in her bust. A brief flash of envy passed through her as she watched him struggle to hold the full weight of her rack. Focusing instead on the task at hand, she wrapped both hands around his well-lubricated cock and began to stroke. Her hands pumped in opposite directions, meeting at the midpoint of his length before twisting gently and once again separating. Her mouth descended on his tip, holding it in and sucking Venser's thick length.

Venser was already close to orgasm from Kelsey's turn and felt his orgasm resting on a hair trigger. Every slow stroke of the brunette's hands elicited a twitch of his hips as his climax approached. He could do nothing to stay his imminent release, electing instead to redouble his efforts on the bust presented to him. One arm slid around her back to pull her in closer while the other hand pulled and squeezed on her breast as though milking. He would not have been too surprised if she did let out milk, considering the fervency of his sucking and nibbling on her overused nipple.

Venser held Mercy close as he thrust into Kelsey's hands, his orgasm but a few pumps away. The brunette struggled to contain his trusts, gripping tighter still to maintain her grip and keep him from impaling her throat on his cock. The increased stimulation was all he needed to pull the trigger on his climax. He moaned into Mercy's nipple as he thrust up in release. Her mouth held tightly over his head as it was flooded with cum, splattering around as her tongue pressed against his hole. Throughout his orgasm, her hands never stopped stroking, wringing his thick cock for every drop of seed.

Kelsey the brunette released his head, careful not to let any of his cum escape. She turned to her cousin as she stood, grabbing a hold of her face and pulling her in for a kiss. Small trails of Venser's delicious seed leaked from their lips, running down the busty redhead's chin in slow streams before dripping into her cleavage. The milky white stained Mercy's freckled skin as it flowed, mixed with the couple's saliva. It seemed to the handsome bearded man that every last drop had found its way onto her skin with nothing left in their mouths as their kiss broke. Lines of saliva connected their wet and cum-stained lips as Kelsey sank to her cousin's breasts. Her tongue ran through the gap between the other woman's breasts, licking up his seed as though it were too precious to waste on skin. Her tongue finished with the redhead's breasts and traveled up her neck to lick clean her chin and lips. Her head tilted back, eyes closed as she savored the taste of Venser's sweet cream in her mouth. She made an act of swallowing, tracing the lump with her hand as it spilled down her throat.

Kelsey shuddered as she swallowed, overcome with the pleasure of serving her master. She had no idea what he did to her mind, but she knew that she was loving every second of it. Venser showed her pleasure like she had never felt before, and she wanted to share this pleasure with him, to let him show her more and worship his cock.

The thought reminded her of the aching need between her legs. Her hand dipped slightly into her lips and came out soaked, dragging a thick rope of her fluids with it. The brunette could bear the wait no longer, rolling to her back onto the red and turquoise silk sheets and spreading her legs. Kelsey looked up to him, his cock still hard after her service, and whined.

The sound surprised even her, though seeing first-hand her submission and lust did nothing but deepen both. She needed him inside her and would literally beg if she needed to. Fortunately, it seemed as though it was unnecessary as he fell to his knees and crawled up to position himself between her spread thighs. Her redheaded cousin, Mercy, laid down next to her, directed by their master to lay on her arms and knees, rear up and presented and legs slightly spread. Their eyes met as they lay in wait, lidded with arousal. Kelsey reached out to stroke her cousin's hair as she felt a pleasant weight come to rest upon her. She looked down to see the handsome bearded man standing between her legs, cock rubbing gently over her pubic hair as he turned to Mercy, slipping his fingers between the lips of her pussy. The redhead moaned softly, her warm breath washing over her face as Venser's hand began to move, stimulating the full length of her slit as it stroked her. Ksey's fascination at watching Mercy get fingered ended as a heavy pressure built at her inner lips.

Venser pushed forward slowly, wary that breaching her maiden head too roughly would be painful, something he already made sure the redhead would not need to worry about. Feeling the obstruction pressed against his tip, he thrust in quickly, hoping a quick rupture would be less painful. Kelsey gasped and clenched below him in some obvious discomfort. His thumb rolled over her clit as he slowly eased himself in, hoping to drown out the pain with pleasure.

Within seconds, Mercy was already bucking and gasping at Venser playing with her cunny. Unable to thrust fully into the other girl, he took out his lust on the cunt presented before him, rubbing it with long strokes. He was careful to avoid her pearl at first, concerned that the sensation may be painful. Despite his efforts, the redhead did everything she could to thrust her nub in the path of his fingers so he quickly gave up and stroked with impunity, drenching them with her sweet nectar.

His hand moved on its own as he refocused his efforts on the brunette village woman in front of him. Kelsey seemed to have passed the pain of deflowering, giving him leave to increase his pace and depth. His thumb circled around her clit as his thrusts grew ever deeper. Fluids poured from her accepting snatch every time he withdrew. His slitted emerald eyes flicked between watching her walls stretch around and pull on him with every thrust and the shallow gasps of her mouth as she lost herself in ecstasy. Ven could feel her shaking breaths and pounding heartbeat through their connection, so tight was her grip around his cock.

The full length of her pale, toned legs were on display for him, her ankles still firmly in her grasp near her head. Venser wished to simply lay atop her, pull her body tightly to his and breed her. He would have, had it not been for the redhead who currently occupied his other hand.

Threesomes were all about compromise, after all.

Venser's rough hand remained on autopilot, stroking his across her pussy by memory, playing without his knowledge what was ingrained most deeply within his mind.

Oblivious to the actions of his hand, he continued to ravage the brunette with impunity. Kelsey lost her grip on her ankles, resting them now against his shoulders. The table supported only her shoulders, the rest of her body arched in pleasure as her legs leveraged against him. Her cunt tightened around him as her breath drew short, signaling the arrival of her first orgasm. Her body rippled in pleasure around him as moans escaped her slack mouth. Arousal had kept her on edge until now and a recent ejaculation provided the handsome bearded man with the endurance he needed to ride out her early orgasm, thrusting unperturbed into her quivering cunt. He gave Kelsey no time to recover, maintaining his pace even as she shook from post-orgasmic sensitivity. He drove on, entirely dedicated to filling her with seed no matter how many times she came. By the looks of it, she was going to cum a lot.

Mercy regarded her cousin's expression with equal parts amusement and arousal, laughing at her silly expression while yearning for the fullness and warmth she felt. She felt only pleasure as she drifted and enjoyed the feeling of Venser's fingers twisting inside of her like a screwdriver.

The brunette's limbs grew heavy as her head pressed comfortably into the sheets. Kelsey barely registered her position as her legs spread and raised to better present herself to the handsome bearded man, her nipples tingle as they dragged across the bed. She felt as though wrapped in a blanket of pleasure and comfort, content in his control even if it existed only in her mind.

Venser felt his climax rise in time with his partner's. Kelsey was approaching her fifth orgasm since he penetrated her and had long-since lost the will to do anything but accept what he gave her. She hung limply from his shoulders, moving on her own only when she climaxed. Knowing that he was at the end of his rope, his free hand gripped her hip and pulled her onto him as he thrust more deeply than ever, intent on seeding her deepest reaches. For one final time, her cunt squeezed tightly around him, contracting in waves and milking him for all he had. Venser grunted out as he slammed home, releasing his load deep inside, spurred on to press and grind by her breathless moans.

When at last his orgasm subsided, he fell panting into her arms, content to simply sit inside her for some time. Ven turned to see the bustier cousin Mercy still panting as he pulled out.

Kelsey watched Venser stroke himself to hardness as he aligned himself behind the enraptured redhead. She scooted across the bed lubricated by her own juices, to place her dripping quim in front of her cousin's slack mouth. Kelsey massaged her own breasts as a couple of seconds later Mercy's tongue lashed out and into her waiting sex, diving deep into her still-sensitive flesh. She gasped at the sudden, exuberant contact, reaching down to pull the woman deeper into her cunt.

The intruding tongue dug deep inside her, eagerly seeking out the mixture of arousal and fresh cum. Her fingers ran through the hair of the girl between her legs, restraining her gently as she gasped and moaned into her cunt. It seemed as though the redhead was enjoying this as much as she was, likely a reciprocal pleasure like she felt earlier. Kelsey envied her cousin as the handsome bearded man lined up behind Mercy, curious how it would feel to be eaten out and fucked at once. She would have to try it later.

Venser's hands gently stroked Mercy's ass as he positioned his cock at her drooling entrance. The redhead offered no resistance to his intrusion, her cunt open and accepting despite being only recently broken in. It twitched around him as he pressed inside, reacting to the phantom sensations implanted by his suggestion. Ven pushed in without pause, rutting into her without thought. It took only a few seconds for her first orgasm, her cunt gripping spasmodically at his cock. His eyes roamed freely, taking in the soft, jiggling curves of the redhead as well as the lithe, twitching body of the brunette she so voraciously ate out.

Kelsey's mouth pressed rhythmically into her partner's quim as he battered her pussy with unbridled lust. Every thrust was met by her shaking hips, announced by a wet slapping noise and light splatter of her lubrication as his cock parted her inner walls. They moved together as one, a single mind directing three bodies in a chorus of pleasure as each approached and inevitable climax.

Every thrust brought the trio closer as their breaths reduced to strangled gasps and panting. Sweat and cum drenched the table, coating each of them as they twisted and writhed, too exhausted to make a final push yet too aroused to simply give up. Kelsey came first, collapsing under the dual stimulus. She moaned and dug deeper into her cousin's pussy, igniting her orgasm only seconds before her own contractions finally drew the final load out of the handsome bearded man. Gratefully accepting his sperm as it pooled inside her. A cacophonous cry sounded as the three climaxed simultaneously, shouting out to announce their orgasms before collapsing into a pile, exhausted and thoroughly sated.

"Oh that was... I can't even describe it..." Breathed Mercy. Her cousin could only smile and nod, letting out a happy sigh as they stretched out and soon Venser had a girl on both sides of him, wrapping the sheets around all three of them as they slowly fell into a truly peaceful sleep.

Tomorrow as soon as they could, they would all share a bath and Venser would return them both home to the town of Aline and then would visit them often.

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