Shishkebab Massage Lassage

in #fiction4 years ago

Villa De Karkaldwin, Pryldahn,1439 ATC

Venser and Maggie appeared on a long dirt road beside a large field of cannabis, a few people worked in the fields and picked it and a few men in crimson and turqouise tabsrfd rode around on horses watching them. Ahead of Maggie and Venser was his estate.

Villa De Karkaldwin. His family home.

The estate itself was a two story house made of elaborate marble decorations, inlaid marble paneling, door jambs and columns as well as expensive paintings and murals, built around a courtyard.

''Come,'' Venser said taking Maggie's hand. They entered the atrium, which was open in the center surrounded at least in part by high-ceilinged porticoes that often contained only sparse furnishings to give the effect of a large space. In the was a pool with a statue of a nude woman with godly, draconian features holding up a giant egg in the middle of the floor, with a bench in front of it.

Seyr of the Pryldahnian Trinity, the fertility goddess. Mother of all.

There was a peristyle garden at the back adding to the airy feeling of the house. Every room is uncluttered and elegant with high ceilings and wide doors. The walls were brightly painted and the spots that were bare were soon to be covered with art by the resident painter, Polina.

"'What do you think?'' He asked sitting down on a stone bench.

Already when they entered, Maggie raised her eyebrows and gave a slow whistle.

"Quite nice, Venser. Quite nice indeed I would say", the heavily pregnant redhead said with a grin as she stood in the middle of the room, examining the decorations running along the walls.

"Who owned this? Or did you build the whole place yourself?"

The buxom redhear waddled a bit to the bench in front of the small pool where Venser was already sitting and finally seated herself with a relieved sigh, crossing her hands over the round belly sitting on her lap.

''Some other merchant who went out on his debts.'' Venser said breathing in the fresh air, looking to Maggie with a smile.

''Got it for a good price. I think... Somewhere around eight thousand... A little less since God Queen Y'vvone pulled some strings for me."

Ven shrugged.

"Still had to pay because landowners and all still have to make coin... But yeah."

The God Queen herself pulling strings for him? That was not something you never heard.

"Well, seems you have things pretty well laid out for you", Maggie said, nodding to the man. "If your offer still stands, I would like to stay here, at least few months until the baby is born. Can you show me my room?"

''Only about five months or so?'' Venser asked standing up from the bench, stretching his legs out. ''I was hoping we'd share my room, but I suppose I can show you to one of the guest rooms. Well, it's better for the pregnant women. Ahem. Follow me.''

He said walking off, a few servants passed them, notably scantily clad elvish women carrying laundry, all of them topless.

"Yes, it should be just about a month before the baby is born", Maggie said as she followed Venser.

"But I would appreciate the chance to spend time here even after the delivery. Rest and recover, you might say. We'll see how it goes from there okay?"

She took notice of the elven maidservants passing by and silently shook her head.

"I hope I did make it clear to you Venser... I do appreciate the offer of me staying here, but I won't be your mistress. I am grateful to accept your kindness, as long as there are no strings attached."

''What do you mean by that?''

The handsome bearded man asked as they passed through a large room with plenty of couches and tables, a servant was cleaning out the fireplace.

"Does that mean-'' He cut himself off short. ''Right. And then I already have a nursery...''

"I just meant what I said", Maggie answered calmly.

"I am happy to be your guest here, as long as I don't need to think that I owe you Like for example sharing the room, or the bed with you."

''And that counts as a service? Sharing a room and bed with me?'' Venser asked heading up the stairs, passing a suit of black and crimson armor with a curved helmet, missing the gauntlets and several other pieces to it.

"It does - if I feel it is required of me as some kind of payment for your kindness. Not otherwise." Maggie followed Venser up the stairs, moving slower since she struggled a bit with her pregnant form.


Venser said stopping at the second door on the right, a bust of a dragon sat near the window in front of it. He opened the door and it revealed a medium sized room with a queen sized bed with grey silk sheets, multiple pillows, an ordinary table, a washbasin, a large wooden wardrobe, a few chairs, and a dresser with a mirror. Basic compared to most of the estate.

''Still need to do lots of things with the place.''

The buxom redhead waddled in, taking a look around and smiling approvingly. "It will do very nicely. Thank you Venser, thank you a lot."

She said, heading to the bed and taking a seat. "I hope you understand what I said earlier. It is not because I would find you revolting or anything, you must understand that", she explained.

"It's just that...I have given up the life where I sell my body for material gain. And whether the payment is done in silver or in accomodation, it would still be the same. I would love to stay here, but under no obligations. If you are fine with that, I would be very grateful to be able to spend time as your guest."

''I've already accepted for you sake and the baby's.'' Venser said with a shrug, sitting beside Maggie on the bed.

''Why did you in the first place, if I may ask?''

"Did what?", she asked, looking at the man seated on the bed next to her. It was a very, very comfortable bed, and Maggie started to feel sleepy just by sitting on it.

''Give up on life and start selling your body?'' Venser asked mishearing the first part of it. ''I take you really needed the money?''

"Yes. I needed the money... There really was no other reason", Maggie said with a weary look on her face.

"It certainly is not something I'm proud of, but at the time it seemed to me the only way to support myself. It was either that or thieving. I guess out of those two options, prostitution is not less honorable than stealing."

''What was your life like growing up?'' Venser asked softly, wrapping an arm around her for comfort.

''I never did ask...''

Maggie went a bit tense when Venser wrapped his arm around her, but she didn't draw away.

"Hard but happy I could say", Maggie answered. "You met my mother before, years ago. The heavy-set woman in Lindow, running the tavern with me? We were not rich but we were safe and happy in our own way I guess."

She turned to the handsome bearded man with the pretty emerald eyes and smiled.

"There is no need to look back to my history to find out why things went the way they did. It was just bad luck falling on me. Heaps of it at the same time."

''I don't exactly remember meeting her... Hmm, yeah I remember Lindow. Didn't you take in a stray dog or something there? Safe and happy, ran a tavern... Whatever happened to it?''

"Well, Lindow turned sour. There were... Incidents. Mother left back to live with our relatives, I went the other way, didn't want to go back and be buried alive in that dusty old town where we came from", Maggie said. "I used to work as a weaver and a seamstress, but I hurt my hand and couldn't do that for a while. I was fired and had no one to take care of me. Went hungry and... Well, when you are hungry you are surprisingly open to all sorts of suggestions."

''You had family to go back to though.'' Venser said stopping himself again.

''Well... Yes... But I suppose you got used to living by your lonesome, yes? Like when I saw you again those months ago in that little cabin of yours. And... I know what it's like. I do... A lot of things to provide all the food I can for my family." Venser replied. He did still white himself out and Mistress Webber or The Golden Minx always wanted him to work there. But he said nothinf about it.

''Yes, I had. But I didn't want to. Besides, mother lived weeks away from me, and I was penniless and starving. You don't look for long-term solutions in a moment like that, you just want bread", Maggie said.

"I am sure that now, looking back, I could figure out what I might have done differently. But I didn't then, and what's done is done. Now Ayalia is behind me, as is Lindow."

''When I was twenty two, I left Armonia, the capital of Pantia where I lived and traveled. Just got my powers and... I just wandered north.'' Venser said looking off the painted wall, thinking back on his past.

''Killed, stole... Took up dangerous mercenary work since I was able...''

He cleared his throat.

''And making it to the frontier of Pantia.. Natives, flying serpents, trying to find a place to rest the night... Those flowers that shot poisonous barbs at you, those were fucking awful. But,'' He rested his head on Maggie's.

''What's done is done. This is my home now. And here, everyone I care about, this is all my world.''

"Yeah, that's what I say. History is fixed, you can't change it. You can learn from it, and you definitely should, but there is no point in mulling over what might have been", Maggie said. "Besides, it could have been worse. I spent only couple of years doing that, not more. Some poor women waste their whole lives sleeping around for money." Rising up, Maggie walked to the wardrobe that almost echoed its emptiness. "I think I will be comfortable here, thanks to you Venser. Since I didn't go home to pack anything else with me, do you think you could help me with getting some more outfits? It gets tiresome to just wash this one time and time over?"

''Of course, I've the money. But I can also go back and grab your stuff?'' Venser suggested. ''Teleporting really helps... Did help when I just planeswalked away from Pantia.'' He got up and now stood near the window, looking out at the cannabis fields.

''Grew up in an orphanage, now look at me.''

''Yes, you've done well for yourself", Maggie said, turning to look at Venser. The man had, in fact, done surprisingly well. But at the same time Maggie could not notice how clearly proud he was of his achievements. Almost as if still looking for some kind of validation. "You have become a man who does not rely on others, but rather, others rely on you. That is power. And I think you are using it responsibly. I hope you do."

The buxom then grabbed the hem of her dress and smiled a bit awkwardly.

"To be honest, I don't have much back there that would fit me anymore. I would really need someone to make a new dress for me before I burst out of this one as well", she chuckled.

The handsome bearded man rarely thought about the past, but staring out the window he started to remember how far he had come, everything he's lost, how bad his luck was, how much he suffered wandering in his early years with nothing, his friends that have died.

He went silent for a few minutes and nodded his head. ''Yes, there are many dressmakers and shops in the capital. My... Shes like my adopted sister, Thorn makes clothes as well."

"Wonderful, please send a word to them sometime. No hurry though, I can still go around in these old rags for a while", Maggie chuckled. She walked to stand next to Venser by the window. Even though shorter than the man, Maggie had to weigh considerably more than he, but still she leaned a bit to the man, seeking comfort from his presence if nothing else.

"I really do appreciate what you are doing, Ven. I do. I think my luck has turned, and may Lady Luck bring you good fortunebecause of that as well."

Venser smiled and let out a soft sigh. ''I'm glad to hear that. And the servants will tend to anything you'd like...''

"That's good. I couldn't help noticing that you have pretty... Nice group of young, beautiful elf maidens serving your estate", Maggie said with a smirk.

"I'm lucky I don't need to compete with them, now do I? Where are your other lovers and children?""

Venser laughed. ''Yeah.'' He went quiet again watching the rest work in the fields, the men in green and red uniforms watching over them from their horses.

''I take real good care of them here. And... Well, it's a big house. Somewhere."

"Who are they? The workers on the field I mean. Your servants or your slaves?", Maggie asked, still leaning against Venser.

''The latter.'' Venser said, frowning a bit. ''But I prefer servants. I mean... Compared to others in Pryldahn, they pretty much are. I treat them way better than any other slaves.'' He turned his head a bit.

''Do you know how they look at the markets? More than half of them in their stalls are dirty and sickly. They deserve to be treated better. We take care of them... They take care of us."

Maggie Drake was not one to judge, knowing that sometimes being a slave to a benevolent master was way better than being a servant to a cruel miser.

"I haven't been to the slave market, but I can only imagine. At least here they seem healthy and well-fed", she said, a bit reserved in her tone but not challenging Venser on this.

"Speaking of being well-fed, I would hate to interrupt but when do you think we are going to eat? I think the little one in my tummy wants something soon."

''They are. I let them grow their own food. Better than being shoved in a stall...'' He turned around and said, ''Shall we have a big feast then? I mean more of a late lunch... Snack. But yeah."

"A big feast?", Maggie said with a chuckle. "I didn't mean that. I just meant I would like to eat something. But of course I like feasts just as any other pregnant lady."

The buxom, blue eyed redhead said with a grin. "Although I think I should watch what I eat at least until you get those seamstresses to come over. This poor dress is already stretched as far as it can go", she laughed.

Venser laughed with her.

"I'll have to find some very reputable ones and get them here.''

He took her pale hand in his.

''In Pryldahn many people just eat and lounge around on their couches, rather than a dinner table. Or at least at home.''

"Would that be an option as well?", Maggie asked, grinning but clearly intrigued by the idea. "To be honest, I wouldn't mind a meal served to bed right now, I am not only hungry, but also quite weary after this morning. Do you think that would be proper?"

''I don't care.'' He shrugged. ''People eat in bed all the time. I've a whole set up for it, trays and everything.''

Venser nuzzled her head and moved past her. ''What would you like exactly?''

"Well, whatever you can make quickly. I don't mean to sound too demanding, but I am feeling rather ravenous", Maggie chuckled, knowing that the man would probably be doing the cooking himself.

"Meat, some sort, would be always appreciated. And maybe fruit for dessert? It's a rather hot day so nothing too heavy I guess, but lots of it please", she laughed.

Moving to the bed, the voluptuous woman with G cup breasts kicked off her shoes and climbed on the mattress, putting one pillow on top of the other to give her a nice backrest and then leaned against the headboard, her pregnant tummy spreading on the mattress between her legs. Not feeling too awkward around the man, she actually started opening the straps of her dress, making it more comfortable for herself.

At this stage of her pregnancy the dominating feature, obviously, was her rounded belly, but even apart from that Maggie seemed to be glowing with energy and contentment. Her features were softer than before, the bones in her shoulders no longer visible, and as she opened the few top buttons, her quivering bosom and the cleavage came to view. Maggie had always been topheavy, but with the pregnancy kicking in, her bust had grown to truly spectacular proportions, the heavy breasts lazily resting on both sides of her pregnant belly.

He was gone for a few minutes but returned with two plates on a silver tray with supports so she could put it on her lap, one with beef shishkebab that he had heavily spiced, and another of fruit slices of a wide variety

"It helps to be able to teleport. Magic. So helpful ya know? So much mana in the air I can do all this and that... Supervise while I build onto the house."

While he was gone, the buxom had made herself comfortable, laying on the queen-sized bed like a queen herself. When the meal was brought to her, a smile broke on her face and her belly gurgled. Setting the tray on the bed next to the buxom redhead, her pregnant tummy too large now to leave any room on her lap. Maggie nodded thanks to Venser before digging in.

"Add more to the house?", she repeated between bites.

"It's a real mansion already as it is...what more could you possibly need?"

''Well right now I'm in the process of moving things into the study...'' Venser said, pulling up a chair, picking up one of the beef shishkebab sticks for himself.

''And I want to add a trophy room to make myself look respectable towards the guests, ya know, having to show off and such. A training room. More rooms for the family... A big greenhouse. I recently had a fish hatchery built."

Maggie smiled at the thought of a 'trophy room' but said nothing. Venser Karkaldwin was, quite honestly, rather full of himself. But she knew better not to bite the hand that was feeding her.

Currently quite literally!

"Well, if you have all the basics covered already, nothing stops you from showing off I guess. Do you get a lot of visitors around here, if you don't mind me asking?"

Maggie moved swiftly from one kebab to the other.

Seemed the redhead had developed quite the appetite already!

''No, not really since I'm still in the process of moving in. And I'm busy with having to travel for business or taking care of the tavern or my kids... Making sure they are all provided for...''

He shrugged and bit into his food.

''That's why I have slaves. And they weren't cheap. So they can take care of a few things here that'd take me ages to do alone. And my wives help, when they aren't busy with their own work. Sometimes outside of home."

"Got it. So how many kids do you have again?"

Maggie asked, another piece of meat disappearing into her mouth. "It would be nice to meet them soon. How old are they? And the mothers live here too right?"

Questions flowed out from her mouth between every bite. One by one Maggie went through the delicious meat skewers, generally eating three for every one Venser had, until she finally leaned back and crossed her hands over her full belly.

"That was one excellent meal... Should keep me going... Or sleeping until the dinner", she sighed, content.

''Five little tots. Priscilla is on here way... Along with four... Quintuplets. Still trying to figure out names. Hmmm Polina... Might just... Eh."

Venser said with a soft moan, gesturing to his shishkebab.

''Yeah its... Yeah. I grilled the meat and the vegatables mostly myself. Had the slaves tend and watch to them while I perfect them..."

Venser trailed off actually trying to think of names for he and Galaxteah's children now.

"That is a lot of kids... Are they all from different mothers?", Maggie asked, picking her teeth to remove a piece of lamb stuck between them.

"It sounds like you have quite some harem here, now doesn't it?" She was mostly joking with this, albeit Maggie could not know for sure what kind of a relationship the man had with all these lovers of him.

''Soarin and Lucinda have the same mother, ya know, being twins. And Elanaea, Asher, and Rowena have different mothers.''

Venser nodded his head and was quiet serious.

''Well polygamy is the norm in Pryldahn... Strange, I have a lesser dragon for one wife. And not a single Pryldahnian woman despite there are more of them than males.''

"Hey, no judgement from me", Maggie said with a chuckle.

"Are they actually your wives? Or just... Lovers who also happen to have your children? Not that it's necessarily my business to ask, I guess I would just like to know what the relationship is before I actually encounter them."

The busty redhead asked. She let out a small burp, and stretched a bit.

"You've done so much already, but I was wondering, Venser, would it be too much to ask if you could massage my shoulders and neck a bit? I have these headaches quite often these days", Maggie said, rubbing the back of her neck.

''Lovers who have had my children. Trying, or even thinking to-'' Venser cut himself off and cleared his throat, getting up from his seat and setting the shishkebab stick down on the table, moving behind Maggie to massage her shoulders, slowly rubbing them.

''Naw. I used to be real good at this but really out of practice. When I was young I considered it for a living... Massages. I did this once or twice at The Golden Minx..."

"Trying what?" Maggie asked, finding it impossible not to pry. When the man's fingers sank into her sore shoulders she grimaced, but sighed soon with relief.

"It's good Venser... Even if you are out of practice I can really feel that's helping. The old midwife who lived under me before I came here.. She was saying it's because of my bust. Can't really do anything about it I guess so massage is the only option."

''Get married and such. Get married a lot.'' Venser said pulling down on her fabric a bit to properly massage certain muscles.

''Of course this would work better if you had nothing on and you were laying on your stomach. But clearly you can't do that right now.''

"Yeah, with this", Maggie chuckled, patting her massively pregnant belly, "I would just be a teeter-totter if I tried to lay down."

She nonetheless opened a few more buttons to give more loose fabric so Venser could reach in better.

"So around here polygamy would not be accepted, is that the thing you are saying?", Maggie asked, her eyes closed as the man worked on her aching muscles.

"Do you think they would want to marry you if it was possible?"

''Or possibly hurt the baby...'' He said smoothing out his hands over her skin, rubbing her back more.

''No it is. Just... The ceremonies and asking them and then asking each other if they'd be okay with it and all...'' Venser shrugged.

''Maybe. Pretty sure. But they've responsibilities of their own that would conflict with it. So many women how am I gonna marry them all ya know?"

"Responsibilities? That sounds interesting... What possibly could it be that prevents them from marrying you? Unless they are already married with someone else... Huh?"

Maggie smiled a bit as she went through the thought.

"You really work beautifully there Venser. If you promise you don't try anything I guess I should just take off the top. It's not like you haven't seen me already naked..."

''No. Kari was the guardian of her village and has to train. Sedna is- Well, was exiled, but now she's being accepted back as a princess after some vague things that proved her innocence of something happened... Might ask Angel and Selina too but they can't stand each other and it'd be awkward... And I've- Well I probably could.''

He was babbling on now and he cleared his throat again.

''Yeah, we've seen each other naked.''

''They have all these reasons, but still they are moving here to live with you? Somehow that doesn't make sense... Wouldn't Angel and Seline hate each other just as much if they both live here, no matter whether they are you wives or not?"

Maggie shook her head, it really wasn't her concern, the redhead reminded herself. And it was confusing.

"Ah, but you will do what is best I know." She then started to open the remaining buttons of her dress and let it slide off her shoulders.

''Yeah. Besides, they try to avoid each other so...'' He let out a sigh and pulled down her dress, freeing her shoulders and top.

''This is what really gets me. But ya know, we'd all be together and taking care of the kids and wouldn't have to be teleporting all over all the time...''

Venser said as his hands glided down Maggie's back, stopping at her lower back to set it and massage it.

"Yeah. Well, maybe things will work out over time", Maggie sighed, feeling the man's fingers travelling across her tense muscles.

"I'll try laying on the bed anyways ok? It's fine for the baby, I'll just see if it's too uncomfortable for me okay?" She stood up, her dress still covering the lower half of her, and started to pile some pillows on the mattress to give her some support. Clumsily climbing on the bed, she laid her pregnant body down with the mattresses propped to her sides so that some of the pressure would be off her belly.

"I think this works..." Maggie mumbled, face against a pillow. Her breasts, squashed against the mattress, spread on both sides of her torso, way too large to be hidden under her anymore.

''Hmm... Should I go grab some oil or are my hands good enough?'' Venser asked placing his hands on her sides for support as he climbed up on the bed with her, smoothing his hands over her from behind.

"I think your hands are just fine as they are... If you use oil now then I need to bathe afterwards and I'm just too lazy to do that." Maggie mumbled.

''Alright just relax and loosen up...'' Venser said rubbing his hands over her entire back slowly, caressing her then rubbing in a circular motion all the way down, and then back up.

''Read books and watched people do this a while back...''

The pregnant matron was silent for a while, some random sighs and moans the only sound she made as Venser worked on her back. The man's touch was pleasant, and despite inflicting some pain like massage always does. She felt the tension in her back loosening. Loosening enough that she began to feel drowsy.

"So what happens when your...lovers arrive with their children? Shall we all live like one family here...?"

Maggie asked with a sleepy voice.

"I might give birth before that... So I wouldn't be as big as a house when I meet all your... Lovers", the woman mumbled. Then after a small pause.

"You probably don't find me very attractive anymore Venser..."

''Yup!'' The handsome bearded man was smiling and sounded happy at the thought of it.

''One big happy family... I mean... I already bust my ass trying to make money... All for them. It's just my duty."

He let a sigh and leaned in, rubbing her neck now.

''I do now. What makes you think I won't find you attractive after you give birth?''

Maggie chuckled a bit at the misunderstanding. "No... Not after birth. Although maybe that as well", she mumbled. "I meant now. I'm so... Big. Everywhere", the woman explained.

"I bet your lovers are all nice and slender and refined... I would just feel like an untrained elephant next to them."

''We'll help you lose the baby fat.'' Venser said getting his fingers really into her shoulder blades.

''You shouldn't compare yourself to them. You are attractive in your own way... Can't you see it?''

Attractive 'in your own way' sounded like a slim comfort to Maggie, who just chuckled and turned her head to grin at Venser.

"I am not comparing actually... That would just make me feel bad. I know I don't really fall in the same category. Especially since you sort of just admitted that they ARE slender and refined unlike me", the woman teased. Turning her head back to the pillow she continued.

"So you think I should try to trim down after delivery? I sure hope I can do it. Never really been good with diets to be honest."

The handsome bearded man let out a soft sigh and had to think of what today for a few moments, he simply gave a small smile and a nod, wrapping his arms tight around the buxom redhead who had come to live with him.

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