A Small Ceromony

in #fiction4 years ago

Chapel of The Trinity, Lower Capital De Seraphim, Pryldahn, 1439 ATC

"... And it was the dragon goddess, Seyr, that breathed life into the sea, that it might flourish with life, teaming for the nourishment of all. It was Seyr that planted the first crop, that grain and corn might grow to feed the starving and those unable to fish, a role later take up by her son, Kore, the God of War and Farming. It was Seyr that created the land. And the roaming creatures, that they might live in balance with one another, nourishing generation to generation. It is in Seyr's eyes that the emotion of love was created, that creatures might mate and reproduce to sustain existence. It is Seyr that held sacred the covenant of marriage, that all creatures might be bound together by the soul in life and death. Upon her death, Seyr's body faded into the ground, creating the grass and the trees, that all creatures might live and dwell in harmony on Laguna. As you know." Explained a Pryldahnian priest in a crimson robe, a metal chain around his neck and a symbol of three dragons eating each others tails in a circle, which represented The Trinity, and in the further aspect, the ruling De Seraphim family.

Venser stood before The Preist of Seyr and The Trinity, with Sanna on his right, and Kari on his left, hand in hand as they all listened and smiled, focusing on each other and the priest, ignoring the pouring rain outside the stained glass windows.

"Are we ready for the vows?" The holy man in the red robe asked as Venser took a step back and the silver blonde cryomancer with the icy blue eyes and the golden gypsy with the intense, green eyes stepped to the side so they were all in a circle now.

“Kari, Sanna... I know we've been together for years... Kari it's been almost more than seven now..."

Kari blinked her icy blue eyes a few times and a warm smile came across her face.

"And it's about time we made it official in front of the gods, sweetie."

The handsome bearded man continued once the blue eyed cryomancer girl let him.

"... Ahem. Sanna, Kari. I swear to be yours. To love you both, and cherish you both... To have you and to hold you, in sickness and in health, in the good times and in the bad. For the rest of my days, I will be yours, both in body and in soul, and I will care, respect, and love you, until the end of days."

A happy smile on both of their faces, Sanna began to cry a few happy tears as she squeezed their hands tightly.

Kari repeated the words, followed by the golden gypsy, as The Priest of Seyr moved around them and wrapped their wrists in black, red, and yellow ribbon.

"And now by The Trinity, you are all bound, for eternity."

Tears glittered in both their eyes as they both looked to Venser. Both of them were now truly his wives, rather than in name only. Either way, since they day they had met him, they all loved each other. And they were all family.

Tears now streamed down Sanna's face, and she made a little sound that was almost a sob. Joy, happiness, pure love… A beautiful bond.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Kari asked as The Priest of Seyr shuffled away to go fetch paperwork.

“Yes Kari... I’m okay. I’m just happy.” She sniffed. “By the Gods. I’m so happy..."

“Its been a long time coming." Vensed said as he shuffled closed, and the three closed the circle as The Priest of Seyr returned, his long draconian tail slapping behind him.

"And now, you may all seal this polygamous union with a kiss each."

“Yes it has..." Kari whispered, and kissed him first. She started it off slow and light, brushing her lips against his, her tongue slid against his, but caressing, feeling. It seemed to last forever, while their breath mingled and she did the same with the beautiful tanned gypsy woman next to her, and the tears spilling down their cheeks mixed together. Sanna pushed yp against Venser's barreled chest and kissed him with the same burning passion she had the very first time they kissed.

Sanna swallowed hard when the kiss ended, her eyes drifting open to gaze into Venser's accursed, emerald snake like eyes, and then into Kari's icy blues, and then down to the golden wedding bands they all shared, and then to their small audience who clapped happily.

It was a small, private ceromony in some obscure chapel in the corner of the capital. Kari's adopted sister, Marvella, had come bear to witness, holding little Rowena, Venser and Sanna's infant daughter. And beside her, Soarin and Lucinda, the small children of Venser and Kari.


Venser gave Sanna and Kari another soft kiss on the lips each and bent down and opened his arms, and the twins hopped off the bench and ran into his arms, with their mother and other mother bending down to their level and sharing the hug.

None of them felt the need to say anything more. And they all wrapped their arms around one another to hold each other close. The three were now officially married, and soon they would marry all the other wives, and truly be the proper Karkaldwin family before the world, and the gods.

Venser closed his eyes for a few soft moments, letting out a deep breath as he held his loved ones close, and thought about how he had longed for a moment like this, and a moment like this he had always imagined and thought out in his head many, many times when he was younger and love hungry.

Well, he always was love hungry, and he thought about that aspect in the moment.

Venser Karkaldwin had a hole in his heart that could never be filled, but his family eased it greatly.

Behind Marvella who held and cared for his infant daughter, Rowena, he saw a bloodied specter.

His first love who he once wanted to marry and start a life together more than anything.

Whose initials he had branded onto the back of his right hand.

Whose life he had taken, along with a man who Venser considered a brother, before fleeing his homeland to wander and eventually come to the planet of Laguna.

Time seemed to stop as the bloodied Specter of His First Love shook her head in disapprovement.

"Despite all this... You are still a murderous, green eyed monster. And you always will be." The girl said before disappearing.


Venser took another deep breath, and pushed her out of his mind. It was nothing but his imagination.

He was a lover, a husband, a father. And despite the fact he still took up dangerous, violent mercenary work here and there and other forms of uncouth jobs everything he did, no matter how he made coin were for the women and children he loved.

"Oh so many women, how am I going to marry them all? What will the other girls think seeing the rings? Their time to marry me will come too but... Right Ven. Don't let your thoughts distract you from the present. Ahem."

And this small happy moment of their marriage was a pleasure beyond anything they had ever dreamed.

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