Diary of a Detectress - 29th Jan 18 – A new home

in #fiction6 years ago

After meeting the mysterious Layla in a café, Sophie Dayton’s fortunes seem to be turning around. Now all she has to do is solve the mystery of why she was expelled from uni.

Dear Diary, 

Layla wasn’t very surprised to hear from me. It might have been something to do with the desperate way I was scrolling through those “to rent” ads yesterday. 

    Note to self:
  • Work more on being subtle. Ie: not broadcasting current predicament to entire surroundings. 
  • When I arrive at the address that Layla gave me, the apartment is pretty much as it looked in the photos. Everything seems like a normal student flat. Speaking of which…

    “Layla, the room is great. I’d love to take it but I have to confess… I’m not actually a student. I WAS a student, but… well, I’m not any more. I don’t know if you thought I was…?” I trail off.

    She grins. “That’s ok, I’m not a student either. It’s not an issue with the council tax if that’s what you’re worried about.”

    “Oh. Cool.” That was unexpected. Makes sense though. She has a certain poise and confidence that comes with earning your way through the world. As opposed to slowly burying yourself under a pile of student debt. Guess I don’t have to worry about that particular headache any longer. Yay.

    “So, when do you want to move in?” she asks.

    “Would today be too soon?” I’d really, REALLY like to never sleep on Shane’s couch again.

    “If you can pay me the deposit first, absolutely not. You need any help bringing your stuff here? My boyfriend’s coming over later and we could fetch you in his car.”

    “Oh my god, that would be wonderful!” All of my stuff in one place again. It seems too good to be true. 

    We arrange to meet at the students’ union later and I bid her goodbye. I haven’t yet met Katie, the other girl who lives in the apartment, but Layla said she’s nice. Quite frankly, she could be a complete misery but as long as she doesn’t walk through my room in the middle of the night and wake me up, it’s all good with me. Layla is apparently the head tenant of the apartment so she gets the final say in who stays anyway. 

    After leaving the apartment, I go to a cash point and draw out enough for the deposit. Then I make a quick stop at Shane’s to collect the stuff I had left there and to update him on the fact that I won’t be gracing his couch any longer. He seems relieved. So am I. It was great that he jumped in when I needed it, but sharing personal space is enough to test the strongest of friendships. I wish him all the best with Jade and he gets that goofy look on his face again. Funny how it seems adorable now that I don’t have to experience their relationship first hand. A little perspective can change everything.

    After that, I go to the students’ union and try out the key that I got from the woman in the admin office last Friday. It fits! My stuff seems to be pretty much all here. Luckily it’s not that much and should fit nicely into a single car-load. There are some advantages to having gone to uni straight from foster care. Fewer pesky belongings slowing you down and all that. 

    I’ve still got some time before Layla and her boyfriend will arrive so I go and sit outside. The sun has made an appearance and it’s fairly warm, despite the January chill in the air. It’s a quiet time when most students are in classes, but there are still a few hurrying here and there. Strange how quickly things can change. To think that less than a week ago, I counted myself among their number. Also remarkable is that I don’t feel much motivation to reinstate myself as a student. I went to university because I was bright in school and it seemed like the thing to do. But honestly, despite the uncertainty of the past few days I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having control over my time and having no-one but myself to answer to. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve been truly independent, and I’m definitely savouring my ex-student, inbetweener status. I’d like to find out exactly what happened and why I got expelled, but after solving that mystery, I have no plans to go back to the cycle of learning and exams. I suppose eventually I’ll have to get a job and start earning money in the normal way, but for the moment, things are working out surprisingly well. 

    At that thought, a red Volvo pulls up outside the union building, and I see Layla waving from the passenger seat. Her boyfriend turns out to be a brooding, black-bearded musician type. She mentioned he plays in a band and his appearance only confirms it. He doesn’t say much but carries all the heavy items to the car and we’re finished in no time. The car is pretty full, so Layla and I let him drive away to start unloading the stuff at the apartment and we take advantage of the unusually fine day to walk back together. 

    This is an original piece, written for Steemit by @Victoria-Kelly. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this installment of Diary of a Detectress, please let me know by commenting, and watch out for the next installment coming soon

    Images from Pixabay

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