Diary of a Detectress - 26th Jan 18 – Student record not found...

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

This is the fictional diary of Sophie Dayton. Yesterday, she was kicked out of university and sought refuge at the apartment of a friend. Today begins her detective hunt for the truth behind her predicament.

Dear Diary,


I got totally frozen, waiting on the pavement for Shane to get home, so I tried the lock on his back door and found it pretty easy to pick. Once inside, I began the defrosting process but it wasn’t long before I heard a key in the front door, and - going on the assumption that an unexpected guest (well, technically I was expected, but so was waiting outside and ringing the doorbell) is better discovered straight away rather than only after you have stripped down to your underwear and gone for a piss without bothering to close the door – I went into the hall to greet him. 

Big mistake. Turns out that there was a good reason for Shane’s silence the past couple of hours, which had a lot to do with the short blonde girl he’s currently sucking the face off. My instinct was to dart back into the kitchen, but too late, I was already spotted. 

“Oh… hi Sophie,” says Shane. “I didn’t know you were already here. Um, how did you get in?” The blond girl in his arms turns around to gape at me, before shooting him a nasty ‘you-said-you-were-single’ look.

“I came in through the back door,” I say, as if that explains everything.

“Oh right,” he blinks. “This is Jade, um, Jade this is my friend, Sophie. She’s been kicked out of Uni and is sleeping on the couch tonight.”

Jade’s expression transforms from animosity to apprehension. “How did you get kicked out,” she asks, wide-eyed, obviously wondering whether I am dangerous or deranged.

Before I can come up with an answer to this impossible question, Shane decides to rescue the situation by shuffling Jade off to his bedroom. On the way he calls to me to help myself to anything I want from the fridge. This would be a very generous gesture, except that I know from previous experience that his fridge generally contains nothing except beer and miscellaneous jars of half-used jams and pickles. After digging around a little, I settle down on the couch with a few crackers and some “Rhubarb & spinach chutney” (wtf Shane?), chosen because it was the only jar without visible mould cultures. I believe in probiotics, but there are limits. 

My sleep is disturbed several times by Jade stumbling through the living room in various states of undress. I’ve always though that it’s a fatal flaw in the design of Shane’s apartment that you have to go through the living room to get to the bathroom. He says it’s convenient because he can nip to the toilet without missing any important moments in the footie. 

Eventually it’s light enough to signify morning and I’m wide awake, so I give up on the attempt at a lie in and take a quick shower, borrowing Shane’s shampoo since my things are all packed up god knows where. I’m sitting in the kitchen with a cup of hot water (no point looking for tea-bags in this kitchen) when I hear the front door slam and Shane emerges into the kitchen a few seconds later.

“Fed up of you already is she?” I tease.

He shakes his head with a sheepish smile. “She had to go to work. But she gave me her number.”


He beams. “She’s really nice.” Then turns serious. “So what’s this about getting kicked out?”

I explain what happened and that I have no idea why I was suddenly expelled. He suggests that I go to the uni admin office to try and get to the bottom of it. It seems like a good first step, so after a bit more rhubarb and spinach chutney (it’s actually quite nice once you get past the weirdness) I head out.

No luck in the admin office. Apparently there’s no record of me even BEING a student at the uni. It just defies explanation! The woman I talk to obviously thinks that I’m some kind of time-waster who’s fabricating a story about having been a student for some twisted purpose of my own, and gets quite short with me, asking me to leave if I don’t have any proof of being a former student. Those guards from yesterday confiscated my ID and it’s amazing how little credence is put into my reams of notes and schedules when there is no electronic record to back it up. I look around for the woman who kicked me out of my halls yesterday but she doesn’t seem to work in this office and the woman helping me refuses to try and locate her based on my description of “an evil witchy-looking woman”. I ask about the storage facility where my stuff is supposedly being kept, and finally get somewhere. Sure enough there’s a storage space hired out in my name. The woman hands over the key and tells me that the rent for storage is covered for a month, but after that I will no longer be entitled to use the facilities as THERE IS NO RECORD OF ME BEING A STUDENT. It’s obviously time to leave.

The door to the university’s main admin office opens straight into the thronging entrance hall of the union building. It’s a massive space with a glass ceiling soaring high overhead and galleries from all 4 floors. I stand outside the office door for a second, wondering what to do next, and something on the gallery of the second floor catches my eye. A guy is standing there, directly opposite me. He’s leaning on the balcony and grinning at me. He’s probably a couple of years older than I am, so he could be a third year student, or even a graduate. Incidentally, he’s also really hot, with dark hair and eyes and an athletic body. He could be anyone, but there’s something about the way he’s staring directly at me with a deliberate smirk on his face that makes me wonder if he knows something about my situation.

But before I can react, he straightens up and strides off down a passageway behind him. There’s no way I could make it up the two floors to catch up with him and find out why he was staring at me like that so I shrug and move on. For now it’s just another piece of the puzzle. Time to head back to Shane’s and try to figure out what to do next

This is an original piece, written for Steemit by @Victoria-Kelly. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this installment of Diary of a Detectress, please let me know by commenting, and watch out for the next installment coming soon

Images from Pixabay


I believe in probiotics, but there are limits.

😂 I love it! I like how you're building suspense but have bits of humor sprinkled in!

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