The Truck Driver Stuck in a Different Time - How I wound up living 54 years in the future!

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

The Truck Driver Stuck in a Different Time - How I wound up living 54 years in the future!

Today started out like any other, I woke up and threw my shoes on and hoped behind the wheel of my 18 wheeler. I was cruising down Interstate 70 in Indiana, USA when everything changed. In the blink of an eye I was somewhere new, somewhere different.

All though I didn't realize it at the time I had passed through some sort of Time Rift and traveled back into Earth's past. Way back into the past. Like when Dinosaurs and shit were EVERY WHERE. Before I could even get the truck stopped I had taken out two trees and hit a Brontosaurus. Thankfully he was a Vegan cause he sure was pissed off.

After a few minutes walking around, trying not to get eaten I came up with a plan. First thing I would do is clear a path back the way I came and a little further and hope I could drive back through whatever sent me into the past. So I grabbed my trusty Trucker Tool and started chopping!

This thing made short order of the 20 or so trees in my way. Once I got all the trees chopped down I had to find a way to move them out of the way, thankfully I was hauling a small Crane so I began unloading it and moving the trees out of the way.

Once I had all the trees moved, I reloaded the crane and turned around. Driving back towards my point of entry did nothing. So I turned around again and came back the way I was travelling previously and wallah I traveled through time again. This time into the future, my future, to the year 2070 AD.

![2070 AD](


Now this place is cool, I thought and was really looking forward to what the future holds. Before I could even find a place to park the truck I was swarmed by Time Cops.

They were demanding to know how I made it into the future with a Semi Truck. They had been traveling in time for almost 40 years (first time machine was invented in 2031) and had never managed to transport anything that wasn't Bio-Matter (flesh and blood). Not even clothes could make the trip. Almost before I knew what was going on I was in an interrogation room being questioned by a dozen or so Military and Government officials.

I told them what had happened and how I had traveled into the past and while attempting to get home I inadvertently landed in the future. Fifty four years into my future. At first they didn't believe me, but after looking over my semi, checking my identification and querying some really old databases they found the records of my birth, life and disappearance. The truck had been reported stolen on July 26, 2016 and not longer afterwards a few of my friends filed numerous "Missing Persons" reports.

They told me they could send me home but I wouldn't have the truck or any of my belongings with me. I asked if I could try and drive back into the singularity that sent me there, but due to Fossil Fuels having been outlawed for over 50 years they refused. So I asked if I could stay in the future at least until I converted the Semi Truck to run on whatever power system they were using. They agreed to let me stay in the future but told me that the truck was being confiscated and destroyed as soon as I got my belongings out of it.

They were nice enough to get me an apartment overlooking the Atlantic Ocean which now ran all the way to what used to be the Ohio/Indiana state line. They even found me a job as a cargo transporter. Of course I had to go back to school to learn how to drive a Flying Semi but it was only a two week course. While I was in school, I remembered I had a bought some cryptocurrency just before I disappeared. Wonder if it is still good, I thought.

So I found me a computer terminal and tried to log onto my account at and much to my surprise the site was still live and my username and password were still valid. Quickly I clicked on my Wallet while thinking no way it is still there....but it was and boy had it grown. Before I left I owned about 5 BTC and it was valued at roughly $654 dollars. However, as I quickly found out, it had split (hard forked) a dozen times (doubling number of BTC each time) over the 54 years since I left and the value of 1 BTC was now $7,598. For those of you that are mathematically challenged that is roughly 21,000 BTC at $7,598 each for a total of almost $160,000,000 ($160 million USD). Holy mother of fuck I am rich I thought. Wonder how I can use that money. So I found someone and asked how they payed for things. They quickly responded "RFID chips with our Crypto....duh!". So back to the computer and a quick search revealed a Tagging Center only a few blocks away and I could load my crypto while I was being tagged.

Freshly tagged and packing $160M in my right wrist I headed for the closest mall. It was a 21 story behemoth that would put The Mall of the America's to shame.

This place had everything, sadly though the first store I saw was Walmart....are you fucking kidding me they are still around and now they are in the Malls. This just isn't right, can't replaying in my mind. But having been broke as hell most of my life I decided to go in. Wait this doesn't look like any Walmart I have ever seen, it is an upscale (Frederick's of Hollywood) type store now. Crap let me get out of here quick. As I walked back out into one of the many Food Courts in the mall I stopped a few people asking them "where is the cheap place to shop" which they would ask "what for". So I explained my situation, most of them didn't believe me but they all told me the same thing. "If you want cheap you gotta go to Amazon store", so on the hunt for Amazon I went.

As it turned out, Amazon wasn't only the largest store in the Mall, they owned the whole damn mall and most of the stores in it, including Walmart. However, the top 6 stories of the Mall were all Amazon Store and they had everything you cold ever want. Well, what do I need first I wondered. Clothes would be nice, so to the Men's department I went. I quickly picked out a few new outfits and headed over to Electronics. Time to get a new computer, one from modern times (2070 AD). They got to be faster now. I was in for a huge surprise when I got there. There wasn't a laptop or tablet to be found. Wait a minute, "do people not use computers anymore" I asked the clerk. He laughed rather loudly and replied "where you from". When I responded "the year 2016" he laughed even harder then pointed to a wall that said "Nano Quantum Computing Technology". Nano Quantum Computing Technology, is that what I think it is?

This is gonna be amazing, I thought as I approached the department. As I looked around I quickly realized that 90% of these computers were either worn (think Google Glass) or implanted (RFID style) in various parts of your body. There were a few very small (about the size of a pack of cigarettes) computers that were designed to hook to your home and managed every aspect of your house including providing Super Computing capacity.

These new Quantum Home Computer Systems were packed with AI's that learned everyone in your home, what they liked and didn't, when they slept, what they ate and controlled everything in the home. The lights, water, temperature, security even the Android Servants (Yes they were built by Google, Inc.). After a few minutes of browsing I decided on a pair of Quantum Dot Ocular Implants as well as a Quantum Neural Super Computing Uplink Control Module. These bad boys would make me a God in 2016, I thought as I proceeded with my choices over to the register to pay. That will be "One million Two Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand Dollars please" I heard from the cashier....holy mother of fuck and I quickly started calculating. Jumping jimminy crickets do I really want to spent that? Fuck it, you only live once I decided and swiped my wrist across the Pay Here pad.

Once paid, the cashier handed me an Installation Voucher and directed me down to the 12th floor of the Mall to Amazon Implants. After a brief wait I was in an OR (Operating Room) being prepped for implantation. Almost before I knew the procedure had started the Ocular implants were in place. Then the nurse hands the Surgeon this monstrous fucking needle and he looks at me and says "do you wanna be awake for this?". Before he finished the sentence I found myself saying "HELL NO!". Instantly I was unconscious, like turning off a light switch I went dark. I awoke about 10 minutes later being held down and told to stay calm while the new Quantum Neural Super Computing Uplink Control Module boots and comes on line. "There will be a brief adjustment period while your body adapts to the new tech so don't try and move yet, the doc said.

As soon as I could function normally (as if that would ever happen again) I left the mall and started my way to the Apartment the government provided for me. As I was walking home I got an alert in my head from the QNSCUCM that my semi truck was being sent to a scrap yard about 20 miles outside the city. Hmm, I wonder if I can buy it from the scrap yard before they demolish the truck.

So I quickly hoped in a cab (Boy if you think cab drivers suck now, wait until the damn cars fly) and headed towards the scrap yard. By the time I arrived they had already pulled the Engine and Transmission out of the truck and were preparing to install a Fusion Reactor Powertrain in it. This is cool, I thought so I asked if I could buy the truck back once they had it up and running again. Of course, they refused to sale it as they were planning on using it for the mines several hundred miles away in Iowa. I found out later that an enormous cache of Di-Lithium had been discovered in Iowa and that it was the most highly sought after element of the time because it powered the Fusion Reactors and most forms of propulsion, transportation and energy production.

So I went to my apartment and settled in, having no real clue what I wanted to do with my life now I resigned myself to starting school to be a Cargo Transporter. Two weeks later I graduated school and began my job search and low and behold I got a job, hauling Di-Lithium from the mines in Iowa to New DC (the city were I lived) and wouldn't you know it the truck I was driving was mine, or the one I traveled into the future in. I had my truck back.

I was now working, diving my truck again and making $250,000 a week hauling Di-Lithium. My apartment was only $10,000 a week and I quickly figured out how to live on about $10,000 a week for food, cigarettes and other essentials. In a matter of months I had saved up millions and on my 1 year anniversary of being in the future the company I worked for decided to finally sell me the truck. I paid a hefty $3 million for it and headed back to the entry point. Determined to try and recreate my passage and get back home. As I drove up to where I first appeared in the future I saw a brilliant flash of light and then the truck came to an abrupt halt.

The fucking government had erected a force-field around the area I appeared so I could never go home. Them bastards just don't know who they are messing with. I will find a way home, some day, but until I do I will just have to take comfort in knowing I was able to send my story back in time to just before I disappeared so everyone knows "The Future is Fucking Awesome but their is no place like home!".

PS - This is a complete work of fiction and should not be taken as fact. If you enjoyed my short story please Upvote and Comment. You can also Follow Me for more stories.

PSS - If you want to read something REAL please check out my other post about My Life Story. Thanks!


Do you have anything more erotic? Maybe erotic trucker fiction can be something steemit corners the market in? Could be lucrative.

I was thinking about trying my hand at Erotica.....haven't even written any but I got one hell of an imagination!

Can't wait for some erotica from a truck driver who would chop his balls off for money!

[Trucker Erotica] How I met the Love of My Life - for 5 hours! -

I had already been planning on writing this, but wanted to see if it was requested before I did!

Ask and you shall receive. That was quick. (That's what she said)

2 hours to turn that around!

Fiction! Whaaa???? Damn you had me going there!! :-)

Absolutely awesome story, I was riveted from the first word to the last.


Interesting post!

I liked it a lot. Stay in the future and send more stories back. Oh, and get a proofreader.

Great story man, go on, continue like this

Awesome story and honestly... I love that it was fiction. Kind of relaxed me to read some fiction for once.

Great stuff man! It was interesting to read through this!

We need to know about the girls of the future, let us know when you take a trip to Las Vegas. Is the Spearmint Rhino still there?

Awesome idea for my next Fiction story.

Add to your erotic stories more of your dominance and submission (her) :)
many more girls like, when they are offended (vulgar, dirty words) during sex.
WHAT? This is my friend told me! :)

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