Short Horror Writing Part Four - The Big Finish - So How To End This Thing?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Well, we've reached the final segment in my Short Horror Writing Series where I've talked about four main elements of the short horror story structure:

  • The "Medias Res" Method - Starting the action in the middle of everything.
  • The Discovery Phase - Where the main character realizes the horrifying predicament they're in.
  • Danger Sets In - When the main character visualizes the horrifying villain they're confronted with.
  • The Big Finish - Where we'll wrap things up and either finish or leave things open for more.

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On the surface, The Big Finish might seem fairly straightforward: wrap things up and close the story out with a bang. I suppose you actually do both of those things, but there are few points to consider when deciding just how to finish your short horror fiction. Firstly, is your story going to be a one time thing and be over with at the climax of your big finish, or will you leave the story open-ended and continue on with it someday?

nother option in regards to your own "Big Finish" is whether or not to choose the climactic, or anti-climactic ending. You'll see the option I chose for Miriam's story further down on the page, but the difference between the two is this:

Climactic is probably a story that continues on with the direction you were taking in your previous method of the "danger sets in" portion and just goes screaming into the night.

Anti-climactic is where you take the story into a slightly, or completely different direction by "stepping out of scene" while wrapping things up and explaining it all under a different tone than you took during the previous three stages.

Which method you choose might depend on the first option I mentioned and whether or not the story will continue on, or just right here and now. Although, it go either way or vice versa, as the writer, this is entirely up to you. Remember, the ending to any story might be where your readers decide if they like, or dislike what you've written, so choose your crafting carefully. I hope you all like the way I ended Miriam's story.

The following is what's been written so far in Miriam's horror tale. Basically the previous story content is italicized and the current segment is not:

Miriam couldn't feel her hands or her feet anymore. When she tried to focus her vision on either of them, blurred darkness was all she could see. Slowly, she was able to focus her eyesight and when she looked around, the blackness was only interrupted by glowing embers and ash, floating throughout the air. She began to realize that her hands, feet and backside were firmly restrained by what seemed like a rubbery mist that prevented her from moving much more than her head.

Her consciousness was instantly filled with the horrific vision of what had been recently afflicted upon her - the savage abduction, beating and rape at the hands of that sickening creature. She could barely bring herself to recall it's image to the forefront of her mind, the ordeal was so repulsive. Then, far within the distant darkness, she could hear it coming once again. Miriam would never forget the chilling sound it made, slithering as it moved along slowly.

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Image Acquired Via An Excellent Photoshop Tutorial Through My Association With -

The sounds were getting closer, louder and Miriam began to recall some of her short-term memory, which was not a good thing. She immediately remembered the creature that viciously snatched her from her bedroom, beat her unconscious and did unspeakable things to her in this darkened chasm of hell. She lowered her head and began shivering at the thought of it's slimy, smooth skin pressed up against her own. The sticky ooze that covered it's entire body was now dried into her hair which was stuck to her face. When she tried to escape, the grotesque thing had grabbed her entire head with it's huge, frog-like hand and nearly broke her neck. The pressure on her skull was so intense, Miriam had passed out from it. The last thing she could remember was being slung under it's arm like a rag doll - the intense squeeze rendering her breathless and unconscious.

It became apparent to her that the slimy, repugnant filth was slowly and methodically moving all around her now, and as the visions of the first encounter rushed back through her hazy mind, she started jerking furiously at the nightmarish restraints that held her to the floor. With an exhale of defeat and exasperated moan, fatigue now took control as Miriam slowly relaxed her futile struggle. Without focus on escape, the worst part started to reenter her mind. Recalling the memory and visual of the sexual assault at the hand of the beast, vomit erupted from Miriam's mouth and spewed out across her restrained legs and feet. The disgusting aroma from what was left in Miriam's stomach filled the entire area around her. Suddenly the slithery movement stopped and the silence was replaced by a throaty inhale from the beast - a tiger-like growl followed.

The savage thing could smell her vomit, and seemed to like it, she thought as she stared into the darkness around her. Fear began to engulf Miriam when the large shadow began to take form before her. The hissing noise it's breathing makes grew louder with every thump of a footstep she could now plainly hear. Shuddering, Miriam couldn't bring herself to look away, which she desperately wanted to do. It's huge, skull-shaped head began to materialize from blackness and then, the eyes. Vertical, dark-blue slits on olive green orbs stared back at Miriam. An ashy ember landed in one of them, causing a slow, momentary blink which paused, then opened with an increased ferocity. The captive began to sob uncontrollably.

Two more thumps brought the torso and arms into light. A bare, amphibian like skin covered the beast's midsection that had a spotted grey texture. Spiny hairs protruded from everywhere, but more predominantly on it's long, mantis shaped arms. Two more thumps made the creature become fully visible, exposure it's nakedness from the waist down. Upon seeing this, Miriam immediately found the courage to lower her head and begin screaming into her chest. Over and over she let out wail after wail in some futile desperation that it would somehow save her. Her throat and chest ached from the immediate trauma cased by her raucous tirade. Harsh, pounding footstep increased and filled her ears with dread. Miriam blacked out once she could smell the disgusting creature's stench ...

Doctors Findlay and Causwell watched with clinical indifference through a two-way mirror at the remarkable scene playing out before them in the padded room. The young woman in the straight jacket sat slumped in the middle of the room and didn't move, except for a momentary twitch of her bowed head and a few bizarre attempts at what seemed like vomiting. The Doctors both knew that their patient hadn't eaten a thing in over 24 hours and most likely wouldn't have anything to expel from her stomach.

"Shall we send a couple of female orderlies in to sedate her?" Causwell asked calmly from behind Doctor Findlay.

"I suppose so. Better do it while she's somewhat calm," Dr. Findlay replied, pondering Miriam's severely psychotic condition, which at this stage of the game required complete sequestration from any men whatsoever.

Miriam Mason was a hopeful young woman of twenty-four, recently married and about to experience the highlights of her burgeoning adult life. Her abusive, sexual deviant husband destroyed all of that soon after their wedding day with constant, savage beatings and perverse raping. All of which continued on for nearly a year until one late October night, she rammed one of his hunting knives deep into his groin and ripped him open all the way up to his throat.

Now her life only existed within a dark fantasy ordeal where's she's perpetually hunted by a sickening, savage monster that Dr. Findlay could only assume is the manifestation of her slain husband, trying to continue his brutal treatment of her. He wondered if he could snap this poor woman out of her intensive hell by finding a way to allow her to slay the creature, much like she did to the real monster: her husband.

In my Big Finish, I chose to be anti-climactic and bring the whole story back down to reality. The monster only exists in Miriam's memories of her evil husband. The ordeal actually takes place the asylum she's committed to for killing him. I suppose I finished the story well enough, but in some ways, left things open to possibly continue it in some way. Possibly, Miriam could escape and continue on with a killing spree ... maybe that would be fun. :)

Please read the first two parts in this series about short horror writing:

Short Horror Writing - The "Medias Res" Method - The Middle of Everything

Short Horror Writing Part Two - The Discovery Phase - The Haunting Memory Returns

Short Horror Writing Part Three - Danger Sets In - Confronting The Beast


Ummm I don't have any idea, but I must comment this is very very good story :) Hope so u will find some big end. Good luck.

i cant watch any horror videos, also reading this makes me scary. but good story.hope you write more of them

I'm sorry to have frightened you

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