Ultimate Wrestling: Dark Sato Rising - Ch. 1

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


Takuma Sato is a young Martial Arts savant and considered one of the megastars of the M.O.X network owned Ultimate Wrestling promotion in the United States of America. When he wields his chakra powered Heart Punch, he is the most dangerous man in wrestling…

Last Time in the life of Takuma Sato.

After surviving the deadly Death Sport Tournament in North Korea and returning home from the disaster that was the North Korean Crisis, Sato discovered that his mother had been evicted from their home and had traveled back to Japan leaving no details of how to reach her or where she would be staying. Angry with losing the home that he’d worked so hard to keep for his mother, Sato vowed vengeance upon the company that seduced his father into a bad predatory loan. Sato now finds himself speeding through the streets of Detroit on his motorcycle with bad thoughts coursing through his mind, considering actions that would put his newfound freedom and his Presidential Pardon at risk…

Downtown Detroit, Michigan.

Speedy Loans Headquarters Parking Lot.

Sato sat on his new black and green Kawasaki Ninja 300 he’d purchased earlier in the week from a used dealership in Detroit. He was parked outside of the Speedy Loans Company front office that had repossessed his mother’s home while he’d been imprisoned and trapped in North Korea. The Asian American martial artist switched off the motor on his bike and then took off his helmet revealing a disheveled looking Takuma. His hair was messy and unkempt and his face and chin were covered in stubble from not having shaved in what looked to be over a week. As he dismounted his bike he adjusted his black leather jacket that rested over his white t-shirt.

“I woke up feeling as cold and as dark as the early winter day I found myself in. My thoughts as grey as the sky and my emotions as erratic as the frigid morning wind gusting toward my face. As I moved toward the main office of the company that caused my family so much hardship over the past few years I could feel my heart beating ever so faster. I’m usually a reserved person capable of controlling my sentiments with almost a monk-like focus, but the tragedies and setbacks of the past month had sent me over the edge. There was a fire raging inside me and losing that hell in the cell match to Huckleberry was the straw that had broken the proverbial camel’s back.”

Takuma shoved open the Speedy Loans office door with extreme prejudice which instantly took hold of the secretary’s attention as he marched into the building. The secretary was a gorgeous woman with platinum blonde hair and was sporting expensive diamond earrings on her lobes. She had strapped herself into a skin-tight tan pencil skirt and was wearing a white women’s dress shirt with the top three buttons undone for added dramatic sexual appeal. She immediately stood up to confront the angry Sato headed straight for their bosses’ office.

Secretary: Excuse me! Sir do you have an appointment? SIR! You can’t go in there right now! Mr. Filbert is in an extremely important meeting presently!

Sato ignored the woman and forcibly kicked open the President and CEO of Speedy Loans, Stan Filbert’s office door. As Sato entered the office he caught Mr. Filbert receiving a blow job from under his desk from a young woman under his employment. The shock of the forced entry caused her to hit her head on his desk and at the same time injure the Mortgage Lending Mogul’s privates with her bottom front teeth. Mr. Filbert stood up angry struggling to zip up his pants clearly enraged by the brass entry of the martial artist.

Mr. Filbert: What the Devil is the meaning of this!

Sato instantly went into a berserker rage after bearing witness to the corruption taking place. He grabbed hold of Stan Filbert's desk and flipped it aside with only his brute strength. The desk hit the window causing it to spider as the woman under the desk shrieked in panic and sprinted out of the office. Filbert, frozen in shock stood there as Sato came at him and slammed him up against his office wall before forcing his forearm up against his throat pinning him to it.

Sato: You corrupt sack of shit! You know why I’m here! You’ve only ruined my life in every way possibly imaginable!

Mr. Filbert: Ahh…haackyah… Mr. Sato…

Sato: That’s right!

Mr. Filbert: I’m sorry… {Choke} … about your father’s suicide… {Cough} … but I am not responsible…

Sato: Shut your fucking lying mouth! You knew my father’s business plan would fail! You knew that the great recession would affect this city more than the rest of the country! Yet you lured him into taking out that predatory loan! You wanted the property! TELL THE TRUTH!

Mr. Filbert: Son… {Choke}… I’m the largest landowner in Detroit… {Cough}… your parent’s tiny property means nothing to me!

Sato: LIAR!

Sato kneaded Filbert in the crotch forcing him to let out a nasty and slightly high pitched groan. Stan Filbert’s eyes welled up with tears from the absorbed shot as he tried to keep his dignity while the young lion emasculated him in front of his entire staff who had now huddled around the entrance to his room and were watching the insanity unfold in front of them.

Sato: I know you’ve been buying up all the properties on that street! You’re building something and you wanted us out of there! You greedy little rat! Admit it! NOW!

Mr. Filbert: Fine! Yes, I’m building something, but it’s none of your {choke}… business damn it! Your father was an adult! No one forced him into signing that loan!

Sato: You’re a crook Filbert! I know all about your mafia-like tactics and your willingness to manipulate the city of Detroit into spending their citizen’s tax dollars in your benefit! You prey on the weak and take money from the good people of Detroit for your own personal gain! Apparently, your six billion dollar net worth isn’t enough for you!

Mr. Filbert: {Cough}… Once… again Mr. Sato… PROVE IT!

Sato cocked back his right fist and began to focus his chakra gearing up for a massive heart punch. Police sirens now could be heard in the background due to Filbert's secretary having dialed 911. Filbert knowing full well the power of Sato’s heart punch had begun to wet himself and the piss stain trailed all the way down the right side of his trousers to his right boot.

“At that moment I knew I’d made a mistake… I’d done what I had criticized Valora so heavily for in the past. I’d given in to my emotions and I’d let them take control of me. I’d left my civility, my conscious, and need to abide by the law to the wayside… and it had felt amazing! It took everything that I had inside of me not to stop that fat fucking parasite Stan Filbert’s heart right there and then like I’d done to the War Hammer mercenary Ishan Golden Fire in North Korea. The life and death situation of the North Korean crisis had changed me… I could see that now…”

Sato: I could end you right here right now! Do the whole city and the entire Midwest of this country for that matter a favor!

Mr. Filbert: Do it you punk! See {Cough} if it makes a difference! Soon as I’m gone there will be someone… {Choke}… else to take my place! You can’t win! Your kind never does!

The sound of squad cars screeching to a halt in the front parking lot grabbed Sato’s attention as the officers exited their vehicles and barreled into the office building with their weapons drawn. The office workers scattered out of the way as the Police darted into the room and pointed their weapons at Takuma. Sato released his grip on Filbert’s throat and put his hands up in the air.

Mr. Filbert: I knew you wouldn’t do it! You’re weak just like your father!

The officers quickly grabbed Sato and handcuffed his arms around his back and began to march him out of the office to their squad car. Stan Filbert used the opportunity to dig at Takuma trying to spark an emotional response that would cause the officers to hurt him.

**Mr. Filbert: You’re a moron kid! You’re an American hero! Just think of the capitalistic opportunities there were for you! We could have worked out an agreement where you did advertising for my company nationwide! I could have made your life and your mother’s life for that matter better than you could have ever dreamed of! Now I’m going to bury you! I’m going to take you for everything your worth and then make sure you rot in prison for the next year!

Sato was silent as he absorbed Filbert's last words to him. He was then placed in the back of the DPD squad car and taken downtown for booking. After having a judge set the price of his bail for his assault and battery charge at $5’000, Takuma was placed in a holding cell. Not wanting to bother his girlfriend or manager he waved his phone call and sat in the cell overnight meditating on what he had done and what had transpired. Once again society had rejected his actions and he found himself sitting in a prison cell soul searching for what to do next. The next morning Sato was awoken by an officer opening his cell door.

Police Officer: You’re free to go kid. You made bail.

Takuma Sato: Bail? I didn’t even call anyone.

Police Officer: Some asshole named Ares Metaxas is out front waiting for you. He paid your bail.

“Once again the Rebels of Society had come to my rescue. I’d agreed to join them when I was targeted in prison by a Nazi hate group gunning to kill me. They’d attempted to recruit me for a few months before that, but I’d walked away from them not wanting to get involved. Now their leader Ares was here in Detroit and paying for my release. It seemed I was about to find out what joining Rebels meant for my future.”

Once Sato had received his things back he exited the police department to find Arex Metaxas leaned up against a black sedan with tinted windows smoking a hand-rolled cigarette. Ares was dressed in an old red leather jacket and a black dress shirt that had seen better days. His collar was popped and it was clear he hadn’t put very much effort into his appearance. He had a full beard but is his head looked like it had been buzzed by himself this morning.

Ares Metaxas: Well look who it is! The solo white knight fighting the corruption of America all on his own! Hahahaha!

As Takuma walked toward him, Ares finished laughing and smiled at him. It was clear he found the whole thing that had transpired the day before extremely amusing. Ares then opened the passenger side door for Takuma.

Ares Metaxas: Get in. We got a lot to talk about.

Sato didn’t hesitate and got into the black sedan as requested. Ares slammed the door shut and then made his way over to the driver's side door and got into the car. Metaxas fired up the motor and then shifted into drive before pulling out into traffic. Sato sat in the car quietly waiting for Ares to speak first, not knowing exactly what to say to the leader of the R.O.S.

Ares Metaxas: I think by now you’ve realized how corrupt this country and the world for that matter has become?

Sato nodded as Ares picked up speed and started weaving in and out of traffic aggressively. Ares looked to be in his mid-thirties and had tattoos running from wrists all the way up to his arms to his shoulders. His fingers nails were stained from nicotine and his eyes were tired and bloodshot from lack of sleep.

Ares Metaxas: We’ve got a White Nationalist President in bed with Russians and that corrupt fuck Putin! Fat disgusting billionaires like that asshole Stan Filbert you roughed up yesterday practically raping the poor and using greedy politicians to do it. All the while the rest of us suffer and squabble among each other fighting just like they want us to. They purposely divide us! Make us hate one another so they can manipulate us and keep us good consumer worker slaves! It has to end Sato! It has to end! There is a reckoning coming… a revolution… and you’re about to play a pivotal role in it, my friend…

To be continued…


More action! Yes! Less chewing gum, more ass kicking. Love it.

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