Ultimate Online Wrestling Season 2 Ch-3 - Part 1: Friday Night Clash 10!

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)



Location: Los Angeles, Ground Zero.

3 Weeks after the North Korean Nuclear Missile strikes.

A Hammer Industries helicopter slowly descended down to the scorched earth of the fallen city of Los Angeles. Jeremiah sat in his sleek futuristic looking chopper dressed in an all-black specialized insulated Hammer Industries anti-radiation suit that looked like something NASA astronauts would wear in space. As the helicopter landed and the motor was switched off, Jeremiah exited the aircraft with his mother who was also onboard and Jeremiah’s newly hired personal advisor Victor Vendredi also known as “The Baron” to the rest of the Ultimate Wrestling roster.

Monica: Everyone please be careful not to tear your suit on any wreckage. Most of the high-level radiation from the initial strike may have dissipated, but exposure could make you ill and even lead to cancer later in life.

Vendredi: You’re sure that these suits will keep us safe?

It was clear that Victor Vendredi was worried about his wellbeing after the nightmares he bore witness to at the hospitals he’d been forced to visit by Rupert Mudcock’s relief support program. The Ultimate Wrestling roster had been subjected to a lot of death since returning home from North Korea. Now he was observing firsthand the aftermath of what had caused so much pain and suffering to all those people.

Monica: Yes Mr. Vendredi, these suits were created by some of Hammer Industries' most brilliant scientists during the Cold War. They’ve been tested and used for decades by our scientific team who’ve been working on Generation 5 nuclear power plant reactors. As long as you keep the suit intact you should have nothing to fear.

Jeremiah: For someone who can see the future, you sure do worry a lot, Victor.

Vendredi: That’s not how my ability works. I can only see possibilities in the fires and take console from the league of Barons and Baroness of the multiverse. I can’t possibly predict every little thing that will happen.

Monica: Unbelievable… to think… an entire multiverse… you will be an invaluable asset to Hammer Industries Mr. Vendredi.

Vendredi: It took me years to come to grips with the multiverse. Of course, I was only in middle school when all this was thrust upon me. I’m surprised I didn’t go insane. I guess I was lucky to have my mother there to guide me through it. Other Barons and Baronesses of the multiverse are not so fortunate in their worlds.

Jeremiah put his right hand on his mother’s shoulder as they stopped at the edge of the impact crater that had been created when the missile hit the ground. A massive hole in the earth 400 feet deep and at least 10 miles wide in circumference stood below them. It was as black as death and smooth from having melted everything and everyone that once stood there. All around them and as far as the eye could see, Hammer Industry autonomous robots worked tirelessly around the clock to clear rubble as high as 40 feet.

Jeremiah: I’d be lost without my mother to Victor…

Monica: We have to fix this the best we can, Jeremiah. We’re responsible for cleaning this horrific mess your father and Allen Anderson created.

Jeremiah: We will mom. I promise...

As Victor stood there with the Vastrixs’ a sudden chill came up his spine. Suddenly his third eye began to perceive the ghosts of the damned who’d lost their lives in the blast all around him. The experience disturbed him greatly as the spirits of the dead wandered lost like translucent whimpering zombies through the dead zone.

Vendredi: I… I can feel all of the lost souls around us… Their lives over in a flash… So much sadness, so much confusion…

Monica: More than likely the ones taken here at the center of the blast didn’t even know what hit them, Victor. The moment the missile struck they were gone, the flash you’re describing is the initial explosion which probably blinded anyone awake as far as 200 miles away. Take comfort that these poor souls didn’t suffer like the others farther away from the impact zone.

A great depression came over Vendredi as he absorbed the sorrow of the souls still unable to pass over to the other side. Confused, lost, and unable to process what had transpired to end their physical existence in the realm of the living they wandered aimlessly.

Vendredi: What a waste of life… but you’re right… It would seem the people further away were the ones who truly suffered. What Jeremiah and I saw with the rest of the group in the hospitals… words cannot describe.

Monica: Yes, they were the ones that bore witness to buildings collapsing, trees bursting into flames, gas lines exploding, and powerlines collapsing. A colossal wave of air then followed traveling at the speed of sound which most likely shattered windows and caused destruction for miles and miles. It’s the hours and days after the blast where the real suffering starts.

Jeremiah: What do you mean mother? You always were better at understanding nuclear science than I ever was.

Monica: The plumes caused by the fall out were carried by the wind. The radioactive dust traveled for hundreds of miles eastward from here. Those are the victims you’ve all been visiting in the hospitals that are dying right now in hospice beds. Biological warfare at the molecular level of Jeremiah. They are the ones who were outside or in weakly insulated buildings when the strike hit. The radiation altered and damaged their DNA making them exceedingly sick. Within minutes they would have felt nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Most of them probably began vomiting uncontrollably and wished they’d been killed in the initial blast.

Vendredi: How terrible…

Monica: It’s good that you all spent some time with them. Most of them will be dead soon due to their immune systems shutting down or because of their digestive system's inability to process any type of nourishment. They are the ones who truly suffered at the hands of War Hammer and the Emperor of North Korea…
Jeremiah: Can we salvage the land?

Monica: Yes… most of the radiation is actually gone now. However, I don’t intend on developing cancer in my old age. That is why we are wearing these suits. The area is still contaminated with residual radiation. I have no doubt your cybernetic eyes are picking it up, Jeremiah?

Jeremiah: Yes I see it…

Monica: Once the rubble is cleared and we can set up a base of operation, we can begin to neutralize the residual radiation with our advanced scientific methods. Once the land and air are clean we can begin to help the American people and government rebuild Los Angeles and Seattle.

Jeremiah: A new technologically advanced city. A city for the 21 century! An example to the rest of the world of what the future of humanity will be like now that Hammer Industries is being run by people who want to change the world for the better!

Monica: Indeed… Mr. Vendredi, I believe we brought you here for a reason?

The Baron nodded and stepped forward before reaching behind his radiation suit and dislodging an old wooden staff that had been given to him by his mother. Monica and Jeremiah watched as Victor began to sing an ancient tribal African song within his helmet with is deep guttural voice. He then began to crouch down and do a religious dance to call forth the ancestors of the lost dead souls lingering on the scorched earth. The African Americans' voice echoed in his helmet as he stood up and began swinging his staff around so fast that it became a blur. Without warning, Vendredi stopped twirling it and slammed the wooden voodoo staff into the ground repeatedly. As he did so, the wind picked up and it began to rain on the trio standing at the impact site.

Monica: Is it working? Can you see anything?

Jeremiah: This is something even my eyes can’t see mum…

Monica: The spiritual world… Splendid. Not something people from our area of expertise are very familiar with. This one is very interesting... I would hang on to him…

Vendredi began to shed tears as one by one the souls of the dead were met by deceased relatives and helped to pass over to the next world. Vendredi continued his ancient spiritual dance of the dead until everyone who had died in Los Angeles found peace. After a half, an hour had passed Vendredi turned around to face Monica and Jeremiah with his ghoulish white face paint reflecting unto his fishbowl helmets glass visor.

Vendredi: My work here is finished… when do we travel to Seattle?

Jeremiah: Soon. President McStrump has asked that I meet with him before we travel there. For someone who spent a good amount of time beating me half to death, he sure wasn’t shy about asking me for help.

Monica: Well you did try to assassinate him, dear…

Vendredi: What does that orange idiot want? He must be desperate to want to talk to you…

Jeremiah: He wants us to try and find his son, Ronald Jr. They have satellite imagery that Mt. Vernon was somehow shielded from the attack. He hasn’t given up hope that he might still be alive.

Vendredi: Hmm… The Sanctuary of the Blob…

Jeremiah: What?

Vendredi: It’s something the League of Baron’s warned me about. More than likely Ron Jr. is dead. Once we’re on the ground there I should be able to verify that. Just know that if the satellite imagery is correct, what we find there could be even more disturbing then what we’ve seen here tonight.

Jeremiah: Story of my life…

The three headed back to the Hammer-copter and gave the pilot the signal to take off. As the group headed back east toward Detroit they couldn’t help but notice the devastation the radiation plum and dust had done to the heartland of America’s western farmlands. A long discussion took place about how food prices would predictably skyrocket and that shortages would become a stark reality going forward. Monica and Jeremiah began to brainstorm how they could use War Hammers advanced genetically modified food science to grow food underground in massive hydroponic facilities. However, all three knew that it would take time and that more than likely the populace would grow angry before they could provide that relief service.

Monica: We will just have to push as hard as we can to make a difference as quickly as possible. I’m sure the American government will figure out a way to control the populace and ration the food supply in the best interest of everyone until we can provide relief.

Jeremiah: Well he’d be able to trade for food if it wasn’t for all the asinine tariffs he’s placed on every country!

Vendredi: Ha…Heh… Ohhh… that’s a good one.

Jeremiah: Well then will have to transport food from elsewhere in the world to help them for the time being if we can. It’s all we can do for now.

Monica: Let’s hope it’s enough…


“Strangle Hold” by Ted Nugent starts to play as high lights from past Friday Night Clash episodes play live on the broadcast. After a small transition, the live M.O.X feed comes into focus while the camera pans around Joe Louis arena showing off all of the fan's homemade signs. It’s clear from the signs that Valora and Sato are very popular in the city of Detroit. The camera then cuts to Chris Rodgers and Scott Slade who are standing behind there commentator table ready to kick off the show.

Chris Rodgers: Hello and welcome to Friday Night Clash 10! I’m Chris Rodgers being joined as always by my co-host Scott Slade! Slade listen to these incredible fans!

Scott Slade: They are pumped and so am I! We come to you live from the “Joe” and we are broadcasted streaming like on Me.Tube and on your local M.O.X affiliate!

Chris Rodgers: Tonight, New talent! The Submission Championship on the line once again as Jeremiah gets his rematch against Valora! Also, Huckleberry tries to settle an old score with Takuma Sato and much, much more!

Scott Slade: As always this season, half of all our profits go to the charity relief fund for the affected Americans who are suffering from the North Korean nuclear strike.

Chris Rodgers: It makes me proud to work for a great philanthropist like Mr. Mudcock and the M.O.X family network! He’s really a great and generous man Scott.

The live feed is transitioned to a pre-recorded video of Valora, Abbigail, Kronin, Sato, and Jeremiah feeding displaced homeless Americans in soup kitchens. Some hopeful music starts to play as the video transitions to a hospital scene and Huckleberry spending time with the sick and injured people and bringing a smile to their faces with his silly southern charm. The same footage play’s on the Ultimate-Tron inside the Arena and the fans clap and applaud the roster for their valiant effort and dedication to the cause.

Scott Slade: Your right Chris, It’s been fantastic to see all the lives we’ve changed since the program was started. There really making a difference out there for all these poor people that have had their lives forever altered.

Chris Rodgers: It is Scott, All right, enough with the sappy sad shit! Let’s go to Rose Johnston and get this epic show started!





The camera shifted from the announcer table to inside the ring where Rose Johnston stood wearing a hot pink halter tube top and a tight black mini skirt. The former Miss America winner looked fresh with her newly cosmetically altered lips and Brazilian blown-out hair. As the fans inside the arena finally started to mellow out and Rose started to announce the first match of the evening.

Rose Johnston: Our first match of the night is set for one fall! Making her Ultimate Wrestling debut and hailing from Portland Oregon! She is the “Coming Storm!” RAYVEN!

“Crircle” by Ghost began to play on the Joe Louis arena speakers as the five-foot, six-inch, brunette Rayvenna Thompson walked out onto the stage in her knee-high black and white socks and skin-tight crop top t-shirt. The Detroit fans let out a positive response for the slightly strange female wrestler. Rayven made her way down the ramp and then sprinted down the aisle way before sliding into the ring. Once on her feet, referee Bob Sigro had a few words with her on his expectations of the rules he’d be looking to enforce during the fight. Rayven’s music cut out and the camera shifted back to the main stage as “Bed Time for Losers” by Pop-Up Cutter starts to play over the speaker system inside the arena.

Chris Rodgers: Well there she is, another Valora want to be with more than a couple of screws loose if I’m reading my report here correctly.

Scott Slade: Come on Chris. I know your old man and can’t stand Generation Z, but we have to make room for the new rising talent in this sport.

Chris Rodgers: Hmph! Give me a break. It has nothing to do with her age and everything to do with the fact she’s been in and out of the psychiatric hospital her entire life. Can’t we find some real Americans with some character or has society just rotted to the point where everyone is this messed up.

Scott Salde: I’m going to politely ignore that comment. Here comes Raymond Harding!

Rose Johnston: Her opponent! Hailing from Tampa Bay, Florida! A former middleweight boxer with an undefeated record of 26 and 0! The self-proclaimed “King of Broken Dreams!” The Lullaby! Raymond Harding!

Raymond walked out onto the stage wearing a black and red vest under his wrestling attire. His fists were taped up like a boxer and he seemed very confident. The six-foot, two-inch, muscular former prizefighter made his way down the ramp with a mixed reaction from the Detroit crowd. Once at ringside, Raymond made his way up the steel steps and then entered the ring while taking some warm-up punches. Bob Sigro had a quick word with him before signaling for the bell.

Chris Rodgers: There is the bell and Friday Night Clash 10 is officially underway!

Scott Slade: What a contrast of styles! This should really be something!

Chris Rodgers: My father always told me that a boxer stood no chance against a wrestler. So as much as I despise this degenerate nut job; my money is on her!

Harding moved in with a boxing stance and immediately went on the attack taking jabs at Rayven’s face. She easily avoided the punches with her agility and then moved in and took Harding off of his feet by tackling the boxer and slamming him to the mat as an MMA fighter would. She then began to unleash some fierce punches on Harding, but the fighter instinctively covered up and blocked most of them. Rayven quickly got up and bounced off the ropes and nailed Harding with a dropkick as he was getting back onto his feet. She then picked him up and hit a vicious swinging neck breaker on the boxer which ignited the Detroit fans into a frenzy.

Scott Slade: Looks like your Dad was right Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Harding is completely out of his element here! He’s trying to box in a fight where the rules allow for plenty of styles and techniques.

Scott Slade: Rayven with a cover after the neck breaker! ONE! TWO! Kick out by Harding! He got his shoulder up barely in time.

Rayven got back up and picked up Harding onto his feet. She then wrapped her arms around his torso and used all of her womanly strength to pick up the muscular boxer into a Falcon’s Arrow before slamming him into the wrestling mat. The impact shook the ring ropes as the fans began to chant “Rayven” watching the young brunette lay a beating down on Raymond. Rayven flipped her black hair back and then got up onto her feet taking a moment to absorb the crowd’s reaction. She then motioned with a cutthroat with her right hand before heading to the turnbuckle and climbing up to the top rope. Rayven sat in squatted position waiting for Harding to get back up. Once he was back on his feet she launched herself off the top rope and nailed the boxer with a missile dropkick laying him out flat on the mat. The fans erupted on impact as the fierce brunette covered her opponent for the second time.

Chris Rodgers: Fantastic high-risk maneuver!

Scott Slade: There’s the cover! ONE! TWO! THREE! It’s over! Rayven Thompson mops the floor with Raymond Harding!



Chris Rodgers: That’s how you make an introduction in Ultimate Wrestling!


The bell rang repeatedly signifying the end of the match. Referee Bob Sigro helped Rayven up off the mat and lifted her hand high in the air before pointing at her. The Detroit fans seemed taken with the athletic edgy brunette as she made her way over to the edge of the ring and demanded Rose Johnston bring her a microphone. The former Miss America winner got out of her chair and brought Rayven her bedazzled microphone which she yanked aggressively out of her hand. She then moved to the center of the ring as the Ultimate Wrestling medical staff and Dr. William Drake tended to her opponent.

Scott Slade: Looks like Rayven has something she wants to say after that strong performance.

Rayven: I worked my ass off trying to get to this level! Independent federation, after federation, busting my ass all up and down the east coast to finally make it on PRIMETIME TELEVISION! You think I’d let some boxer with a strong right hook take me out? Hell no!

Rayven gets a strong rise out of the fans in attendance as she makes her way over to Raymond who is still being treated. She spits on him which angers Dr. Drake and forces him to get to his feet and start yelling at the rookie wrestler.

Rayven: Shut the BEEEEEP up! I’ll do whatever the BEEEEP I want! I’m tired of medical doctors like you trying to control me!

Out of nowhere Rayven super kicked Dr. William Drake, knocking him out cold flat on his feet. The fan's reaction turned sour as the good doctor collapsed to the mat unconscious. Rayven then began to stomp on both Raymond and Dr. Drake as the rest of the medical crew bailed out of the ring in self-preservation.

Chris Rodgers: Look at that psychotic bitch! I told you! I was right about her! She’s scum! She makes Valora look like Mother Teresa.

Scott Slade: She just took out Dr. Drake with a superkick! We need security out here now!

Suddenly newly appointed Vice President Allen Anderson and a group of security guards rush down from the stage and enter the ring. Rayven took one look at Anderson and stopped her attack and allowed for security to handcuff her and carry her out of the ring. The fans continued to boo Rayven as she was escorted up the ramp and into the backstage area.

Chris Rodgers: I don’t know why, but it would seem our devious Vice President Allen Anderson has some sort of control over this nut case.

Scott Slade: Very strange how she stopped her attack abruptly after Anderson gave her that ugly look.

Chris Rodgers: That was an Ugly look? I thought that’s just what he always looks like.

Scott Slade: Fans we have to take a short commercial break and pay the bills! When we come back Kronin takes on another newcomer to Ultimate Wrestling! Stay tuned!





The live feed returned as the camera shifted back to the main stage. “Ich Will” by Rammstein had started to play and the Detroit crowd erupted as Kronin Reinhardt walked out onto the stage followed by his sister Kara. Kronin had on his traditional wrestling attire inspired by the colors of the German flag. His long black hair had been slicked back and tied into a ponytail. The serious look on his face only surpassed by the serious look on Kara’s face. Kara was a no-nonsense kind of woman and she was dressed like it. She had combat boots on, dull green pants, and a tight black shirt on and no makeup what so ever.

Rose Johnston: Making his way down the aisle! From Berlin, Germany! The German Suplex Machine! Kronin Reinhardt!

The big six-foot, six-inch German made his way up the steel steps, then high stepped over the top rope before entering the ring. Kara made her way over to where Chris and Scott were at the announcer table and took a seat next to them before putting on a spare headset. Meanwhile, in the ring, Kronin had made his way up the turnbuckle and raised his fist high in the air to get another nice pop from the fans in attendance. As he jumped down, his music was cut, and “Evolution” by Korn began to play over the speaker system.

Chris Rodgers: Well it looks like we are being joined, Kara Reinhardt!

Kara: Thank you for making room for me on your table here gentlemen.

Scott Slade: How is your brother feeling tonight Kara?

Kara: He’s feeling good Scott. Doctor Drake’s last blood lab showed that the poison he was injected with by the North Koreans has completely worked its way out of his system.

Scott Slade: Fantastic news.

Kara Reinhardt: Yes. He had us worried sick there for a while. It’s good to know that my brother will be around for quite some time.

A cloud of dark blue smoke had filled the stage as a giant shadow appeared from behind the curtain. A few seconds later a monstrous man standing at seven feet, four inches pushed his way through the fabric and appeared on stage to the amazement of the crowd. The fighter was covered head to toe in strange-looking tribal tattoos and wore a strange-looking outfit with a lizard-like armor piece on his right shoulder. His lower half was dressed in green and black leather pants and he had on a large leather belt with ancient symbols on it.

Rose Johnston: His opponent! Weighing in at a massive 300 pounds! Hailing from Time and Space! Known for his spectacular performances all over the great nation of Mexico! EVOLUTION!

Chris Rodgers: Get a look at this giant freak!

Scott Slade: Wow.

Kara Reinhardt: My brother will make minced meat out this sad excuse for a science fiction movie villain.

Chris Rodgers: So I’m guessing you subscribe to the logic that the bigger they are, the harder they fall?

Kara Reinhardt: My brother is trained in all of the German militaries most dangerous hand to hand combat techniques. These techniques are developed to help a man take down any opponent of any size. This man called Evolution will be no different.

The extremely large man made his way up the steel steps and high stepped effortlessly into the ring with ease. Once inside the ring, he stared at Kronin with his cold dead reptilian looking eyes. Referee Bob Sigro attempted to have a few words with the fighter, but he never acknowledged him or made eye contact with the referee. Sigro signaled for the bell and the match started with the two men locking up in the center of the ring. Evolution instantly out powered Kronin and backed him up into the turnbuckle before unleashing a series of hip checks to the German’s midsection, which knocked the wind repeatedly out of his lungs with every blow. The monstrous man then placed his big boot on the throat of German to choke him and deprive him of some much-needed oxygen.

Scott Slade: A nice strong start from Evolution.

Chris Rodgers: Looks like your brother may have underestimated his opponent. I’ve heard nothing but frightening tales from Mexico City about his guy dismantling opponents.

Kara: I don’t believe in unsubstantiated rumors. As far as I’m concerned his career starts here and now. He will have to prove himself in Ultimate Wrestling just like everyone else has.

Scott Slade: Well it sure seems like he’s doing a good job of it at the moment.

Referee Bob Sigro forces Evolution to release his leg from Kronin’s throat and the giant responds with haymaker punch that almost sent Kronin over the turnbuckle. He then decked Reinhardt twice more dropping him to one knee. Evolution picked up his opponent and placed him back against the turnbuckle and crushed the German again with his entire body weight while simultaneously elbowing the Kronin straight on the chin. The colossal big man repeated the action twice more before slapping Kronin in the face which staggered him away from the corner of the ring. The German used the ring ropes to catch himself from falling on the mat as the fans in Detroit began to stomp and clap while chanting his name in support.

Scott Slade: Kara what do you have to say about all these news reports that Kronin is past his prime? Do you think it’s time for your brother to retire from the world of athletics?

Kara Reinhardt: That isn’t my call. If my brother feels that he can still compete that is what is important. Last time I checked this was a free country after all!

Chris Rodgers: It is, and we're not trying to seem ungrateful. If it wasn’t for Kronin we never would have made it out of North Korea alive. It’s just that he’s had a string poor matches since he started fighting in Ultimate Wrestling.

Kara Reinhardt: Yes, yes… he’s fully aware of this. He’s looking to turn things around starting tonight.

Kronin attempted to fight back against his oversized opponent but instead took another sharp elbow straight to the forehead from Evolution which sent him back into the ropes which he used to catch his fall. Kronin again bounced off the ropes and walked into another massive haymaker that knocked a tooth straight of his mouth and into the crowd as he once again stumbled into the ropes. This time however a sudden burst of energy engulfed Kronin. He came off the ropes again and this time he leaped up into the air to nail the massive fighter in the neck with a clothesline. The blow caught Evolution off-guard and forced to him stumble back a little. Kronin sprinted back into the ropes again, sprang out of them, and hammered Evolution with another mid-air clothesline. The blow caused the big man to fall to one knee as Kronin quickly made his way to the turnbuckle.

Scott Slade: Finally! Kronin gets some offense going and now he’s going to the top rope!

Chris Rodgers: This isn’t something we normally see from the big German, but against a slow opponent like this Evolution it looks like he’s willing to take the gamble!

The fans erupted and chanted “Kronin” as the German leaped off of the top rope and hit Evolution with a diving clothesline. The giant had just gotten back to this feet and was turning around when Kronin nearly decapitated him. The high-risk maneuver took the seven-foot, four-inch man down to the mat hard causing the entire ring to shake as the fans roared with excitement. Evolution got back to his feet quickly, but Kronin was much faster and continued his assault with a running dropkick. The attack connected and Evolutions momentum carried him into and up over the top rope of the ring hard onto the concrete floor. Kronin celebrated in the ring having mounted a nice comeback and the fans rejoiced with him.

Kara Reinhardt: See? They do fall harder.

Chris Rodgers: What an offensive display from the German! Fantastic stuff!

Scott Slade: Facing a man this size is so challenging, but Kronin’s experience is paying off in dividends right now.

Evolution struggled to his feet and attempted to get back in the ring, but Kronin reached over the top rope and grabbed the giant by his long hair. Evolution grew angry with Kronin pulling on his hair and grabbed the German by both his legs before dragging him outside of the ring onto the floor. The hulking snakeskin faced fighter then grabbed Kronin by his skull and slammed his face hard into the edge of the ring before striking him again with another sharp elbow to his forehead that dropped the German to his knees. Evolution then tossed Kronin back into the ring before getting back up onto the mat. Evolution high stepped over the ropes back into the ring and made his way over to Kronin while he was still on his back breathing heavily.

Chris Rodgers: Tough luck for Kronin. This Evolution is just a methodical beast. Just look at the way he goes about unleashing punishment on his opponents. Sort of a slow-paced beating, as if he savors every moment of it.

Scott Slade: He’s really succeeded in slowing down the pace of this match from the moment the bell sounded.

Evolution walked over and placed his wrestling boot over Kronin’s throat and then pressed the entirety of his three hundred pound frame onto it. Kronin juddered around the mat struggling to get the big man off of his throat, but the foot was only removed when Sigro threatened to disqualify Evolution. The big man then picked the German up to hang him over the middle rope before pressing his knee into his back using the rope to once again cut the airflow to Kronin’s brain. Once again referee Bob Sigro forced Evolution to break his hold. The big snake man backed up, before sprinting toward Kronin who was still dripped over the middle rope. Evolution jumped into the air and landed a crushing blow sitting on the German’s neck and back. The fans erupted into boo’s as they watched the German continue to take a beating at the hands of Evolution.

Scott Slade: Oooh! That had to hurt!

Chris Rodgers: Look at him now! Scoop slam and now a cover!

Scott Slade: ONE! TWO! NO! Kick out by Kronin!

Kara Reinhardt: Come on Kronin! Kick his big stupid ass! Show the world what you can do!

Frustrated, Evolution picked up Kronin and then drove his spin into his big knee for a backbreaker before locking the German into a back-bending submission hold. Kronin screamed in pain as Evolution attempted to injure the discs in his spine. The fans angry with Evolution continued to boo him as he attempted to force Kronin to submit to his will. Bob Sigro moved in close to see if Kronin wanted to quit, but the German shook his head like crazy as he refused to give up. Evolution grew tired of hold and tossed Kronin off his knee onto the mat and again attempted to pin the German.

Scott Slade: Another pin! ONE! TWO! NO! Kornin kicks out at the last second once again!

Chris Rodgers: Look at Evolution though! The man is absolutely ruthless! He’s got Kronin locked into a neck vice now! He staying on him like white on rice!

Kara Reinhardt: God damn it Kronin! You’ve got to fight back!

After about twenty seconds passed Kronin fought back up to his feet and then forced Evolution to break the hold with some strong elbow shots to his midsection. He then ran to the ropes, bounced off of them, and went for another clothesline. This time the colossal Evolution countered the attack with a huge side hip check to the German's midsection that once again knocked the wind out of his lungs. Evolution then grabbed Kronin and whipped him into the turnbuckle closest to them before sprinting in and hitting a massive big body splash on the German.

Chris Rodgers: Kronin has to feel like he suffocating! I’m having trouble breathing and I’m only watching him take this abuse.

Scott Slade: He just gotten flattened like a damn pancake!

Kronin stumbled out of the corner dazed and made his way to the opposite turnbuckle to use it for support to stay on his feet. Evolution sprinted towards Kronin again, this time going for a high knee, but the clever German dove out of the way just in time causing Evolution to whack his knee hard on the ring post due to his incredible height. The fans roared like crazy as Evolution limped out of the turnbuckle holding his knee in serious pain. Kronin instinctively went right for it and kicked the big man in the back of his knee causing him to lose his balance and fall flat on his ass on the mat.

Scott Slade: This could be the opening Kronin needs! Evolution doesn’t look like he can put much weight on that knee!

Kara Reinhardt: YES! YES! That’s what I’m talking about!

Kronin grabs Evolution’s big size 18 right boot and lifts his leg high in the air before dropping a devastating elbow drop on the big man's bruised knee. The German repeats the process before getting back up and dropping a sharp elbow onto his chest. Kronin then forced Evolution back up onto his feet by pulling on his long hair. The big man screamed as the German pulled him up and then laid him out with a shattering haymaker punch that busted the snake’s man lip wide open. Evolution laid on his black tasting his own strange colored blood trickling into this mouth. Kronin then grabbed both of his legs and locked Evolution into a Texas Cloverleaf submission hold. Evolution shouted like a mad man as blood from his lip stained the ring mat.

Scott Slade: Texas Clover Leaf! Texas Clover Leaf!

Chris Rodgers: He’s trying to fight for the ropes! Is he going to tap out?

Scott Slade: I think he’s big enough to make it to them!

Kara Reinhardt: Tap out! You big son of a bitch!

Evolution's frightening reptilian face contorted wildly as he fought off the pain and crawled to the ropes dragging Kronin along with him. The giant man then extended out his arm and with his incredibly long reach grasped hold of the bottom ring rope. The referee was forced to break Kronin’s submission hold and the fans grew angry wanting to see the newcomer submit to the fan-favorite.

Chris Rodgers: He did it! He broke the hold! What a match!

Both men fought to their feet and headed back toward one another, but the reptilian man caught Kronin with a kick to the gut and then grabbed hold of him for a brutal sidewalk slam straight in the center of the ring. Once again Evolution hooked Kronin’s leg for another pin and referee Bob Sigro dove down to the mat for the count.

Scott Slade: Another cover! This could be it! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Kronin kicked out again!

Chris Rodgers: It’s incredible how much fight this man has in him!

Frustrated Evolution picked Kronin up and attempted to whip him into the turnbuckle, but Kronin reversed it and instead sent the snake man into it. Evolution crashed into the turnbuckle hard and the whole ring moved from the impact. Kronin then sprinted toward Evolution and leaped up into the air higher than ever before for a massive splash, but the big man lifted his enormous good left leg up and big booted the German straight in the jaw. The fans let out an “aww” as Kronin fell flat back on the mat struggling to get oxygen into his lungs.

Kara Reinhardt: No! BEEEP Kronin! What the BEEEP

Scott Slade: Ladies and gentlemen we apologize for Kara’s language but watching her twin brother right now in this position has to be difficult.

Kara watched as Evolution got back fully upright onto his feet and move in on her brother who still wasn’t moving much on the mat. The colossal wrestler picked Kronin up almost effortlessly off the mat and placed his head between his legs. He then wrapped his arms around his waist and lifted up high onto his shoulders before power bombing hard into the middle of the ring. The fans let out an “ooh” as the big man stared down at his sprawled out German appointment with a wicked smile.

Chris Rodgers: Good Lord all mighty! That’s all she wrote! Stick a fork in him he’s done!

Scott Slade: Wait why isn’t he going for the cover?

Kara: What the hell does he think he’s doing to my brother?

Chris Rodgers: I don’t think he’s finished with him yet!

Evolution picked up Kronin off the mat again, this time struggling to get him off the mat due to the German being completely unconscious. He lifted up high and spun him around locking him into position for a tombstone pile driver. Kara ripped off her headset and microphone and rushed toward the ring, but was too late to stop Evolution from spiking her brother’s head and neck into the ring mat. A loud pop and crack echoed throughout the arena as Evolution covered Kronin for a pin.

Scott Slade: Tombstone pile driver! ONE! TWO! THREE! It’s over! Evolution wins a grueling battle against Kronin for his first victory here in Ultimate Wrestling!



“Evolution” by Korn began to play as the colossal giant stood up and was declared the winner of the match. By this point, Kara had slid into the ring and vaulted into the air grabbing hold of the seven-footers' head which she then planted into the ring mat with a devastating bulldog slam. The Detroit fans in attendance erupted at the sight of Kara unleashing a can of whip ass on the man who’d manhandled her twin brother.

Chris Rodgers: Wow! Kara Reinhardt coming to the rescue of her brother! Evolution never saw it coming!

Scott Slade: Did you see her jump into the air to grab hold of his head? That’s a true former Olympic athlete right there! I believe she won the silver medal in sprint hurdling at the 88’ summer games!

Evolution rolled out the ring discerning that discretion was the better part of valor and headed back up the ramp while yelling back at Kara. Kara eventually lost interest in Evolution and turned around to see that Kronin was still on the mat and not moving. Panic took hold of her as she began screaming at Referee Bob Sigro to call for the medical team. Dr. Drake rushed down the ramp with the medical team and entered the ring. They immediately began examining Kronin and called for a stretcher showing great concern for the wrestler’s neck.

Chris Rodgers: God, you just hate to see something like this Scott.

Scott Slade: It looks like Kronin is finally conscious again, but he has moved his extremities hardly at all. I hate to speculate, but this looks like a serious neck injury…

Chris Rodgers: I thought I heard a crack when Evolution spiked him headfirst into the mat with that tombstone pile driver.

Kronin was strapped into a neck brace and then carefully loaded onto a stretcher. Kara was in tears as the medical team along with Dr. Drake rolled the German superstar up the ramp and behind the curtain. The camera team followed them to an ambulance where Kronin was loaded into and then driven to Detroit Mercy Hospital along with Kara and Dr. Drake.

Scott Slade: Our thoughts and prayers to the Reinhardt family and all their friends. I think I can speak for all of us here at Ultimate Wrestling that we are praying that the injury is not as serious as it looked.

Chris Rodgers: Fans we have to take a quick commercial break. Will try to have an update for you on Reinhardt’s condition when we come back.





The live feed returned and the camera was fixated on Rose Johnston standing in the ring with the spotlight gleaming off her platinum blond hair. As she brought her custom diamond bedazzled microphone up to her curvy plump freshly glossed lips, she began to announce the next big match about to take place.

Rose Johnston: Our next match is a rematch for the Submission Specialist Championship! A winner can only be declared when their opponent has given up!

“Bring It” by Trapt hit the sound system and the Detroit fans erupted into a deafening frenzy as Valora walked out onto the stage with the Submission Specialist strap around her waist. Valora was dressed in her traditional black and purple wrestling gear and her medium length black hair had been tied back into a ponytail for her match. The Latina fan-favorite slapped high fives with the crowd in the aisle way as she made her way to the ring and then slid inside of it. She then got to her feet and went to the top right corner turnbuckle, climbed up to the top rope before unstrapping her belt, and raising it high into the air.

Scott Slade: Well there she is! The toughest bitch in the business! The reigning Queen of submission!

Chris Rodgers: She’s going to have her hands full tonight. If this match is anything like the one from Friday Night Clash nine then we’re in store for absolute war.

Scott Slade: It had to be one of the greatest matches in Ultimate Wrestling history. Every time these two seem to face off against one another it’s epic.

Chris Rodgers: Epic, but both times Valora has been able to come out on top. Let’s see if Jeremiah can adapt and bring home a victory tonight!

Rose Johnston: Her opponent! A former Tag Team Champion! A former Submission Specialist Champion! Half Man! Half Machine! 100% Sex Icon! God’s gift to women around the world! Jeremiah Vastrix!

The six-foot, two-inch cyborg made his way out onto the stage in his black and white wrestling gear. His cybernetic eyes glowed bright blue as he scanned Valora’s vitals and movements. The fans gave Jeremiah a decent positive reaction as “Down Low” by R. Kelly played on the sound system inside Joe Louis arena. Once inside the ring, Sigro had a few words with both fighters before signaling to the bell keeper to start the match. The bell rang and an electric buzz filled the arena as the fans radiated with excitement while the two fighters circled one another looking for a perfect chance to start the match with an advantage.

Chris Rodgers: Alright! Here we go!

Scott Slade: Round 3! FIGHT!

The two titans of wrestling clashed in the center of the ring, locking up as the fans roared with excitement. You could see the determination on Jeremiah's face and how badly he wanted a win over Valora Salinas. The cyborg out powered the Latina and pushed her up against the turnbuckle grabbing her and pulling her into a headlock. Jeremiah then jumped onto the middle rope, and springboarded himself into the air before nailing a fantastic leaping bulldog slam. The move drove Valora’s face and forehead into the tough gritty wrestling mat much to her frustration. The crowd seemed impressed with the maneuver.

Chris Rodgers: Damn! What a nice start from Jeremiah!

Scott Slade: He’s back on his feet already and off the ropes! Oh! Nails Valora with running dropkick!

Chris Rodgers: Someone came ready to fight tonight!

Valora laid on the mat breathing heavily before kipping up onto her feet and igniting the crowd. The Latina looked extremely pissed at the cyborg who had taken the advantage straight from the start of the match. Jeremiah stared at her with his cybernetic eyes scanning her every movement looking for his next opportunity to inflict more damage. Valora rushed in fast and hard to spear him, but Jeremiah caught her straight in the face with a big boot. The blow turned Valora around in a 180 and allowed Jeremiah to grab hold of her from behind and German suplexes her into the mat. The diehard Valora fans booed Jeremiah as he got to his feet greatly satisfied with his performance. He then grabbed Valora’s legs and locked her into a Boston Crab. Referee Bob Sigro moved in close to see if Valora was ready to give up. The Latina fought like crazy and refused to tap out as she crawled her way to the ropes and grabbed hold of the bottom one. Sigro forced Jeremiah to break the hold much to the cyborg's frustration.

Scott Slade: Valora seems a little bit off her game tonight.

Chris Rodgers: It’s always difficult when you’re facing a man with a computer chip in his head and cybernetic eyes reading all your movements. Every time you fight Jeremiah you’re at a greater disadvantage than the time before. I’m sure he’s recorded and stored every encounter they’ve had and that the computer portion of his brain is actually predicting the probability of what Valora's next move will be.

Scott Slade: Machine learning? That’s totally unfair when you think about it.

Chris Rodgers: It’s what I’ve been saying for months. If steroids are illegal then why is he allowed this advantage?

Valora rolled out of the ring for a breather and then turned to the cyborg and began egging him on to come out of the ring. Jeremiah stood in the ring and shook his head as the fans started to boo and chant “chicken shit” at the robot man.

Scotts Slade: Valora trying to take the fight outside, but Jeremiah is not walking into that mistake.

Chris Rodgers: Both times they’ve fought one another the fight has always spilled out of the ring and ended badly for Jeremiah. Valora is way more dangerous outside of the ring than she is inside.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah showing some real intelligence here.

The Latina grew frustrated and with the count at eight seconds, she dove back into the ring and immediately began absorbing stomps from Jeremiah. The cyborg then picked up Valora and whipped her into the ring ropes and went in for a massive clothesline. The attack however failed when Valora surprised the cyborg with a massive tornado DDT that set the crowd off and turned the tide of the match. Both fighters laid on the mat breathing hard as Bob Sigro began to count to ten.

Chris Rodgers: What a reversal by Salinas!

Scott Slade: Looks like they're both getting to their feet at the same time!

The two wrestlers started to brawl in the center of the ring connecting with massive lefts and rights much to the fan's enjoyment. With both fighters having absorbed an incredible amount of abuse, Jeremiah took advantage of the situation by connecting with a massive head butt. His half metal skull crushed Valora’s nose which exploded and spattered blood all over the ring mat. Valora stumbled back and then turned around just in time to lean up against the turnbuckle. Blood gushed down her chin and onto the turnbuckle pad as the Latina tried to shake off the cobwebs in her head.

Scott Slade: Good lord! How is Salina’s still standing after that shot!

Chris Rodgers: That damn metal plate in his head is a nightmare for opponents. Valora is gushing blood all over the place!

Valora turned around with fire in her eyes, incredibly pissed at Jeremiah. The cyborg's operating system flashed a warning as Valora darted at him. Jeremiah anticipated another spear attempt and put up his leg to give Valora another big boot to the face, but Valora faked him out by stopping on a dime, grabbing hold of his leg, and then flipping Jeremiah over to hook him into a masterful half crab submission hold. Salinas drove her knee into Jeremiah, but the cyborg once again turned off the pain receptors in his brain and then dragged Valora to the ring ropes. Bob Sigro forced Valora to break the hold once Jeremiah had grabbed hold of them with both of his hands.

Scott Slade: What a nice move by Valora!

Chris Rodgers: Jeremiah might not feel pain, but that leg looks injured. He’s limping! She hurt him! Could be a sprained ligament or a tendon.

Scott Slade: Whatever it is, it’s going to be a hindrance to Jeremiah.

Valora went after his injured leg like a wild animal moving in for the kill. Jeremiah absorbed three repeated sidekicks to his knee before his leg buckled and he collapsed to the mat. Valora quickly pounced on him locking in her Aztec Clutch chokehold cutting off the air circulation on the cyborg once again.

Scott Slade: Aztech Clutch! Aztech Clutch! Looked her wrap her arms and legs around Jeremiah!

Chris Rodgers: There is no escape from that! It’s over!



Jeremiah struggled on the mat, but before long the organic portions of his face were beat read, and the cyborg wrestler passed out drooling on the mat. Bob Sigro signaled for the bell and declared Valora the winner raising her hand high in the air. The fans roared with excitement before working their way into a “Valora” chant.

Chris Rodgers: Well not as competitive as the last time, but still a great fight.

Scott Slade: Once Valora shows why she’s one of the best, if not the best singles wrestler in Ultimate Wrestling.

Chris Rodgers: Huckleberry better watch out because she’s coming for her Franchise title.

“Bring It” by Trapt started to play over the speaker as the bloodied champion was handed her Submission Specialist title belt back. Valora raised it high in the air before sliding out of the ring and heading back up the ramp. The medical team rushed out to tend with the unconscious Vastrix who was still passed out on the mat as Valora entered the backstage.

Chris Rodgers: Ladies and gentlemen when we come back Sato and Huckleberry finish some unfinished business for the main event of the evening! Don’t move a muscle!

The live feed cut’s for a commercial break.


Meanwhile backstage Allen Anderson had just walked into his temporary office where Rayven was being held against her will by the Ultimate Wrestling security team. She was still handcuffed and was being forced to sit in an uncomfortable hard metal chair. To say that Rayvenna was furious was an understatement. The brunette was in the middle of a complete and utter meltdown and cursing like a sailor who’d the toughest of times out at sea. Allen ignored her tantrum as he walked passed her and the security detail and sat down at his desk and stared directly at Rayvenna with a cold expression on his face.

Rayven: Let me go you bald-headed fuck-wad! You can’t hold me here against my will like this! I’ll hire a lawyer and make you and the fat fucking old man you work for sorry you ever tried to reign me in!

Allen: I thought we had an understanding? You behave or else you go back Danver’s. What part of that simple fucking God damn instruction did you not understand?

Andreson got up and backhanded Rayvenna Thompson across the face leaving a bright red mark on her left cheek. Anderson spurt of raw emotion and anger was over in a flash as he took the time to adjust his Armani suit.

Rayven: You’re… going… to pay for that; you son of a bitch!

Allen: No, I’m afraid I won’t. Rayven the only reason you are here is that I used my power and influence to get you released from that Asylum that was your prison. All I ask is that you follow my orders and that you respect the Ultimate Wrestling staff including Dr. William Drake. There will be plenty of time in the future for you to show off the violent sick little demented mind of yours when we need it.

Rayven: I don’t like Doctors. Tell that hideous scarface looking prick to stay out of my way!

Allen: Ah… white coat syndrome is it. Well then, will have to take care of that won’t Ms. Thompson? From now on you will be meeting with Dr. Drake once a week for therapy and mental health evaluations. Fail to show up, or attempt to hurt him again, and I’ll have you wrapped in a straightjacket faster than takes speeding bullet from high powered war hammer sniper rifle. Take the cuffs off her and get her out of my sight, I got more important things to worry about!

Rayven looked defeated as the security team released her and then tossed her out of Anderson’s office. Once out in the backstage hallway, she began erratically looking around in a paranoid manner making sure no was around to hear what had transpired in Allen’s office. Satisfied that no one from the roster was around she hurried toward the exits to get hell out of Joe Louis.

Click the link for Part 2 of Friday Night Clash 10: https://hive.blog/fiction/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-online-wrestling-season-2-ch-3-part-2-friday-night-clash-10


You have outdone yourself GREAT work and amazing showing for all characters. Thank you.

Thank you for the feedback man.

Great show. Really enjoyed the opening. Great world building.

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