Ultimate Online Wrestling CH-13: DEATH SPORT Round 2 PART - 3

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)



Ultimate Online Wrestling is a collaborative and competitive creative writing role-playing game where users join and create wrestler characters in an alternate world where wrestling is real. Writers earn Hive Tokens for contributing to the story by writing roleplays for their characters who are booked in matches once a month.

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North Korea: Pyongyang

The Escape

Once inside they rushed up the stairs to the holding room where Valora was already waiting for them after having freed Huckleberry, Kronin, Abbadon, and the now conscious Vendredi. Dead bodies littered the room from Abishag’s earlier rampage and the room was now completely empty except for the remaining Ultimate Wrestling roster, the announcers, and some of the Ultimate Wrestling ring setup crew.

Valora Salinas: Alright listen up everyone! Takuma may have just allowed us to escape! We’ve got to work together and be smart if we’re going to have even the slightest chance of getting out of this shit hole alive! Takuma put Vastrix down and let me look at your abdomen wound right now! Kronin, Huckleberry, and Abby you keep an eye out for incoming soldiers! Cover all entry and exit points! The rest of you, see if you can get Jeremiah to come to! If we’re lucky, we can get to the hangar housing the planes we came in on and get the hell out of here!

Chris Rodgers: How do even know if the planes are fueled? For all we know, they’ve scraped them for parts by now!


Rodgers shut’s his yap and everyone started to follow Valora’s commands. Kronin searched the dead bodies and found a few Ruger P (Series) Semi-Automatic Pistols. He tossed one to Huckleberry and another to Rodgers. Abbigail and Abandon followed his lead and picked up some fallen rifles that had been dropped on the ground. Valora started to yell at Sato for not putting Jeremiah down until Sato interrupted her catching her off guard.

Takuma: Listen to me V! That psychopath was planning to launch a nuclear missile attack to wipe out the entire west coast, Hawaii, and Alaska! It’s some sort of sick revenge plot against the U.S. for the way they treated his father and grandfather. I have no doubt the military will follow through with his plans now that I’ve murdered the Emperor! We’ve got to stop this launch or millions of people will die!

Valora Salinas: There is no way in hell you know that will happen for sure! Our number one priority is getting out of here alive! With Kim gone these people might actually come to their senses! An attack on the U.S. would be a death sentence for their entire country! It’s fucking suicide!

Sato and Valora’s argument came to a sudden conclusion when the blind cyborg started to speak. Everyone thought that Jeremiah was still unconscious. He hadn’t moved a muscle while in Sato’s arms. With no eyes it was impossible to tell if the machine man was conscious, unconscious, or dead for that matter.

Jeremiah: It’s true… What Sato is saying, it is going to happen. My father and Allen Anderson will make sure of it. The War Hammer Corporation wants to destabilize the world to sell more of its 21st-century high tech weapons of war to the leaders of the world. With the United States unable to police the world as it has since World War Two, the Earth will descend into chaos!

Vendredi: This why we are here everyone! To save the world! It’s what the Barons of the Multiverse have been preparing me for all these years! We must stop this destiny of chaos from transpiring!

Valora Salinas: erraahhhh! God damn it!

Valora punched the wall hard, angry at herself for not seeing it sooner. Anderson had dropped hints that War Hammer was planning something big, but she never imagined that it would be this horrific. The entire gang became solemnly quiet as they attempted to process what they’d just been told. The silence was broken when Kronin quickly squeezed off a few rounds from his gun killing some soldiers coming toward them from the hallway leading to the stage. The German was a crack shot and even with the deadly poison coursing through his veins his concentration was unyielding.

Kronin: We’re running out of fucking time Valora! Do what you need to do so that Sato doesn’t bleed out and let’s get the fuck out of here now!

Valora nodded at Kronin signaling she understood the severity of the situation. She then found a broken piece metal from a damaged rifle and a lighter from another dead guard. She then heated up the metal as hot as she could get it to cauterize Sato’s wound. Sato placed the blind cyborg on his feet and Relando and Slade helped keep him upright. Sato shrieked out in agony as Valora placed the searing metal on his open wound. A few seconds later the bleeding had stopped much to the relief of everyone in the room. Sato sat leaning up against the wall breathing heavily and holding the injured spot on his belly.

Takuma Sato: Ahhh….Thanks… V.

Valora Salinas: Alright that’s done! Let’s move! We’ve got to find some transportation and figure out where the fuck this missile base is located! If we’re going to die here tonight, then we might as well die being heroes and saving the lives of millions of innocent people!

Rodgers: Don’t get all doom and gloom on me already! We might still make it out of here alive and stop the attack! You and Kronin aren’t the only individuals here with military experience! We can do this! Come on people!

Valora rolled her eyes at the old Vietnam War veteran and then gave the signal for everyone to move out toward the exit of the Rungrado. Kronin took another group of soldiers out that were coming down the hallway before joining the rest of them in their escape toward the exit stairs. The stadium entrance floor is full of civilians in full out panic mode running around like crazy, shoving each other, fighting with each other, and some even looting for whatever they could find worth taking. Some soldiers tried to put a stop to the terror by shooting a few dozen people, but they were quickly engulfed by the mass and trampled over. The group swiftly made their way down the stairs and assimilated into the mob. Incredibly they were able to get through to the exit doors with only losing a few of the setup crew members in the process. Once outside, the group bore witness to the destruction caused by the Abishag’s escape only an hour ago. Turned over vehicles on fire, dead soldiers and civilians everywhere, and people running to their vehicles filled the parking lot of the Rungrado.

Huckleberry: Lord Baby Jesus… You mean Mr. Abishag did all dis by Em’self?

Chris Rodgers: Never mind that you numb-skull! He’s cleared us a path and given us a chance to get out of here! We just got to find something big enough for all of us to fit in!

Abbadon: What the fuck is going to be big enough to transport all of us?

Huckleberry: What about dat’der military cargo truck? That looks like a mighty fine vehicle tah me!

The Appalachian Hillbilly pointed out to a North Korean transport truck sitting about 50 yards from them parked by the arena loading dock. Everyone turned around at the same time and looked to where the Huckster was pointing. A sudden immense sense of relief came over the group. It was clear that some of the crew and announcers feared they would be left behind by Valora if it had to come down to it.

Kronin: That’s perfe…. BLUUUAAAAHHHH! ect… Ohh, God! BLLLUUUAAAHHHHH!!!

Suddenly Kronin started to vomit on the ground profusely and Huckleberry shortly joined in after him. The poison in their systems clearly was really starting to affect them both with severe nausea. Abbigail and Sato did their best to help them as Valora once again took command of the group and helped them focus on the task at hand.

Valora: Alright people! Let’s move! The sooner we're on that truck, the safer we all are!

The group rushed in the direction of the cargo truck, but before they could even get more than 25 yards toward it, they began to take fire from snipers perched up on the roof of the stadium. The rest of the Ultimate Wrestling crew workers were shot as the surviving members of the group dove behind a turned over military truck for cover. The snipers continued to fire at the vehicle as the group hunched down low and braced for an onslaught of bullets to hit and ricochet off of the metal of the truck.

Scott Slade: Oh God! We’re going to fucking die! We’re dead! We’re dead! I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!

Valora saw that Slade was having an anxiety attack and she smacked him across the face to snap him out of it.

Valora Salinas: Shut the fuck up and stop panicking or I will shoot you myself! Do you understand me?

Scott started to rock back and forth, hyperventilating. Valora’s attention turned to the sick Kronin. The German was too busy having it come out both ends on his hands and knees to help her. Reinhardt slid her his gun along the pavement. Valora picked it up and signaled to Rodgers, Abbigail, and Abandon to pop up and return fire on the count of three. All four of them stood up and started returning shots at the snipers. Valora and Rodgers actually hit two of them, dropping them from the roof of the Rundgrado and onto the concrete some forty feet below. One of the snipers however got a clear shot at Abbadon and planted a bullet between his eyes splattering his brain all over the concrete behind them. The Blob worshiper fell to the pavement backward as blood and brain matter pooled beneath his skull and onto the concrete. The rest of the armed Americans ducked back down and took cover realizing another one of their party members was now dead.

Sato: Fuck, this isn’t going to work! We need some sort of distraction to get to the truck Valora!

Valora: Like what? You want to sacrifice yourself for the rest of us?

Huckleberry: What about use’in one of these grenades I done pulled one dem stiffs back in the stadium?

Everyone turned around and stared at Huckleberry with bewildered expressions on their faces.

Valora: Why didn’t you say something earlier you idiotic hillbilly?

Huckleberry: Well yah didn’t damn well ask me now did yah?

Everyone shook their head in disbelief, frustrated with the Appalachian.

Valora: What the fuck are you waiting for! Pull the pin and throw it as hard as you can at those puntas!

Huckleberry: Ain’t no way I can throw this here grenade that far! I ain’t no Cy Young winner damn it!

Valora: Fine! Abby! You’re up!

Abbigail used her inhaler for the second time and then the Huckster tossed her the grenade. The others pressed themselves close against the truck tight to try to avoid getting shot like Abbadon. Abbigail waited for the shots to slow down and when an opening opened up she pulled the pin and used all of her drug-induced strength to launch the grenade up onto the roof of the Rungrado. The grenade exploded and took out the snipers posted on the roof. A large portion of the Rungrado collapsed to the ground as the group rushed out from behind the flipped truck and sprinted toward the military cargo truck.

Valora: Move! Now’s our chance! Abby, get the sick and injured into the back of the truck!

Once at the truck, Valora smashed the window to gain access inside and immediately began to hot-wire it. Rodgers and Abby started loading the rear of the truck with the sick and injured as Valora had instructed. Jeremiah, Relando, Slade, Kronin, Vendredi, and Huckleberry were put in first as Sato stood watch outside the rear of the truck. The sound of the diesel motor powered truck firing up caused everyone to let out a small cheer as Valora successfully hot-wired it. Abbigail jumped in the back with the sick and Injured and Sato and Rodgers rushed up to the passenger side door and hopped into the cab with Valora.

Rodgers: Let’s move! Everyone is on board!

Valora shifted the truck into first gear and started to move the large vehicle toward the parking lot exit. Once on the street, Valora hastily steered the truck toward the Chongryu Bridge on-ramp. A few moments later the Americans were on the bridge driving over the Taedong River heading north out of Pyongyang. A smile came over the three individuals sitting in the cab, but those smiles were short-lived. The base of the bridge had been police barricaded with the Pyongyang PD blocking the road with their police cars. The officers had guns pulled out and pointed at their truck and were looking for a clean shot. Inside the cab, the only sound that could be heard was the windshield wipers working at maximum to wipe away the icy sleet that was bombarding the truck.

Sato: Fuck! What do we do now?

Rodgers: Just ram those fucking assholes! This is an armored military vehicle! Will go through those pussy little euro cop cars like a hot knife through butter!

Valora didn’t say a word and mashed the gas pedal to the floor. The big diesel engine roared loudly as she shifted into the highest gear and reached maximum speed. The cops began firing at the truck, but most of the bullets hit the metal and bounced off without even leaving a dent. The big diesel cargo truck slammed hard into the police vehicles, ramming them off the road, and totaling them in the process. The officers barely had time to dive out of the way without being severely crushed and killed much to their dismay.


Rodgers: That’s what I’m talking about!

Sato: There’s an on-ramp heading north out of the city! Take it!

*Valora downshifted the truck and braked hard as she steered it onto a highway on-ramp. The vehicle drifted slightly on the icy pavement, but Valora handled it like a professional racing driver. She then speedily got onto the national highway 65 and merged into traffic as she once again shifted into 4th gear with her foot mashed down on the accelerator. In the back of the truck, things were not going as well for Abbigail. Huckleberry and Kronin’s condition had deteriorated to the point where they were both now on their hands and knees on the bed of the truck vomiting and shitting profusely.

Huckleberry: I can’t stop shit’in in my pants and puke’in at the same damn time! What tarnation was in that stuff!

Kronin: Oh my God! Please shut the hell up! Please! Just the sound of your voice makes me sick!

Abbigail: Whatever was in it doesn’t matter, you’re just going to have to fight through it like Kronin is trying too. You both got some of the antidotes in you. If we can get out of this country than we can get you to a Doctor. More than likely they will be able to figure out a way to replicate that antidote with samples of your blood. At least that’s Valora told me earlier…

Slade: Hold on guys. At least we're on the highway…

Suddenly the cab panel slid open and Sato pressed his head against the mesh to yell out everyone in the back.

Sato: Jeremiah! When you were taken by your Father and this Anderson guy, did they happen to say where the base was? Do you remember seeing anything that might give us a clue as to where the Missile base might be located?

Vendredi helped sit the injured Cyborg up so that he could better communicate with Sato. It was clear Jeremiah was barely hanging on after suffering through several beatings and being subjected to life-threatening cybernetic operations. The blind cyborg though was a fighter and staying conscious. He was determined to stop his father’s plan and get home back to America alive.

Jeremiah: The base is located in Jonchon! It’s tucked away in a forested mountain range in the far north of the country. It’s actually not far from the Chinese border, but who knows if they would be willing to take us in…if we even make it that far that is… I might be able to work something out since I do have Chinese citizenship…

Sato sat back down in his seat and opened the glove box of the truck. He pulled out a military map much to his gleeful satisfaction.

Rodgers: Well how about that! Maybe our lucks turning around!

Valora: What does the map say Takuma? Are we heading in the right direction?

Sato looked over the map closely taking the time to make sure he was reading the roads correctly. Most of the names were in Korean, but thankfully his father’s insane education regiment had paid off. Korean was one of the many Asian languages his father had forced him to learn during his years in elementary school.

Sato: It looks like if we stay on national highway for the next couple of hours heading north, will only have to change expressways once. It’s a clear shot Jonchon from that point on. We just have to try not to attract any more attention to ourselves. Also, it looks like the road eventually turns into an unpaved dirt road about 100 miles from the base.

Rodgers: Well let’s just hope no one realizes who we are. Luckily we're in a military vehicle, so I doubt will have any further trouble with the police or civilians.

Valora: Yeah if the truck doesn’t break down…

Sato: It will make it Valora. Stay positive. Please… the others need you to be strong right now.

Rodgers: Yeah Punta! Buck up!

Valora: Dios Ayumdame…

The group's spirits seemed to be picking up as the truck bellowed down the highway heading north at a screaming pace. The weather was bad, but it didn’t slow down or phase Valora at all. She was determined to reach Jonchon before Anderson and War Hammer could launch the nukes. By dawn, the cargo truck had reached the remote region of Jonchon. For the last three hours, the road had gone from paved to a rocky dirt road full of potholes making for a very uncomfortable ride. The forest they’d been driving through was full of fog and the sleet had now turned into snow flurries. Valora didn’t mind though as she figured it was helping hide them from the North Koreans, who without a doubt, were attempting to hunt them down.

Sato: That last sign put’s us about 2 miles away from the base V.

Rodgers: Probably best to find a place to hide the truck. Not everyone is going to be able to come with us. Half the guy’s in the back aren’t even any shape to walk, much less fight.

Valora nodded without saying a word and continued to drive up the road at a very slow pace looking for an offshoot trail like the ones she’d spotted occasionally along the way. Finally, after a good ten minutes, they came upon a side dirt road. Valora pulled off the main motorway and drove the truck for another good 15 minutes before pulling off next to a large tree with a great deal of foliage. She cut the motor and then swung open her door.

Valora: Vamonos…

The three in the cab exited the truck and made their way to the rear of it where Abbigail was already waiting for them. Her eyes were still blood red for the War Hammer drug in her system, and unlike the others, in the cargo bed, she seemed extremely alert and ready for anything. The drug clearly keeping her energy levels up without the need of food or water. Whatever Anderson had given Valora, it obviously was something War Hammer had developed to enhance soldier performance in the field.

Valora: How they doing back there Abbs?

Abbigail: Kronin and Huckleberry passed out from dehydration from all the vomiting and diarrhea, but they're still breathing. The rest of them are really tired and Jeremiah has been going in and out of consciousness for the past two hours. What can I say, therein rough shape…

Valora shook her head in frustration, at best she had maybe three people that she could bring with her for help. She also knew she would have to leave someone behind to defend the defenseless.

Valora: Alright! This is how we're doing this. Abbigail you’re the muscle, you’re coming with me. Sato you too. I’m going to need your agility and you’re fighting ability if we’re going to get inside and somehow put a stop to this.

Sato nodded in agreement.

Valora: Rodgers, Vendredi, and Slade you’re staying behind to guard the sick and injured.

Rodgers grew angry as soon as he heard Valora’s last sentence. It was clear the old Vietnam War veteran felt that he was needed on the base infiltration mission.

*Rodgers:v No! No way am I letting some lesbian led lib-tard suicide squad go without me when the fate of the world is hanging in the balance! You need someone with real combat experience!

Valora: You’re going to do as I say old-timer! Do you understand me Pendejo?

Rodgers grew irate and started to rant like a crazy old man. Abbigail, irritated with Rodgers tone, moved in behind him and slapped him upside the back of his head knocking him out and onto the dirt road.

Valora: Thank you Abby… God that old fuck is a pain in the ass! When he wakes up make sure he stays put! Don’t let him give away your position. Understand?

Vendredi, Slade, and Relando nodded. Sato walked over to Abbigail and patted her on the shoulder with a grin on his face.

Sato: Haha..ha! Learned that from me earlier with Abishag didn’t you?

Abbigail: What can I say? You’re a good influence.

Abbigail winked at Sato. The three shared a small laugh before deciding how to tackle the track toward the military base. After leaving some last directives to those who were staying behind, the three fighters left the site of the cargo truck and moved into the woods. Armed with only a few firearms and their physical and mental prowess to stop the North Koreans and the evil War Hammer Corporation. The three of them made quick work of the North Korean rough terrain with Abbigail Dresden leading the way. In 8 minutes they’d covered the 2-mile distance and were now hiding behind a rocky ledge looking down at the entrance to the Jonchon missile base. The base was full of North Korean soldiers guarding the perimeter, but on the inside, it was all War Hammer personal running around preparing for the big attack launch.

Valora: Oh man… I’m not getting any younger…

Valora was clearly out of breath from the excursion through the woods. She was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. In her youth, Valora would have been able to keep up with Abbigail without breaking a sweat, but time was catching up with her like did everyone.

Sato: V, it looks like the place is heavily guarded. We’re going to have to do this the stealth way and figure out a way into the complex without getting noticed.

Abbigail: What’s the matter the Valora? You tiring out on me?

Valora: Haha… real funny. I’m not on some fancy drug like you. Now let me see what’s going on out there.

Valora quickly surveyed the massive complex and commenced formulating a plan for infiltrating the base undetected. A voice suddenly came over the intercom on the speaker system for the base and announced the missile launch would be taking place in 30 minutes.

Sato: Doesn’t sound like we have much time V.

Valora and nodded, took in a cold deep breath, and then exhaled.

Valora: Alright Takuma. This is it. See that far left corner of the base? There’s a Korean standing guard there. You take him out without being seen or heard, and Abby will tear open a nice hole in the fencing for us to get into the compound. Once on-site, we need to look for some sort of open doorway, air duct, or sewer hole so we gain access to the inside of the complex. The key here is to not get caught or seen, because if we do…were probably good as dead.

Sato and Abbigail nodded and then Sato leads the way down to the northwest side of the mountain to the rear corner point of the base. The trio moved in close to the guard and hid behind some large trees so he’d be unable to see them. Valora grabbed Sato’s attention and pointed to some large rock formations above the guard's post. Takuma like a stealthy ninja assassin swiftly and quietly made his way up the rocky ledge above the guard. He then leaped off the ledge and landed gracefully right behind him before snapping his neck seconds later. The guard never had a chance to sound a warning and fell to the ground dead as a doornail. Sato looked down at him with a somber look on his face. He couldn’t believe how easy it had been for him to kill again, especially after how horrible he’d felt after killing Dwight Couch during the tournament. His introspective thought broken only by Valora and Abbigail quickly rushing downhill and out of the woods.

Valora: Good work Takuma… Abby you’re up!

Abbigail Dresden walked up to the reinforced twenty-foot high chain-link fence and with her bare hands, she tore a human size hole in it. The three of them then hastily made their way onto the base and took cover by some military vehicles. Valora precipitously spotted an air duct twenty or so feet away from them and pointed it out to her two allies. The three of them waited for a War Hammer employee to finish unloading a truck nearby and then sprinted toward it. Abbigail ripped the vent lid off of the wall and Valora crawled into the duct-work followed by Sato and Abbigail behind him. Once inside, they began to crawl as quietly as they could through the HVAC unit pipeline.

Valora: Alright guys were in. This is farther than I ever imagined us getting…

Sato: You know, I’m starting to think Rodgers was right. You’re way too negative.

Valora: I’m a realist… now shut up and move as quietly as possible. We don’t want to attract any attention to ourselves. No telling who might be below us…

The group continued on until Valora reached an air vent on the second floor of the military compound. As she looked through the large grate she saw no one around and with the coast clear, she dislodged the air vent and scooted her body through the opening. She carefully flipped down onto the floor landing quietly on her feet. She then helped Sato and Abbigail get down safely onto the floor. The room they were in seemed to be an equipment storage area that luckily was unguarded at this moment. The room was stacked full of wooden military crates and there was only one way in or out of the room.

** Valora:** Alright, listen up. I’ll be taking point. You two will shadow me with your guns drawn. We have to move carefully and silently.

Sato: What’s the plan though?

Valora: We have to find the main control room and take it out before the missiles are launched. If we can get one of these guards secluded and take him captive, we might be able to get the information we need if we threaten them enough.

Abbigail: Just let me beat on them for a while. They’ll talk.

Dresden aggressively cracked her knuckles.

Valora: Alright, let’s move.

The three of them nodded at one another and then pulled out their Ruger P (Series) Semi-Automatic pistols that Kronin had recovered from the dead soldiers at the Rungrado. In a sudden turn of fortune, Sato knocked over a crate in the room that was full of ammunition. The team took the time to reload and then exited the storage room. Once outside the storage room, the group moved toward the guard railing of the second-floor hallway to look down at the main lower level.

Valora: Shhhh… we just hit the jackpot… maybe our luck is starting to turn for the better.

Valora pointed down on the main floor where Allen Anderson, lead executive of War Hammer was standing. Next to him, the President and CEO of War Hammer Michael Vastrix. Standing beside both of them was a giant man at least seven feet tall with an extremely muscular physique and an odd skin color. Alongside him was a man with two swords strapped to his back in a ninja-like mask and outfit. The team squatted down low on the floor and attempted to listen closely to what the War Hammer elite was discussing.

Michael Vastrix: The Emperor is dead, but we're moving ahead with our plans to launch the missiles anyway. By the time the sun sets, the world will be completely different than it was when it arose. We are about to make history gentlemen and in the process ensure the legacy of War Hammer for the rest of human existence!

Allen Anderson: Tarrasque and Ishan, you are to make sure that no one interferes with our plans. Is this understood?

Michael Vastrix: Allen please, you’re stressing me out. Relax, no one is going to obstruct our plans. Those steroid pumped muscle-bound wrestling idiots are probably dead by now. There’s no way, even with the help of my Son Jeremiah, that they could have had any hope of finding this secluded base.

Tarrasque: Dahhh…. Yeah boss. Dahhh… why you so grumpy? Me strong! Me Stop anyone! You no worry!

Anderson grew furious and smacked the behemoth Tarrasque in the face like an ignorant child. The enormous and vapid giant rubbed his face but did not retaliate against his master Allen. It was clear to the group watching above that Tarrasque viewed Allen as some sort of father figure and was internally loyal to him.

Allen Anderson: Shut it, you idiotic dolt! The grown up’s are talking! Michael, you have no idea what Reinhardt and Salinas are capable of if properly motivated. If they’ve learned of what we plan to do, then there is no doubt in my mind that they will try to stop us. That is why I need you two to be on your best guard! Do not let anyone into that elevator! You are the only thing between us and any hostile looking to stop us!

Ishan Goldenfire: That is a great deal of “if’s” sir, but don’t worry. The big man and I are more than capable of exterminating any pests that may show up…

Ishan had the voice of a demon and the aura of a Viper. Takuma could tell that he had taken many lives over the years as a hired mercenary for the War Hammer Corporation. He was not a man to be trifled with that was for damn sure.

Micheal Vastrix: Thank you Ishan, now remember! As soon as the missiles are launched we must make haste to the private jet. McStrump and the Americans won’t hesitate to strike back at the North Koreans. This part of the world will be wiped from the map and me, I for one do not want to be here when it’s obliterated and put out of its miserable existence.

Allen Anderson: Come on Michael. There isn’t much time left. We must make our way to the control room.

The loud computerized voice from the PA system announced 5 minutes till launch to everyone on the base. Michael nodded and the two most powerful men from the War Hammer Corporation made their way toward the elevator. Ishan and Tarrasque took post at the elevator door guarding it as they watched the rest of the War Hammer operatives finish the last of their tasks and orders. Valora sat there thinking of a safe way for them to get past Tarrasque and Ishan but was quickly running out of time and options. Abby and Takuma knew it and decided for her…

Takuma: Valora, I know you don’t want to put us at risk, but the only way forward is for Abbigail and me to distract those two.

Abbigail: Takuma is right Valora.

Valora: No, there has to be another way…

Abbigail: Sorry Valora, but there isn’t!

Abbigail grabbed Valora and gave her big kiss on the lips before diving off of the second-floor balcony guard railing. She landed on her feet some 40 yards away from Tarrasque and Ishan much to Valora’s shock. Sato followed after her and both mercenaries spotted them instantly and immediately moved in to intercept them. Valora didn’t have time to be angry as both Ishan and Tarrasque had now moved away from the Elevator leaving an opening for her. She quickly got to her feet and sprinted to the end of the second-floor hallway. She carefully jumped down to the first floor and opened the elevator door before diving inside of it and shutting its doors. Ishan and Tarrasque were too distracted by Takuma and Abbigail to even notice that they had allowed the most dangerous woman in the world past them.

Isahan: So our Boss Allen was right to fear you and your friends… ah… but seems the great Valora Salinas and Kronin Reinhardt are missing! Are you really all that’s left of your pathetic group? Ha! Muhahaha! Hilarious!

Takuma and Dresden pulled out their semi-automatic pistols and unloaded their entire magazines at the hostile mercenaries. Tarrasque was to slow to move out of the way and braced to be riddled with bullets. Fortunately for the big oaf, Ishan in an incredible superhuman display of expert swordsmanship, deflected the shots away using the blades of his swords. Sparks flew from the steel of his blades as the shrapnel from the bullets scattered against the wall of the military complex. Out of bullets, Takuma and Abbigail tossed their weapons aside, and braced for close-quarters combat.

Takuma: Impressive… but a real warrior fights hand to hand. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon. Toss the blades aside Ishan! Show me what you got!

Ishan: Those are words of a man held at a disadvantage, but I should expect no less from a Sato.

Takuma: What’s that supposed to mean?

Ishan: Let’s just say we’ve met before millions of times throughout the multiverse…

The two martial artists circled each other as Ishan placed his swords back into his holsters on his back. At this point, Abbigail and mammoth Tarrasque had already begun to grapple with each other in a test of strength. Tarrasque laughed like an invalid enjoying the physical altercation with his attacker. Dresden could tell that she was fighting an opponent of immense strength, but with the relative intelligence of a five-year-old. The War Hammer henchmen who had been working on the first floor had encircled the four of them by this point and had their weapons drawn and pointed at Abbigail and Takuma.

Ishan: No! Do not shoot them! I want to kill these two myself!

The War Hammer mercenaries lowered their weapons and watched as the four fighters started their hand to hand battle to the death. Meanwhile, Valora had finally reached the third-floor sub-basement of the complex. The elevator doors opened revealing a state of the art super science control room. As Valora stepped into the room her eyes locked onto Allen Anderson and Michael Vastrix standing at the control panel working on inputting the last of the security overwrite key’s needed to launch the War Hammer designed and built stealth thermal nuclear missiles.

Michael Vastrix: Finally! That was the last of the key codes! We’ve done it Allen! The world will finally go back to the way it was before the last world war! The days of a world with one superpower are over!

Allen Anderson: It’s a fantastic achievement sir. Once you’ve worked your whole life to achieve. It’s almost a shame that no one will know you were behind it all along.

Michael Vastrix: Now, now Allen, you know I’ve never been one who needed his ego stroked. All that matters is the survival of War Hammer, and today we’ve assured that.

Allen patted Michael on the back just as the computerized voice came over the speaker system again. Valora silently moved in closer and pulled out her pistol to take aim at Michael Vastrix.

Computerized Voice: Key codes activated. Missiles one through seven prepared for launch. Ten seconds till the launch of missile number one. Count down commencing. Ten… Nine… Eight…

As the countdown started, Valora pulled the trigger firing multiple shots at Michael Vastrix. The bullets hit him in the back before ether he or Allen could react to the gunfire. Blood spattered the control console as the CEO choked on his own blood and collapsed onto the steel platform flooring. Anderson pulled out SIG Sauer M11 handgun and returned fire at Valora tagging her in the left shoulder and arm. The Latina dove behind a giant supercomputer and took cover and Allen followed suit by crouching down low behind the main chair for the control panel. Michael continued to cough up blood as he bled into his chest and reached out to Allen for help.

Allen Anderson: Damn it, Michael! I told you! The woman is relentless!

Michael Vastrix: Auuackkkahh…just…be…sure…that…Jeremiah…continues…my…work {bloody cough} by…any…means…necessary….

Michael’s breathing stopped and the CEO of War Hammer pasted on to the next plane of existence. Valora rolled out from her cover and fired a few shots at the chair Anderson was hiding behind attempting to hit Allen, but her shots missed. The countdown for the first missile ended and suddenly the entire base and the ground around it began to shake as the first missile launched from its silo deep within the mountain of Jonchon.

Allen Anderson: You’re too late Valora! The first missile is already in the air! In another sixty seconds, all seven of them will be headed toward the American west coast!

Valora ignored Anderson and another ten-second count down for the next missile launch commenced. A floor above them, the War Hammer mercenaries had one by one begun to leave the fight taking place on the first floor and headed toward the private War Hammer Corporate jets as they’d been instructed to do so once the first missile had launched. Allen and Michael earlier in the day had stressed the fact that they would have to make a quick escape once the missiles were fired.

Abbigail and Tarrasque had beaten each other bloody as had Ishan and Sato by this point. It was clear that no fighter had an advantage over the other and by the time a winner could be decided more than likely they would all be vaporized. However, neither party yielded or made an attempt to escape and so the fights on the first floor raged on. Down below, however, it was becoming clear to Allen that he was no match for Valora Salinas in a gunfight even with a much better firearm. Valora had shot Allen in the shoulder and the lead executive of War Hammer was beginning to bleed out.

Allen Anderson: I thought we had deal Valora? I help you and you help me! Don’t tell me you’re not a woman of your word!

Valora: That was before I knew you were going to vaporize my home town of Los Angeles along with the entire west coast you fucking crazy ass GRINGO!

The countdown for the second missile completed and once again the ground shook with intense force as another nuclear missile shot out of the mountain silo. Valora knew that at this point two missiles were already in the atmosphere and the likely hood of them being shot down was slim considering the War Hammer tech behind them. Lives had already been lost and the only thing she could do was try to stop the rest from being launched as damage control. Valora stood up and sprinted out of her hiding spot toward Allen risking her life to get to the console.

Valora: Fuck you! You’re a dead man Allen!

The Latina discharged her weapon at Anderson until her pistol’s magazine was empty. The shots missed Allen completely, but Valora wasn’t aiming for him. The bullets had struck the console panel at critical spots damaging serious components. Allen popped up from his hiding spot and shot Valora in the stomach-dropping the Latina in cold blood on the floor. The control panel began to spark and then caught fire and the computerized voice that had been counting down the missile launches terminated its count down procedure.

Allen Anderson: Damn it! You ruined the remaining missile launches! No matter… you’ve failed Valora! You may have saved the lives of millions, but at least two American cities will be vaporized today! It will be more than enough to destabilize the United States as we planned!

Allen adjusted his expensive suit and tie before he swatted away some of his own blood that had oozed through it from his shoulder wound. Valora laid on the steel platform about seven yards away from the control panel bleeding heavily and screaming in pain and anger. She was covered in sweat, blood, and had tears in her eyes as Allen walked toward her.

Allen Anderson: America will enter a decline like it’s never seen before! It will be like the fall of Rome and from it War Hammer will profit! Hahaha! Now if you’ll excuse me there’s a jet waiting for me. I wonder what will kill you first… The stomach wound that you’re slowly bleeding out from? Or perhaps you’ll live long enough to be vaporized by the American retaliatory attack? Either way, the world of espionage will miss its top assassin… I know I will! Goodbye Valora!

Anderson sprinted toward the elevator and swiftly made his way up to the first floor. As the doors opened he bore witness to a bloodshot red-eyed War Hammer drug-enhanced Takuma Sato with his right arm sticking through the chest of his best assassin Ishan Goldenfire. Inside his hand was the still-beating heart of the ninja assassin. Sato crushed it in his palm and then dropped it on the floor before and ripping his arm out of Ishan dropping him dead on the floor. The attack is so gruesome, so shocking, that even Tarrasque and Dresden had stopped fighting and were staring at Sato. Anderson broke the silence by shouting out to his muscular enhanced bodyguard.

Allen Anderson: Tarrasque! To the jet now! MOVE IT! As for you two! Don’t try to stop us! If you want to save Valora, you’re only chance is to get to her now before she bleeds to death!

Abbigail made a mad dash for the elevator as Sato sprinted straight at Allen and attempted a superkick. The move however failed when Tarasque jumped in front of Allen and blocked the kick before delivering a monstrous hay-maker that hit Sato straight in the chest and sent the martial artist flying into a giant stack of military cargo crates. Sato hit them with extreme violence and landed unconscious on the floor much to the delight of Allen.

Allen Anderson: Come on you idiot! We have to get to the plane!

Tarrasque: Dahh… is it boom time?

Allen Anderson: Yes! Now let’s go!

Anderson and Tarrasque rushed out of the complex just as Abbigail reached the third-floor basement. The doors opened revealing an injured Valora attempting to get to her feet covered in blood. Abbigail immediately rushed out over to her and placed her hand over her wound to slow down the bleed.

Valora: We have to get… out of here… before McStrump authorizes a retaliatory attack…

Abbigail: I know, we felt the first two missiles that launched.

Valora: I stopped the rest…

Abbigail: You did a good thing Valora… Come on! We got to get the fuck out of here!

Abbigail helped Valora to the Elevator and they rode it back up to the first floor of the complex. As they exited out onto the floor Takuma was just getting back to his feet after regaining consciousness. It was clear to Abbigail that both Valora and Takuma were in no shape to hike back to the Cargo truck they’d arrived in.

Abbigail: We’re going to have to steal one of these jeeps. Valora do you think you can manage to hot-wire one of them if I get you over to it?

Valora: No problem… come on Sato, pull your shit together essay…

The three of them made it over to a Jeep and Abbigail helped Valora fire up the motor. Sato helped get Valora in the back seat and then he and Abbigail jumped into the front. The three of them peeled out of there like a bat out of hell and headed toward the complexes garage door. The War Hammer mercenaries and Allen had already taken off and most of the North Korean soldiers were standing around aimlessly trying to figure out why they had left in such a hurry. Dresden drove the jeep through the front gate of the complex busting it open and five minutes later they were at the cargo truck that they had left behind earlier with the rest of their group. The three were met with a very concerned Chris Rodgers and Scott Slade.

Chris Rodgers: What the hell happened? We seen two missiles launch?

Abbigail: There’s nothing we can do about it now Rodgers! Valora stopped the other five from launching! We’ve got to get the fuck out of here before the U.S attacks!

Chris Rodgers: I told you all, you should have let me come with you! Now all those people are going to die!

Sato: We don’t have time for this! The Chinese border is only some thirty miles away! If we’re lucky, will make it to JI’AN before it’s too late! Chris, you drive the cargo truck!

Rodgers for once followed orders and got in the truck and fired up the motor. The group pulled their two vehicles back onto the dirt road headed northwest alongside the Changja River. Fifteen minutes later the group could here loud emergency sirens from the base they had just left. A primal fear gripped the hearts of every individual including the semi-conscious Valora.

Sato: Shit… floor it Abby!

Abbigail: I’m going as fast as this piece crap can go!

Valora: Don’t worry you guys… we're too far now from Pyongyang now… we made it…


A large flash of light was seen in the far great distance of the southern horizon behind them and soon after followed a massive deafening explosion and a giant mushroom cloud. Pyongyang was gone in an instant along with all of the poor people that suffered for so many years under their horrendous dictator. The process then repeated again in the northeast horizon in the second largest city of North Korea. Everyone still conscious inside both vehicles went silent as they just made it to the border in time before further strikes were launched by the American ships off the Sea of Japan.

At first the Chinese refused to let them into their country, but with the help of the bilingual Jeremiah, the group was able to explain what had happened to them and how they made their escape. The Chinese border patrol allowed them passage and called for multiple ambulances for the sick and injured. Their attention, however, was more focused on what was transpiring on the news channels on their small television and the continuous nuclear strikes taking place south of their border in their neighboring country.

The Ultimate Wrestling roster had survived their horrific North Korean experience and with the help of the Chinese government and the States hospitals, everyone who had made it across the border recovered and was able to make the trip back to the United States after a few weeks of care and rehabilitation. Los Angeles and Seattle had been wiped out by the thermal nuclear missiles launched by War Hammer and the North Koreans. 31.2 million Americans annihilated in the blink of an eye.


The greatest tragedy in American history of the Nation with only the comfort of knowing that it could have been much worse if not for the brave men and women of the Ultimate Wrestling roster. There was no media mention of War Hammer and the blame had been solely placed on the North Koreans by President McStrump even though he had been briefed by the group about Anderson and Michael Vastrix.

At first the populace blamed President McStrump and the United Nations criticized his horrific retaliation on the nation of North Korea. However, when the news broke that Ronald McStrump Jr. had perished in Washington State, the American people took solace in the fact the President was grieving along with them and the political pressure eased. A month after the tragedy, the Ultimate Wrestling roster and announcing team was invited to the White House. Every member of the surviving group was award the Medal of Freedom which is the highest medal a civilian can attain for aiding their country. Valora however purposely no-showed to spite President McStrump blaming him publicly in the media for the entire catastrophe. Abbigail Dresden and Takuma Sato were given a full pardon for the drug crimes they were framed for as well.

Ultimate Wrestling president Rupert Mudcock announced that the final four surviving contestants from the deceased Emperors Death Sport tournament would fight in a special match at the next show set for New Year’s Eve at Madison Square Garden and the winner would be crowned the new Franchise Champion. The match would be of course between Valora Salinas, Takuma Sato, Abbigail Dresden, and Huckleberry.

As for the Cult of the Blob their little piece of paradise had been preserved by the Blob’s force-field from the nuclear holocaust. The anomaly had baffled American scientists but trying to research how and why was impossible due to the radiation fallout in the area. It would be years before they could ever hope to get close to the strange prism protecting the small mountain town. Abishag however had not been seen since his mutation and escape from the Rungrado stadium in North Korea. Rumors have surfaced that he'd been found in the Hailar River of Mongolia by a freedom fighter known as “The Great Khan” Chuluun Bold, but no proof of this was ever found.

The End.

Ultimate Wrestling will return for a Season 2!

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