Ultimate Online Wrestling CH-12: DEATH SPORT PART - 2

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)


Ultimate Online Wrestling is a collaborative and competitive creative writing role-playing game where users join and create wrestler characters in an alternate world where wrestling is real. Writers earn Hive Tokens for contributing to the story by writing roleplay's for their characters who are booked in matches once a month.

If you would like to learn more about Ultimate Wrestling or join as a character writer check out our discord: https://discord.gg/mj6Msrf


Backstage the Ultimate Wrestling roster stands huddled together with guards surrounding them. Sato has distanced himself from the group and was sitting on the floor leaning up against a wall with his head hung low clearly conflicted with having killed a member of their own group. The other fighters watch as Ji-Min's body is wheeled past them in a black body bag. Valora, however, seems unfazed by all the carnage and is doing her best to keep everyone focused.

Valora: Were doing the best that we could have possibly done so far against these “champions” everyone. I know the majority of the rest of us that are left will probably be fighting other members of our group like Sato had to earlier. I suggest you make peace with that now and get mentally prepared to do what has to be done because there ain’t no one coming to rescue us.

Valora’s further words of encouragement were cut off by a familiar sound. She turned around and looked on as Abbigail was doubled over vomiting into one of the toilets put in the area where the competitors were being held during the show. Given that the dead bodies of the losers were being kept in the room as well, Valora was surprised it had taken her this long to lose her lunch. Walking over to her, Valora leaned against the wall. Abbigail opened her mouth to apologize, but Valora cut her off by holding up her hand.

Valora: Happens to everyone, chica.

It was clear Abbigail’s whole world was spinning. One week ago she was just an athlete fighting to make a name for herself in Ultimate Wrestling. Now she was being forced to fight to the death in a foreign country hostile to the United States. Nothing in her past could have ever prepared her for what was transpiring around her at this very moment. Valora leaned in closer and spoke quietly at first as a concerned friend would.

Valora: In Pre-Med... We all had to watch an autopsy... My first one... I threw up my breakfast and passed the fuck out.

Abbigail looked over at Sato and then at Valora. She couldn’t believe that her tag team partner had gone through with his match and killed their fellow roster mate Dwight Couch.

Abbigail: I can’t do it, Val... I can’t kill anyone.. Especially not someone on our own damn team!

Valora smirked and nodded.

Valora: No… that’s not what scares you… What scares you is you’re feeling it right now...

Abbigail looked at Valora confused and frustrated.

Abbgail: Feeling what?

Valora shrugged.

Valora: Will to survive, chica. The human body is programmed to survive at all costs… Your mind, your body knows you need to kill Gabrielle to survive… When you get out there… You will be surprised at what you will do to survive. Trust me chica… Also… when you see that I’m right and she will kill you, I think you’ll change your mind quick.

She paused and looked around before locating Gabrielle standing over by the wall across from them staring back at her protégé.

Valora: It’s self-defense, Abs. You have no choice and if you don’t kill her, she’ll kill you.

Abbigail somewhat agreed halfheartedly.

Abbigail: I don’t know that… and acid? The smell, the screams… I’ll never be able to forget them.

Valora shrugs.

Valora: Then don’t use the acid… You wanna be kind to Gabrielle? Cut her a break then.

Valora walked around behind and took hold of Abbigail’s head in a way similar to how Marines might do so. Abbigail’s eyes opened wide as her mentor showed her exactly how to end Gabrielle quickly without needlessly making her suffer more than she had to.

Valora: Snap the puta’s neck. Grab her like this and snap.

While close, Valora whispered into Abbigail’s ear.

Valora: It’ll be clean, quick… she won’t feel much.

Abbigail gulped and looked at Valora with a horrified expression on her face.

Abbigail: What would you do?

Valora thought for a moment and looked at the floor almost hesitant to reveal her true dark side to Abbigail.

Valora: You don’t wanna know… Be glad you ain’t me…

Abbigail narrowed her eyes unsatisfied with Valora answer.

Abbigail: I do wanna know.

Valora let out a long sigh and then looked up at Abbigail.

Abbigail: I’d beat the puta bloody … then I’d pitch the puta in the acid and be done with it.

Seeing Abbigail’s horrified look, Valora shrugged. She knew she couldn’t hold back her true self any longer. The time had come for Abbigail to know the real Valora.

Valora: Told you, you didn’t wanna hear it.

Abbigail: ...How?

Valora: Because chica... Right now the rule is survival. You tell me, that me living means I gotta kill someone else.. Better believe I’m gonna make a corpse.

Abbigail: And if they match us against each other?

Valora leaned in closer.

Valora: Think I haven’t thought about that. I’m hoping to have a plan by then. A plan that is much easier to form when I don’t need to rally the fuckin’ troops to keep their fuckin’ heads in the game and wonder if my rookie can keep herself from throwing up long enough to beat the porn star bloody.

Valora points to the dead bodies in the room lined up against the far wall on stretchers.

Valora: You can survive or you can end up like that. I’ll talk to you after.

Valora said as she stood up from her crouched position. Abbigail smirked.

Abbigail: How do you know I’ll make it back?

Valora smirked back at her.

Valora: Well, I know the man who raised you… Secondly… I know human nature. Thirdly, I got a bet on you so you better not let me down.

Abbigail blinked.

Abbigail: You don’t have money… wait they took it?

Valora nods.

Valora: That’s why you better not lose... I don’t want to carry through my end of the bet… and I need what I convinced them to wager.


The feed comes back live with a rope tied into a noose lowering down from the rafters on a pulley system. "Down Low" by R.Kelly starts to play as Jeremiah Vastrix walks out onto the stage to a negative reaction. His face is still heavily bandaged from the beatings he took prior to his arrival to North Korea.


Chris Rodgers: It is clear Jeremiah has an uphill battle to climb here.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah is without his specialized mask and is probably in the most vulnerable position than he’s ever been in since Joining Ultimate Wrestling.

Chris Rodgers: He’s in rough shape. However, I think he’s gotten off light compared to some of the other fighters so far. This match, while deadly, does not look as physically demanding as the previous bouts.

Scott Slade: I have to agree Chris. It’s almost suspicious in nature…

Once inside the ring, his music cut’s off and “erowoun” by falkenbach starts to play over the speakers inside the stadium. The Koreans go eerily quiet as what could only be described as a mutant creature, waddles out onto the stage. A three-foot-tall squatty mound of humanity with only two limbs that seemed to act as both legs and arms for it. Its hands, more claw-like and void of any digits. A hideous sight to be held. The Koreans go absolutely mad, chanting “Belial” almost religiously as the creature makes its way toward the ring down the aisle.


Chris Rodgers: What…in the fuck is that thing?

Scott Slade: I’m being told its name is Belial! Good lord, I think I want to throw up…

Chris Rodgers: That thing looks like it escaped from a freak circus!

Jeremiah looks at the ugly creature making its way down the aisle and immediately begins scanning it with his cybernetic eye. A worried expression comes over his face as Belial uses his two limbs to spring onto the canvas without the help of the steel steps. He then enters the ring and pauses before putting all his weight on one limb and raising the other to salute his adoring crowd.

Scott Slade: Chris, did you get a look at his hands? They look like clawed hooves or something.

Chris Rodgers: Damn thing looks like a demon. Who knows where the Emperor discovered this satanic beast. Disgusting…

The emperor sounds the massive gong near his throne and the match officially starts. The fight between the mutant and the cyborg starts at an extreme level as Belial springs at Jeremiah and then slashes at him in midair with his claws. The strikes slash Jeremiah open, spilling more fresh blood onto the mat. The attack drives Jeremiah back into the ropes as Belial lands on the ring mat beneath his feet. Vastrix, however, kicks the mutant in its body and sending Belial rolling back like a bowling ball. Belial rolls into the ropes and he uses his right limb to catch himself from rolling out onto the floor.

Chris Rodgers: I think Jeremiah just tried to bend it like Beckham right there.

Scott Slade: Well that thing is kind roundish… so gross! Jeremiah already suffering from those claws. He looks to be losing some blood.

Chris Rodgers: This creature looks deadly. Jeremiah needs to stay focused and really rely on that cybernetic eye.

Jeremiah rushes towards his mutant opponent and hits him with a baseball slide that sends Belial flying through the gap between the bottom of the ring mat and the first rope. His deformed body hits the guard railing scaring the Koreans sitting in the front row. Belial rolls around on the floor in pain, furious with anger. The mutant doesn’t have long to rest however as Jeremiah leaps up onto the top rope and springboards off of it attempting to come down with a double footed stop in order to squash the freakish mutant. Belial uses his two limbs to jaunt himself away and Vastrix comes up empty and ends up slamming into the steel railing himself.

Chris Rodgers: Ohh! Nobody home!

Scott Slade: He’s got this thing on the run through Chris.

Chris Rodgers: You’re right Scott and the longer this match goes the more in Jeremiah’s favor it becomes as he can log more data on your attacks and tendencies in the ring.

Scott Slade: Wait what’s that thing doing now?

Belial pulls out a steel chair from under the ring and flings at Jeremiah hitting him in the face with the corner edge of it. The blow knocks Jeremiah onto the ground giving Belial the perfect opportunity for an attack. The creature leaps up and lands on top of Jeremiah and begins slicing and dicing into Jeremiah’s bruised and busted face with his claws. Blood sprays everywhere covering the Koreans in the front row who go mad with blood lust and begin cheering. Once satisfied with his cuts, Belial begins ingesting the fresh plasma from Jeremiah's face.

Chris Rodgers: Good Christ all mighty it's eating his blood! This monster is feasting on Jeremiah!

Scott Slade: Chris, Jeremiah’s face looks horrific! It was already in bad shape, but I don’t think he’ll be getting dates with the ladies like he used too.

Chris Rodgers: I’m sure he has greater concerns right now Scott than getting laid. If he wants to get out of this one alive he’s got get that thing off of him!

Jeremiah regains his composure and comes too with Belial licking his face with his grotesque warty tongue that is clearly suffering from strange STD’s and other disgusting ailments. Jeremiah throws Belial off of him and the squatty mutant lands on his back hard on the floor. Jeremiah then quickly gets back on his feet with blood raining down from his face onto the floor. He picks up the steel chair that hit him in the face earlier and then walks over to Belial who’s just gotten upright and clobbers him hard over his stumpy head with the chair.

Chris Rodgers: That’s it Vastrix! Time to let this freak know whose boss damn it!

Scott Slade: My God! It’s like it didn’t even really register!

Belial just screams in anger and roars like a true monster. The fans cheer him on but quiet down when in response Jeremiah begins whacking Belial repeatedly with the chair all over his deformed body with pure unrelenting aggression. With the monsters stubby forehead busted open, Jeremiah picks him up by his arm and then begins swinging him around and around until he lets go. The toss sends Belial over the top rope and into the ring. The mutant splatters into the ring mat staining it with blood before rolling into the base of the right bottom corner turnbuckle.

Chris Rodgers: I think this Belial creature has awoken a fire inside Jeremiah Vastrix! He’s finally taking control of this fight.

Scott Slade: He’s fighting back, but he’s losing a lot of blood. That’s going to take a toll after a while.

Jeremiah climbs back up onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes into the ring. The Korean spectators boo him heavily and curse his name in their native language. The Blood drenched Vastrix whips back his long black sopping hair and then sets his cybernetic eye focused on Belial. He stalks over to him and grabs the creature by its left limb. Dragging the mutant over to the noose hanging in the center of the ring, Jeremiah quickly attempts to tie Belials razor-sharp hands together. Once tied securely, Jeremiah finds the other end of the rope and begins pulling on it lifting Belial’s short deformed body to eye level. Jeremiah ties his end of the rope to the turnbuckle holding Belial like a dangling piñata.

Chris Rodgers: Oh shit! Vastrix is looking to end this thing!

Scott Slade: I was trying to figure out how he could comply with the match rules of needing to hang your opponent. I think this will count, but OH! OH! God damn! Jeremiah going to work on Belial!

Chris Rodgers: He’s beating him like a dead horse!

Jeremiah unleashes a flurry of powerful hay-makers on the defenseless Belial as the fans watch the last of their grand champions look to be defeated. Each punch rocks Belial sending his freakish form swinging back and forth. The gash on his face is now visibly wider and his repulsive blood scatters the wrestling mat. However, Belial refuses to go quietly, squirming, and screaming with all his might to untie himself from his predicament. Jeremiah frustrated with the creatures extreme will to live slides out of the ring and grabs the steel chair he had been using before and tosses it into the ring before sliding back inside after it.

Scott Slade: Oh man! I didn’t think this could get any more brutal, but I think Jeremiah is going to try and beat this thing to death with that steel chair!

Chris Rodgers: Vastrix is finally living up to the potential Mr. Mudcock saw in him 12 months ago when he was recruited into the Ultimate Wrestling roster!

Scott Slade: The former tag team champion has his hands on the chair. OH! You could hear that shot from anywhere inside this building!

Jeremiah cocks his arms back again this time making sure to hit Belial right on the gash he opened earlier. The steal chairs edge tears into the wound revealing part of Belial’s deformed skull. Vastrix then grabs the steel chair and begins taunting the Emperor and the spectators pretending the dented steel chair in his hands is an electric guitar. Meanwhile, while Jeremiah is showboating, the dazed and confused Belial manages to slip his right claw lose from the knot Vastrix had tied earlier.

Scott Slade: No! Belial is loose!

Chris Rodgers: What is that idiot doing! Playing air guitar? His fucking life is on the line here! This isn’t a wrestling match dimwit! This is a fight to the death!

With his free hand, Belial cuts the rope above the noose which drops him down to the ring mat in a puddle of blood. The fans roar and Jeremiah turns around shocked to see the creature free of his ominous predicament. The cyborg wrestler cocks back the steel chair and rushes Belial, but he misses the squatty mutant as he rolls out of the way. As Vastrix turns around, Belial pulls himself up onto the middle rope of the ring and then bounces upwards into the air and wraps his limbs around Jeremiah before biting his wounded face.

Scott Slade: Oh man! That Belial creature is a lot more agile than we ever could have imagined!

Chris Rodgers: It’s literally biting Jeremiah in the face now and these people are loving it.

Jeremiah attempts to use the chair to whack Belial in the back, but the deformed mutant quickly rotates to Jeremiahs back clinging to his shoulders. The cyborg ends up whacking himself in the face with the steel chair that knocks the cyborg into a stupor. Belial uses the opportunity to seriously maim Jeremiah by reaching over and jamming his claw straight into Vastrix’s remaining human eye. The Koreans roar as Belial removes his claw and dismounts the now screaming Jeremiah. Emperor Kim stands up and begins applauding Belial as Jeremiah drops to his knees blood gushing out of his eye socket.

Scott Slade: My god! Belial has taken Jeremiah’s remaining eye!

Chris Rodgers: The man is completely blind! I don’t know if he can honestly continue… he’s going to have to rely completely on his remaining cybernetic eye and god only knows what kind of visual data that thing can give him Scott!

Belial rolls towards Jeremiah and uses his limbs to leap up and then bulldog slam Jeremiah face-first into the mat. Then the mutant heads to the corner of the ring and begin to climb up the turnbuckle up to the top rope. A “Belial” chant starts up again as the mutant preps to finish Jeremiah who manages to roll onto his back and is breathing heavily trying to manage the extreme pain coursing through his nervous system.

Chris Rodgers: I think this freak is looking to put Jeremiah out of his misery!


Belial springboards off of the turnbuckle and attempts to impale Jeremiah with his claws. However, Jeremiah’s cybernetic eye saves him and he moves out of the way just in time. Belial hits the mat hard and his hands go through the ring mat trapping him in the center of the ring. The fans let out a moan of disappointment watching their champion come up empty.

Scott Slade: HE MISSED!

Chris Rodgers: I doubt Vastrix can see much, but he can see a threat like that coming a mile away!


Chris Rodgers: Unbelievable!

Vastrix manages to get to his feet and using his cybernetic eye scans the ring to locate the steel chair he dropped earlier. He picks it up as Belial continues to struggle to get free and walks over to the mutant and absolutely lets him have it with all his strength crushing his skull in. The sound sickening and blood explodes all over the mat.

Chris Rodgers: Good lord…he’s done it! Jeremiah Vastrix lives to fight another day.

Scott Slade: Oh my God I think I’m going to be sick…

The fans go silent and once again the Emperor looks on disappointed and frustrated with the result. Jeremiah collapses onto the mat as the gong is sounded signifying him as the winner of the match. Once again Valora and Abishag are escorted down to the ring by North Korean soldiers to retrieve their fellow roster mate who is too far injured to make his way back to their holding cell under his own power.

Chris Rodgers: I think Jeremiah has shown the world just what he’s made of here tonight in the Rungrado!

Scott Slade: That had to be the most grotesque fight we’ve seen tonight. I don’t know how much more of this I can handle Chris.

Chris Rodgers: It’s about to get worse Scott. I’m being told the remaining three matches tonight are all matches with members of our Ultimate Wrestling roster pitted against one another.

Scott Slade: Probably because the Emperor’s tired of seeing his fighters getting sent out in body bags! It’s obvious we’ve had the edge all night Chris!

Chris Rodgers: Will you quiet down. Are you trying to get us tortured further? What the hell is a matter with you?



Workers finish setting up four giant tubs of Acid outside of the ring on each side of it. Many of the spectators have begun to clap slowly and methodically eager to see some Americans suffer the same fate as the Emperors selected champions did earlier. The Resistance by Skillet suddenly begins to play on the sound system inside the Rungrado and Abbigail Dresden walks out onto the stage to an onslaught of jeers and boos. Ignoring the response from the North Koreans she makes her way down the aisle before stopping at the first tub of acid in her path.


Scott Slade: Here comes one half of our current Tag Team Champions, Abbigail Dresden and she obviously is feeling all sorts of anxiety about this fight and justifiably so.

Chris Rodgers: She’s a hefty girl at 150 pounds and she’s been trained by Salinas. I think she’s going to do ok. I’m sure Valora’s killer instinct has rubbed off on her over the months.

Scott Slade: Why do you always comment on her weight? She’s a true athlete and a good person! I for one am rooting for her! I don’t want to see anything bad happen to a young champion like herself. Ultimate Wrestling needs more young talent like her on its roster. We can’t afford to lose her!

Chris Rodgers: I not trying to be negative Scott. If she comes out of this thing alive she’ll have earned my respect as a fighter that is for damn sure.

Abbigail slides into the ring and begins stretching and attempting to psyche herself up for her match. Her music is cut and “Hard” by Rihanna starts to play on the speaker system. Gabrielle Montgomery walks out onto the stage in an extremely provocative wrestling outfit made of sheer see-through mesh that leaves nothing to the imagination what so ever. The North Koreans by default start to boo her harshly until the men get a good look at her. Suddenly the boos become high pitched whistles and catcalls as the sexy part-time porn star make's her way down the aisle putting on a show for the foreign spectators.


Chris Rodgers: Oh no! Not Ms. Montgomery! She‘s an American Icon! We can’t afford to lose a sex symbol like her!

Scott Slade: Yes… save the porn star, but forget Abbigail…

Chris Rodgers: As much I hate having to see Ms. Montgomery put her life on the line here tonight… BOY! Oh! BOY! Is she a sight for sore eyes right now Scotty!

Scott Slade: Yes…its clear your morale has been instantly boosted Chris… What is wrong with this woman? It’s as if she has no idea what is transpiring here. She dancing around and trying to be all sexy right before she fights to the death.

Chris Rodgers: She’s just trying to spread some good American culture to these barbaric heathens! Stop criticizing Ms. Montgomery Scott! I won’t stand for it!

Montgomery obliviously walks past the vat of acid and enters the ring as if it’s a normal wrestling match. Once in the ring she climbs onto the turnbuckle and begins to give everyone a sultry pole dance using the ring post. The Emperor is extremely pleased by the performance and also joins in with his male civilians in clapping enthusiastically and whistling in a perverted manner. Abbigail grows frustrated with her airhead of an opponent and decides to take advantage of her lack of focus at the task at hand. Dresden grabs her off of the turnbuckle and throws her down on the mat which instantly gets a bad reaction from the spectators. The emperor sounds his large gong and the match is officially started. Abbigail runs toward Montgomery on the mat and drops a rolling knee drop over her rib-cage taking the wind right out of her opponent.

Scott Slade: Well it looks like Abbigail isn’t wasting any time. Remember these two faced off against each other not too long ago in a very competitive and close match where Gabrielle snagged the victory.

Chris Rodgers: Don’t worry Spank Tube fans! If she’s done it once! She can do it again!

Scott Slade: ...disgusting… Spank Tube? What are you? A teenager?

Dresden picks up Montgomery and sizes her up before giving her a stiff slap in the chest that echo’s through the Rungrado. The blow stuns the quirky porn star and Abbigail then follows it up with a standing dropkick that takes Montgomery down to the ring mat again. Dresden then jumps onto Gabrielle and begins pummeling her with right hands to the face. She then jumps to her feet and gives the Koreans booing her the one-finger salute.

Scott Slade: Look at the attitude coming from Dresden! She is fired up!

Chris Rodgers: The adrenaline is coursing through her system. All that training with Valora is now coming out without a conscious effort. I’ve seen it before… in military combat. Ms. Montgomery is in serious trouble!

Scott Slade: Perhaps her fight or flight instinct will kick in soon. I find it almost concerning how unaffected she’s been by the situation we find ourselves in.

Dresden walks back over to Gabrielle ready to pummel her some more when she sits up and grabs Dresden by dragging her out of the ring and down onto the floor near the Acid Tub. The two land both on their feet and begin to brawl which Montgomery wins with a lucky shot that lands dead set center on Abbigail's nose and sends her stumbling back. Gabrielle tries to take advantage of her offensive success but walks right into a knife-edge chop from Abbigail. The two begin exchanging chops back and forth firing up the bloodthirsty crowd in attendance. The back and forth exchange comes to an end with Gabrielle kicking Dresden in the gut and executing a decent DDT. Dresden’s head smacks the floor concrete and she slumps onto the floor as Montgomery lays on her back trying to catch her breath.

Chris Rodgers: These two never seem to disappoint when matched up against each other, it’s almost a tragedy that this will be the last time will ever see these two go head to head.

Scott Slade: The rivalry ends tonight here in North Korea without a doubt! Montgomery is getting back up on her feet and she might be looking to finish this!

Gabrielle picks Abbigail up off of the floor and leans her toward the acid tub. Abbigail's hair dips into the acid and begins to dissolve in front of her eyes instantly. Montgomery tries to shove her in, but Dresden elbows Gabrielle in the ribs and then hits a massive jawbreaker. Both fighters lay on the floor once again breathing heavily near the same tub. Abbigail is the first to her feet and she grabs Gabrielle by her long caramel-colored hair and drags her up on her feet and then hits her with a devastating haymaker that sends her stumbling toward the vat of acid. The Ultimate Wrestling diva tries to catch the edge with both her hands, but the sweat on her palms causes her left hand to slip and her whole left arm goes into the vat.

Chris Rodgers: No! NOOOOOOOOO! Ms. Montgomery!!!

Scott Slade: Gabrielle Montgomery’s left arm just went into the acid!

The spectators let out a roar as Montogomery pulls her arm out almost as fast as it went in revealing a bloody and acid burnt flesh of an extremity that quickly looks to be decomposing at a hyper rate. Gabrielle screams in horror at the shock of the rotting flesh of her arm as the pain finally begins to register in the pain receptors of her brain. Dresden hesitates for a moment feeling guilty for what she’s done to Gabrielle, but then remembering the words of mentor she moves in for the kill to put her out of her misery. Dresden moves in up from behind and tries to grab Montgomery by the head in order to snap her neck. The Diva’s martial arts training, however, saves her life and she’s able to reach back and grab Dresden by her hair flipping her over her back onto the rigid floor.

Chris Rodgers: Ms. Montgomery is continuing on! The flesh is literally falling off of her right arm as I speak!

Scott Slade: She’s not going to be able to fight for too long Chris. That arm needs to be amputated and she sorely needs medical treatment that I doubt she’ll receive here in the prisons where they’ve been keeping us.

Chris Rodgers: Are you trying to crush my hopes and dreams Scott? You don’t understand! For some of us, her movies are all we got! I don’t know what will do without her!

Scott Slade: That is sad on so many levels…

Montgomery backs up and hunches over favoring her injured arm while she waits for Abbigail to get back on her feet. She then sprints at her and nails her with a spear and they both smack the acid container together. The impact causes some of the acid to spill onto both of them which easily burns through their clothing and skin. Both women scream and roll around in pain on the concrete floor as the crowd chants “Death to Americans” unrelentingly driving the point home that their lives mean nothing to them.

Scott Slade: Oohh what a spear!

Chris Rodgers: It looks like some of that acid splashed onto both of them when they hit the vat! They’re both hurting from that act of desperation from Ms. Montgomery!

At this point with no way to neutralize the acid Gabrielle’s bones and tendons are now starting to become visible from her bloody appendage as both women struggle back up onto their feet. Gabrielle slowly walks over and gives Dresden a disrespectful slap in the face with her good arm that sends her over into the guard railing. The Korean fans push Dresden back into Montgomery who grabs her opponent and tries to DDT Dresden with her good arm, but the young tag team champion blocks the maneuver and then belly to belly suplexes her onto the floor. Abbigail then climbs back up onto the ring mat and then makes her way up onto the top of the turnbuckle while Montgomery lay’s motionless on the floor.

Scott Slade: What on earth is Dresden doing!

Chris Rodgers: She’s looking to end this thing with a big move!

Dresden leaps off the top rope and lands a massive Swanton bomb onto Montgomery on the floor annihilating her. The crowd lets out a roar as all of the air leaves Gabrielle’s lungs on impact. Abbigail rolls off of her onto her stomach arching her back in pain from the force of the impact.

Scott Slade: She connected! Ms. Montgomery has been crushed on the outside!

Chris Rodgers: No! No! She can’t give up! She can’t I tell you!

Abbigail’s struggles to her feet and picks up Montgomery by legs and torso and carries her over to the nearest acid vat. She stands with Gabrielle in her arms and after making peace with what she’s about to do raises the former porn star up above her head in a gorilla press and then drops her entire body into the vat. The spectators let out a roar of approval as Dresden backs away stumbling instantly regretting her actions as her opponent floats to the top dissolving rapidly before her eyes.

Chris Rodgers: NOOO!!!! NO! DAMNIT! NO!

Scott Slade: Oh my...I think I’m going to vomit again… viewers turn away this is one of the most appalling and nauseating things I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Ms. Montgomery is gone…

The emperor sounds the gong signifying Dresden as the winner as the referee makes his way over to her and raises her hand in the air signaling her as the victor of the battle. Resistance by Skillet starts to play over the sound system as Abbigail begins to burst into tears falling to her knees in despair. Valora rushes out to her from the backstage helps her up with Abishag. They take her back up the ramp for whatever medical treatment that they can get with the DMZ escorting them.

Scott Slade: It may take a lifetime for Abbigail and the rest of our roster to come to terms with what they’ve had to do here tonight in the Rungrado. There is no doubt in my mind that the images of Gabrielle dissolving in that acid will haunt Abbigail Dresden for the rest of her life, Chris. Chris… ladies gentlemen Chris Rodgers is unable to speak at this time…



The main camera cuts back to the stage as the Ultimate Wrestling crew along with some help from the soldiers at ringside finish erecting the steel cage for the next match. Four large generators are then wheeled out to ringside and connected to each side of the structure. The soldiers then fire them up electrifying the enclosure. A loud hum echoes throughout the arena as the electricity pulsates through the fencing’s metallic mesh. “Ich Will” by Rammstein begins to play on the sound system as Kronin Reinhardt walks out onto the stage to an onslaught of boos and taunts like the rest of his Ultimate Wrestling compatriots. The German looks cool, calm, and collected as he makes his way down the aisle toward the electrified steel cage.


Scott Slade: What is going through Reinhardt’s head right now? He’s seen two of his roster mates get taken out in body bags and now he’s stepping into a match where even the slightest touch of the cage could be enough to kill him.

Chris Rodgers: I think right now the only thing he’s thinking about is whoever his opponent is and how to execute the game plan he needs so he can get out of this thing alive. The man has a systematic mind and an uncanny ability to disassociate himself with his human emotions. I’ve done some digging into his military career and the more I learn about this man the more I respect him.

The cage door is opened by the referee who is wearing rubber boots and gloves. Once inside the ring Kronin’s music is cut off and “A Greater Call” by Cult of Luna begins to play on the sound system and out walks the human Kraken hybrid mutant known only as “Brother Buzi” out onto the stage. The North Koreans stare at him closely confused by his appearance.


Chris Rodgers: So Buzi will be his opponent!

Scott Slade: For months now we’ve been stating that Buzi wears a mask on his face… however, after the things we’ve seen here tonight and the ink job he gave Jeremiah Vastrix… I’m starting to have my doubts. Perhaps he’s some sort of bio-engineered experiment of Doctor Summeroffs.

Chris Rodgers: If whatever that Belial thing was can exist in this world then anything is possible. Then again, it could just be a life-like mask with cybernetics built into much like what Jeremiah Vastrix was wearing months ago.

Scott Slade: Mask or not, this is a man who is known in the wrestling world for being one of the best at one time.

Chris Rodgers: One of the best, but it was years ago… the man has been in retirement for years. Kronin however isn’t a young man himself ether. I have feeling this will be an even fight between the two men who have established themselves as true fighters inside the squared circle.

Buzi walks up to the steel cage door and steps inside the electrified steel structure. The door is sealed behind him and the Korean spectator’s excitement grows into a loud fever pitch. The two combatants stare at each other and circle one another in the center of the ring. Then suddenly the two men lock up in the center of the ring thrusting their weight into each other with all their strength. The two deadlock clearly equal on muscular power. Buzi uses his tentacles though to take advantage of the situation and slides two tips up the nose of Kronin. The sensation disorientates Kronin and it allows Buzi to get the edge and hip toss the big German onto his back.

Scott Slade: Look at that, already the mutation or the mask coming into the play!

Chris Rodgers: The German back on his feet already and the two lock up again! Oh, Buzi pulls him in and locks him into a headlock!

Kronin quickly uses his upper body strength and lifts up Buzi by his midsection and back body slams him into the mat breaking the headlock and scoring a big blow. The fans let out a roar enjoying the display from both big men’s power centric style of wrestling. Kronin gets his feet first and Buzi shortly follows but finds himself on the receiving end of a monstrous big boot to the face. The blow sends him stumbling toward the cage, but the experienced fighter catches the top ring rope and stops himself just in time. Kronin moves in from behind, grabs Buzi from the middle of his waist, and German Suplexes him back toward the center of the ring.

Chris Rodgers: Fantastic stuff from Kronin! However, I think he had a chance there to put Buzi in the cage and he opted to bring the fight away from the fencing.

Scott Slade: Buzi struggling to his feet, but Kronin won’t let go, and OH! Follow up German Suplex!

Chris Rodgers: He’s dragging him back up for a third!

Kronin suplexes Buzi for a third time and then the two men lay on the mat breathing heavily. Buzi clearly feeling the pain as Kronin tries to regain some stamina after expelling a tremendous amount of energy. After a good thirty seconds, Kronin gets back onto his feet and whips back his long black hair before wiping the sweat from his brow. The German then moves in to follow up his attack on Buzi when he spots the cult follower beginning to stir and regain his composure. The German ruthlessly grabs his Kraken faced opponent by his tentacles and viciously pulls him up onto his feet. Buzi lets out a weird scream as Kronin pulls him up onto his feet. Kronin pulls him in and tries to hit a massive haymaker, but Buzi blocks it and then kicks the German in the gut. Buzi then lunges in and grabs Kronin by his head and nails a stunner in the center of the ring igniting the spectators into a frenzy.

Scott Slade: Oh man! A stunner from Buzi!

Chris Rodgers: And now they’re both on the mat again!

Scott Slade: Incredible stuff!

Buzi crawls over to the ropes and pulls himself up weakened by the initial beating from the German. With Kronin still laid out on the mat, Buzi runs over and drops the legendary Buzi leg drop of Abyss onto Reinhardt’s chest and throat. The fans erupt in a roar again as Buzi pops up and absorbs the energy of the crowd for the first time in years. He then begins to pump his arms in the air signaling to the Koreans that he’s about to gorilla press Kronin.

Chris Rodgers: The squid looks like he’s looking to finish this thing Scotty! God help Reinhardt because he’s about to enter a world of pain!

Buzi picks up Kronin off of the mat and then lifts him up over his head in a full press. He then begins to bench press the big German showing off his incredible strength before tossing Kronin into the right side of the steel cage. Kronin’s body hits the cage and is then blasted by an epic electrical explosion that sends him hurtling back to the mat. Kronin's body contorts and shakes uncontrollably as the electrical burns up and down his body pulsate and sizzle.

Scott Slade: Ohhh! That looked devastating and yet Kronin stills seem to be breathing Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Every nerve ending in his body has to be on fire right now Scott. I honestly don’t know how that jolt didn’t stop his heart!

Buzi stares down at the German as Reinhardt fights to his knees before vomiting onto the ring mat. Buzi grows confident and kicks Kronin in the face laying him out onto his side. Buzi then walks over and drags Kronin up by his long black hair. He then puts Kronin’s head between his legs and sets up for a powerbomb only to have the stubborn German fight back and back body drops him onto the canvas. Kronin stumbles over to the turnbuckle away from Buzi to catch a breather and regain some of his senses.

Chris Rodgers: Wow! Can you believe the resilience of this man!

Scott Slade: This is life or death Rodgers! Kronin is not the type of man to just give up!

As Buzi gets back to his feet Kronin keeps an eye on him and then jut’s out of nowhere and smacks Buzi in the face with a standing side kick to the face that sends him stumbling sideways into the turnbuckle. Kronin then sprints at him, leaps into the air, and nails him with a huge splash which sends the spectators into a frenzy. Buzi collapses out of the corner and onto the mat gasping for air and his facial tentacles droop on the mat limp.

Chris Rodgers: I think Buzi is running out of gas and he hasn’t even taken a trip into the electrified cage yet. This is not looking good for the Blob worshiper.

Scott Slade: Perhaps age is playing a part here. We can only speculate but we believe him to be somewhere in the range of 45 to 60 years of age.

Kronin drags Buzi up by the head and back onto his feet. He then slams his face into the steel cage. The electrical shock blasts Buzi back and he collapses to the mat onto his back with his squid face badly burnt and smoke rising up off his mollusk skin.

Chris Rodgers: Damn! That is one fried Calamari!

Scott Slade: That had to have rocked Buzi unconscious. He looks like he’s still breathing, but he hasn’t moved a muscle since he landed on the mat!

Kronin looks down at his opponent and then toward the Korean spectators egging him on to finish his opponent. He shakes his head clearly disgusted by their blood lust before moving in for the kill on Buzi. Once again he pulls Buzi up by his tentacles and then lifts the fighter up onto his shoulder and begins carrying him over toward the caging. Once at the ropes he drops Buzi in-between them and the metal of the cage trapping him against it. Instantly Buzi body begins to contort and smoke as thousands of Watt’s of energy pour through his body. Kronin backs up and then turns around not wanting to watch the man suffer as his body begins to burn.

Chris Rodgers: It’s over! Buzi is done! Stick a fork in him! That’s one less freakazoid Blob worshiper for us to worry about!

Scott Slade: For God's sake the man is dead! Someone turn off the generators! The smell is stomach-turning!

The Emperor sounds the gong and “Ich Will” by Ramestine begins to play over the speakers. Kronin is declared the winner as the Generators are shut down and the cage door is opened. Abishag rushes down from the ramp with tears in his eyes and his face red with anger cursing Kronin.

Scott Slade: My god! It’s Abishag!

Chris Rodgers: He looks in an especially bad mood. That was one of his closes brothers who just bit the big one!

Scott Slade: He’s… he’s coming for Kronin! I bet whoever decided it was a good idea to allow Valora and Abishag access to ringside is regretting it now!

A cluster of soldiers surround Abishag in the aisle with their guns drawn, but the big man barrels through them knocking them over and ignores their orders and threats. Kronin sees the big man coming and the two begin slugging it out like lunatics unhinged throwing wild hay-makers. The Koreans love every second of it as more soldiers rush down from the aisle way carrying tranquilizer rifles. Once midway down the ramp they stop and point their weapons at the Brawling Abishag and Kronin and fire on them repeatedly until both men succumb to the drug and collapse to the floor.

Chris Rodgers: Those two should be very thankful those were tranquilizer darts and not bullets. The only reason they’re alive right now is that Emperor's people want to see them fight.

Scott Slade: Well it looks like we’ve only got one match left for this horrific night. Valora Salinas will take on one of her biggest rivals in Walter Reagan.




The main camera shifts back to the center ring where we see the Korean soldiers wrapping the ring ropes in petrol soaked rags. In the center of the ring stands a metallic ladder with a red-colored tank of gas sitting underneath it. Hanging up above the ladder is military-grade flamethrower dangling a few feet above the top rung. Emperor Kim Jong-Un looks down at the work being done clearly anticipating the following match up. Just as the soldiers are finished the crowd noise is canceled out by the sound of “Bring It” by Trapt starting to play thunderously over the stadium speakers. Valora Salinas walks out onto the stage with a chip on her shoulder and the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise title around her waist. The North Koreans are surprisingly respectful to the American champion choosing not to boo her like the rest of the Ultimate Wrestling roster.


Scott Slade: There she is the Franchise Champion! One of the toughest competitors ever to grace the squared circle and tonight she’s being forced to put her life on the line in one of the most twisted death matches ever conceived.

Chris Rodgers: Last night we were informed that Valora would be pitted against Walter Reagan who was viciously attacked by Kim Ji-Min in the holding cell across from us. The man is no condition to fight and is walking into an execution! It ain’t right damn it!

Valora makes her way down the aisle and over to the steel steps. She climbs up onto the ring apron and then steps inside the ring. Her music then cuts as the U.S National Anthem begins to play at an almost eardrum piercing level. The Koreans are forced to cover their ears as Walter Reagan walks out onto the stage slowly. The fans boo him heavily as he makes his way down the ramp cursing at the Koreans nearest to him and laughing at them.


Scott Slade: Well Kim Ji-Min may have crushed his scrotum, but she didn’t crush his spirit, Chris!

Chris Rodgers: What a patriotic moment! The man is here to do battle and represent our nation!

Once inside the ring the soldiers on the outside grab large torches and set the petrol soaked rags ablaze which catches the attention of everyone in the building including the two fighters. The Emperor sounds his gong and the match is officially started. Both fighters move in with a built-in killer instinct that’s been drilled into them over the course of their lives. They meet in the center of the ring exchanging rights and lefts with fire blazing all around them on all four sides. The weakened Walter is the first to flinch and is backed up against the turnbuckle with the flames scorching the hairy backs of his arms. The burns cause him to jump out of the corner and right into Valora who hooks his head and drives him into the ring mat with an expertly executed DDT. The fans erupt as smoke from the rubber ropes trails upward into the rafters of the Rangrado stadium.

Scott Slade: Valora Salinas has come right out from the sound of the gong and has taken the fight to Walter Reagan!

Chris Rodgers: Come on Walter! You got to fight back man!

Valora gets back on her feet and grabs the gas can from under the ladder, but as she turns around she finds Walter has just gotten back on his feet and she ends up absorbing a tough kick to gut from him. Reagan follows it up with a swinging neck breaker that drops them both to the mat with the gas can in-between them. Both fighters struggle to get to their feet and both reach for the gas can at the same time and begin fighting over it in a crazy tug of war. Walter rips the gas can away from Valora using his superior upper body strength, but Valora thinks fast and drops kicks him in the chest crushing the gas can in the process. The blow causes the fuel to gush out of the top of the container and into Walters face blinding him and soaking his hair and shirt.

Scott Slade: Oh no! Walter has just been covered in gasoline people! This does not look good for the Desert Storm veteran!

Chris Rodgers: Damn it! If he even slightly touches a flame now it’s over!

Scott Slade: Valora Salinas is fighting as a warrior possessed. It’s almost as if she’s feeding off the adrenaline rush of knowing that this could be her final moments!

Chris Rodgers: That’s because she’s a sick twisted bitch! Just like I’ve been saying for months!

As Walter is getting back up onto his feet, Valora attempts a stiff Savate kick which Walter miraculously catches inches from his face. He then flips Valora onto her front while still holding her Ankle and locks her into an Ankle submission hold. Walter screams like an absolute psycho frightening the Koreans in the front rows as Valora cries in extreme distress from the hold.

Chris Rodgers: That’s what I’m talking about Walter!

Scott Slade: Reagan going to work on Valora’s Ankle. He’s looking for some sort of equalizer here. As we stated the man is not 100%.

Walter is forced to release the hold when Valora kicks him straight in the face with her free foot breaking his nose. Walter falls on the mat and Valora wow’s the spectators with standing moonsault on a clearly injured ankle and lands onto the chest of Reagan knocking the wind out of him. She then gets to her feet and limps over to the ladder ascending it to the top for the flamethrower hanging above it.

Scott Slade: Valora is heading up that ladder! She wants to finish this thing!

Chris Rodgers: Come on Walter! You got to get up man!

Scott Slade: Reagan starting to stir, but Valora is almost to the top of this 12-foot ladder!

Walter regains his composure while lying on the mat and see’s Valora has reached the top the ladder and is stretching upward for the flame thrower. He instantly gets to his feet and dives at the ladder knocking it over. Valora falls off the ladder and her head whacks the burning ring ropes igniting her long thick black hair. The fans roar as she crashes to the mat with her hair aflame burning her scalp and face as she swats at it with her arms in sheer panic. She then instinctively begins roll on the ring mat and is able to put out what’s left of her hair.

Chris Rodgers: Good God, Valora somehow managed to put those flames on her head out! She’s hurt though! You can see it in her eyes! Now is your chance Walter! Finish her!

Walter doesn’t hesitate to take advantage of Valora in her injured state and he grabs the fallen ladder turns it around using it as weapon hitting her in the ribs multiple times before tossing it aside. Valora looks in a world of pain as the big six foot six, 300 pound big man picks her up. The smell of burnt hair is nauseating as Walter throws her over his shoulder and then tomahawk slams her into the ring mat. The fans let out a roar as the big man gets up and beats his chest like a barbaric caveman after a successful hunt.

Scott Slade: The momentum in this match has completely swung in the favor of Walter Reagan. I’m sure many of Valora’s fans who are still with us and watching are very concerned right now. My heart goes out to all of you.

Chris Rodgers: That right Walter! You got this baby!

Scott Slade: What is a matter with you? Someone is going to die!

Chris Rodgers: You won’t see me shedding tears for that Feminazi!

Slade shakes his head and breathes a sigh of frustration as Walter sets up the ladder again and begins ascending up toward the flame thrower. The rubber on the rings ropes at this point has completely burned away and the fire around the ring has gone out. Only there skeletal bare metal wiring is left as Walter gets to the top of the ladder and pulls the flamethrower free from cabling it’d been hanging by. Valora has managed somehow to get to her feet as Walter fires the flame thrower at her, she barely dives out the away of the burst of flame narrowly being burned alive. Walter tries to turn around to adjust for another burst, but the quick-thinking Valora rams the ladder with her shoulder knocking it over. The force is so great that Walter rides down with the ladder. The ladder hits the rope wire which swings Walter down toward the concrete with even more velocity outside of the ring. The flame thrower takes the brunt of the hit and explodes on impact into a giant fireball engulfing Walter from head to toe in fuel and flames. The explosion is so big that even some of the spectators in the first row are injured and burned.

Chris Rodgers: No! Walter! NOOOOOOO!

Scott Slade: Valora has done it! She lives to fight another day! My God, there are people hurt and Walter is literally burning alive! Looks as if the flame thrower exploded when Walter hit the floor.

Chris Rodgers: Why…. How… The man was a damn war hero for fuck sake!

Walters had gotten up and attempted to put out the flames, but eventually collapsed to the floor dead. The smell causes many in attendance to vomit as the gong is sounded by the Emperor and “Bring It” by Trapt starts to play over the sound speakers inside the Rungrado. Soldiers surround Valora in the ring and handcuff her not wanting another situation like the one that took place with Abishag and Kronin earlier. They then escort her out of the ring and march her up the ramp and into the backstage area.


Scott Slade: Well it looks like the horrors are tonight are finally over. God helps us all if this is just the start of what is to come.

Chris Rodgers: Please Mr. McStrump save us! Do something!

The live feed is cut by the North Koreans and Chris and Scott are removed out of their commentary table and taken back to their holding cells. The spectators begin to file out of the Rungrado as they leave to go back to their ordinary lives.


Washington D.C. - 5 hours after the events of Death Sport.

The sound of the photographers and reporters firing off questions in random obnoxious cacophony could be heard for half a mile as the U.S. President Ronald McStrump exited the White House and made his way toward the podium set up for him to address the media. Once at the podium the President ignored the reporters’ questions and launched straight into shouting his address at them.

McStrump: EXCUSE ME! As of a few hours ago, we realized that over 30 M.O.X Ultimate Wrestling employees have been taken prisoner by the North Korean Government and have been subjected to extreme forms of torture. Mr. Rupert Mudcock had made arrangements with the Emperor to put on a show for his people and he was taken advantage of for his kindness. His wrestlers are being forced to fight in an inhumane tournament of death and there already have been causalities.

The reporters once again go into a question frenzy but the President continues to talk over them not giving an inch.

McStrump: For months since my tremendous administration took power, we've attempted to broker a deal with the North Koreas to calm their nuclear war threats unsuccessfully. Many of our allies have had to live in fear due to their nuclear missile tests. If Rocket Man has a death wish for himself and his people we will grant it for him. Emperor Kim has 72 hours to release the Ultimate Wrestling hostages and agree to total denuclearization or he will be on the receiving end of fire and fury the likes of which the world has never SEEN!

The President turns around and marches back into the white house without answering any questions from the media at all.


Quite the epic tournament so far.

Really hope we'll still have a roster when this is over.

One does not simply end Belial with a steel chair. I'm really scared he's still out there somewhere.

Very nice and fruitful writing. i am expecting more such writing from the writer.

OMG..this is awesome..is this ending part or still continue @ultimatewrestlin?

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s to be continued. The writers who control their characters will be posting role plays in the next 2 weeks. Then I will be writing part 2 of Death Sport based off of there work.

If you’re looking for more you can check out our old shows and get caught up and more familiar with the characters.

@andyka.saputra it will be continued soon.

@andyka.saputra I will be posting the continuation of the tournament later today. Took longer to write this portion of the story.

thanks for the good information I loved ..... good day (= follow me guy

This isn’t an informative post. It’s a story. Not sure what information you got from it.

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