in #fiction6 years ago

Outside the section meant for lockers, was a mobile workshop where three men held saws against long woods. They kept pulling it at the surface of the wood. The one with the long hair was giving signal to the other with the head warmer on to get off the short woods off the floor. The third guy was with the loud machine that made the saw work.
On the other end, were set of workers in the car taking pumps out of the car to spray up the woods that had been worked on. Some other men pulled up the door to the major store and they waited for the van that conveyed them to drive in into the inner store.
After each set of lockers were checked they were patched with woods then re-sprayed. The lockers that were looking too out of shape were rebuilt.
The manager was a guy in black shorts. He had a google on to help prevent dust, just like the rest of the team working. His nose mask was blue instead of the regular green color the rest had on.
He had already made sure all doors had been shut close and all windows closed. He was with items retrieved and his major aim was to retrieve the parcel.

The large metallic door called on all the workers as the alarm system wounded through it came off violently. They all stopped working and they looked up to their Manager who waved them to keep on.
He walked over to the door and before he could poke a view off the checker, the door slid open to reveal two men outside in police vest and guns hanging down their waist.
“From the authority. We came to check you guys up.” The tall police man said.
He rubbed his chin and he looked aside with a clear smile.
The manager stepped out of the way with no protest and as they walked through, he tried to follow them maybe a word or two will help them.
“We have words from the authority to work here.”
“The same authority sent us.” The other man who had no more gun in his hand spoke.
“We have been asked to evacuate this whole facility and it’s quite important.”
“Can we get a note then?”
The tall police officer heard that and he quitted his tour. He walked back towards the manager, unfolding a note. He handed it over to the manager, leaving him with the peace of reading up. Then he commanded the workers to stop work.
“I talk to my workers myself. No one does.”
The tall policeman looked back. He smiled and he waved the manger over.
“Do your job then.”
The two officers went over to the lockers to observe. There was no doubt these guys were professional. They gave the lockers the perfect touch.

The manager watched over the items recovered and right there, he signaled to the only guy who looked less of a carpenter.
“Did you send him a text?” The manager said quietly.
The guy nodded and before he could make a turn, the officers were in their faces.
“You can’t take anything out of here except the ones you brought.” The tall police officer instructed.

Luta parked his car in the magnificent lot looking like something that was shifted right out of a man’s heart. Such uniqueness and designs were out of his own sphere.
With the help of the security men, he was ushered into the reception. He approached the woman who was lost in the pages of the document she was working on.
“From the company. I need to see the locker room.”
The woman looked up, furious.
“Two police men walked in already."
"I know that. But I have orders to make them stop operation.”
He slid a note out of his pocket and he gave it to her.
She stared at it for a minute and she tried to call. It wasn’t going through. She took time and she studied the note again.
“Pass”, she said.
He used the elevator and he walked to the locker room. Everyone looked up surprised. Except the two who had called him who felt glad he came through.
He walked across the room towards the manager.
“Where are they?” He asked.
They pointed at the two men who had confidence hanging on their face.
“Oh, this two.” Luta smiled.
He pulled off his suit and a police vest was unveiled. They all stared at him as he wounded his blazer gently around his arms.
“Can I have that?” He said, pointing to the bag they had at hand which contained all the retrieved item.
“Do I have to prove you two to be fake officers again?” He said aloud, his voice walking the entire length of the room.

Godwin Okhuoya

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