Short Romance Story (with a twist): L’amour de Nala

in #fiction6 years ago

Intro Music: La Vie En Rose by French Accordion

Well, it is that time again, when our two favourite lovers meet each other once more and find themselves on another adventure.

This time, it leads them to the ever so magical, Paris France. So, if you are a young lovely lady who wouldn’t mind a romantic story with a twist. Then find a comfortable and relaxing position, put your earphones on and indulge yourself in a beautiful story from the City of Love.

May I present to you,


If you would like to make this story extra special, you can go to YouTube and find the songs I have listed below to read with. I have made many changes to the story since its first draft so you might need to adjust your reading pace for the music if you decide to use it. In any case, the aim here is for you to have fun with it
Enjoy :3


Chapter 1 – Her OST Loneliness #3. (Night Talking)
Chapter 2 – Manuel Debussy &amp Wright-Claudine (In a French cafe)
Chapter 3 – The Weeknd – Wicked Games(Instrumental)
Chapter 4 – Beegie Adair Trio- Begin The Beguine + Air – Alone In Kyoto
Chapter 5 - MADAME GOES TO PARIS (Girls in Paris) + The Weeknd – High for This(Instrumental)
Chapter 6 – Stranger In Paradise – Beegie Adair + Her OST #13. Dimensions + Her OST - #6. Some Other Place

Chapter 1 – Depart

The sound of flipping papers, incessant mouse clicks and keyboard typing filled the spacious laboratory you had built for herself in our basement.

Dressed in your scholarly lab coat & travelling attire underneath, it was clear that you could not leave before making sure that all your trays and files were arranged in their proper conditions. You'd been working on a new solar cell for months. One that could notably change the renewable energy forever. If successful, you would have created the world’s first all in one solar cell. When five or six of them were combined, would have the power to light individual homes for two and half years with just a few days’ worth of sun exposure. Publicly available for all and it would be multi-purpose, it would literally be the last form of energy people around the world would ever use.

From a top the basement you heard the sound of my footsteps quickly approaching.

"I'm done now, everything's fine, are we ready to go?" You sneakily said before I got the whole way down the wooden descent.

"We were ready an hour ago and you know that. Take that white coat of work off of your back and let's go!" I replied in a frustrated tone.

Before you knew it, you had taken it off and they were on their way to a well-deserved date with Paris.

As we were driving to the airport you let out a big sigh.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"What are we doing?" You enquire.

"What do you mean?" I probe with slight concern.

"This Escort Company we agreed to use, Memoire...

I know they have got some really great reviews but this is taking a really big risk. What if they kidnap us or something? We have been planning on visiting France for months and now that we get the chance we seem to have allowed ourselves to leave the entire trip's planning in the hands of someone else?!

What's the name of this private escort they have allocated us again?"

"Jesse." I answer.

"Yeah! Her. We only have a week and she's planned our whole stay there!
I mean, even if they are legit, what if we don't like the places she chooses?"

"Well babe, we already packed our bags and got on the road, I think we should just be a bit more positive.
You just said yourself that they have been highly rated for their service. And remember, we have to review these guys once our trip is over. If we are not happy, we will rate them down and get all our money back. Anyway, we can make-up our own fun!
If we find the locations dull, we can liven it up for ourselves. If that fails, we can ditch her!"

You look at me and find that usual evil little smirk I have whenever I think about breaking the rules.

"Fine! I really hope this goes well. I need this." You sob.

"We both need this babe, it will be good. We'll make sure of that." I reassure you.

Upon arrival at the airport. We find two vale’s waiting at the entrance. One to help us with our luggage and the other to take the Audi A4 off of our hands and into their care for the duration of the week away.

As we entered the airport stations, the first thing place my eyes shot to was the boarding times.

“Right on time!” I noted enthusiastically.

My excited face was met with a slightly stark but worried look from you.

Together with the vale, you placed your luggage on the luggage rails and proceeded on your plane.

After settling in, the we prepared ourselves to enjoy a comfortable flight from Pretoria, South Africa to Paris, France.

Chapter 2 – Bonjour Paris

“We’re finally here! Oh, I’m so excited!” You said enthusiastically.

With a skeptical look on my face I said…

“What got you so chipper all of a sudden?”

“It’s Paris Babe! Whose mood wouldn’t change after landing here?” You replied.

Moments later, after getting off the plane we and the other number of passengers who were on the same flight as we were met with a crowd full of expectant family and friends holding up signs with the names of the people they’d come to receive.

According to Memoire, a short haired blonde would be awaiting us.

Nothing, we tipped toed and raised our heads trying to skim through the crowds and their badly hand-written boards. Until…

“There!” You shouted in your high-pitched voice.

“That girl, she’s is holding up a sign that has our names on it.” You added.

I look in the adequate direction to see a well-dressed, petite girl wrapped in soft, light brown skin with puffy but loosely curled hair that went a little over her shoulders.

It was spring time in Paris so everyone, including her were dressed accordingly. She had an all-black, wide necked crop top with a professional camera in her right hand; the sign with our names was in her left.

Her sleek long legs rocked black backgrounded jean shorts and white sun flowers printed all over with a touch of accompanying green leaves. Over her sockless feet, she wore black low tops with white laces. Her beautiful dark hair was controlled by superbly fitting tinted sun glasses. She was clearly very fashion conscious.

“Yum.” You said.

“She is, isn’t she?” I agreed as she approached.

“Bonjour, welcome to Paris! I’m so happy you’re here.”

She said with spunk as she proceeded to hug us and take a picture of all three of us with her camera.

“My name is Nala. Your new escort. Let’s get out of this stuffy airport and to your rooms. Don’t worry about your luggage, you will get it at the accommodation I’ve selected for you.”

In the next few minutes we found ourselves whizzing through town in her grey 207 Peugeot.

“You must be wondering where Jesse is.” Nala started while peeking at the both of us through the rear-view mirror.

“Yes we are a bit curious. Is she no longer available?” We asked.

She had personal business she had to take care of. She gave me the schedule she had planned for the two of you but I frankly don’t like it… I’ve changed everything.”

Your left hand met your upper chest and lower neck area as she speedily zipped and zagged between slow moving traffic until the road seemed to free itself up more and more. In no time, she stopped the car and she said…

“We’re here! Your new home, complements of Memoire… Welcome to the Maison Souquet.”

It looked a bit like we’d fallen into the Italian renaissance. The gardens had sculptures of swans and mimicked Greek men.

Nala energetically unhooked her seatbelt and got out of the car. She then opened the door in rear that was facing the entrance and began saying …

“Please check yourselves into the duplex suite. Tell the receptionist who you are and they will show you to your room.

I have to leave you for now. I have a class to attend and like a hundred photos to edit. I’m so excited I got to work with you. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to pick you up and drive you around the city then for breakfast wherever you want and then to my personal lunch location.”

At this point we were out of the car and our sparky escort had already taken another picture of us jumped back in the car, ready to go.

Nala, at 22 years old was working to become a professional photographer. She was originally from Latin America but moved to Paris at 15 with her mother who had found work here.
She had a calm demeanor that quickly faded away when she was working or speaking. She spoke in a soft but powerful tone that seemed to perfectly match her personality as well as her physical features.

“Oh!” she sounded, as she had already started the moving the car.

“Your driver... His name is Pier. Au Revoir!” She signed off while she waved away speedily.

“Phwe! What a girl.” I said.

“Yes, she is a firecracker. Let’s check in.” You replied.

After checking into our room. A tall French man casually leads us to our duplex.

The room was remarkable. The renaissance feel was not left behind the gardens we saw earlier. The room was very spacious. The double bed head rest had a fleur-de-lis shape with solid blue abstract patterns. The theme of the room was black, blue and gold. These colours found themselves constantly accompanying each other in twos all over the room. The air was fresh and room itself felt complete. With spas and pools for our use whenever we pleased. After that long trip we’d had, we simply needed to let out big sigh simultaneously.

Chapter 3 – Contact

After putting down the little luggage we had with us, you went straight for the bags that Memoire had delivered for us and searched one out for a bottle of Alta Vista 2009 Alto Mendoza and got two wine glasses from the kitchen. You then took off your shoes and sat on the carpet floor at the end of the bed & poured us both a drink. While you were doing this, I turned on the stereo. It played soft, RnB instrumentals, something that seemed perfect for our mood. I came sat down next to you with my wine glass and the bottle between us. After picking up my glass you said…

“Okay, this is pretty awesome…

Everything seems to be so well planned by Memoire and Nala. I’m not quite ready to eat my words yet but I am impressed by how they have done things up to this point.”

“It is pretty cool. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.” I replied.

“This part of the country really is gorgeous. I’m also looking forward to seeing more of it. Nala seems like a really assertive person. I wanted to laugh a little when she told us that she just about destroyed everything Jesse had done for us. Anyway, if she’s planned this week as well as she does everything else, then we should certainly leave Paris with huge smiles on our faces.” You added.

We continued to talk for a few more minutes, making more and more jokes as the wine began to blend into us. Eventually you were relaxing more and more and suddenly stood up with both your arms wide open and bursted out saying…

“We’re in Paris baby!” right before we laughed uncontrollably.

The childish chuckles went on between us seconds before we realized that we were finally alone again. A noticeable silence engulfed the room as we looked each other in the eyes. I stood up as well and said…

“I think we need to take a bath.”

Gazing back at me silently, you then put your glass down on the floor and took the cream, hexagon shaped sun glasses from the neck line of your loose fitting white vest and threw them on to the bed. Your cream pink pumps came off soon afterwards.

All without breaking your eye contact, you proceeded to slide down your brown-beige, well patterned harem pants from your sexy legs.

“I think so too.” You replied.

The sight of what was happening began to make me ooze with desire for you. I could feel my blood moving through the vein beneath my tightening skin. I found myself containing the growing signals from the denim shorts I’d been wearing. With your eyes still firmly fixed on mine you slowly approached. One foot after the other, majestically. You looked like an angel who was ready to give her love to me. Your footsteps seemed like you were floating. The pulse from your neck was pumping harder and harder as the space between us grew smaller. You were surely drenching with a moist need for me.

You stood right in front of me and took a second to let the tension linger. Your hands steadily made a long and drawn out stroke from my wrists to my shoulders. You then leaned in to give me a long and deep mocha, spice and purple fruit filled kiss on my lips. Once I took a second and closed my eyes to feel everything behind that kiss; I found myself drifting away into timeless space where only the scent of your skin and souls very essence took over me. The touch of the wine and your lips made the feeling of my love for you rush through me faster and more powerfully. Your soft palms made a heavenly move from my shoulders onto my chest.

After a moment, you drew back and looked at me again intensely. You always knew that my adoration of you made me weak. You could see that weakness in my eyes once again. The level of weakness you’d worked a long time to see, a weakness you knew you owned forever. And one you would never even think about playing games around. You smiled softly, almost to let me know that you understand what it was that you were doing to me. Then you moved your hands closer together and started undoing the buttons from my navy blue, white moon patterned short sleeve shirt. After the last button was open you moved your hands from my shoulders to remove it from my shoulders downwards until it fell on the floor.

Once off you took my hand and finally said…

“Follow me.”

Our stroll towards the wide steamy bath tub was excruciating. Every second that passed felt like a bitter sweet eternity. Your lead was purposeful. You wanted me to suffer. You made me look at your fantastic rear. You made me contemplate what we would do with each other. You made me ponder taking you right there and then and releasing all the primal energy I’d quickly built up for you. You did this, and I loved every minute of it. I loved it all.

When we reached the hot foamy water, it was as if the hotel room knew we would come there. As if it knew I was use my body and make you love me even more.

With the remainder of your clothes still on and your hand still in mine, you stepped into the bubbly, floral scented bath tub slowly. You then turned around and took my second hand to lead me in after you. Once I was in, you seated me down, turned again and laid in-front of me in water. With a little space between us and your back facing me. You then removed your top; remaining with just your beautiful white underwear then slid in a little closer into me. I took the sponge already squeezed with soap from the cups on the side of the black and white granite tub and preceded to slowly brush it over your neck, shoulders and arms. The sight of you closing your eyes in bliss as the foamy water dressed more and more of you made my heart pound.

I admired how your bones and skin curved from one position to the next when I changed the sides with which I stroked you. From time to time I could see the majestic look of the sides of your face spotted slightly with droplets. I indulged myself in your beauty. From the lines that came around your mouth when you swallowed content between nasal breaths to the wet baby hairs at the edges of your sculp. As I was moving the sponge over your left shoulder, you right arm came up and took it from me. You threw it into the water and turned around and wrapped your arms around me and leaned in for another long kiss…

This was our first encounter in Paris. In this city, this was your first encounter with me.

Chapter 4 – 58 Tour Eiffel Restaurant.

It was a lovely day as we made our way out of the Maison Souquet. Another 207 Peugeot awaited us with an obviously French man waving while holding our door open. We waved back as we walked toward him.

We were in such a good mood, we knew the day would be amazing.

“Bonjour, mon nom est Pier!” He said with a friendly but stern tone.

“I will be your driver throughout the week, unless Nala chooses otherwise. Please, take your seats, you must be thirsty for the Paris lifestyle.” He invited us.

Pier was a lively man. He was in uniform which suggested he worked primarily as a cab driver for Memoire. He was dressed in a plain white, short sleeve shirt, which had Memoire’s logo printed all over it, this was simply a black capitalized “M.”

He was a joy to listen to. He shared with us about his long history working in the French taxi industry, a dream of a job he said.

“Overtime…” he added.

… I noticed how much I loved tourists. It brings joy to me to see their eyes shine with wonder will I drive them around the city. It makes me feel good.
I can speak some English with you and you can speak a little French with me if want you see? It’s nice.”

He also told us about Memoire and about Nala. He said that the company was founded to help protect the integrity of the French identity through tourism. He boasted about how nice everyone at Memoire was, that they were a family.

“No one wants to stop working there. It feels like a dream.” Pier blushed.

“You are very lucky to have worked with Nala. She is a very passionate girl. She must have won all of Memoires awards already. Everyone loves her, everyone looks up to her. She always takes pictures of us when we get to the office. Lately she has been taking a lot of them.

I’ve known her since she was just a teenager. Always happy, ever smiling, but no nonsense.” He noted while waving the index finger from his right hand in the air.

We had our breakfast in heart of the city in a beautiful café. Afterwards, Pier eagerly drove us all around the exquisite city locations where we could indulge our romantic sides for as long as we needed. He made a point of continuously leaving us in tears every time he dropped us off at a new location from all the jokes and funny stories he had about his passengers. This would be the form of our activities for the remainder of our week’s stay here.

The city was beautiful. It was clean, the people were well dressed and every bit as magical as we’d imagined. From time to time we would spot other couples from all around the world who were making memories that would be worth a lifetime.
Memories that were much like the ones we had steadily woven for ourselves.

Pier seemed to know everything about all the landmarks, city buildings and events in and around Paris. We knew we would be well informed after driving around with him. At around 1pm he noted that we needed to get to the lunch location that Nala had chosen for us to eat.

With a car full of memorabilia, irremovable smiles on our faces and crocking stomachs we went on our way towards what seemed to be the Eiffel Tower. Yes, this was where he was taking us. The Eiffel Tower.


He stopped by the massive structure and let us out of the car and climbed back in. With his elbow outside the car he said…

“You tourists always say, ‘we can’t leave Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower,’ well, here it is. You must go to the 58th floor. From there, you will find a great restaurant...

Amuse toi bien!”

He sped off into the distance, nostalgic of Nala at the hotel.

We elevated ourselves upwards until our eyes marveled at a beautiful sky high set location with tables, chairs, food and waiters ready to serve us.

In a few moments after, we were seated next to a window peeking out at the city where we found ourselves pointing at different locations we had visited earlier with Pier.

“May I take your order?” A soft voice inquired.

We turned around and…

“Nala!” We both shouted.

There she was again, our spunky heroin re-emerged with a tray holding two champagne glasses that she placed on our table to drink.

She was dressed in a waiters’ uniform, the same as the one the others had one.

“Hi. I’ll be your waiter this afternoon.” She said with a smile as she tilted her head to the left.

All three of us spent a good full minute laughing.

“You work here also?” We asked with astonished looks.

“Yes I work here part-time. I asked someone to swop shifts with me so that I could personally make sure you enjoyed yourselves here…

The 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant together with this floor are quite new. Something I thought you might appreciate seeing as it is your first time here.

Oh! I hope you don’t mind, I’ve already asked the chef to prepare meals for the both of you.”

Before we could say anything another waiter brought our steaming hot meals to our table.

“Thank you so much Tim.” Nala said to the second waiter as he placed the food on our table and took the tray from her.

“For you Mr. T, I have ordered some seared salmon, anna potatoes, butter nut squash, radish and champagne sauce…

And for you my Madam, we prepared roasted guinea fowl with herbs, mushrooms, salsify and chestnuts with albufera sauce. Bon appetit!” As she left to attend to other customers.

We were so famished from all the traveling we’d been doing that we did not hesitate to dig in.

The food was delicious.

Nala would periodically come back and check on the couple. Sometimes she would find herself staring at them from a distance while serving her other customers.

Nala was pondering her curious emotions towards them.

“I seem to like them more than the usual. Who are they?” Nala asked herself.

“They look so good together…
The way they delicately speak to one another. They seem like they could speak to each other forever. They hardly even notice when we pass by.” She went on.

“What is this feeling I’m getting? Am I falling for them?” Nala’s internal monologue continued.

“I have to do something about it!” She then decided.

Nala raced to change her clothes once her shift was over. She puffed towards our table and said…

“Sir, would you mind if I went out shopping with Madam? I’d like us to help each other find outfits for the final night’s dinner Memoire has planned for its customers.”

We were both surprised at the request. She then continued…

“Don’t worry, please take these.” She then gave me her cell phone, I.D and camera to hold on to.

“I’ll bring her back in one piece, I promise. Please just promise me that you will bring my camera back in good shape also. It has all the photos since I was 16. It is my life. We will give you a call so that I can bring her to wherever you are.”

You then looked at me and said “It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

You then got up and left with Nala who had now changed into a new set of clothes that looked amazing. The two of you almost looked like style sisters.

She was wearing a dark blue knee long dress with a pearl necklace and suiting brown sandals. The aviator shades were not to be forgotten of course.

You had on a plain sleeveless grey top with a beautiful light pink dress that was long enough to reach your white strapped shoes. You accessorized with a cute envelope like grey purse and cat eye sunglasses.

“Have fun ladies.” I said with smile.

“Thank you!” Nala replied.

With your hands in the soft clutch of your new partner, the two of you had disappeared quicker than I could say “Eiffel Tower.”

I simply called the waiter to order another glass of champagne and enjoyed the view of this spectacular city.

Chapter 5 – Nala.

Head turners. That’s what the two of you were.

At every single street corner and stand and mall. The two of you looked like you had conquered the world from your loud laughter and screams when you both saw something you loved.

People would wonder what the two of you had taken from the excitable states you were in.

You went everywhere, tried on everything. You matched this with that. You felt textures, noted trinkets, smelt fragrances and critiqued accessories. You remembered anything you might want to come back and get with whatever you found from there.

In no time you had bags and bags worth of French clothing, shoes, hats, dresses the works! At least you did manage to get the evening outfits you had mentioned earlier.

At some point the two of you finally decided to take a break at some benches outside the busy mall.

You told Nala a bit about our relationship, how we met, what we do and what it’s like being with each other. Emotionally and physically.

You told her about the night before. The things we did and how it all felt.

The one thing you could remember was how motionless she was as she listened to you speak. Her intrigue was something else.

She then opened up about herself and told you who she was.

“I’m the daughter of a strong single mom. Papa died of lung cancer when I was 10. He was a smoker but a great man.

He loved us so much.

After he died Mama did everything for me. She was my best friend. She taught me that nothing in this world was impossible to achieve, she taught me this by example…

She works as a flight instructor now. With her own two hands she made a whole new life for us here.

Every year while my dad was still alive, he would take us to a professional photographer to take our picture. He said He wanted us to remember how far we’d come. He said it would also keep our bond close. It was his tradition. Mama says he’d been doing it since they were young.

I fell in love with our photos. I loved how they could capture life’s moments forever. Mama worked so hard she couldn’t keep up the tradition. When I was 12 I decided I was going to become a photographer. So that I would never lose another moment in time again. That’s why I take pictures of everything.

I think I’ve been working since I was around 16. Mama encouraged me to do it. In my heart I thank her for it every day. I’ve worked in cinemas, restaurants, libraries, events etcetera. I worked anywhere decent where they would hire me.

I got my first camera when I was 17. I cried that day. It was state of the art. I took it everywhere. I asked anyone who would let me take a picture of them. I took so many pictures of Mama and me that I finished a whole roll of new film. It was for all the years we lost out on Papa’s tradition.
I upgrade it whenever I get the chance. I swear I would probably swop buying food to get film if it came down to it.”

Nala shyly took a pause to look at you.

“I must admit; I’ve always loved taking pictures of couples. Since I was a little girl I always loved looking at the photos of Mama and Papa when they were younger.” She softly started.

“I have albums with everything, but the one with the most photos has got to be the one with lovers in them.”

She added.

“So who is the special person in your life?” You asked.

“Oh no!” She giggled.

“I don’t have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time for one. Sometimes I go out with Tim because he works at the restaurant and Memoire as well. But he’s just as busy as I am. We seldom get the time to do anything else.”

“Anyway! Enough about me, there was something I saw at the lingerie store around the block that would look perfect on you. Let’s go.”

You let out a big sigh, picked up your bags and headed to the store for more laughter and screaming.

While all of this was happening…

I took a sovereign stroll in the Paris streets. Taking moments to admire buildings and activities around me. After some time, I also needed a break so I walked into a slightly busy café and ordered a cappuccino. I then began to nosily scrutinize Nala’s camera. I took a picture from of the people in front of me and quickly pressed the preview button to delete it. After confirmation, it showed the next latest taken picture.
It was a picture of us at the Eiffel tower eating. Without thinking twice, I began to scroll through a few of them. She’d been stealing pictures of us at every chance she got.

There were about fifteen of these. All at different angles. I was wondering how she pulled some the shots off. After the initial fifteen I went out of the folder and found more folders. The names of the folders were:

Mama and I
Nala - xo
My Memoire Clients
58 Eiffel Tour restaurant
Still Shots
Edit later

I felt guilty looking through her camera but I couldn’t help myself.

In her Familia folder, she had a lot of pictures of herself and her mom. Her mom and herself next to a plane, at parks, at mountain ranges. It seemed like she took pictures every chance she could.

There was a picture of what seemed to be her father. The environment was different, it looked like previous home she was living in. There wasn’t a lot of these pictures of her dad. The immediate answers I came up with as to the reason why were very few. I left that folder.

I looked inside her “school” folder and found pictures of what was obviously a photography school. She had before and after images of edits she had made of photos. It was amazing. I could see how she’d grown as photographer over the years. From mediocre shots that solely relied on the uniqueness of the object she was taking; to picture’s that displayed more intent behind them. Now she seems to have learnt to harness colours, angles and the perfect moments.

Nala was truly shaping up to be a remarkable photographer. I wondered to myself how many people get an exclusive look inside her camera.
Next I looked at a folder named “Nala,” which was filled with hundreds of photos of her outfits, her food her décor changes, her hair styles. Next, I headed to “Nala – xo.” A curious name I thought to myself but I was already in the deep end.

After opening the folder I found the most intimate pictures of Nala I had ever seen thus far. She was gorgeous. After the first two, I couldn’t stop myself from scrolling on to the next ones.

Meanwhile, while you were in the fitting room taking a look at yourself in the mirror, Nala walked in with the second pair of lingerie for the two of you to fit. Contrary to the first time you came and fit the under garments, she seemed to want to use the same room this time.

“I hope you don’t mind, the other rooms’ mirror isn’t very clear, I can’t see myself properly. Yours is much better.” Nala explained.

The desolate store had a wide range of provocative pieces for women to excite their men with. Just being in there could cause you to heat up a slightly.

Nala was actively coming in and out of the dressing rooms fetching new combinations of outfits for the two of you to try on. You were a slightly amazed that she was so free in the store when she was doing all of this.

Nala walked out again and came back with more pieces she had picked out for your approval. Once you agreed she took a minute and started staring at you.

“What is it?” You asked.

“May I ask a favour Madam?” Nala uttered as she slowly began undressing your initial set.

“Uh, depends what it is.” You replied.

“Please, could you kiss me? I-I work all the time. Every day I take a new picture of couples who embrace each other intimately and I never give myself the chance to do it enough. I thought that you, being a woman wouldn’t mind and since your feeling for Tye were so strong, I wouldn’t interfere with your emotional bond, even if I tried. Please do this for me.” Nala pleaded.

“I uhm, this is, Nala…”

With one foul swop Nala had her lips intertwined with yours. They were soft and innocent. They tasted like fresh, cold washed cherries. Her style of kissing was humble but backed by an intense desire for escalation. You had to come to terms with the fact that you were blown away by it. You tried to separate your lips but she backed you into the corner of the tiny dressing room.

You found yourself kissing back. The taste of her lips became more intense the second you let yourself go. Her kisses were just as soft as the slim belly you found yourself pressed against. She had her left hand on your cheek and her right hand embracing you. The thought that the store was empty and that someone could walk in at any time excited the two of you more. You didn’t have much time but Nala seemed determined to make it memorable.

She stroked your sides slowly and surely. You could tell that she’d been craving intimacy like this for a long time.

Her hands then made their way to your chest and bosom. This was when you realized that she might have planned this whole thing in the small space of time the two of you had spent in that store. Before you knew it, she took your hands and placed them right underneath her doughy bottoms too. You couldn’t help but squeeze them as hard as you could from how overwhelmed you were.

“What if someone walks in?” You pondered to yourself.

Just as you started to think about where this was all going, Nala then said…

“Phwe! Thank you. Let’s pay for these and get out of here. I’m sure Tye is wondering where you are by now.”

“Yes, let’s.” You replied after letting out a big sigh.

You both put your clothes back on and went to the till to call on the cashier.

I got a call from you asking me where I was right after I had finishing a glass of water and looking through all of Nala’s marvelous collection of provocative photographs.

Once we both met up, we headed on to our hotel to enjoy the second last night we had together. You whispered in my ear that you were going to make sure that it would be amazing!

Chapter 6 – Merci Paris

“Are you ready?!” I shouted from the living area to you as I fixed up my gold tie on my ashy black suit for the third time.

“Yes I am; I’m coming out right now.” You replied.

As I expected, when you came out, you were looking stunning.

You had on a simple but seductive slim, sleeveless black dress that was a bit over your ankles with a teasing slit on your left leg. It was complemented by two ankle strapped black heels and a black bag with gold touches which was in your right hand; and a gold bracelet in your left (I know you don’t wear bracelets woman!).

Lastly your neck and ears rocked gold too. You looked like a princess who’d just discovered how beautiful she was and wanted the world to know it.

“Hey! Stop drooling, we’re late.” You said.

“Let’s go then gorgeous.” I replied back with a blushing smile as we both left to meet Pier downstairs.

Even though it was going to be our last dinner in Paris, we were super excited to meet all the other people that worked at Memoire.

“Hello again!” Sounded Pier in the very same position with the passenger doors open and waiting for us.

“Hi Pier! It’s so good to see you again.” We both shouted back.

“You’re looking snazzy tonight.” You complemented.

Pier was looking good. He had on an all cream white tuxedo with a bow tie and no belt. He was looking super sharp. Pier and I looked at each-other, wondering whose suit looked better.

“Please get in, I can’t wait to party!” He vented as he jumped back into the car and put on his seat belt.

As we were driving you and Pier were chatting it up. You asked him to teach you a little French. I laughed at you as you were struggling with the words from time to time.

You then suddenly placed my hand on your open thigh.

In a flash I found myself reminiscing over all the things you did to me last night.

Suddenly, I blacked out…
My mind re-winded a couple hours earlier when you were in a trance that you wanted to snap out of, through me.
White and beige garments were on the floor already. You’d eradicated all the clothes I had on and threw me on our bed.

I was confused but wanting.

It looked like something had taken over you. Like you’d been keeping in this pent up desire that you needed me to quell. You danced a little bit to the music you had put on immediately as we walked into the room.

You lifted your arms up and swayed your hips left to right. While doing this you then twirled and showed me everything. You looked like the queen of seductresses with your sweet smell and bright lipstick. Your movements never missed a beat, with every swing and twirl I noticed how much more you were heating up.

I found myself fixated and ready for you. You then stopped and looked straight at me. You climbed the bed base and then stood atop the mattress. You placed your legs by my waist and...

“Tye! Do you even know any French yourself?”

I snapped back and looked at you. You knew where I had gone.

“Uhm, uh, not really no Pier.” I replied.

“Goodness Tye, it took you forever to reply. No offense but you seem to day dream a lot since you came here. Seems Paris and Madam behind me has had a powerful effect on you. I’m not surprised though. Most men who come here end up like this.” He said while you both replied back to me.

“Yes, yes, yes! We’re here!” Shouted Pier.

“C’mon-c’mon, they must be seating people right now. We don’t want to be late.”

We hurried ourselves into Le Cliq restaurant. Once we walked in we found a room full of happy couples and staff members. Some standing, some seated.

The room was really brimming with life. There was a lot of positive energy that made us smile at each other, almost to say…

“Thank you for being here with me.”

Pier then lead us through the room where we finally reached a table which had three people sitting down with a seat free. The table had two women and one man. One of the woman had red hair and the other had brown.

Pier then points with an open palm to the lady with the red hair and says…

“Guys, this is my wife Maria.”

We hug each other and laugh at a few more of Piers’ jokes.

As we were laughing we then got pokes from our shoulders to find…

“Nala!” We both shouted again.

She was looking absolutely amazing. She also seemed to avoid the over the top look with a bright pink sleeveless flowy top, a tight black skirt, black heels and a black bag. She had on red lipstick and a thick gold bracelet on her left arm.

“Hi you two!” She started with a beaming smile.

“I’m here to save you from Pier and his jokes. You must already know by now that once he starts going he can’t stop.” She continued.

“Oh Nala!” Pier cries out.

“My jokes are exactly why I chauffer your best clients.” He defended himself.

“Yes that is true Pier. Guys, I think we need to sit down now.” Nala announced.

Surprisingly, our table was for three and it was right next to Piers.

The room went quiet and dark. Suddenly a spot light hit the centre of the room and struck a short, oval shaped grey-haired woman. She wore a standard grey woman’s suit with wide sleeves that cut off at the four arms and a slim gold watch in her left hand.

She had a large pointy nose holding up clear cat eye shaped glasses, with a small mouth and teeth that curved slightly inside her mouth and a mic in her right hand.

Speaking in a mature and crisp voice she said…

“Finally you have settled down…”

Some innocent giggles erupt from within the darkness.

“Welcome Team members, clients, stake holders and all others in attendance.

I am so proud that we are hosting another year dedicated to excellence.

As most of you now know, Memoire was founded with the sole objective ensuring that a select few of our countries tourists will be granted the opportunity to see the best that France has to offer through the guidance of those who know it best.

For over twenty years now we have been hailed as the trump card of French hospitality and today is particularly special because we have been awarded the number one tourist company in Europe!”

The room then fills with applause.

“I would like to thank each and every one of our passionate team members for their undying commitment to superb service. We have consistently earned 5-star ratings from every single client we have taken on…

Once again. Thank you…

And to all our clients who are here for their last night. I hope that you have had a remarkable stay here in France. I wish you all safe trips back home. Hopefully, none of you will break our 5-star streak oui?

We hope we have been able to live up to our name and have given you some of the best memories of your lives.

Please feel free to indulge yourselves as much as you need in this last night. Perhaps some of you will make relationships that will last you a lifetime.”

The next 3 minutes were absolute bliss.

While the band played, all the couples in the room were kissing each other and holding hands. It was truly, memorable.

People were free to do as they pleased, our food was placed on our tables ready for us to eat.

On your plate you had Beef Wagayu, a Japanese menu, which was a bit funny because we were in France.
I had a slab of steak, thick green leaves and salsify.

Memoire, refusing to fall short of pleasing its clients still, served Blush champagne at our table. Nala was obviously behind it.

More and more artists played. We laughed and stuffed our faces with the deserts that followed. All three of us were having Blueberry ice cream when Pier jumped in with his wife and their stools.

“Oh my gosh, those people are a bore! Too uptight, they almost remind me of you Tye.” He complained.

We all laughed and continued speaking about the time we’d spent together. Of course, without ever making Mrs. Pier feel left out.

The night went on without a hitch. We were so happy, energized and at this point, very satisfied with our stay here.

After about two hours Pier was on the dance floor with his wife.

“I want to tell you guys something.” Nala began until…

The old lady from earlier that night approached our table to greet us.

“Good evening everyone!”

She said with a slightly higher pitched voice and a few loose hair strands now as compared to before.

We all giggled a bit at each other, she’d clearly knocked back a bit too many. To be honest we’d all had a bit too much to drink.

“Hello Ms. Rose.” Nala replied respectfully.

Ms. Rose, the founder and CEO of Memoire, had spent the majority of her life working in tourism and hospitality. She’d pretty much outworked everyone in her time with the love and passion she had for her country and hospitality. In her youth, she was an avid traveler, which helped her in later years come up with Memoire’s basic concept.

“This is really a bitter sweet moment for me Nala, you’ve finally graduated but now you have to leave Memoire.”

“What?!” We both said in shock while instantaneously turning to look at a shy Nala.

“Yes, this is what I wanted to tell you earlier. After what feels like forever, I’ve finally finished at Photography school. Mama and I are going back to America for a while. But we are coming back here because this is where most of my connections are.” Nala explained.

“Well Nala, you have been an absolute blessing to have here. I just wanted to wish you all the best from here on out. Please will you come and see me tomorrow to pick up your going away present?”

“Oh yes, I will and thank you so much for the kind words. It’s been a joy to be here. If I didn’t love photography so much I probably would be staying.”

“You are always welcome back if you need Nala.”

Ms. Rose signed off with a semi straight walk back to her group of French big shots to party the rest of the night away.

We all then turned back to look at each other and squeezed out a few laughs again.
“She’s not always like that. She is usually very strict, but at end of year events like these she lets loose.
Yes, so I am leaving Memoire and to be honest I am very happy that a couple like you were my last clients. You were a joy to serve.” Said Nala.

“So, Tye, Madam had requested to see the rest of this building before the two of you arrived. If you’re not feeling too tired I can show you around.” Nala started.

“Yes sure! We’ve been in this room for way too long. I think we also need to get going after this.” I said.

With Nala’s lead, the three of us then got up and walked around the beautiful hotel restaurant. We saw the kitchens, the living areas, the gardens until ultimately arriving at the rooms. We walked through the hall passing doors with names of Memoire staff members on them until we arrived at one which had a steel rectangular box with a thin slit on the side of it where a florally decorated paper was put inside with Nala’s name on it.

As she was searching through her bag to find her key Nala said…

“Memoire hired extra staff to take the clients to their hotels when they felt like leaving. The primary staff though are provided with these rooms. Every year Memoire tries to find a new location to host us; then they provide these rooms to give us a bit of the treatment you guys get.”

After a bit more searching she then pulled out her key and opened the door for us to come in.

Nala then immediately threw off her shoes.

“Ahh these were killing me!” She cried out.

Yours followed soon afterwards.

We all looked at each other and laughed.

Nala then sat on the thick carpet in the middle of the large room.

“Don’t laugh Tye, at least you won’t ever have to suffer like this.” She then said.

“What? He’s probably burning from all these layers of clothing he has on!” You walked up to me the same instant you said that and took off my jacket, vest and tie.

“Thanks, I guess.” I said with a surprised look on my face.

“Oh my gosh! You look so free now!” Nala said as she slowly but steadily got up.

“I’m tired of this dress too! Madam?” Nala continued

“Oh yes, me too!” You replied.

The two you then in an instant took your entire dresses off and remained with you lingerie.

“Oww! You’re wearing it!” You both shouted at the same time.

You both had on the same pieces of lingerie that you’d picked out and bought together.
At this point I was blown away. The two of you looked like mad women pointing at each other with drunken laughter’s.

Your undies were very similar. They were both floral patterned with Nala wearing a black & grey piece that barely hid anything. Yours was the same with its burgundy flowers and leaves with what seemed to be gold and a light pastel pink lining.

“I need some music. Let me connect my phone to the stereo. I’m just going let it play whatever comes on.” Nala said as she reached for her bag and crawled to the stereo.

You then walked to me and said…

“When are you going to take those clothes off? The event is over, it’s just us now.” As you proceeded to unbutton my shirt and look me in the eyes.

“Remember babe, no matter what, it’s just us.” You continued right before you took my shoes off and my trousers down.

“Uh! Not bad, this is cool.” Nala started.

“Madam may we take him now?” She then said as she turned around.

“Yes! As you can see from the look on his face, he is ready to go.” You replied.

You then put your hand on my tummy and without moving it you slowly walked behind me. In front of me was an approaching Nala. Her body was a hundred times better looking than anything I’d seen earlier in her pictures. Seeing everything in motion made me boil with guilty pleasure.

She lifted her left hand and placed the tip of her middle finger on my chest while looking me straight in the eyes. She then moved to my left towards and gave you a tongue filled French kiss. Both your hands scratched my abs from the intensity behind the lip lock.

I was amazed.

From behind me I heard Nala utter the words “Merci mon amour,” to you.

Nala then remained on my left side and you broke the kiss softly and moved to my right. You then turned my head with your right hand to look at your deep fiery eyes. You then stroked your hands down to my chin and used your long soft fingers to draw me in closer to you. The next few seconds were mind blowing when I instinctually closed my eyes to embrace your lips. I could taste the mixture of sharp top class champagne, Nala’s cherry essence and your marvelous soulful love all in one star sending deep kiss.

Afterwards you delicately tore our lips apart and looked at me in the eyes once more and smiled at me seconds before turning my nervous head in Nala’s direction. She didn’t even give me a chance to even think about it. She took full charge of the opportunity intersecting her soft wet open lips into mine. Once looked in she let out pent up moan from behind with in her. After about a minute of locked lips with her , out lips parted and she drew back to look at me and said…

“Vous remercie mon amoureux.”

“What does that mean?” I asked curiously.

With small tears starting to well up in her eyes, she simply smiled and took a step back.

“Thank you, thank you both so much for everything.” Nala cried out to us.

“I’m going to cherish the memory of you two forever. This means so much to me.” She continued.

We both looked at each other, smiled and kissed.

The following morning we all got our things and headed back to our hotels to change.

You and I packed out bags and headed downstairs. We waved the receptionists goodbye and We walked out to find Nala awaiting us with a camera at her eyes to take a shot of us in the distance.

She’d come with her 207 Peugeot with Pier sitting surprisingly silent inside. He had his normal Memoire uniform on. Nala had on a white based jumpsuit with pink and purple sun flowers printed all over it. She completed the outfit with cream pumps, a brown medium sized sun hat and a purple flower in the black stripe around it.

We knew she wanted to send us off and didn’t want the driving to disturb the ocean of pictures she took from there. When we got to the airport a third of her film was finished. She then asked the Pier and random other people to take photos of us.

Once it was time for us to board our plane, you and Nala began to cry.

“C’mon Madam, you cannot let us go through this.” She started.

“I am going to miss you two so much.” You sobbed.

“Argh! Women! Just make sure you come back.” Pier bursted.

We all laughed.

“Thank you so much for an unforgettable first trip to Paris, France. I have loved every single moment we have been here. Memoire is a really special company with people who are even more special working there.” You complemented.

“Thank you Madam, it was our pleasure.” Nala replied.

“You plane is about to leave, please guys hurry!” Pier noted.

We gave them our last hugs and ran to our flight back home after what was an absolutely magical experience in France.

Once we touched down on home soil and drove on our way back you said.

“That wasn’t so bad. Babe, I really enjoyed myself out there. It was amazing.”

“No, thank you for being a part of the journey.” I replied.

When we got to our front door we saw a box wrapped in plane white paper waiting for us.

“What’s this?” I asked as I picked it up and started unwrapping it. We looked inside and found a large book. We then opened it and found a beautiful collection of photographs of us in Paris. It also had the places we visited and the food we ate.

We went inside, sat in the living area and reminisced as we flipped through the pages. At the very end of the book we found note that simply said…

“L’amour de Nala.”

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