Returning to the Library of Unusual Twists: Lost in the MazessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

It's been a while since I've crept over to the Library of Unusual Twists, but I see that the labyrinth of hedges that encircles the building is in need of a trim, and the paths have become neglected to the point that some of the passages have overgrown completely.

In contrast, the thick growth of the hedges reminds me of an earlier time when the library's gardens had so many souls wandering around in and through the leafy maze that trimming was hardly needed-- the cobblestones were kept free of debris and it seemed that a fresh breeze was always finding it's way down the hedgerows.

Even now, standing in the thickets, I can remember how so long ago we ran through this vast maze without a care. Sometimes we found a songbird leading us on bright walks into forgotten parks, and always weaving our way inward fearlessly; if the little bird dared, then we double dared.

Finding the way to the library was not our quest, though, was it? We all knew the way to the stony bridge, and how to traverse the little flowered meadows before the stairways and the majestic hallway of trees leading to the entrance of the great library-- but even with such legendary grandeur, the mazes were always the best part of the library. We could stay lost in there just for the adventure, and we gladly detoured through the shady tunnels of ivy around the huge stones along the creeks, not because it was the way, but because we had time.

These hedges all seem shorter now, and I may have missed my turn. Indeed, in later years many of us were lost in here, and some of those who finally set in to search for the library became terribly lost, while others stayed in the depths of the maze out of shame, unable to leave the hedges because they never located the mythical place. As their memories faded, their belief in the legends began to seem foolish, like childish fantasies, and they couldn't face an outside world that was surely laughing at them.

For some of us though, the memories of the place remained clear; a towering presence, it's many windows reflecting sunlight over the fertile gardens surrounding it, and while the library appeared monolithic at a distance, we all knew that up close the place was ornate and detailed, inside and out.

I'll admit that in those early days, I did take part in groups who collectively longed to see the library again, so we began attempting to force our way into the thickets in our desire to revisit the magic that was concealed behind the mazes. We valiantly whipped out our machetes and our long-handled blades and we went in deep a few times. We even tried using complex trail-blazing machinery to bully our way in, and while those journeys revealed some startling sights and insights, we would soon be low on fuel and we'd run out of fun, and we would return to our lives as the labyrinths quickly re-grew behind us.

Now it's clear that I've turned the wrong way. It has been a while though. But we knew every path! I thought I'd just walk right in with a joyful whistle, but it's already late, and there probably won't be time for a proper story today from the Library of Unusual Twists. Those shadows I recognize, and since three rights make a left, then three lefts should be the right way back out. Then, maybe not. It has become quite dark, but maybe the night will pass quickly. Maybe the morning light will reveal a missing turn, or a songbird will sing the way, and the library will loom again over the far trees. The morning at least will show me the way home.

And when I return, what will I tell them? Can I even go back? What will they say when I stumble out of the maze with no books to show them? They'll say what I fear the most; that there is no library, and there never was.

thanks as always for reading along and nearly going to the library, we will get a little closer another day perhaps. If you like this odd fiction, let me know somehow down below, I do appreciate the input, up-votes and follows

All pics in this post graciously provided by Pixabay free images



I imagine this could be a metaphor for many things. Though for me it makes me think of the years we spent 'going into the rabbit hole', each time learning some new piece of the puzzle and feeling it our duty to tell everyone we knew, and even those we didn't. Then one day we reached the end, where we did not find the final key to a lost treasure, the final piece that would shed light on all of the mysteries we'd begun to unravel. We stared at what appeared to be a dead end with nothing there but a wall of dirt. Refusing to believe this was true, we thought perhaps there had been a cave in, that there was more tunnel beyond this place, so we reached out to dig...but instead of dirt we encountered cardboard, and when we pushed, we did break through and walked out onto a stage. We looked back and found that it hadn't been a tunnel at all, but an elaborate set made to look like one. It was the Truman Show within the Truman show.
Seek and you will find? Ask and you shall receive? Certainly, you will find things if you seek, receive things if you ask...we just mistakenly thought it meant we would find and receive an answer...The Answer. But of course the clue was in the name, Script was written right on the front of the book.
Cue staged laughter.

Lol, I didn't know I was going to write that when I started to reply, it just kind of happened.

It could be a metaphor for many things, I think the one I was hinting at was how the imagination is used by children in daily life while adults tend to abandon many of those natural magi features, when the qualities are perhaps most needed. Those journeys down rabbit holes are a good example of how adult imaginations can be harnessed as a way to sell guns and survival gear, or to prevent a general population from imagining something nice for the future. I think I went down every one of those tunnels at one time, and felt helpless at times in there with so much disinfo and psy-op going on, but I'd forgotten my power to imagine a different outcome.
Thanks for reading this, it was something I'd hoped you'd see, and thanks for the input!

I gotcha. And I see that. For some reason it makes me think of the Polar Express and Santa's bell, how children can hear it but adults think it's broken.
Did you see that post I did? Holy crap, haha. I thought for a moment that I was on the top trending...then realized it was in a specific tag lol.

I just saw that post-- found it on Facebook via tag ;) Wow indeed! New camera AND zoom lens then! Gonna need a bigger camera case.

I know! Although I'm thinking...Lisbon and Scotland ;) I really do want to make a try for that. Will need a passport first. So funny how it seems to come full circle, operating without licenses for years, now I just think- I'm using this stuff, I know it isn't me, and that's pretty much that.

I probably should visit Ireland and Scotland at some point, just for the fun of it. I've never had a passport, but I'll get one soon I think!

190 bucks for the deluxe version :) Yes, Ireland and Scotland have always been at the top of my list for places I wanted to see in Europe! Oh, if you could come to LIsbon and go with me and prufarchy to see meester, SOS, and Tony...that would be so much fun!


Thanks! :)

It's beautiful!

Thank you!

"in fiction" maybe. But, it looks very real to me. The aerial view looks so compelling. So inviting. Though not as it once was, in fiction. Close enough for me.
Thank you for your work.

It does seem real, and these Pixabay images seem close to the way I remember it- IF it existed.

I agree. Really nice to look at.
Thank you for the upvote. I really appreciate that you notice. It does help a lot.

Thanks for commenting, the input helps a lot, and of course the upvotes! I appreciate it.

Just great! The ideas. I really have to start exercising my imagination.

Imagination: it's not just for children anymore! I think you have touched on the premise of the story-- about an imagination that is out of shape and has been neglected, becoming overgrown in time.

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