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RE: The Case Of The Token Stiff, A Blaine Stamren Noir Murder Mystery

in #fiction6 years ago

That's great! Thanks for doing all the research to let me know how I got the token. I didn't realize that it had such a sordid past. At least now I know. I do wish I knew if the woman was caught and convicted. You never know when those types of grudges can pop back up.

Some of the old time language was a little difficult for me to sort out as I haven't watched a lot of noir films, but it was a really good story.

As she did, a shiny piece of metal clattered on the coffin.

"Oh, for the love of..."

I liked that part. I could almost hear the indignation and exasperation in his thoughts. Ha ha.

Too bad about the plug nickel though. If it has any markings on it, it could be used to track a person down. Maybe there are more installments in this series.


Well, I guess never say never. It's possible there may be more story, but it's more likely that Blaine Stamren, PI, will make other appearances as time goes by.

I did go ahead and add a vocabulary list for the words that were harder to decipher. It took forever to match up those words, but I had fun looking them up.

I haven't watched a whole lot of noir films, either. Within the last few years, though, I've gotten into more of the hard boiled detective type of stories—writing, not reading, though I have read a few in my lifetime. They're fun.

I also added a sentence or two more to the story to give the idea that yes, the police were called and I would say it's safe to assume that justice was carried out from there.

re: sordid past

Well, see, that's just it about tokens and coins: they could go anywhere and be part of anyone's life for a period of time. They don't really have a choice in the matter, the coins or tokens I mean, so they're pretty much at the mercy of whoever finds or receives them. Some are going to be nice, others, not so nice. It's the law of averages.

I suppose I could have gone all factual, more of a documentary than a fictitious portrayal, but I did try to stay true to the time and genre as much as I could. I'm not that well-versed yet in either, but I would be if I ever decided to spend some real time with it. Too many interests at the moment to do that.

Thanks for adding the vocabulary list. It cleared a few things up for me. I was surprised at how many of them I didn't know.

I liked the line you added at the end. That was clever.

Don't worry about spending more time on this. I know you have a lot of interests and that you're spending a lot of time on other stuff. Thanks for writing this! It was a lot of fun to read, and to imagine that it was this token that I have.

Well, good. I'm glad you liked it, and until the real official story comes along, this is the unofficial real story.

In some cases, the way some of those people talked back then was almost like an entirely new language. It's amazing how words can be rearranged or used together in ways you haven't seen before, or taken to mean something totally and completely different.

I know that still happens with modern slang. I just happen to find the 1940s slang more appealing. :)

It really is like another language. It makes sense why Shakespeare isn't so easy to read for most people who are used to modern English. And then there's the slang, like you said. It gets so confusing sometimes. Plus we started using LOLs IKR, and the like. Who can keep up? I miss when words were words, not acronyms.

I guess I'm just old though. Stuck in between the OMGs of the youth of today and the Loony Bins and Yucks of yesteryear. Such is life.

I think it's just a lack of reading in general for a lot of people. It's easier for me to understand words and context if I'm reading it than it is through the course of a conversation. I'm able to re-read the words and the paragraph, whereas if it's happening on television or in a group, it's tough to just go and rewind it two or three times so I get it.

I keep telling people English is devolving. Soon, we won't talk to each other at all but will communicate through a series of grunts and pointless hand gestures. And thus, our journey around the evolutionary wheel will be complete.

But we're enlightened man!

Oh, acronyms. We've got to love acronyms, because YOLO IMHO. :)

I was able to get most of them through the context. I remember a class in school where we were given words we likely wouldn't know so we could practice deducing the meaning from the context. It was actually really helpful.

communicate through a series of grunts and pointless hand gestures.

Yep, that's basically where we're headed. The state of the English language is in peril. Especially when teenage popstars on Twitter are the ones who are creating the way words are used for a majority of the population... or at least the future generations.


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