Geber - Part 2 - End (Fiction)

in #fiction8 years ago

Read also part 1

This news pushed quickly in Kufa. The news about someone who can turn ordinary metals into gold. In coffeehouses, in community centers, in schools of science, in markets, in every home, even to the palace this news wafted. Through word of mouth, from one story to another story, only the name of Geber. So residents of Kufa to throng to the Geber's laboratory.

They carry all kinds of metals such as lead, tin, iron, silver, copper, or bronze.

Geber rejected all of their requests. He did not want "water king" was used for things that are not useful. People like this, which in the minds of Geber is the people who are greedy and egoistic. So slander also appear. People who are envious and jealous of Geber blew incitement. Geber is a witch. Geber with black magic can turn rusty metal into gold sparkles. Witchcraft is shirk. A witch is not accepted in Kufa. Kufa residents are disappointed and embarrassed because of the refusal Geber began to hate him. They invited residents of Kufa to expel Geber.

People are very easily provoked. Anger residents of Kufa was unstoppable. And the news angered residents of Kufa against Geber sounds also get to Baghdad. Sultan al-Mansur, the Abbasid dynasty ruler decreed a few soldiers to bring Geber and his disciple to him. Not long after, Geber and his student were taken to al-Mansur.

"Is it true that you can turn metal into gold?" Asked al-Mansur.

"No one can change it unless Allah," replied Geber.

Sultan did not accept that answer. Patiently al-Mansur asked the hope of getting an answer. But Geber was determined. At that time, not one bit of fear emanated. Al-Mansur finally lost patience.

"If you do not admit it, then beheading was right for you," snarled the sultan.

Hearing the punishment, Geber disciple looked frightened. While Geber still fixated without shaking though lives are at risk. His disciple pleaded to Geber, kissing his knee so forthright. Seeing his disciple were very frightened, Geber surrendered.

"Okay, I admit it. But on one condition," pleaded Geber.

"What is that?"

"I will not change any metal into gold for things that are not useful."

Al-Mansur looked thoughtful. He was very fond of science. Many scientists employed at the palace. People like Geber should be able to use their knowledge for the glory of Baghdad and his territory, he thought. After a long pause and finally al-Mansur agree to terms Geber.

Then Geber modify weapons with little gold gilding. Weapons such as swords, shields, spears, arrows along the bow, and the robes of war decorated with gold. This makes the proud soldiers of al-Mansur. In every war, perhaps due to the gilt glittering, they always managed to paralyze enemies and dissidents. Enemies like enchanted. Perhaps, because the gleam of gold.

Geber increasingly busy processing the weapons of the soldiers. He never again do chemistry experiments. This makes Geber agony. Geber finally rebelled from the selfishness of al-Mansur. He and his disciple planned an escape. He will look for another country who could appreciate alchemy for the progress of human civilization. Or maybe he'll come back to Tus, Khorasan, the country of his birth. But he still promised himself will return to Kufa in a moment.

Geber and his disciple escape somewhere. At night when the lamps and candles were extinguished, they split the inhospitable desert. Without equipment and a little stock, he just hoped to God and of stars as guides. Hearing Geber and his disciple escape, al-Mansur was furious. He ordered his soldiers to arrest Geber. Geber lab was searched. They took all the works of Geber and pieces of gold. Then his laboratory burned. Geber disappeared somewhere. Sultan invited the scientists to study the works of Geber. But none of the scientists managed to turn ordinary metals into gold. Those scientists eventually fired and al-Mansur continues to invite other scientists.

Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan at-Tusi as-Sufi formerly called Geber seemed to work in his laboratory at Bawwabah. He is still accompanied by his disciples. Abu Musa continues to conduct various chemical experiments. In his escape, he has managed to find ways of processing metals, the refining process, decomposition of certain substances, and systematize the chemical methods.

He was no longer turn metal into gold. He has a chemical project just for the sake of humanity. All experiments recorded. He will publish the results if the political situation is stable. One thing that makes his disciple curious is the attitude of his teacher who leave the project conversion of metal into gold. And if the teacher wants to do it, maybe they do not need to live in anxiety.

Can metal turned into gold? The disciple thought only Abu Musa who can do so by using the "water king". But he was not entirely convinced. Once he secretly conducting experiments to transmute base metals into gold, while Abu Musa forbade it. He watered the metal with "water king". The result is very disappointing. Metals into gold was only momentarily because of slowly coating "water king" which is attached to the metal shed. He did this many times and always failed. Not wanting to overcome his inner curiosity, one day he ventured out to find answers to their failure.

"Teacher, is it true you've turn metal into gold as in Kufa?"

Abu Musa just laughed. For years, he kept this secret alone without ever being known to the disciple. But he did not bear to see his favorite disciple haunted by the mystery. Mystery highly guarded by the alchemy. Finally, he told me the secret to the disciple. He showed a very strange stone shapes. Stone yellow and resembles an egg.

"Philosopher's stone that has to transmute base metals into gold."

Image Source 1, 2

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