What did they teach? | part 8 | Emotionally corrupt [ a murder series ]

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

This is a murder series. It may be gruesome, it may be bloody but, you could learn something. Or not.

To Part 7 | Attention

How are you this morning?

Well, thanks for asking. That is the first time you have asked of my well-being if I recall. Don't tell me you are starting to identify with me, humanise the serial killer.

I don't know, I never really thought about it before. You don't appear to really care either way, you always seem somewhat detached from your emotions. Do you not feel anything?

Of course, it is human to feel is it not?

Well, that is to be argued but, I guess it is. I at least feel.

Are the feelings yours?

Yes, of course, I think. What do you mean?

Well, generally people have no idea where their emotions actually originate yet they are quite happy to not only claim them as theirs, they will also allow them to dictate action and force them upon others to deal with also. 'These are my emotions and you must deal with them!' Quite pathetic when adults act like toddlers who wanted a lollipop and daddy said no. Not many actually take responsibility for their own emotions anymore.

Did they ever?

Yes. It was much more common before as to deal with the hardships and get on with life required a stiff upper lip where emotions didn't have to impact on behaviour. These days, it is is all about 'getting in touch' with the emotional self as if it is something important. What people don't seem to consider is that emotions are not only transient, they can't be trusted for they will react on partial information. Actions however are physical movement and once made, they will ripple out to crash upon and influence infinitely.

Should people keep their emotions in?

Yes, at least until they have evaluated them the best they can to see if letting them out will do harm to others. Violence isn't born from a lack of emotion, it is pushed by an abundance.

Is your violence from emotion?

Curiosity. It is more scientific although I do like to learn so that makes it emotional also to some degree.

What would you teach me about emotion?

The same as anyone. Your emotions are yours to do with as you will and if you choose to release them uncontrolled through your actions, there will be consequences. Sometimes the cost is deferred to another, sometimes the feedback is immediate and very, very personal.

Do you have a lesson to tell me about today regarding emotions?

So many but, let me tell you a little story about a beaten housewife who finally made a decision to act and free herself?

I am already guessing you aren't the housewife but I am getting ahead of the story. Please, continue.

It is not a spoiler, it definitely wasn't me. I couldn't get into such a predicament as the chances of me choosing a man so poorly are very slim and even if I did, at the first signs I would become aware of my error and move on with my life. Life is too short for such things.

Anyway, I was driving along a quiet highway and a big pickup swerved from the side and cut me off. If I hadn't taken action, he would have clipped the front side. Instinctively, I horned him as I swerved away and he decided that my horn was an affront to his manliness and decided to take action. He slammed on his brakes and 'forced' me over to the side of the road. I obliged. He pulled his truck up close on my back bumper. I popped the release.

Road rage is a symptom of the illness that society carries due to a lack of emotional control. People have no patience, no willingness to process before acting. Even their emotions suffer from the scourge that is instant gratification.

I opened my door and got out of the car before he had and saw that in the passenger seat was a woman crying but otherwise blank of expression. Both her eyes were blackened, one eye was almost shut. He stepped from the car with its engine still running and rushed towards me shouting obscenities.

You are relatively slight of frame, he assumed there would be no reaction or even fear on your part.

'Assumptions are dangerous' as they say. I asked as to his wife and his response was, "None of your fuckin business bitch but I will tell you anyway. I beat that fucking whore, you wanna end up like her too?"

I tasered him and he fell to the ground and pissed himself. I looked at the woman in the car and she didn't react with anything more than a slight smile as she watched him squirm on the ground over the high dash. The window was down and I looked at her and asked of she wanted to leave him with me and get on with her life. She said yes and she meant it. There was a finality to it and she held no remorse for her words.

Men have been told to show their emotions but, without emotional control, the pain is bound to come eventually. But it is not just men, women are master emotional manipulators but choose to play innocent when the cost of consequence falls on their own shoulders. There is always a price to pay for releasing personal emotions onto another. What else can come from it other than passion or violence when no one can control themselves?

Did you?

Yes, I bailed him into the boot and took a longer drive than I had planned for the day. He and I had a long discussion about life and then I beat him to death slowly. I started at his legs.

Some might say that was punishment for the crimes he committed and praise you for ridding the world of an indecent man. They might say he deserved such an end?

They might but did he? I do not know if it was his fault at all. Perhaps it was the pattern he learned from his parents after all, he cried as he told me how his own father beat his mother. Perhaps it was society training him to show emotions but not control them, much of the world suffers the effects of this. Perhaps all he was guilty of was not taking responsibility for his own education, for his own actions.

You think he might not have deserved it? What did you learn then?

I learned that even though I felt he may not be completely guilty of his crimes and perhaps I should release him, if I can control my feelings and beat him to death still, anyone can control their emotions better.

A hard lesson.

[ a Steemit original ]

To Part 9 | False Charity


Emotions and emotions are interconnected with our internal experiences. We do not always show our true feelings of society, most often people hide them. Perhaps it is the fear of being misunderstood by someone else. Or fear that his actions will not be seen in the way he has been shown. Sometimes we ourselves do not realize our feelings, perhaps because of their surplus people are not able to quickly know what is now I would like to express, and thus get confused in his feelings

Quite a great post.

Let me come from the angle of "verbal assault".
Quite a lot of us really do not know how n when to control our tongues.

If you are hurt, must you hurt another?
If you are hurt, how about walking away?

Most times, I know its difficult to control our emotions, but day to day practice of self control would be of great help.

Thanks for this post @tarazkp


From my opinion, words are not violent, no matter how they are expressed. The only way for a word to hurt me is if I allow it to injure my imaginary ego. Sure, it happens from time to time but it is not the words nor the speakers fault, it is mine.

Hi taraz.. Good about emotions.. Raise hands on women is a big issue everywhere and men never feel guilty of it.. The paragraph your emotions are yours till end is giving me a new thinking.. Thanx for sharing

To completely control your emotions is to live a life in a constant fight, filled with discipline and self-management. That doesn't sound as a recipe for a productive, happy person

if one processes the emotions slightly before acting, the actions that come will be the most productive there can be and the consequences the best. It is the unconstrained emotional response that so often ends in inefficiency and violence. People just choose to not process any of them.

Processing slightly is hard to achieve. Maybe for someone who has a different character than me. Maybe that is why it is hard for me to grasp this concept. My philosophy - Either you do something passionately, or you do something just because it is an obligation.

No matter who your actions hurt?

edit: just for discussion value :P

True constraint comes from quality formed consience. You refer to anger probably. When I am angry, I will not harm anyone in physical sense, cause it is in you to differ right from wrong actions. But I will express my anger through words, arguments and so on, again not crossing the line of tormenting someone because built-in switch tells you to stop. But not in any way will i hide or process anger- like I said, maybe it us just my character or mentality of my people.

I am sorry if I bothered you, just trying to express my point of view :)

no, it doesn't bother me I just like to discuss stuff.

What you speak of though is emotional control, whether it is in your nature or not, it is still constrained by your thoughts and habits.

I look at them as two separate mechanisms. Consience is a product of your nurture, it is involuntary, and its guidance is seen in all your actions or non-actions, while emotional control is a mechanism you inflict purposly to achieve a goal. That goal may be to survive through some long-term stress situation, or you want to present your self in a manner you think would benefit you more. So because of that controlling your emotions on every day basis for me, is to much trouble

I don't think conscience is by nature as it can be shifted through habit or experience which means it could be built as a child and one would always think it was part of them. This means that the actions seem innate but are actually learned behaviours. If the behaviours are poor or less than useful, they can be retrained although, it may not be easy.

Quit a good post .
We could learn something by this

I think the anger that occurs because of excessive emotion, so emotions should always be controlled so as not to cause any damage, this perspective from the negative side ....

I think the anger

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