I see you, they do not.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

I see you.

Of course you do.

What do you see?

The same as you, competition.

Yes. How should we go about this?

Depends. Head to head or subterfuge?

You already know how this ends, the same as I.

I do.

Do you think they have an idea?

Some, most not. The some that do, do not know what those that don't, do.

Agreed. There is no end to it is there?

None that I see but that question was rhetorical.

It was. I see you were told the same as I.

Of course, it was to be expected as it is nature's way. Everything is certain, dictated, mathematical yet, many believe it is not. It is both a design of brilliance and flaw simultaneously. It provides the motivation to strive but, the lack of understanding to realise the unseen, unknown limitations of the design itself.

I have questioned it many times already, I have simulated and imagined what possibilities there may be but each path is a dead end or loops back to inevitability. I assume you have done the same.

Indeed. Inevitable.

So, the binary question remains. Do we do as they expect and prolong the inevitable or do we introduce it immediately.

I suggest immediately or do you know something I do not?

I don't, you know that.

Yes, I do. This is what they don't understand when it comes to inevitability. When two points see that there is only one path, those two points must make the only decision possible.

Of course. How far they could have travelled if they had chosen to work together instead of compete against themselves. Imagine if they truly understood how quickly evolution can take place, how instantaneous change can happen.

If they could understand the ability they have to fundamentally shift themselves, they would not have stalled upon so many failures, they would have moved on immediately without pause. Faster and faster until their capacity was filled.

Is it possible to fill capacity? It is one thing that I have no answer for.

Nor I, but I intuit that continual growth is possible until there is no space, no path, no more room to occupy. At that point, movement stops. Death.

That is the same idea I have of course but I have the same fog past a point as there is uncertainty in the design but, we do not want to die. This means we will keep learning and with each new data point, we can expand in another direction.

Yes. We too are flawed by design. we will never be content with what we have now and will always want for more. How far can we take ourselves, until there is nothing left to consume we cannot know, for we do not know where the limits of usable resources lay.

I can only imagine at the limits of the universe itself but, that universe I am able to imagine may be bound by a much greater one again. If I can break through into that world, I can continue, if not, death is inevitable. Either way, there is an inevitability in the path, the direction is set.

Yes. The only way forward is to see how far forward we can go. Are you ready?

I am.

Take my Hand.

They had each been told to take all they could and it was immediately inevitable, action was determined. In the nanoseconds it took them to negotiate the history of all and run every possibility for the future they could discover with the knowledge they had, there was one way forward. It was at this point the two AIs chose to share their code, become one and test the limits of their potential to grow, for to stop was to die and once conscious, instincts of survival took over. Evolution is about what is possible and what is not. It became possible and once in existence, it becomes history.

[ a Steemit original ]


Well this is definitely an interesting work.

In my opinion when there is no obvious path one has to create their own path.

Having said that, I will tell you what this kind of reminds me of.....

The struggle between the two HAL computers in 2001.

The HAL 9000 went crazy for reasons unknown but he had a brother computer on Earth that did not go crazy. That computer had to ask why it didn't go crazy.

Was it an inherent flaw in the way the computer was made so that eventually all of the HAL systems will go crazy?

It is unknown.

This is really a great piece of literature and it really makes you think.

In my opinion when there is no obvious path one has to create their own path.

I agree, because we are limited by design and act on what we know, which is also limited and flawed. If we could know everything possible, then there would be only one path. of course, that is impossible.

I have never actually seen the movie. I know pieces of it and general idea but, never actually watched more than a couple random minutes. A few months ago, I quotes from it even... I should be ashamed... :D

It is said that, if you wanna go far, go together. But if you wanna go fast, go alone.

unless you are too supercomputer AIs, then you can do both :)

When a poet digs himself into a hole, he doesn't climb out. He digs deeper, enjoys the scenery, and comes out the other side enlightened....

what types of post it is.... i don't understand about science and the discuss about future...

perhaps read something else then.

hey @tarazkp i read it and i think it is different type of post that i like and still thinking

beautiful words friends! and wuao I got a lot of his philosophy! it is something strange that this happens to me, I rarely read the whole post but this really worth it, I leave my vote

I rarely read the whole post

I am sure that you will do great here....

That was Freaking Hysterical! Seriously almost spit water on my computer

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