Angels and Humans | Ep01 | MisstepsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

She looked into his eyes.

"Think of your parents. Think of your friends. Think of that pretty girl you talked to last week. Imagine yourself a year from now at university studying to become an engineer, doing what you enjoy. Think of where it could lead you. You could travel, see the world. There is so much beauty you are yet to experience. Unimaginable beauty is on offer and the life you now know is a mere shadow of what could be."

"You are still young, there is so much you are yet to learn about the world. You feel that you know what is right, what is just, what is true, but you are yet to see if it is. You are yet to truly question and test if what you know is real or false. Belief is not enough, you must dive into life and experiment, challenge yourself, throw your ideas into the mix and listen to what arises. Discuss with people you are yet to know."

"The conversations that await you will give you views that you are yet to consider, change you fundamentally and you will understand where you have stepped and realise you must take a step back. These people are there waiting already, they are not hypothetical, they are not promises, they are not illusions cast before you. They are there, I know it."

"And amongst them is one who you will connect with most deeply, one who will take all that you have ever known and turn it upside down. Yet you will know you are finally for the first time, the right way up. She will make you think back to this moment time and time again in a thousand different ways and you will understand that once upon a time, you understood nothing and be grateful you awoke. That what you thought was truth, divinity, love was nothing but a puff of smoke that you were manipulated into following."

"You just need to take a step back, let go and choose another path."

She looked into his eyes. She waited.

The tears, the confusion, the lack of understanding at what he had just heard. Time had stood still while she spoke but he had not realised. He had been consumed as he absorbed his words. Sweat and uncertainty dripped from him in the heat, his hair matted against his forehead.

He closed his eyes, his breathing ragged, drawn tight against his chest. His mind wild with fear, could not grasp onto the words that had passed, he could feel them but they were slipping away. The image he had built of a world of possibility as she spoke, of flowers and gardens and the honied eyes of an unknown love were fading into the distance. He was losing grip on the other path.

She looked into his eyes. She knew. She had lost him.

His eyes opened and life began to move again, the crying, the begging, the screams of mercy. He looked at their faces as they looked at his, terror in their eyes, pleading silently for him to stop this madness, to leave them in peace. A man dressed for work, a mother holding her baby tightly, an elderly women rocking back and forth staring. All with tears, all wanting another chance, another day, another moment to spend with their families, to do what they love.

This was his reality. He stepped forward and pressed the button.

[ a Steemit original ]

To: Ep02 | Review


thumbs up! I am anxious to see where you take us!

Nice, this was just as interesting.

wow! that's some interesting piece of work.
I will be following you :)

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