in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

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At last, Titi has gotten admission into the university to study medicine, wow after 5 years of staying at home, its not as if she is not brilliant but her parent could not afford to send her to school, her father is a poor farmer and her mother is a house wife, the parent struggled to send Titi and her silblings to school, they tried till all except their last born graduated from secondary school, after that the parents could not afford to send any to futher their educations. The crops are not yielding much money! is always the reply titi's father gave anytime one of the children discuss about futhering their education

Now Titi has gotten scholarship to study medicine, joy knew no bound in their house,everyone excited in the house like a record is about to be broken. Also everyone try to chip in or one or more advice, Titi make sure you always read your book when you get to school, make sure you pray regulary, dont do this, dont do that, and the poor girl just kept nodding like a Lizard.

Titi was one of the best in her class to the extent that her seniors always bring note for her to explain, she writes project for people, she had a friend called Chinaza, they advise each other, read and play together. Chinaza also was not born with a silver spoon but at least she is still better than titi, titi had just 2 pairs of shoes which were worn and some old clothes, she was really suffering, thank God for the little tips given to her.

All was going on fine until something happened, yetty one of the big girls on campus, she has three cars and a flat to herself, she lacks nothing, she is one of the big girls on campus, her apartment is always refered to as small london, she has a big boutique in the shopping mall.

One faithful day, Titi was disgracefully sent out of the presentation room because she was shabishly dressed, amid laughter and pitiful glance, Titi walked out of the presentation room crying uncontrollable,it was then she met Yetty.

Truth be told, yetty has this caring and attractive nature, after titi explained what went wrong, yetty immediately took her to her small london, Titi was flaggerbasted on the sight of seeing such wonderful apartment yetty had,everything was in order, colorful rug with a befitting curtains to match, plasma Tv of the largest size was neatly hang on the wall, a big Ac was also placed at a corner beside the room, while still amazed at what she saw, a lady dressed in a maid clothe came out and asked titi what she would like to eat, titi was about to ask yetty who she was when the former replied that the lady was her maid,Titi was speechless!!!

From that moment, Titi and yetty became very close friends, titi was glad her suffering has finally come to an end,without carrying out any investigation, they became two jolly friends. Yetty bough a vehicle for Titi as a birhday gift, Titi was mad with joy, she was becoming a big girl like Yetty, but being a wise girl, she did not allow it to affect her studies, her C.GP. was 4.90 beauty with brain, wow she gat it all, little wonders guys started chasing her out, despite advice from friends to take it easy with this yetty of a lady, their advice fell to deaf ears, she accused most of her friends of being jealous of her. She needs not to travel home every 2 weeks to collect foodstuffs from home, her parents being the caring ones called once or twice a week to ask what the problem is and she copes. She lied to her parent giving them excuse each time they called
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This continued for a long period of time, Titi already has an apartment of her own, she no longer lived in one room with Chinaza her old friend, now Titi was in final year, she was so glad to be graduating, after 7 years, yetty also was happy, she would have finished a year before but had an extra year and was not ready to bribe her way through, am still young she consoled herself.

On the eve of their graduation, yetty invited Titi for a party, Gorgeously dressed and sparkling in a short red dress, she headed for the party, from afar, she could hear the blaring of music, wow they have started already, she quiclky fasten her footstep,on getting there, food was in excess, jollof rice,fried chicken,chicken and chips, assorted meat, peper soup, efo with orisirisi, titi ate till she was filled, of course there was no need to pack some home because yetty would surely bring some for her, yetty walked up to Titi and whisper something into her ear, Titi jumped up joyfully, she had always wanted to meet Yetty dad, together they went upstairs using the elevator, Gisting and holding hands as they went upstairs. Yetty opened the door and asked Titi to go in and wait for her dad, without any delay, Titi jumped into the room but immediately open her mouth wide.

There were other ladies in the room too, naked, being tied with a chain and weeping softly, their faces and body were stained with blood, and two out of the ladies had their breast removed, Titi wanted to run back but was given a heavy slap on her face, immedaitely she saw stars, she was asked to strip herslef naked, she wanted to complain but was shown a gun, she struggled with the red short gown she was putting on, tearing the zip in haste, she pulled off the clothe, while the body guards laughed and fondled her breast

Now she was chained together with the ladies she saw at first, crying and weeping softly, yetty came in smiling in a wicked way, then she said alas meet my dad,What!!!!!!!

Immediately, Titi pissed on herself, what did she just see, her dad was a terrorist, human trafficker the government have been looking for since all the while, he was the one everyone was scared of, he was the black shadow everone has being looking for, with a wicked laughter the man lashed at the ladies tied, yetty called forward titi and other ladies, they were called all sort of names, how they were going to die, Yetty laughed and told titi and the others, they were fools, how do you think i will be giving you free money, food and gifts for nothing, am i mother christmas.

This will serve as a big lesson to you, to cut the story short, that was how Titi that was supposed to graduate as a medical doctor and be a source of happiness to her parent who suffered for here end her life in a painful way, She and the other ladies were killed in a painful way, their instestines, kidneys, breasts were removed.

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Remember! All that Glitters is not gold,do not be deceived,life is full of wickedness, be careful, be wise, dont be a prey to predators out there. Most people you see are snakes under the green grass

Remember All that glitters is not gold, Think twice before making a decision, dont just go for the gold alone,before you accept someone 's offer, think twice, Not all shinning things are good

Remember! All that glitters is not gold,you have just one life,so use it wisely.

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Thanks for Reading

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Truly, all that glitter is not gold. We think twice before making a decision or taking a part that look so exciting or too good to be true. Also we should not cross the line, forgetting our beliefs or morals because of goods things of this world. Very interesting story. Everyone should learn from this.

yh, everyone should. Great comment, thanks for reading

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

All was going on fine until something happened, yetty one of the big girls on campus, she has three cars and a flat to herself, she lacks nothing, she is one of the big girls on campus, her apartment is always refered to as small london, she has a big boutique in the shopping mall.
It should be referred instead of refered.

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