Outcast - Short Story (Part 4)

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

After I gave him tea and food, he began to light the fire at the hearth, than after that he watched my cave. And he saw that I put many tools there, many containers that served me for my experiments and for the extraction and distillation of all the potions. He realized immediately what it was, I saw a surprise in his eyes. He realized that he was finally close to getting mysterious elixirs and medicines from my people. The first in history to get it by the hand. I let him hope, I did not say anything.

You are far from home, young man. I must admit that I do not understand what you are looking for here all alone? No one from your nation has ever left your home since we know about you. What made you do such a thing? He said cautiously, as if afraid that I will refuse to answer him.

I will answer it honestly, but only if in return I get an equally sincere response to my questions. I need information, and some promises also I said.

Of course, I'm a trader. I kept many secrets, and I still keep them. I would not have met such a deep age that I do not know how to keep secrets. This my craft sometimes knows to be cruel to those who sell secrets he said with a craving in his voice. He could not wait to ask questions.

All right, I'm glad we understand each other. And now ask, please. I waited for questions, although I assumed what these questions would be.

I would like to know why are you here, where are you going and why? Has there been a change in your village so I will not be welcome there anymore? He reluctantly turned to tea and waited for my answers. I saw that he was ready to absorb every word that I uttered.

It's a long story, but at least we have time, right? This is that story in short, for a long time, as a child, I dreamed about what lies behind the borders of our lands. I was wondering, I asked the old people, but no one either did not want or did not know the answers and I always stayed denied the knowledge. I watched the merchants like you, somehow, and it seems to me that they are coming, collecting our tools and souvenirs and leaving. I was never allowed to ask questions to you. And so I remained deprived of it. As I grew older, I became more and more certain that I would once travel this distant world. And so, two months ago, I decided to leave my village and try my luck in that unknown world. All this with the aim of learning better, or at least learning other ways for what I like to do. And that's carving wood, creating mechanisms, and medication and taking care of the sick. And so, I suddenly left my home, and I was pursued by my own people. I can never go back there again I said, and the grief was present in my voice. I poured some tea, and watched his reaction. I saw that he was listening to me, especially after I mentioned drugs.

Do you say drugs? Are you ready to trade them? I see you're starting a new life, but I'm not sure that everything will go as easily as you think. In the City of Mirrors you will first find there are no hospitals, only one old herbalist. You'll have to travel a lot further to learn about it. To the capital city, the city of Night. Well, what do you say about the medication? After that question, I saw that his mind works with full steam and is already counting on what he can buy from me. Of course, I have to sell it to you at least some, because then he can be offended if I don't and, consequently, he will lie about something and that can lead me the wrong way.

I am ready to talk about trade. But now I am interested in everything that is waiting for me outside of this world of wilderness, please, tell me now in my voice a cry was heard.

It's a long story, we will have to continue it tomorrow. I'm tired, I'd like some sleep. He got up and went to the carriage to pick up a blanket. Soon he came back and lay not far from the fire.

I knew I would have to be patient, and that's why I let him answer the pace he wanted it to be. And I got ready to sleep. And the dream soon came.

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Great work done... Thanks for this wonderful message.

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