A Dangerous Visit (Going Down #4)

in #fiction7 years ago

A Dangerous Visit

I left the foundry and got back into the vehicle, in deep thought, so deep that I almost walked into two pits and one shutdown machine. I decided to let autopilot control this trip. But where would I head? First things first, I decided. There needed to be someone in the Kerzid research centre who might habe figured out this conspiracy. For I didn't think this was a locally hatched and executed plan. There had to be a major controlling agent, or agents, behind this. And the Kerzids were masters of genetic engineering.

"System Command: Activate."

"All systems online."

How soothing to listen to the system voice again. I really could do with that advice 'Let go, you can't be in control all the time'.

"Scan for docks with lightships."


"Process faster."

"Processing complete...22 docks located."


"Astern Port. Approximately 32 minutes away."

"Set autopilot to destination Astern Port."

"Autopilot calibrated. Time to destination, 32 minutes. Distance to -"

"Shut the fuck up! Play songs from Playlist E."

"Now playing."

I closed my eyes. Time for a quick nap. I drifted off to some late 20th century songs. When I woke up, we had reached the dock. The noise of the crowds infiltrated even my vehicle. I got out. It was time for the second stage of my plan. Prior to leaving the vehicle, I sent another message to the PEPC HQ, addressed to a few trusted colleagues. I took a deep breath and walked forward. The port was milling with activity. I pushed through the crowds, occasionally having to use my identification to pass through. It wasn't something I liked to do nor was it prudent given that I planned on a stealthy approach, but I had no choice; the time constraint was too great.


After a few minutes of walking, politely requesting way and shoving with a "Dr. Hales, PEPC" I reached the counters. There were four counters, one reserved exclusively for lightships. I pushed my way to the front of that row. The lady behind the counter frowned.

"Excuse me, sir, but this is irregular -"

To hell with the regulations! I cut her short, "Dr. Hales, PEPC. I need to have a word with the port manager."

"Do you have an appointment, sir?"


"I'm sorry, sir, but without...hey, what are you doing?!"

I had grown sick of listening to her formal speech. I decided to take things into my own hands and went past the counter. She followed me, and was replaced by another counterkeeper. I was now closing in on the ships. The port manager was usually in his (or her) office.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I must ask you to leave before we are forced to call for security."

"I need a word with the port manager and now. I'm on urgent business with the PEPC. Here," I said, showing her my identification.

She relented. "The manager will be near the lightships, which is over there," she said, pointing the way. I walked onward. And thankfully, the talk with the manager proved easier. After assuring him that the lightship would be returned soon and safely, and after some formal paperwork which he seemed uncomfortable without, I boarded one of the ships. I checked the systems. All seemed to be operational.

"System command: Activate."

"All systems online."

"Set course for destination: Planet Zenda, Dome-Quittre."

"Very well. Takeoff at command. Expected duration of flight to be four hours."

"Weapon system status?"

"T-44 cannons are online. Shields are online. The arms room is below the bridge."

"Let's go!"

I began to study maps of Dome-Quittre and then read up on the projects that were ongoing. More cooperative genetic engineering, which wasn't harmful at least as of now, but who knew what went behind the doors? The four hour flight would be tedious except for the takeoffs and landings. I slept after takeoff. I dreamed of mutton chops for some weird reason. Of all things that could possibly be there, it had to be the dish that I really couldn't remember! The flight was on schedule. We were closing in on the neighbouring planet Zenda, inhabited primarily by Kerzids.


The Kerzids created multiple habitable spots or "domes" on a mostly unforgiving surface. The atmosphere was noxious thanks to massive volcanic activity and also the toxic wastes dumped from laboratories and factories. While it was possible to walk beyond the borders of a city in our planet, it was impossible on Zenda. No living being could possibly live there. I wouldn't be surprised if nature managed to make me marvel more with such a creature but as of now, I couldn't care less.

We approached the dome I sought. Dome-Quittre. Here stood the Human-Kerzid Joint Research Facility, a vast complex of laboratories and libraries and residential compounds. Everything a researcher ever needed in a city within a city. As I approached, I caught sight of men and Kerzids walking through the streets. Then I descended into the port. I walked out of the port, in a hurry. Thankfully, I didn't need to reveal my identity yet. The lightship was registered under a certain Mr. Axel Bard and that is who I was.

I boarded a ferry and alighted at the Central Laboratory. I walked in, as a casual visitor, hoping to find someone I knew, someone I could trust. No such luck. After the tour through some of the facilities, I ended up outside. I would have to play the old important person card again. As I prepared to go in once more, a man walked out. An old friend of mine, someone who would recognise me on sight no matter what. I started off towards him. As I closed in on him, he turned to me.

There was sadness in his eyes, through which I saw a hint of terror.

"You shouldn't have come here, Scrifftor," he said softly, as he collapsed, into a violent seizure. Even as I bent over him, I knew there was no return to health for him. I felt for his pulse. There was none.

To be continued

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You end your episodes in an exciting way... it makes me painstakingly curious for the next part!

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