The Officially Unofficial Diary Of Rodrigo Duterte - The Philippines Elected Dictator – Drug War Hypocrite – Death Squad Advocate – Womanizer (SATIRE)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago

Dear diary, 

Spent most of day zoned out on painkillers.  I think I gave a speech on TV.  Not sure.

I think the death squads are going well.  Damn drug user criminals.  One of my underlings told me that cannabis was a plant.  I told him no, it’s not, it’s a drug.  So I had him shot.  Can’t have stupid people like that tarnishing my golden reputation.    

Ha ha ha! Why do people vote for me? Why do they follow my orders? Gullible people, ha ha!   

Kim Jung Un said I look like some villain from Miami Vice.  I told him he’s just jealous that he lives in such a frozen hell.    

Oooooo, what’s happening? My head hurts! I’m getting an idea and the idea is fighting with the opioids!

Maybe instead of shooting drug users, we should just ship them off to North Korea and use them as slave labor! I’m such a genius.  I should give Kim a call and see whatsup.  Wait a minute, he never called me back last time! Screw you, Kim Jung Un!   

My wife is always putting red roses around the house.  She says I like it because red is the color of blood, and she’s right.  But why doesn’t she just put real blood around the house? It would be soooooo much better!

The maid didn’t get all 16 bathrooms as clean as I’d like.  I guess I’ll have to shoot her.  What choice do I have, right? Such a shame.  She’s cute, too.    

I can’t wait until Trump and Tillerson get back into town.  Now those guys know how to womanize! Maybe I should just take a vacation and give a surprise visit in Jersey.  I do work too hard and could use a vacation.    

Maybe tomorrow I’ll go road raging on my motorcycle.  I’ll take some extra painkillers this time to really make it interesting.  If a cop stops me, I’ll just shoot him.  Ha ha, I love being president!

Some doctors say that the drugs I take can cause hallucinations.  I don’t buy it.

I really DO look like James Bond.

People say I use too much profanity on TV.  If they only understood that that is my way of making myself feel artificially powerful.  It hurts so much to be me.  Why don’t people understand? I’m just a big softy……..

If my wife accuses me of cheating on her one more time, I’ll shoot her!   I mean, what is she thinking? Of course I cheat! That's one of the perks of being president!

Start learning about this psycho, if you have the stomach for it @ 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia commons



A little snippet from his Wikipedia page: "...During his campaign, he promised to reduce crime by killing tens of thousands of criminals.[21] His domestic policy has focused on combating the illegal drug trade by initiating the Philippine Drug War. According to the Philippine National Police the death total passed 7,000 in January 2017, after which the police stopped publishing data...."
Wow! Pretty disgusting! Thanks for the great info and the dose of humor.^^

What a colossal ass. I hope the day comes soon when people realize that this is what you get by supporting statism.

Very well said. You just summarized the meaning of my entire post in two lines. Cheers

I'm very glad to see this @steeminganarchy. I'm Gil from Iligan and I am doing a crowdfunding project to self-publish my 101 letters for Duterte in a book form. I wanted to give copies of the book to Duterte and to other significant national leaders. I'm posting one letter every Friday and from the upvotes I will be coming up with a crowdfund for the said project. I hope you could support if you see this as a good cause. Here's the second letter (though its in Bisaya, I'm hoping I could translate this in the final output)

the only reason i can think of why he hasnt been targeted by a hitsquad is that he's a don himself really ....

viewed, voted, commented, and re-steemed ...

anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days

if you have complaints please check the link, or else just do that content dictator thing you do i no longer care ... a resteem is a resteem, atm to 250 people, thats 250 chances to have it re-resteemed,

...disclaimer, disclaimer, something on stalking whales and stuff, since my pathological apathy struck and i got these pills i dont seem to care much, maybe it'l get better ... good luck anyway

Thank you for the post, read your information, very interesting. You help develop our favorite steemit. I love your post.

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