Interview With A Psychopath - Marauding Mogul Maurice Tempelsman (SATIRE)

in #fiction6 years ago

Candid con-man reveals secrets of the billion dollar diamond farce.  

Media Shill (smirking into camera):  Hello, ladies and gentlemen, to another adrenaline-pumping edition of “Interview With A Psychopath” here on BNN! Our Satanic guest today is a veteran of the psychopathic social manager class, Maurice Tempelsman.  (turns to face Maurice) Thanks for coming on the show, Maurice.

Tempelsman:  I wish I could say it’s a pleasure to be here.

Media Shill:  Thanks.  That’s better feedback than I get from most guests.  Mr. Tempelsman, you’re almost 90 years old and have spent a lifetime tirelessly working to expand the system of tax slavery that envelops human society.  I want to thank you for that.

Tempelsman:  For being 90 or for expanding slavery?

Media Shill:  Uh, both, I guess.  Maurice, you’ve received many physical creature comforts in return for your evil exploits, for which I am deeply envious.  (groveling face)

Tempelsman (uppity):  Most people are.   
Media Shill:  Actually, many people don’t even know who you are.

Tempelsman frowns.

Media Shill:  Which is why we’re shedding some much needed light on your sinister actions.    

Tempelsman grins.

Media Shill:  You gained much of your fake mon-eye due to your participation in the violently controlled global diamond cartel.  What does it take to be a part of that sinister club?

Tempelsman:  Well, the first thing is, you’ve got to be one hell of a psychopath.  But it’s more than that.  You see, the value of diamonds was raised artificially so that I and other cartel members could reap enormous benefits.    

Media Shill:  And how was that accomplished?

Tempelsman:  For one thing, artificial scarcity had to be created.  This was done, in part, by making it very dangerous to obtain diamonds.  It was crucial, and still is, to keep certain parts of Africa extremely violent and unstable.  This helps keep competition away.    

Media Shill (pandering):  Quite the evil genius!

Tempelsman:  But in order for cartels to exist, it’s also of paramount importance to have the mafias called governments violently restrict any entrepreneurs who might challenge the power of the cartel’s monopoly.    

Media Shill:  How fascinating! Maurice, it’s also true that diamonds were not in such high demand early in the 20th century.  How was demand raised?   

Tempelsman:  That’s the really tricky part.  It took a concerted effort to brainwash the public that diamonds are an integral part of romance and love.  We owe much of our artificially inflated profits to media shills and PR pundits just like yourself. 

Media Shill (blushing):  Oh, Maurice, you’re too kind…..really.  So to sum up, it might be fair to say that the current diamond industry is largely the result of mind-control and violence.    

Tempelsman (shrugs):  Sure, that’s about right.    

Media Shill:  Maurice, many of those diamonds come from Africa.  Naturally, due to your diamond plundering there, you’ve played an integral role in keeping the people there unstable and violently controlled.  This might be a good point to get into an organization you work with, The Corporate Council on Africa.  What is it and what is your role there?

Tempelsman:  Yes, that is a key club for us near the top of the Satanic control structure.  We facilitate agreements between the African puppet dictators and oligarch corporate kingpins.   

Media Shill:  Yes, the board of directors is littered with oil and banking white-collar pirates.  Mr. Tempelsman, you also worked with a group called the US-Russia Business Council.  Could you comment on what that group does exactly?

Tempelsman:  Well, we generally manipulate the mafias in the US and Russia to bend to our will.    

Media Shill:  And when you say mafias, you mean what, exactly?   
Tempelsman:  Governments.    

Media Shill (facepalm, blushing):  Obvious, of course.  How silly of me.  If that’s the case, Maurice, then what in the world are the tax slaves thinking when they vote?

Tempelsman:  For one thing, they’re not thinking, obviously.    
Media Shill:  Yes, whoever dreamed up the idea of voting for slave masters was….

Tempelsman cuts him off.

Tempelsman:  One of the most influential dark magicians ever.  Can you imagine what the tax slaves would do if they ever found out the truth?

Media Shill:  How horrifying! I’d lose all my temporary, ill-gotten benefits here in the physical realm! I dread the day!
Tempelsman:  As do I.

Media Shill:  You probably won’t live to see it.  You’re almost 90, remember?
Tempelsman:  Well…...maybe.  Who knows how long I’ll live. (smug face)

Media Shill:  Wait a sec…..what kind of occulted technologies do you have access to?      
Tempelsman:  Certainly nothing I’m willing to say on international Tell-A-Vision.    

Media Shill:  Off camera?
Tempelsman (malevolent):  If you’re willing to make a sacrifice.    

Media Shill (turns to face camera, anxious):  Well, that's it for this edition of “Interview With A Psychopath”.   Goodnight! 

If you'd like to learn about the real Maurice Tempelsman and his connections, here are some good resources to start.    

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia commons



Good description. Satire benefits not only of the protection to freedom of speech, but also to that to culture, and that to scientific and artistic production.

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