in #fiction4 years ago (edited)

Bradley Kreuz lay in a narcotic haze in his hospital bed. The beating he'd earned himself had done some serious damage. A shattered jaw, two broken arms, one with all 3 main bones. A broken leg, ruptured spleen. It was like a lesson in anatomy listing all the limbs and organs he'd had damaged. The story was, he'd been set upon by a gang. At least 4, potentially half a dozen. It fitted nicely into the lies his whole life was based on. Reality was about to force its way back into his existence. In the form of Jay Livingston. Who stood over the heavily bandaged and plastered body. Jaw wired together, so he wasn't going to be able to scream for help with any great effect.

He'd turned off the morphine drip almost ten minutes ago. While the asshole had wriggled a bit, he still wasn't conscious. Jay had things to do. He couldn't hang around here all night. The diversion Miles and Lev were creating wouldn't last that long. Placing his left hand over Bradley's mouth, he used the right to club those broken bones. It should wake him up. It did wake him up. The moans became groans, then grunts. The eyes opened. One of them did. The other was hidden beneath a massive bruise and some impressive swelling. It took a second or two for reality to assert itself in Brad's cavernous skull. He gave a pathetic whimper. Jay smiled down at him.

"Hello again.... I'm gonna say... Tadley? Or is it Badly? Who cares? This is a courtesy call Chad." The helpless rapist struggled. Only briefly. He was in a lot of pain again. "I know what you're like. You're a backstabbing, cowardly, snake. Who even now is trying to figure out how to get me back for humiliating you. By rights I should end you right now. Snuff out your worthless life." The panic took hold, but the pain had a much stronger grip. He tried to shake his head, but even that was agonizing. "Calm yourself you pathetic, needle dicked weasel. Killing you would be far too merciful. I need you to suffer for a long, long time... Chet? The rest of your pointless life will be barely long enough. I want you to know that for every single second of your existence, from this point on, I'll know where you are and what you're doing. The prosecutor tells me you'll be serving a minimum of 12 to 15 years. In a prison Chad. Though your looks have taken a bit of a down turn recently, the other inmates will still think you're pretty. And to make sure they do, I've deposited a million dollars in a high interest account. And I'm going to make sure that all your fellow inmates are aware I'm offering each and every one of them a grand, each time they fuck your ass or mouth. You'll be fresh meat to them. Not so fresh after the first week, but still relatively new. Your anus will end up as wide, and as busy, as a four lane highway. I promise you." Jay paused, his brow furrowed. "That's it really. Message delivered. Oh your dad is on suicide watch. Tried to take his own life when he found out how deep in the shit he is. I've got a fund going for him as well. So that's it. Oh almost forgot. There's a postscript." Jay pressed his hand down on Bradley's mouth then rained a dozen punches down on the jock's groin. Making sure to get both balls. The shit had passed out after the first six or so, which was a shame. It would be something to remind him of how fucked he was, and how fucked he was going to be.

His friends were waiting for him outside. Everything had gone according to plan. They didn't even have to talk about it. Instead Miles used the drive back to the hotel to brief Jay on the arrangements for tomorrow night. Which given it was 3 in the morning was tonight. Another of those interminable, annoying dinners. Where he'd have to watch The Princess charm the high and mighty. Jay the ever present, ever loyal bodyguard. All the air kissing was the worst, as far as he was concerned. That, and the complete lack of decent conversation. Not that he was allowed to talk. His superior, Miles, dealt with all the verbal stuff. A couple of magazines had stories about Leilani being engaged to an Austrian Count or a Spanish Prince, or another Hollywood celebrity. He and Nef would laugh about them later. Much as they did with official interviews she gave. Rolling out lies and salacious misdirections to keep the public happy, in their complete unknowing ignorance.

It was the usual high class dinner. Where most of the calories consumed, were in the form of alcohol. Alcohol he couldn't touch. He wasn't even allowed near all the food, that went to waste. Unless he sneaked off to the kitchens during his brief breaks. They were always far more entertaining. Leilani had a lot admirers. Many of them were female to. It was a charity thing he discovered. Ten thousand dollars a plate with a nice speech from a previous occupant of the Whitehouse who was being paid almost a quarter of a million. There was nothing charitable about it. Another cover for their endless scheming to make themselves richer and more powerful. A networking opportunity for most, there was the odd genuine person there. As jaded as he was with the whole facade. It was all part of the game. A game he'd won, when that beautiful lady over there fell in love with him. Damn he was getting really whiny. It was a few hours of monotony for a good cause. Some charity would get a tiny proportion of the money raised here. Ah. She was beckoning him over.

"Jamie." She drawled in her casually imperious tone. "Mr Kricek and his wife have invited me over to discuss a project. I'll be taking Miles and Lev with me, so you can have the rest of the evening off." Kricek's wife had to be forty years younger than him. She had more silicon in her than actual flesh as far as he could tell. Good work though. Those boobs would still be standing proud when she was in her eighties. Nef leaned in to whisper in his ear."That bitch has had her eyes on you all night. Asked far too many questions for me to trust her with you. Head back. I think this could be something daddy would be interested in, or I'd be coming to."
She snapped back into her princess persona. Cold and aloof.
"Certainly Princess Leilani." He gave a slight bow.

As he edged past the silicon doll she thrust something into the top pocket of his jacket. Her telephone number and call me was written on the back of a business card. He dropped it into the first trash can he passed. Sophie would still be up. He was starving, so he could ask her if she wanted anything. It was fried chicken as it happened. Something they both missed from the old country. They were there almost half the year, but seldom in a place where they could get it. When he got back she pitched her southern fried chicken business. Chicken was one meat the islands didn't have to import. They ate it together on the balcony with a couple of cans of Mr Pibb. Things were almost back to whatever passed for normal.

As he got ready for bed he received a text from Nef. She was on her way back. He should wait up for her. He always did. She never went to bed without him either. This meant she was in a playful mood. Mr Kricek had received the many benefits of her flirting. Getting her own back at his wife no doubt. Jay noticed a suitcase beside the couch, he'd ask her about that when she got back. Meanwhile he slipped into bed, turning the lights down low as he waited for her return. Pretending to be asleep wouldn't work. So he lay there until he heard the outer door closing. By the time she'd reached their bedroom Nef was half naked. Discarded clothes leaving a trail behind her. The heels and her underwear came off as she passed through the portal. Then her long glossy hair was loosened to fall over her shoulders. Without a word she passed into the ensuite bathroom.

It was a ceremony of sorts. The removal of Princess Leilani. The transformation into Nef. No makeup, no artifice. The third woman he was married to. Not the one he loved the most. He loved all three of her equally. They appealed to different facets of his own personality. Nef was simply the one he enjoyed spending time with the most. There was a thump from the bathroom, right when he'd wondered why she was taking so long. He called out. She told him to be patient. A few minutes had passed before it wore out. What the hell was she up to? Jay climbed out of bed. Maybe she wanted him to get a bit freaky with her in the shower. He grinned to himself. He'd only taken a couple of steps before the door to the living area burst open. Nef came flying in, launching a smother tackle that landed them both on the bed. She was fully dressed, in her Nef clothes.

"Did you miss me baby?" She was on top, raining light kisses on his face lightly.
Jay smiled up at her flawless face, grinning. Then something else hit him.
"Wait a minute. How the hell did you get from the bathroom to the living room?"
"Easy. I climbed out through the window."
"We're forty floors up. The windows don't open."
"They do if you know how." He rolled her over so he was on top. "Now ravish me."
An offer he couldn't have refused in different circumstances. Jay pinned her arms down and leaned up.
"You were naked when you went in there. That means you climbed around this building naked. We're hundreds of feet up. Are you out of your fucking mind?"
Her delightful face assumed a sad expression. It was faked.
"It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn't think."
"Yes you did. This was planned, in that insane brain of yours. You not only had to make sure the windows would open, but you also had clothes ready to put on. This took preparation.... Why did you get dressed again anyway."
She strained upwards to kiss him. He pulled back then gave her a peck.
"So you could peel them off me. Or tear them off me." her eyes glowed. "I knew you'd be a bit angry. Do you wanna spank me for being such a naughty girl?"
Jay gave an exasperated, and ultimately defeated, groan as he flopped down on his back beside her. Nef moved onto her side to caress him. Her fingers trailing across his chest as she sneakily moved over him again.

It was who she was. The antithesis of Princess Leilani. Unrestrained and impetuous. He was bloody furious with her, but that didn't last. It wasn't long before they were both peeling off her clothes. The aftermath of some really hot action, found their sweating bodies tangled together on a rumpled bed. Her nude excursion forgotten. Jay having decided he didn't want to know just how small the ledge she'd climbed across was. In order to distract himself from those thoughts more epically indescribable and possibly illegal sex took place. Enough that they required a second aftermath.

"Well what did you say to Sophie then?" She asked nuzzling his neck.
"About what?"
"About the baby of course."
"What baby?" He sat up with her still clinging to him.
"Oh shit. She was going to ask you what you thought about her having another baby using Dale's sperm. Damn. I assumed it was going to be tonight. Do me a favor, when she asks you pretend you don't already know. She'll absolutely kill me otherwise."
Once he'd allowed his confusion to settle he gave it some consideration.
"I think it would be a great idea for Jacob to have a little brother or sister. Any other secrets?"
"No. Oh it's not a secret exactly, but you should know daddy's abdicating in a couple of years. In favor of me. Then I'll do the same when Tianni reaches 18. It's time we brought Tuvah into the 21st century. We're having our first constitution written as we speak. Soon as that's done we'll have elections."
Thanks for keeping me in the loop." He returned sarcastically.
"Who are you going to vote for?"
"Well it won't be you. I don't like your manifesto."
"I won't be standing. I've had my fill of Princess Leilani. Once Tianni takes over that's it."
"Awwww. I quite like her."
Nef's hand moved down to cradle his testicles. A bit too firmly.
"Do you?" There was a hostile tone in her voice. "Have you been cheating on me with her?"
"What?" Her grip tightened. "Whoa. Hold on before you do anything rash. You do know she's you don't you?"
"Yeah, but you'd better not be banging her. Or else."

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