Black and Silver Chapter 8

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


A weaponized virus is suspected to be on US soil, likely to be used against American citizens. Adam Black, a former federal agent, framed for a terrorist attack 18 months prior, has been broken out of prison by the Anti Terrorist Coalition ATC as part of an undercover operation, in which Adam attempts to infiltrate the ranks of a known drug criminal Nicolás Diaz to gain intel on the virus. Diaz used Adam to gain information on the virus himself, and escaped to pursue it for his own ends.

November 1st, 2023. 1:45pm - Los Angeles

ATC Headquarters

Stressed out over everything that is going on, both with the safety of the nation as well as her marriage, Maria sits at her desk and decides to make a phone call to the one person she can talk to about everything.


Bruce Miller is watching the news in his home in Washington, DC. Being a former government agent, he has been briefed by some of his sources about the virus likely being in Los Angeles, but he hasn't been able to get any specific details.

"Sweetheart! I was just about to call you. Is it true about the virus?"

Maria has so much to say, her voice trembles a bit and she has an all around confused tone throughout.

"Yes. We're working on it right now. We have a lead on the virus, and we're making a move right now."

"What are you not telling me?"

"It's Adam, dad. The President authorized us breaking Adam out of prison. We needed him to work undercover to get a lead on the virus."

The shock of hearing Adam's name sets Bruce back.

"Adam? Adam's there now?"

"No, he's... he's in the field now, he's following on the lead."

"How did this come together?"

"The President offered Adam a deal. He leads us to the virus, and gets his freedom. Full immunity on all charges. He could get his life back, dad."

"Okay, calm down. Is Paul there with you?"

"No, that's just it. Paul went to the field, too. He doesn't trust Adam and wants to handle things himself."

Bruce is not surprised. He has a lot of love for his son in law, and knows for a fact that he is a good husband for his daughter, but behavior like this under these circumstances is something he would expect from Paul. Bruce could dive more into the situation, but his talent with his daughter has always been calming her down, no matter the situation, so he takes another turn in the conversation.

"How are you holding up?"

"I just... I don't know, dad. You know me and Paul have worked hard on our marriage these past 18 months, after what happened there in Washington. But now Adam shows up, again, and I just... I just don't know, dad."

Bruce takes a deep sigh before replying, the sort of sigh you take before you're about to give someone you love some of life's harsh realities.

"I know you have. And I know how you feel about Adam. And I know how much Adam loves you. And I know what you're thinking. If Adam is a free man, you two might have another chance. Look, sweetheart. I risked my life 18 months ago for Adam. There's no man alive I respect more than Adam Black. He saved your life, I owe him a debt of gratitude I can never repay. I would trust my life, and the safety of this nation, in the hands of Adam Black. Any day. But truth be told, and I never told you this when you were engaged, I'm not sure I'd trust the life of my daughter in those hands, Maria."

Maria knows her father is making sense, but still feels disappointed that her father basically confirmed what she already knew. She doesn't say anything, and Bruce continues.

"It's not that Adam is not a good man. But this is who he is. This is all he knows. How long do you think he could live a normal life? A year? Two? Less? One way or another, he's going to find his way back into the game. He won't admit it, but he could never stay away from the thrill of the danger."

"I know, dad. I just... I guess I just wish it weren't true."

"I know you do, sweetheart. You're a big girl, you make your own decisions. But I know the reason you called me was that you wanted me to give you the truth."

"That's true."

"Call me when you have an update. As far as finding the virus goes, Adam's the best man for the job. Try to talk to Paul. Get back to me, okay?"

"I will, dad. Thanks."

That phone call was a lot to take in for Bruce. He did try to use his political connections to get Adam out of prison, but he kept running into brick walls. There were powerful people within the government hell bent on keeping Adam in prison, even though a lot of people on the inside knew that the accusations were shoddy at best. Adam stopped the terrorist attack 18 months prior, and saved Maria's life. But everything got turned upside down, the media were giving out an entirely different story as to what happened, and everything got very odd.

Bruce is hoping that those powerful people aren't after Adam right now, as he is trying to stop this weaponized virus from being unleashed.

The Warehouse

Attempting to stay hidden in the woods, Adam and Gwen are making their way towards the warehouse, while keeping their eye on Diaz who is leaning against the wall of the warehouse, contemplating his next move. Adam extends his arm to stop Gwen from moving.

"Let's stay here. We'll wait for Diaz to make a move. We can't expose ourselves before we have a visual confirmation on the virus and a way to secure it. If the virus is not there, we can't risk exposing ourselves and losing our chances of finding it."

"How long until the team gets here?"

"They should be here any minute. We'll surround the warehouse - if the virus is there, it can't get away."

Diaz takes out his gun and slowly opens the door of the warehouse and goes in. Adam notifies the field team.

"Diaz is going in. Gwen and I will follow. Surround the warehouse, but don't move in until I give the go ahead, you copy? Okay, Gwen, let's go."

Adam and Gwen move in towards the warehouse, and Adam contacts Alex for tactical support.

"We're going in. I need you to run tactical."

"Gotcha, Adam. The nine hostiles are northwest from the main entrance. The warehouse has a secondary entrance at the back, so keep that in mind."

"Copy that."

Inside, a meeting is taking place.

Two of the nine men are engaging in a business deal, with Claude Vasella being the one in possession of the briefcase containing the virus.

The rest are armed men, four of which are protecting Vasella, and the other three are having the back of the man buying the virus.

The other man is also holding a briefcase, one that contains a large sum of money. Claude asks for him to open the briefcase.

"I have the merchandise. I expect you to have the means of purchasing what I have."

The man opens up the briefcase to reveal a large sum of money indeed.

"Unmarked bills. Like we discussed."

The man steps closer to Vasella, while both men's protection aim their weapons at both men in case for any sudden movements.

"Now let's see the Azrael virus."

Vasella opens his respective briefcase, and the man examines the vial inside.

Diaz is in hiding behind a pillar, as Adam silently grabs him from behind, covering his mouth.

"Not a sound."

Adam pulls Diaz aside and chokes him out. Then tells Gwen to watch him.

"Hold him up. I'm moving in closer."

Gwen points her gun at the unconscious Diaz, and Adam quietly makes his way to get confirmation on the virus. He manages to stay out of sight, and hides behind a set of boxes to survey the situation.

The White House

Palmer Collins and the President are having a discussion about Paul's phone call. Palmer is attempting to convince the President that giving Adam operational control of field ops is a mistake.

"Just think about, Mr. President, I'm begging you. If it ever gets out that, during such a sensitive operation, you sanctioned putting a federal fugitive in charge of the field work, it would be a black cloud hanging over your presidency forever. In case something goes wrong. You would be held responsible."

Morgan is weighing in all options, but once again, Palmer's persuasion is doing its magic.

"You could be right, Palmer."

"Paul Douglas is on his way to the location. He asked me to ask you to overrule the decision to put Adam Black in charge. It was never your decision, so you have plausible deniability. By overruling it, we can sell it as a reactionary action you took upon hearing it."

"Let ATC know Agent Paul Douglas is in charge of field ops."

Outside of the Warehouse

Paul is driving towards the warehouse, a mile or two away, as Palmer Collins calls him on his cell phone.


"I spoke with the President. You are now in operational command of ATC field ops. The team has been notified. Just make sure you secure the virus."

"Thank you. I will not let you down. I'm on my way."

The Warehouse

Claude Vasella's business partner is continuing to examine the vial to confirm that it is indeed the Azrael virus.

Claude reassures him that it is the real deal.

"I will assure you. It is the Azrael virus. I have no need for anything like that. All want is to do business."

Adam is overhearing all of this, while the man starts to become convinced.

"It appears you are telling the truth. I can confirm this to be the Azrael virus. I think we have a deal."

Adam gets confirmation, and silently contacts the field team.

"I have a visual on the virus. I repeat. I have a visual on the virus. All teams move in."

He, however, does not get a response.

"Do you copy? I have a visual on the virus. All teams move in."

Still no response.

"What the hell..."

The deal continues to take place, as Adam is confused about the lack of reply by the field team, and there being seven armed men, it would be too much for Adam to take on by himself. Gwen is starting to wonder why nothing happens, as well, but she doesn't get in closer and risk Diaz waking up.

Paul is still a few miles away fromt the warehouse and is now leading the field team.

"Nothing happens until I get there, you copy? I'm a few minutes out."

"Copy that, Agent Douglas."

The man purchasing the virus is now in possession of it, and as Claude gets his money, the man with the virus starts to head towards the secondary entrance. Adam doesn't know why the field team isn't responding, but he can't let the virus get away, so he decides to jump out of hiding to stop him.


your every story writing just aeesome...thanks for sharing your writing story..✌✌👌

I have nothing better to do! You're welcome.

Good story.. Very good..
This game is my favorite to playing.

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