Black and Silver Chapter 10

in #fiction7 years ago


A weaponized virus has surfaced on US soil, planned to be used against American citizens. Former federal agent Adam Black has been brought back to work to find and secure the virus before it ends up in the hands of terrorists. After being successful in retrieving the virus with his partner Gwen DuClare, Adam was betrayed by Gwen who was revealed to be after the virus herself, and was able to escape with it. As time is ticking, Adam and the Anti Terrorist Coalition ATC are attempting to track down the virus before it's too late. There is also personal conflict brewing between Adam and Paul, the husband of Adam's former fiancée Maria, which is interfering with their work.

November 1st, 2023. 3:02pm - Los Angeles

ATC Headquarters

Adam and Paul arrive at the HQ, being immediately met by Richard who wants to attempt to understand just what has happened. The virus was secured and the threat was averted, but now everything is back to square one with ATC not having a clue where the virus is. And they were betrayed by their own agent. Richard also wants to deal with Paul's field mistakes, but there are more pressing issues at hand right now.

Adam is no less frustrated by the situation. For whatever reason, even though it's absolutely contrary to his nature, he was starting to trust Gwen. Both on the field, and as a person. He is mad at himself for being so careless around her.

"Adam, what the hell happened out there?"

"Gwen was after the virus. She pulled her gun on me in the car, and took off with it. We chased her down, but she switched cars at a tunnel. We couldn't locate her on the satellite feed. I'm sorry. We need everything you have on her. Phone logs, everything. Bank transactions. See if she's received large sums of money from someone."

"So where are we, exactly? The virus is out there and we have nothing?"

"That's correct."

Richard realizes this day is going to be a lot longer than he first anticipated.

"I'm gonna call the President. Brief him on the situation. I'll tell Alex to go through Gwen on the database."


Adam runs his hands all over his face, he blames himself for losing the virus. It's been a crazy day for him so far. He was broken out of prison to work on this operation, in exchange for a pardon for his supposed crimes, and was so close to getting his life back. But trusting the wrong person took it all away from him. Once again. Right now, however, saving the hundreds of thousands of lives that are in danger if the virus gets used is his first priority, not his personal comfort. That's just how Adam is as a person. A hero, whether he admits it or not.

Paul decides to use this opportunity to discuss what happened between him and Adam, perhaps as a way to call for a truce, but they are approached by Maria who instinctively hugs Adam, since she's glad he's safe. The fact that Maria seemed to care more about Adam than him cancels the hopes he had for a truce. Though Maria does give him a hug, as well.

"I'm glad you're both okay."

Adam and Paul give each other rather toxic stares, but both choose not to dive into any sort of drama. Not now with the virus at large. Maria, however, does decide to give Paul a piece of her mind.

"I hope you understand that you put everything in jeopardy by overruling Adam in the field."

"I made a mistake. Okay? I made a mistake."

Adam doesn't let the opportunity for a small jab pass him by.

"As I told you, it was a bit more than that."

Truth be told, a part of Adam wants to be childish and berate Paul in front of Maria, but luckily a larger part of him knows that in order to survive a crisis like this, one has to remain professional, so he does.

"I'm gonna go see if Alex has anything on Gwen. Excuse me."

Richard has briefed the President on the situation in his office. The fact that the virus is now in the wrong hands means that the situation is officially critical.

"So, in other words, you're telling me ATC has nothing on the location of the virus, which means it can be used against American people at any time?"

"Theoretically yes, Mr. President."

The President sits down in his chair in shock.

"My God."

"We are digging information on the dirty agent Gwen DuClare, responsible for the virus being missing, sir."

"You keep me posted."

"I will, sir. But there's another matter I need to discuss with you. Regarding Adam Black and agent Paul Douglas."

"What is it, Richard?"

"It's my understading, sir, that earlier today the White House authorized Paul Douglas overruling Adam during a crucial field decision, placing him charge of field ops, in place of Adam."

"That is correct."

"Sir, with all due respect, considering the current situation, I place more trust in Adam than I do in Paul. Paul's wife Maria Douglas and Adam have a history. Paul seems to be having... difficulties dealing with the fact that Adam's involved in this operation."

"What kind of difficulties?"

"Let's just say his jealousy placed our operation to retrieve the virus at risk. I think Adam should be in charge. No matter how I feel about him personally, or the political ramifications of his involvement, he's the best we have."

"It was my decision to place agent Douglas in charge of field work. But, given the current situation, I trust your expertise and history with Adam Black. Whatever it takes to retrieve the virus."

"I agree, sir. Thank you, sir."

"Richard, Put Adam Black on the phone. I wish to speak with him personally."

Adam is busy working with Alex on the database, looking for something that could givem them a clue about what Gwen is up to, but nothing seems to come up. Her history, records ,everything checks out. Alex starts to feel the search is pointless.

"There's nothing here, Adam. Either she's never been involved with terrorist activities, or she's really good at covering her tracks."

"Well, she's really good, I saw it personally. And that's what scares me, but keep looking. Let me know if anything comes up."

Richard calls Adam in his office.

"Adam, it's the President. Wants to speak with you."

Adam steps into Richard's office and grabs the phone.

"Yes, Mr. President?"

"Adam, I would like to apologize for my decision to overrule you, and place agent Douglas in charge earlier today. I was told my decision placed the operation at risk. I'm sure you are aware that your involvement in this operation is politically complicated, given your history."

"Yes, Mr. President."

"But the situation with the virus has also gotten more complicated. I wanted to tell you that you have the full support of my administration during this operation. I am perfectly aware that your loyalty does not lie with this government, but I also know that it does lie with the innocent people who are threatened by this virus."

"That is correct, Mr. President. Thank you."


"Yes, Mr. President?"

"Stop this virus."

"I'll do everything I can."

Unknown Location

Gwen stops her car at a remote location and steps inside a building where she is greeted by Dietrich.

"Good work, Gwen. Show me the virus."

Gwen hands Dietrich the vial which Dietrich holds as if it is the Holy Grail.

"Yes, this is enough for at least ten smaller vials lethal enough to paralyze the American government."

"There may be a prolem, Dietrich."

"What sort of problem? You weren't followed, were you?"

"Nah, I'm too good for that. But one of the ATC operatives, Adam Black. The man I broke out of prison. He's very good. You need to be careful with him."

"You're very good indeed, my dear. That's why I'm confident. I've planned for this day for years. Trust me, no mere ATC agent will be able to get in the way of what we are about to accomplish today. But where have I heard that name before?"

Gwen talks about Adam with a certain reverence; whether they are on opposite sides or not, Gwen respects Adam for the man that he is, and has no personal reason to really wish harm on him. He saw how Adam agreed to work with the same people who have betrayed him on two occasions now, just to do what he feels is right. Gwen feels that the government doesn't deserve someone like Adam.

"Adam single handedly stopped the nerve gas attack in Washington 18 months ago. His brother was responsible, but Adam was framed for what happened. That's why they threw him in jail. I guess he's too politically complicated. And now they needed him, so they begged him for help."

"Hah. Well. That's what the government in this country does, isn't it? They throw even their most loyal men to the wolves at the blink of an eye if it serves their interests. But that stops today. I will make sure of that."

Dietrich dials Samuel Parker's number.

"It's time. Don't be late."

Los Angeles High School

Samuel puts his phone back in his pocket and tells Jennifer he needs to run.

"I gotta go, babe. I'll be back soon."

"Seriously, Samuel, who called you? When are you going to tell me what it is that you're involved with?"

"I'm just delivering something. It's a small work gig. Nothing to worry about, I'm doing this to provide and to be a better man."

"You don't need money for me to love you, Samuel. I don't want you to do anything criminal."

"I'll be back before you know it, okay?"

Samuel leaves to head to the meeting place set up by Dietrich, but instead of waiting around, Jennifer decides to find out what it is that her boyfriend is up to, and follow him.

ATC Headquarters

Even though the situation is critical, Maria wants to spend a small moment alone with Adam to clear her head regarding her feelings. She pulls Adam aside for a talk.

"Can I have a moment with you?"

"Sure, what it is it, Maria?"

"Uhm... I know this isn't the best time. But I just want to know. When, and I mean when, this is all over, can we sit down and talk?"


"Us. About us, Adam."

This is indeed not the time for anything like this, and the situation with Adam, Paul and Maria is almost as complicated as the situation with the virus, but Adam is human, and in love with Maria, so of course his feelings have been a constant background noise in the back of his head throughout the day.

"Yeah. I promise. After this is over, you and I are gonna sit down and talk. But right now we need to find that virus."

"Where are we on that?"

"We have no active leads. We weren't able to find anything on Gwen. Whoever she is, she's very good."

"How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"Adam, you were broken out of prison just this morning. And you were out on the field. I want to know how you're feeling."

Maria was always very warm and motherly in caring for Adam, and old habits die hard. But the fact that Maria is married does make the situation rather awkward. For a passing moment, however, is was also very nostalgic and nice.

"I'm fine, Maria. Thank you."

The White House

A small argument has ensued between President Reynolds and Palmer Collins regarding the President's support for Adam Black.

"Yes, I did give my full support for Adam Black during the operation to retrieve this virus. The situation has changed, and I have reason to believe that right now Adam Black is the best man for the job."

"Listen to me, Morgan."

The President finally decides to stand up to Palmer and not give in to his manipulative ways.

"No. You listen to me. I refuse to think about the politics of this. This is not just another day at the office. We are in the middle of possibly the greatest danger to national security this country has ever faced. The virus is out there, it changes everything. Also, it's Mr. President to you. And don't you forget it."

Palmer Collins is left pondering the situation. He is not willing to compromise his own personal interests, even during a national crisis like this.

Los Angeles

Samuel Parker arrives at the place he was instructed to meet someone with the package he was supposed to deliver.

He wanders into an empty alley where Gwen is waiting for him with a briefcase.

"Samuel Parker?"


"I have something for you."

Gwen hands Samuel the briefcase.

"You are not to open the briefcase until you arrive at the destination. Get the briefcase to the Los Angeles high school as instructed. Someone will be there to receive it. Once we have confirmation that he has the briefase, we're transferring you the money that was discussed."

This all seems very weird for Samuel, but he has been promised so much money that it blinds his rational thought. Also, what possible harm could one briefcase really do? Samuel thinks that it's possibly drugs, and decides that it's really none of his business if people are doing drugs.

"Sure thing. Do I, like, call you, or...?"

"We have our ways to find out. Now get going."

Samuel leaves, and Gwen calls Dietrich to confirm that he has the briefcase, for whatever reason that they have planned.

"The kid's got the case. The virus is on its way to the school."

Gwen doesn't notice Jennifer hiding and listening in. She's shocked to hear Gwen talk something about a virus. What on earth is Samuel involved in, and does he even know it himself. Jennifer wants to know more about who this woman is who handed Samuel the briefcase, but if Samuel is unknowingly involved in something dangerous, she has to warn him.

However, it seems like a good idea to call the police first.

ATC Headquarters

Alex is working on the database as his phone rings. It's the LAPD.

"Alex Owens, ATC."

"This is Steve Freeman, calling from LAPD. We just received an emergency call, regarding something about a virus. I thought it sounded like something you guys should know about."

"A virus? Patch her through."

Jennifer is rather hysterical on the phone.

"Who am I talking to?"

"I'm Alex Owens, Anti Terrorist Coalition. You called the police about a virus?"

"Uhh, yeah. But my boyfriend is no terrorist."

"Slow down. Your boyfriend? What exactly is going on? Can I get your name, please?"

"Lynch. Jennifer Lynch. My boyfriend, Samuel Parker, has been involved with something strange lately. He's had a lot of money all of a sudden and I was worried about him, so I followed him as he was supposed to meet with someone, and he was handed this briefcase, and the woman handing it to her said something about a virus. I'm just scared, I can't even, I have no idea what's going on."

"Can you describe the woman for me?"

"Tall, about six feet, a little less, I guess, silver hair, with red ends and..."

Alex realizes she's describing Gwen.

"Okay, can you tell me where Samuel is now?"

"He's heading to our school, Los Angeles high school. What's gonna happen to him? Is he in danger?"

"It's extremely likely. Right now, we just need to get to him. We need you to try and stop Samuel and hold him up until our men arrive. Do not let him open the briefcase, no matter what. This is crucial."

Los Angeles High School

Samuel parks his car at the school parking lot and walks to the school. He now realizes he was never instructed in any way regarding how he is supposed to be meeting with. Perhaps Samuel was described to this person, and the person knows to look for him, instead. The whole thing is beginning to feel weirder and weirder the more Samuel really thinks about it. But the money promised to him was so good, it's hard to turn something like that down for a high school student.

Jennifer arrives back at the school a little while later and frantically looks for Samuel. She tried calling him, but he didn't answer, probably wanting to take care of business before arguing with Jennifer about it.

Finally, Jennifer finds Samuel.


"What is it now?"

"I need to trust me, okay? That briefcase is very dangerous."

"What are you talking about?"

"I spoke with the police."


"I was worried about you!"

"You sold me out, you bitch? After everything I did for you?"

"Listen to me!"

"No! I'm not listening to you! You can go to hell for all I care, I'm doing business!"

Jennifer tries to grab the briefcase from Samuel, and as they struggle, there's a beeping noise that gets faster and faster, and finally the timer goes off, and there's a small explosion that opens the briefcase, spreading white powder all over Samuel and Jennifer.

Samuel has no idea what is going on, but Jennifer: they've been exposed to a lethal virus.

And the virus is flying around the school hallways.

After being told about Samuel and Jennifer, Adam and Paul headed straight to the car and started driving towards LA High. Adam then receives a phone call from a hidden number. The call is from Dietrich, but it's untraceable.

"Adam Black?"

"Who is this?"

"You'll know soon enough. All you need to know right now is that I am in possession of the Azrael virus. And I need you to get me in contact with your President. No need trying to trace this call. You know what the virus can do, I suggest you do as you're told."

Adam hesitates, but he knows that he can't afford to challenge the man in possession of the virus, not in their current position. So he complies and routes the call to the President's office.

"Mr. President? It's Adam. The man in possession of the Azrael virus wants to speak with you."

The White House

"Hello, Mr. President."

"Who am I talking to?"

"You don't need to know that right now. What you do need to know is that I control the Azrael virus. And I have decided to give you a small demonstration of what I, and the virus, are capable of. Pay close attention to the Los Angeles High School. And while you're doing that, know this: much, much more severe casualties will befall the American citizens if you fail to comply with my wishes the next time I call you. I will be in touch. Mr. President."

The call ends, and the President is left looking mortified.

The call ends, and the President is left looking mortified.

Hah! serves him right!

Yeah! Fucking politician...

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