The Best of Both?

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)


Grinning, he looked at Amy lying oh so perfectly beside him. Damn! This was living alright. Exhaustion warred with elation as he thought about the last couple of frantic hours. Untangling his legs from the sheets he stood and pulled his trousers on, hopping comically to stop falling back on the bed.

'This has absolutely been the best Valentine's a man could ever hope for.'

'It's been amazing Connor. Thanks for all this.' Amy smiled back at him, motioning at the plush surrounds of the hotel room. She lay in a giant four poster bed beside which an ice bucket stood holding an empty champagne bottle. Several bouquets of roses adorned the night stand and their garden scent still hung on the air.

'The least I could do for someone so special.' Leaning over he kissed her, just a touch then deeper, longer. She entwined her fingers in his hair giving it a playful tug. 'Hahaha, ow, ow...' He pulled back and looked at her. Really looked at her.

She was beautiful. Her lithe, muscular body and long ebony hair, tousled from the last couple of hours of lovemaking. Her pale skin, still glistening with a sheen of sweat. He threw back his head and howled before laughing.

Amy laughed too, 'Connor, behave! You will get us thrown out!'
'I don't care. I love this life!' He mock howled again.

Damn, he could smell her still. Her perfume lingered on his skin. He could still feel the electrifying touch of her lips and hands against every part of him.

He didn't want to go but he knew he was running late. He knew he could use the kill phrase but it didn't sit well with him. Instead he preferred to exit via the sub routine of the door.

He dropped to one knee beside the bed and took Amy's nearest hand. 'I love you.' He said it with a simple sincerity that surprised even him.

She gazed back, her storm grey eyes intense as she squeezed his hand. 'And I love you Connor, more than anything. I treasure the times I get to see you. I dream of you.'

Swallowing hard, he stood, fingers trailing regretfully through hers. 'I will come back as soon as I can.'

He heard a soft chime and hurriedly finished dressing, he knew he didn't have to but it felt right. He looked over to Amy and saw her watching him. A solitary tear tracked down one cheek. He hesitated but the chiming became more insistent and reluctantly he moved to the door. He blew her a quick kiss then guiltily turned the handle.


He gasped as he surfaced into the real, as always it was like being drenched in cold water. He sat up, head aching from the vir unit which was retracting into the couch behind him. He stank. Stale sweat from the session. He would need a shower. His unbidden smile faded slightly as he thought of Amy and when he could next see her.

He turned the key and swung open the front door. His two girls having heard his car pull up were already haring towards him.

'Daddy!' They cried in unison. He scooped them up in one arm, thankfully they were still small enough for that and hugged them close.

'Mmm mm, what's that smell?' He called out theatrically
His wife popped her head around the kitchen door ahead of him. 'Maybe someone is getting a special meal for Valentine's!'
He put his kids down and stepped to meet her, brandishing a bouquet of yellow flowers.
'Happy Valentine's, honey.'

Moving close he gave her a quick nuzzle on the cheek, 'Love you,' he whispered in her ear.


Untangling his legs from the sheets he stood and pulled his trousers on, hopping comically to stop falling back on the bed.

Untangling his legs from the sheets he stood and grabbed his trousers on the way to the bathroom. The greatest Valentine ever still smelled like the triple dipping it was.


Lol, I am not sure about the triple dipping?

Let me tell you a story that happens to me in the days of my youth. At the time, I was a student of Civil Engineering College and during the freshman year, we had quite a substantial math analysis and linear algebra classes. Our teacher assistant was a relatively young man, who was quite passionate about mathematics, but a little absent minded.
So, one day, and I think it could have been the Valentine day, or its equivalent, what we used to call it “woman’s day,” he came to the class in the same way as you describe in your story “Untangling his legs from the sheets he stood and pulled his trousers on.”
Himself, he didn’t tell us this, but the stench of dead semen was so revealing, that the entire class was holding for their noses. So, I honestly don’t know how many times he dipped his beak that morning, but he should have taken a shower before he came to the class. Thus, I can imagine, in your story what his little girls would have smelled, should the events would develop the same way as you have described them.


Lol! Well yes there is that. Good catch :-)

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