Fictional Story The Sister

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Tap… tap… tap The sound of footsteps was heard at the end of the second-floor hallway, Inggrid and his sister hiding under the covers. They hug each other tightly, there is nothing that can separate them. not even the state of the night, the heavy footsteps from the aisle terrorize them both. "Sister, I'm scared," Anggi whispered with a frightened look. England holds Anggi's sweaty hands, "just calm down, as long as we do not speak he will not know we're here," answered Inggrid.

"What if he already knew we were here?" Anggi swallowed.

Inggrid gripped Anggi's face, his eyes sharp with his twin sister. "Do not say that, he just does not know and we're safe here."

Anggi still wants to argue with his brother, but he realizes it will not help in the situation they are facing.

The sound of footsteps outside began to drift away, now only faintly audible. "Approximately Daddy and Mom know the existence of that person is not, kak?" Anggi asked again. "Must know, and maybe they're calling the police now." Inggrid answered quickly.

in a tight blanket they can still feel the cold night air, for them, there is nothing more sinister than being alone without the parents in the middle of the night when strangers pace the hallway.

"What if the man is a robber, brother?" Anggi said, half crying. "He's been killing Mom and Dad."

Inggrid put Anggi face on his chest, he stroked his sister's hair. "Do not think anything, Mom and Dad must be quick to realize the presence of strangers at home. Soon the man will be caught. "

Anggi is silent, Inggrid sees dissatisfaction on his sister's face. It's useless for him to convince Anggi if indeed he is frightened, in his heart he is praying that his parents are still alive. "All right, you stay here first. Brother will come down and see the situation of Father and Mother as well as seek help. "

Anggi pulled up his sister's body, "no, kak. Later if something happens to you? "

Inggrid smiled, "nothing will happen to you sister, you just calm down. just wait here, do not go anywhere and do not open the door other than for Sister. "

Doubts flared in Anggi's eyes, but he knew that there was no choice for both of them. waiting in the room until the person comes and kills them or tries to get help. Gradually Anggi let go of his brother, it was the only thing he could do. "Brother cautious, yes. I love my brother, "said Anggi.

"My sister loves you too," Inggrid replied. "Anyway you have to remember your sister's message, do not open the door if it is not your brother. Okay?"

Anggi nodded slowly, they looked at each other before Inggrid's hand uncovered the blanket covering both of them. Inggrid got out of bed, he sneaked toward the door. he put his ear over the door, the sound of the footsteps completely gone. means that it is safe for him, either until then. he must move quickly before the figure returns, the tiny English hand reaches for the door knob and carefully opens it.

from the door that was not fully open, Inggrid's head poked out. his eyes combed the hall in the dark, there was no one there. before he went out he turned for the last time to Anggi who sat with an anxious look on the bed, he ran small from the bedroom door down the stairs. his pace stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps right behind him, his heart pounding almost stopped. the figure was now behind him, drawing a knife and ready to stab Inggrid from behind until he died of blood loss.

Inggrid held her breath and turned with a quick movement, sweating on her forehead until thrown away.

her breath stopped, she choked.

there was no one behind him, no murderer stabbed him. Inggrid's facial muscles relaxed, the sound of the step coming from his own head. the most annoying thing about being in a deserted home is that his own mind begins to trick him, whatever the content of his head feels.

Inggrid went on to the last step, still there was no sign of the mysterious figure. the distance from the stairs to his parents' room was only about twenty paces, he had to take the twenty steps in order to warn his parents of the distress that came to their house.

the twenty steps were the key to freedom for him and Anggi, he gathered up the rest of his scattered courage and assembled it. he took off before running to his parents 'room, Inggrid dashed into his parents' room.

"Do not open the door," a voice warned.

Inggrid stopped and turned, almost screaming in surprise. the figure of a woman standing not far from her, the grim-faced woman stared at her with tears in her eyes. Wait a minute, Inggrid knows the woman with the wistful face. her name is Nilam, she is the girl who lives in the house next door.

Nila also attended the same school as the Inggrid, she was the Inggrid sister.

"What do you mean?"

"Please do not open the door, you can not do that." Nila said half pleading.

"There are robbers in this house, I must warn my parents. you better help me, get out and call the police. "Inggrid's voice rose.

"There is no point all is over," Nila said calmly.

Inggrid growled, how Nila can look calm in such a precarious state. he and Anggi could have been killed if he did not quickly seek help.

"You do not understand, this is over. please do not make things worse for you and your sister. "Nila moves slowly to reach for Inggrid.

Inggrid insisted on his intention, he took a step back when Nila was getting close.

"I do not think that footsteps are your footsteps," accused Inggrid.

"You would want to do the same thing with my family!"

previously Inggrid did often hear his other neighbors nagging Nila, they say Nila has a disorder. Nila is a strange child, lest it turns out Nila suffering mental illness and was about to kill her and her family.

the hand of the English hand hardened, he grabbed the ornamental light mounted on the wall and then banged the lamp to the wall until the glass cover was falling apart. he picked up the largest piece of glass from the floor, clutching the piece of glass as a weapon against Nila.

"You must have killed my parents sadly and now you are after me and Anggi." Inggrid held up a piece of glass to Nila.

"Please, I can explain it." Nila murmured, his pace stopped.

silently Inggrid's hand opened the door knob, and he stepped inside. a blinding white light of his eyes, Inggrid protects his eyes with his hands.

little by little the light faded, Inggrid let go of his hand. no voice heard in his mouth, his lips locked shut by horror.

on his father's big bed lay his father and his mother, their bodies stiff. their eyes closed as if they were sound asleep, the pajamas they used looked neat. between their bodies lay two more bodies, two young girls with pale faces and closed eyelids. like falling asleep.

Inggrid slowly grew, her breath dashed. between life and death.

fresh blood flowed from between his fingers, until finally the piece of glass slipped from his grasp.

he passed the threshold, behind her Nila stood stiffly.

Inggrid still does not believe what he sees, but when he sees that the lamp he is destroying is still in place, he realizes it is real.

"After your father poisoned your mother, your sister, and you went upstairs to personalize your personal belongings. he wrote a message for his sister to take care of your belongings. "

the footsteps I heard were my father's footsteps, and I do not remember that I ever went into a bedroom to sleep. all I remember is that Anggi and I heard the footsteps.

"I tried to warn you, but you would not listen,"

"What you and your sister naturally is quite painful, I do not want you more tormented." Nila's voice began to hoarse.

"The neighbors around here often talk about you because of your ability to see dead people, right?"

Nila was sour, "an advantage no one wants."

"Look, I came to help. I'll take care of your body and your family, now you go. accompany your sister. "

Inggrid left Nila with the most heartbreaking smile that Nila ever saw.

no matter how many tragedies such as this Nila witnessed, not infrequently the tragedy haunt him for days.

Nila watched Inggrid ascend to the second floor with a light step, a tear drop free from her eyelids.

"How, kak? Mom and Dad are all right? "Anggi jumped out of bed as he saw Inggrid emerge from behind the door. Inggrid did not answer immediately, he stepped slowly toward Anggi with a smile that never slipped from his face.

Inggrid sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Anggi, his hand stroked his soft forehead.

"Mom and Dad are fine, and robbers in our homes have been caught by the police. now we're safe, you do not have to be afraid anymore. "Inggrid said, her eyes staring straight.

Anggi's fears just disappeared, his breathing was easy now.

"Thank goodness, sister."

"I love my brother," Anggi buried his face into Inggrid's chest.

"Sister also loves you," answered Inggrid, his voice barely audible.

Inggrid's eyes grew teary as he looked around faded.


I like this story, you had me feeling quite tense! Keep working in your writing skills :)

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